A/N: and the 'torture' softens into teasing…! Apologies for the lack of updates recently – real life has got in the way, the plot bunny has given me ideas for long-term projects and very few short-term ones, and… well, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and that it makes up a little for my lack of updating! For those of you in the UK, the British Museum is hosting an exhibition about the Vikings until 22nd June 2014. Hopefully, I'll make it there before it ends!

I lay contentedly in Eric's arms, basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking, smiling a little as he drew intricate patterns over my skin with his fingertips. "What are you drawing?" I murmured.

He gave a soft chuckle. "How familiar are you with Viking art?" he asked.

"Not very," I admitted.

"I'll show you some, some time," he said, voice lazy and tinged with amusement. "Like the Celts, our art often had intertwined patterns; I was drawing one such motif, the Midgarðsormr."

"The what?"

"Jǫrmungandr, the Midgarðsormr, was a great sea-serpent in the legends of my people. He grew so large that he encircled the whole world, gripping his tail in his own mouth. It was said that, when he let go, the world would end. As with many such motifs, he is a symbol of eternity."

I snuggled a little closer, my head resting on his chest. "I had you all wrong, right from the start, didn't I?" I said softly.


"I didn't… I mean, I never… I didn't think you'd be like this," I stammered.

"Like what?"

"So… so gentle," I tried to explain.

"Why did you think I would be otherwise?" he asked me quietly. "Because I'm a vampire? A former Viking?" I stayed silent. His fingertips fluttered across my jaw, and gently tilted my head back so that he could look into my eyes. "Or just because I'm a man?"

I looked away, eyes suddenly hot and burning. Looking back, Bill, my only other lover, had not always been gentle with me, though it had never been forced, apart from that one time, in the trunk of the car. My great-uncle… I didn't even want to think about that, but it was hardly gentle, was it, to do something like that to a child? Had I expected that sort of treatment, deep down? "I don't know," I whispered.

He looked thoughtfully at me for a moment, then gently brushed his lips to mine. "Whatever has been done to you in the past, Sookie, is in the past. I do not harm or force my lovers; I will not treat you in the way you have been taught to expect, but in the way you deserve, with gentleness, with respect. However I may have seemed in my formal capacity, as sheriff, I promise you that. You have nothing to fear from me."

"I know," I replied softly. And I did; he'd proved that to me, time and again. Any number of times, he could have taken me by force, if he'd had a mind, but he'd never done so. I knew he could be ruthless as sheriff of Area 5, had even witnessed it, but he'd never once hurt me. Even his 'torturing' of me for information hadn't been about pain – but rather, about the frustration of pleasure, arousing me to the point I'd have done anything, told him anything, just to make him give me that release I craved. I shivered a little at the thought.

"What were you thinking?" he asked curiously, his fingers drifting through my hair. "I could feel that spike of desire."

I blushed, not knowing quite how to speak about something like that; it wasn't something I was used to doing. "Umm, nothing," I squeaked.

He laughed softly. "Hmm, I don't think that's quite true, is it, my darling?"

"W-well, I mean, I…"

He rolled onto his side, dislodging me from my position sprawled across him so that I lay on my back on the bed. His eyebrow was raised, a faintly amused look on his face. He lowered himself over me, running his hands up my sides, easing my arms up, and held my wrists lightly either side of my head, loosely enough that I could have escaped his grasp if I'd wanted to. I didn't want to. I felt open, vulnerable, and almost painfully aroused; how did he do that to me so easily? I gasped as he lowered his mouth to my ear, his tongue flicking into it. "Tell me," he coaxed.

I twisted against him, gulping in a breath, and shook my head, my blush deepening. He gave a low, deep chuckle. "I see… like that, is it?" he smiled, eyes dancing. He traced his tongue down my neck, and nipped lightly at my collarbone. As his body rubbed against mine, I tried to arch towards him, but he kept me pinned where I was. "Oh, no, my lover," he grinned. "I'm not letting you go until you tell me what you were thinking."

I whimpered, winding my legs around his in an attempt to draw him closer. I might as well not have bothered; with vampire strength, it was pretty much impossible to budge Eric unless he wanted to be budged, and right then, he didn't. "Please," I gasped out, trying to reach his mouth with mine, in which I was wholly unsuccessful.

