Oh my gosh! The story's already over! Wow, I had so much fun writing this. Thanks to all of my readers and tp the people who helped me in the making of this story! :)
I'll miss you all so much and I can't wait to get to my next writing project! I'll see you soon!
Two Years Later...
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," Clary was hyperventilating.
"Clary, calm down!" Isabelle had a grip on Clary's shoulders and Clary had a grip on her arms. They were on the floor together, dresses pooled around them.
"I'm getting married, Isabelle," Clary said. She looked scared. Very scared.
"Clary, you had a kid. You can do this no problem," Isabelle tried to sound convincing, but she didn't know how Clary really felt.
Clary looked at the floor and continued hyperventilating.
Isabelle felt a hand touch her shoulder and looked up. A beautiful redheaded girl in a red dress stood above her. It took Isabelle a total of three seconds to realize it was Allison.
Isabelle released Clary and stood up. Clary crossed her arms, gripping the gold lace on her arms and rocked slowly back and forth.
Allison knelt before her and gently touched her shoulder. "Clary."
Clary looked up and her eyes widened. "Allison?"
Allison smiled. "I told you I'd be here when you needed me."
Clary took a shaky breath. "Alli, I'm really scared."
Allison chuckled. "Clary, do you want me to tell you what you told me got you through your wedding jitters?"
Clary nodded.
"Jace. The thought of Jace being by your side the whole time. You're going to be fine," her voice was comforting, even to Isabelle. "Now, are you ready?"
Clary swallowed and nodded.
Allison stood up and helped Clary to her feet.
"Thank you," Isabelle said.
Allison nodded, but didn't take her eyes off her sister. "You look stunning, by the way."
Clary smiled a little, but she was still shaking. "Thanks."
Clary's dress was gold, and topped with lace that went off both shoulders, and her hair was french braided back to her ears and down in the back.
"Now," said Allison. "Let's get you married."
Clary's heart was pounding so hard, she worried it would burst right out of her chest. She felt hot and she was shaking. She was more nervous now than she'd ever been in her entire life as she gripped Allison's hand.
She walked her down the hall. Clary spotted Luke, along with the other bridesmaids besides Isabelle in their emerald green one-sleeved dresses.
"Clary, thank the angel," said Luke.
"Wedding jitters," said Allison, passing her over.
Luke looked at Allison for a few seconds. She winked.
"Go, she's already late."
Luke nodded at her.
"Thanks, Alli," said Clary.
Luke looked really confused.
"I'm always here, Clary," said Allison. "Now go. Jace is waiting."
Luke linked arms with Clary. "Ready?"
Clary took a deep breath, then nodded.
Her and Luke went to the front and started walking.
All eyes were suddenly on her, and suddenly Luke was the only thing keeping Clary's feet moving.
All of her friends, family, people she didn't know, their eyes were all on Clary. Her stomach was tight with butterflies and she felt like she was going to be sick. That's when she first looked to the front. Jace was standing there, staring at her- like he always did when she got dressed up- and smiled.
Everything else suddenly went away. There were no people in the large room lined with benches, only Jace. She suddenly couldn't get to him fast enough.
When she finally got there, Luke gave her a quick hug before passing her over to Jace.
"You're beautiful," he whispered to her. She blushed and smiled.
Jocelyn bounced her grandson on her knee. He squealed with glee. He looked like Jace, Jocelyn noticed, but also a little like Clary.
His skin was sort of golden, and freckled decorated his adorable face, and carrot-colored curls that matched Clary's hung partially over his forehead. His eyes were definitely his most bold feature, though. They were a vivid gold, like Jace's.
Someone sat next to Jocelyn. "She's beautiful."
Jocelyn looked up. The girl had red curls, pinned up, and golden freckles on her fair skin, with blue eyes...
"Clary, I mean. I just saw her." She turned and looked towards the door. "And here she comes now."
Jocelyn looked back and saw Clary coming down with Luke. Tears pricked in her eyes.
"She was so nervous," the girl said quietly.
Maryse- who had baby Allison on her lap- looked around Jocelyn. "Excuse me," she said quietly. "This section is family only."
The girl looked at Maryse and gave a knowing smile. "I am family," she turned her attention back to Clary.
After Clary and Jace had left the room, Jocelyn stood up and rested Jeremy on her hip.
"Oh, I have something for you," said the girl. She handed Jocelyn a folded up piece of paper. "It's a gift."
Jocelyn took it and furrowed her brow. "What is it?"
"A list of all of Jonathan's followers in the clave. You're welcome."
Jocelyn's eyes widened and she looked down at it. She looked back up at her. "Who are you?"
The girl smiled mysteriously. "My name's Allison Dawnstrider."
Jocelyn's eyes widened, but the girl left.
"Clary!" Clary turned and saw Allison running up to her.
"Allison," she smiled.
Allison reached her and Jace. "I have to go."
Clary's smile dropped. "Back to the future?"
Allison smiled an amused smile. "Man, that movie sucked."
Jace snorted beside her.
Tears pricked in Clary's eyes. It was an excellent idea on Isabelle's part to do waterproof makeup. "Am I ever going to see you again?"
Allison smiled sadly. "When that baby is older, yes."
Clary felt a single tear roll down her face and nodded.
Allison wrapped her arms around Clary. "Remember, that girl looks up to you like you're an angel. Take care of her."
Clary smiled. "I will."
Allison pulled away. "Enjoy your honeymoon. And... I suggest Helena," she turned and walked away.
