Naruto paced back and forth in his apartment, then stopped to look out his window. His apartment stood 30 floors above the town of Konaha, on the outskirts, but still close enough to be able to view the city center and the river that ran around the east end of the town. He paced once more. Gamma ran up and down the hall, jumping from the bed to floor and back again. He was always like this in the morning.

'What am I doing?' He questioned himself.
'Sasuke...Sasuke...Sasuke.' His mind circled in confusion over what was bothering him.

Just yesterday the raven head had stood in his office applying for the position his business had opened. Though Naruto couldn't comprehend how Sasuke was somehow different. He stumbled on his words, he avoided eye contact, he forgot what he was saying, and most importantly. He didn't seem...angry. With a long groan the blonde decided not to dwell on the matter too much and looked at the clock positioned on the wall in his living room. 8:45AM. He was due to be at work at 10, and figured a nice warm shower would wash his worries away.

Heading to the ensuit that connected to his bedroom, he threw his pajama pants into the washing basket, along with his brightly orange coloured pajama top and ran the hot water. Whilst waiting for the water to warm up, he studied his reflection in the mirror, and traced the scars on the left side of his cheek with his fingers.

'Thanks to him my image is now known for these damned scars...but, I guess they are kind of cute now.' He noted to himself, though shuddering slightly at the memory of how he got them.

Stepping into the shower the hot water on the tiled floor slightly burnt his feet, though he got used to it. Water trailed through his blonde hair, near plastering it to his face. Naruto noted that he certainly had changed since he was younger. He was much more tanned now, and that was very obvious at the moment with the shower running over his torso, down his slight abs and down his toned legs before escaping down the drain. The heat of the water settled Naruto's mind. Which had now started to drift back to Sasuke again, though these memories were from a long time ago.

"I love you." Naruto smiled as he lay on his bed next to his partner, encased in blankets and pillows.

"I love you to my little monster." The raven head replied, leaning in closer to the blonde.

Their lips were only millimeters apart now, and with a quick movement Sasuke closed the gap. The kiss was light but full of love. Again and again they gave each other little kisses, until Naruto started to want a little more. The blonde move closer, adding more pressure to the kiss, nibbling Sasuke's lip asking for entrance, which was happily given. Sasuke's tongue explored Narutos mouth as it had done many times before, then lightly pulling his partners own tongue deeper he started to suck a little, earning a light groan from the other.

Sasuke shifted and was now on top of Naruto, only breaking the kiss to lift off the blondes shirt, revealing his lightly tanned upper body. Leaning in again for the kiss Sasuke nibbled Naruto's bottom lip, sucking slightly and tugging playfully.

'Cheeky.' Naruto commented when Sasuke sat up.

'I can be cheekier." Sasuke replied with a small smile, and trailed his nail from Narutos throat down his chest towards his lower stomach.

'Hng..' Was all the blonde could manage. Feeling the shiver down his body and the blood rush to other areas rendered him near speechless.

Taking the noise as a sign of approval Sasuke once again leant down towards Naruto, though not for a kiss. Instead his kisses ran down Narutos jaw line, down his neck where he stopped to suckle, earning another groan. His hands traveled down the blondes torso, stopping to play with a nipple, while now kissing the others collarbones.

Narutos head was going insane. Every touch felt like fire and only made more blood and shivers run towards his crotch, which he felt couldn't stay still much longer. Sasuke had started to suck on his right nipple, while his left hand slowly felt down towards his hips.

'Mmmh Sasuke..' He groaned, his hips now lightly bucking up towards the raven.

Hearing the others moan, Sasuke stopped sucking the nipple, which was now hard, and went down to pull Naruto's pants off. Seeing Naruto didn't wear underwear to bed, he was now fully exposed to Sasuke's hungry eyes, and they sure feasted in the sight.

'Your perfect.' Sasuke commented as he once again kissed Naruto deeply, allowing his own bulging crotch to rest against the others, though his still clothed.

'That's a little unfair isn't it.' The blonde noted looking at Sasuke, fully clothed while he himself was stripped bare.

'I guess it is love.' Sasuke replied. Kneeling over Naruto he stripped himself of his shirt and pajama pants, now also fully exposed.

They kissed again, now crotch against crotch, skin against skin in Narutos bed. Naruto suddenly bucked his hips upwards a little, grinding against Sasuke's member.

'Mmmh fuck..' Sasuke moaned, not expecting the sudden friction.

'Hehe would you like something else?' Naruto asked cheekily, with a wide grin on his face, though still displaying the light shade of pink on his cheeks from also being quite turned on.

'You know that not how it works, I'm on top here.' Sasuke answered, immediately moving his hand towards Narutos own rapidly growing member. Wrapping his fingers around it he started to pump slowly, bringing his thumb over the head every known and then.

'Ah! Sasuke! Mmmmh.' The blonde moaned.

From his partners moaning Sasuke now wanted to make it louder. He bent down and all at once took Naruto's cock in his mouth, struggling a little to get to the base, and started sucking. His tongue massaging the base and flicking over the head whenever he came up again.

'Sasuke holy fuck!' Naruto groaned loudly. His hands were now running through the ravens hair, trying not to push his head down further.

Sasuke reached his right hand up and pushed two fingers into Naruto's mouth, which were promptly sucked on and massaged with the other tongue. The sucking only made Sasuke's own cock harder, now twitching of being eager. He removed his fingers from the blondes mouth and brought his hand back down. Moving them towards Narutos entranced he stroked him from his ass up to his balls and then back again, causing the others hip to buck wildly, though Sasuke kept steady as to not choke on Narutos fully hard member.

He slowly prodded Narutos entrance, first pushing once finger in trying to find the little bundle of nerves that made the blonde go ecstatic.

'Ahhh, Mmmm, Sasuke please!' Naruto begged, wanting more. His face was more than pink and his breathe hitched with every touch the raven made.

Sasuke noted the request and pushed a second finger...

"NO!" Naruto screamed and he doubled over in the shower.

He had let his mind wander too much and had almost passed out from the heat of the shower.

'No...not that. I never want to remember that. Not again.' He thought, the 22 year old trying to hold back a few tears from the memory. He turned off the tap and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing a towel that lay just outside.

Narutos mind still spun, both from being slightly dizzy from the heat and from trying to shake himself of the memory. The shower hadn't worked, if anything it made thing worse. He almost had to drag his body out of the bathroom into the bedroom, feeling the rush of cold air hit him as the door was slid open.

He glanced at the clock. 9:40AM.

"Shit." He cursed. He had spent almost an hour in the shower and was now going to be late for work. Sakura was going to have his head. She never approved of him being late. He had to get ready quickly and drive across town, being the time it was he was going to have to take the express lane as well. He never approved of having the new road installment done, paying $2.50 for a faster run always baffled him, though at the moment he was quite thankful for it.

Running to the closet he grabbed out a pair of black dress pants, a pair of underwear, socks and a white shirt and orange tie. Though a pain suddenly hit him. His lower stomach ached and he looked down.

Over the rush to get ready he hadn't realized. His fully hard member stared at him like it was expecting something before being wrapped in material.

"Really? Fuuuuck." Naruto groaned. Knowing him if he wasn't dealt with he would most likely be embarrassed when he arrived at work with quite a significant bugle in his pants.

'Never should have had that shower.' He cursed to himself. NOW, he was going to be really late for work.

Thankyou guys for not leaving me so heres another chapter for you! Got a spicy there damn XD Updates should be coming out more often and i promise things between Naruto and Sasuke will speed up a little! Review and Follow! =^_^=