Dear Ruby,

You told me to write you and tell you how we're doing. I miss you all a lot, and I wish you were here with me. I'd love to show you the city. Henry's doing great in school, and he's making friends quickly. I've actually been writing to Regina, too. It's been interesting. She seems to really understand my struggles with Henry and the problems I've been having as a parent. It makes me regret the way I doubted her when I was in Storybrooke. Do you think I'm a terrible person for the way I treated her?


Dear Emma,

Of course you're not a terrible person. You know how I feel about Regina. She's never been my favorite person. I just don't trust her. I don't know how you can, honestly. But, no, I don't think you did her wrong. She honestly didn't do much to gain people's trust – especially not yours. She tried to keep Henry from you, Emma. You need to remember that. You need to remember what she's capable of. She might seem to understand what you're going through, but Regina is ultimately in everything for herself. That's all she cares about. The fact that you doubted her parenting skills is only natural. I doubt them too, and I'm glad that Henry is in Boston with you. Though I will say I miss you terribly! Come visit soon, Emma!



Dear Ruby,

I don't think you understand. Regina isn't the person she seems to be. She's made mistakes, but she's a good mother. Yes, she tried to keep Henry from me, but she did it out of love for him. She did it because she wanted to protect him and because – a little selfishly – she didn't want to lose him or share him with me. But I waltzed into her life at a very sensitive time for her and Henry, and that was really difficult for her to deal with. It doesn't make her a bad mother, and it definitely doesn't make her a bad person. She's more than she appears to be. Deep down, she's a good person. Ruby, I really don't feel like I can raise Henry myself. This is all so hard. I can't imagine having to explain to him just how dark the world can really be. He's so innocent, and I can't stand the thought of him losing that. Regina understands that fear better than anyone I know, and writing to her has really helped me to clear my head. Please don't judge her for the mistakes she's made in her past.



I guess – just for you – I can try to forgive her, but I'm not too keen on it. She's hurt you Emma, and I hate her for it. I'll try to get over it, but it's so, so hard to let it go when I know how much pain she caused you. It's very big of you to forgive her, and I'm glad that she seems to be helping you through this. I just want you to be careful. I don't want to see you get hurt again. And I certainly don't want to see her hurt Henry. It kills me to think of you two going through that again. It seems to me that she'll always be the Evil Queen. I know she's tried to make up for her sins, but the destruction she's brought against everyone here in Storybrooke is just so immense that it's hard to forget her transgressions. But again, for you, I will try. You know how much I care about you, and if you honestly believe that she's a good person, I trust your judgement.


Dearest Ruby,

It's sweet that you care so much about us and our wellbeing, but you're being too hard on Regina. We've made plans for her to come down here to visit, and I'm really excited. Henry is really looking forward to it. He misses her terribly. I just want to see him happy, you know? Anyway, I think it'll be good for him to see her again. She is a good parent, Ruby. She is. How are things on your end?



How was your visit with Regina? Things are okay up here. Your mom and dad are doing well, disgustingly in love, as always. They're totally gross. I wish you'd write to them and tell them to knock off it off with all the mushy stuff in public. Yuck! Anyway, I'm doing well too. I've been spending more and more time with Belle… She's a wonderful girl, Emma. I can't explain it, but when I'm with her, my heart starts pounding, and my chest tightens like I can't even breathe. Last week, she saw me as a wolf – long story short, it was an accident – but she didn't even flinch or back away from me. She just touched head and smiled at me, like she wasn't even afraid. I thought I was going to cry. What's up with this, Emma? What am I going to do? I can't stand to fall in love with her, but I don't know how to stop…

Your friend always,


Ruby dearest,

Oh, honey. You should tell her how you feel. I'm sure she feels the same. You're a wonderful girl, and she would be lucky to have you. For the whole time I've known you both, she's always looked at you with deep affection. If I had to guess, I'd say it was more than just friends. Don't be afraid to take a risk on her. Don't you think she's worth it? I know it's scary to have those feelings – terrifying, really – but I know you can push through your fear. You have to be careful; if you don't tell her, you could lose her, and that's the last thing you want. When you love someone, you have to let them know. As for my visit… it was wonderful, Ruby… Something crazy happened, though… I kissed her, Rubes. I don't even know what happened. I just couldn't... I couldn't help myself. Her lips… her eyes… Shit. Sorry. Um… You know what I mean. I'm sure you feel the same way about Belle. I couldn't stop myself. It was really weird though, because the rest of the week, we didn't talk about it. We didn't even touch. Now that she's gone… I miss her so much… It feels wrong here without her around. Henry's miserable now that she's gone. What am I going to do, Ruby? How do I tell her? I know I have to, I just don't know how.