Clary frowned. "What? Allison-"
Jace put his hand on her shoulder. "We'll figure it out," he said.
Clary looked up at him. He smiled and then kissed her.
Three Years later...
A lot had happened in three years for Isabelle Lightwood. For starters, she'd gotten married to a vampire- which the Clave threw a fit about, but Isabelle didn't care, even though Simon had to take her name. He was now Simon Lightwood.
Isabelle looked down at the biggest change from the last three years- who had been a surprise, but a wonderful one. She'd had a baby girl. Her and Simon had named her Christa, which was suggested by Clary- Isabelle suspected it was because she knew something about it.
Christa blew a bubble and giggled. She had Simon's eyes and curls, but Isabelle's hair color.
"Isabelle." Isabelle looked up. She'd forgotten Clary was even there. She had a new baby of her own in her arms- also a daughter: Helena.
"I asked if you and Simon are planning on having another kid."
"Oh," Isabelle pursed her lips. "It isn't something we've talked about, but... I don't think so."
The corner of Clary's lip twitched.
Isabelle groaned. "You know something. Go on, spit it out."
Clary pressed her lips together and looked away.
Isabelle sighed. "We are going to have another kid, aren't we?"
"... That's for you two to decide-"
"Clary, just tell me. It'll be much easier if he or she is planned."
"She," Clary mumbled.
Isabelle nodded. "Okay. Care to tell me the name?"
Clary cleared her throat and looked at her. "Rainy."
Isabelle's eyes went wide. "Rainy? That was my daughter?"
The corner of Clary's mouth twitched again.
"Wow," Isabelle let out a breath and thought for a second. "She did kind of look like Rebecca..."
Clary smiled. "Yeah. She was a lot like Rebecca, too, now that I think about it."
Isabelle nodded and took a sip of her tea. "... Clary... What was the point of all this?"
Clary looked up and frowned.
"People from the future coming back to save you... Why exactly was it like this?"
Clary shrugged. "I don't know. They never told me. I don't know who pulled all the strings, either."
Isabelle thought for a second. "Do you think it was my brother-in-law?"
"Magnus? It's very possible. He is the one there with all of them, after all."
Isabelle nodded. "I wonder why..."
Allison's time...
Allison opened her eyes and she was on the other side. This was the first time she'd been home since she'd left for her mission.
Magnus was standing there, looking the same. He smiled a crooked smile- one of her favorites. "Hey."
Allison threw her arms around him. "I know I just saw you, but I missed you."
"Yes. I missed you, too."
Allison walked up to the front lawn of her sister's home in Idris. She paused and looked over it. It was the place where Jace, Clary and their two kids lived. It was like a second home to her.
The front door opened and Clary stepped out. It was strange to see her older now, since she'd seen her young for so long.
A smile broke across both their faces and they ran across the short yard to each other and embraced.
"Alli," Clary was crying now. "You're back."
"It was bound to happen eventually," Allison smiled. "Miss me?
"Yes. So much," Clary sniffed. "God, I hate you sometimes."
"No you don't," said Allison. "You love me."
Jeremy's time...
Jeremy walked through his front door. He was home for the first time in four years. He'd been a teenager last time he was here.
He immediately smelled someone cooking, and heard voices in the other room.
He walked into the kitchen slowly, cautiously. Clary was at the stove, stirring something in a pot, laughing. Jace had his arms around her and was kissing her neck.
"Ugh, get a room, guys," said Helena, who was flipping through a magazine at the table, not paying much attention to her surroundings.
Helena looked so grown up. She was seventeen now. The last time Jeremy had seen his little sister, she was thirteen. She looked taller now and her gold coils spilled over her back. She looked incredibly beautiful and angelic.
Helena glanced up, then turned completely and gaped at him. Clary and Jace were still talking quietly by the stove. "... Jeremy," tears welled up on Helena's green eyes.
It was then when Jace and Clary turned.
Helena jumped up from her chair and ran into his embrace. He held his sister close.
"Jeremy," Clary didn't even bother to wait until Helena was done, she just included her in the embrace.
"Hi Mom."
Lilly's time...
Lilly knelt in the graveyard and stared at the grave. "Now I know what everyone was talking about," she said and set the flowers down. "You were a really amazing person."
The grave in front of her said 'Clarissa Lightwood' on it. Someone had told Lilly she died in a vampire raid when she had been about three, and once she died, the rest of her family disappeared.
She only met her once, and she didn't remember what she'd said, but she'd always wondered about her. Now she knew.
"I'm going to really miss you, Clary. You were a good sister to me and I'll always remember you."
"That's very kind," said a voice from behind her.
Lilly jumped and turned around, still on the ground.
The woman standing behind her was on the older side, but looked incredibly familiar.
"Who're you?"
The woman laughed- she was a vampire. "I'm a little hurt you don't recognize me, Lil. Then again, it's been awhile."
Lilly's eyes widened. "Clary?"
-The End-
*Sigh*. I can't believe it's over. Thank you all SO much! I love you all and hope to see you again soon!
Okay, I think I have a new story planned out. It's called "What if She Was". It's a little like this story- with Clary coming back as someone else and the love angst, but the difference is Clary's memories were erased, and she thinks she'd someone else. I hope you'll read it :)
I'm going to post one more thing a week from today. Clary's supposed death and rescue- like how it happened. If any of you have any questions on anything at all, PM me or post a review, and I'll respond in that chapter :)
Thanks again everyone! I'll see you soon!
Lots of love!
Wisterian Princess