Like you told me, you just have to say it. Again, if she kissed you back, I'm sure she feels the same. Just to be honest, that totally grosses me out. I can't believe you guys are actually together. Anyway, to change the subject back to myself and away from your dalliance with the Queen… I told Belle. Know what happened? She freaked out. No, I'm kidding. She kissed me! Then she told me she'd felt that way since she met me, that she'd always seen me as more than a friend. I couldn't believe it! You were totally right, Emma. Thank you so much for being the best friend ever… I'm so lucky to have you. Is Henry into girls yet? That'll be a real parenting adventure for you!


Dear Ruby,

Must you call it gross? You're so crude sometimes. I need you to understand this. I have no one else to talk to. It's not like I can tell my mother. She'd flip. I just need you to be supportive of me right now. I'm freaking out. I've fallen for her, Rubes. I can't stop thinking about her. I can't sleep at night. I get stomachaches thinking about her leaving. I want her to move here with me and Henry. I can't swallow my feelings anymore, no matter how hard I've tried. We're still writing letters, and I asked her what we were – given the whole kiss thing – and she basically refused to be the one to say it. It was so ridiculous, but now I have to do it. I have to tell her. She needs to know, right? Right…? I don't know what to do. How am I supposed to tell her that I want her here to stay? That I can't stand to be without her anymore? That I'm dying without her here?


Emma Swan,

Girl, you've just gotta be honest. I can't believe this. I never thought I'd see you so head over heels. You've never been the type to fall in love, Emma, so I'm definitely surprised. Not to pick on you. Sorry. I am crude. You're right. My apologies. This is all just weird for me, and I don't really know how to handle it. The next thing I know, you're going to be writing me to tell me you're engaged and then I'll be getting wedding invitations. And you're right… your mom is going to lose her shit. No matter what, I want you to know that I'm happy for you. Being in love is a beautiful thing, even if it's difficult and complicated.


Dear Rubes,

I told her. She's moving to Boston! Can you believe it? I never thought it would work out this way. Honestly, I thought she was going to laugh at me. But I was brave and I told her and she's going to be here next week! Henry's ecstatic, too. I don't know how to explain it to you, Ruby. It's just… when she's here, everything feels perfect. Watching her with Henry, I melt. I can't raise him on my own. I need her. Please don't tell Mary Margaret…



You know I won't tell on you, silly. I would never do that. But eventually, she's going to find out, so you'd better just tell her now and get it over with. Seriously, though… when's the wedding?



You're hilarious. You know how I feel about marriage. Anyway, we're not moving that fast. We're just trying things to see how they go. She's getting her own place as soon as she finds one. I'm not telling Mary Margaret yet. There's no way. She will seriously freak out.



Tell your mother. She IS going to freak out, but she deserves to know, especially if Regina is living with you in the meantime. She's your mom, and she's Henry's grandmother. She should know if Regina is going to be parenting him, too. And honestly… that's kind of cute. I do believe that she loves him, and now that I know you love her, I believe in your relationship and I want to see it succeed. I'm sorry I ever doubted you. Can I come visit you guys soon?



Of course you can! You can come down whenever you want to. We have a spare bedroom you can use, and you can stay as long as you want. I miss you way too much! I'll tell her… eventually…



Good. The sooner the better. Just get it over with. Rip the bandaid off quick or it's going to hurt more!



I told her. You were right. She freaked out. She won't talk to me now.



She'll get over it, Emma. Don't worry. Just worry about your own happiness. If she's what makes you happy, she's the one you need to be with, no matter what your mom says.



Thanks, Rubes. I'm so glad I have you. I'm sure you're right. She'll get over it after a while. Things will blow over.




Well, you were right. I want you to know that you're the first one I'm telling this to. She took me to the park last night, got down on one knee, and asked me to marry her. I said yes! Henry couldn't be happier, and I still can't even believe it happened. Now I just have to figure out how to tell Mom and Dad…




Oh, my God. CONGRATULATIONS, DARLING! I'd better be in the wedding!


Dearest Ruby,

The wedding is going to be next August, and OF COURSE you'll be in it. You and Belle both! Will you be my maid of honour? I know you've had doubts about us, but I want you to know, just for the record… I've never been happier than I am with her, and I don't see how I ever could be. She's perfect for me in every way.

Your loving friend,


That's it, guys. Thanks so much for all your lovely reviews and support!