"Mmm, when you tell me what was turning you on," he said with a twinkle. Slowly, deliberately, he shifted his body over mine, the friction of his soft chest hair against my skin making my fingers and toes curl in delight. Then both my hands were in one of his, and he slid my leg over his arm, repeating it on the other side, and going back to his previous position, this time with my knees hooked over his elbows. He rubbed himself over me again, and a soft curse escaped me; he chuckled, and did it again. "I can tell this is turning you on," he added, shifting position ever so slightly.

"Eric, please," I whimpered.

He took pity on me. "Were you thinking of this?" he murmured in my ear. "Of what I do to you to make you tell me things?"

I looked up at him, my eyes hazy with desire. I wet my lips nervously; part of me wanted to deny it, to carry on with this game, but I needed him too much. "Okay, yes, I was," I breathed.

He flashed me a cheeky grin. "Why didn't you just say so?"

I giggled. "Where's the fun in that?"

He laughed. "You like this position?"

I blushed again, but nodded. I opened my mouth to say something, thought better of it, and shut my mouth again.

"Go on," he encouraged me. "Say it."

"Just wondering if we could try it the other way round some time?" I asked, batting my lashes at him. "Me on top, I mean, holding your wrists..?"

He chuckled. "Of course, if you want." He held my wrists lightly in one hand as he positioned himself. "Yes?"

I gave an eager nod, and smiled when, instead of pinning my wrists to the pillow, he clasped my hands lightly instead, sliding into me. I clutched his hands as he began to move, my body bucking and writhing beneath him. "Oh, sweet Jesus, that feels good," I gasped, feeling him deep within me.

"Kind of the point, Sookie," he murmured in my ear. "It's meant to feel good. I want it to feel good for you, always."

"Mmm…" I hummed in agreement, tightening my grip on his hands with every thrust. "Want to touch you," I whispered.

"Want you to come, first," he whispered back teasingly, making me giggle and gasp all at once.


"Where do you want to touch me?" he breathed in my ear.

Strangely, at that moment, I didn't feel at all shy. "Want to run my fingers through your hair… grab hold of your shoulders and hold on tight… pull you closer into me," I told him. "Want to… bite… your shoulder," I whimpered as I felt tell-tale tightening of my muscles, just prior to release.

He surged within me, as turned on as I was. "Bite all you want," he growled.

I bit him hard, just as I had done in Russell's mansion though without drawing blood, my screams of release muffled in his shoulder; his fangs in my neck pushed me even higher, and I clutched at his hands, my whole body arcing and bowing in pleasure.

He released my hands, and I wrapped them around him, seeking out his mouth, and kissed him for all I was worth as he eased my legs down so I could wrap them around him, too. Pushing him onto his back, I straddled his hips, and caught hold of his wrists, just as he had done to mine, holding them by the side of his head. He gave me a fangy grin. "Like being in control, do you?"

I grinned in response. "I prefer being out of control."

He gave a delighted laugh. "I rather enjoyed that, too."

I frowned. "Just one problem with this," I said thoughtfully.

"What's that?"

I shrugged. "There's no way I could actually keep you pinned down. Even if you were human, I couldn't."

"I'll buy you some handcuffs if you want," he offered with a twinkle.

I laughed, and shook my head. "Not sure I'm quite up for that. At least not yet," I amended.

He gave me an easy smile. "As you wish." He fluttered his eyelashes at me. "Release me long enough to cuddle you?" I let go of his wrists, pleased that, even though he could easily have escaped my grasp, he was happy to play along. He pulled me down into his arms. "You liked this?" he asked softly. "You like me teasing you?"

I nodded. "I like it a lot," I confirmed, my cheeks flushing slightly. "I'd never…" I trailed off.

"Never what?" he asked.

"Never thought of sex – of lovemaking – as being… playful. Fun," I said uncertainly.

He pulled his head back in astonishment, and stared at me. "What the fuck has Bill been doing all this time, then?"

I couldn't help it; the look on his face was so priceless, I burst into giggles. "Well, you know Bill," I managed to gasp out, "always so serious."

"Seriously fucked-up, that idiot," he grouched, but in the end, he couldn't help but chuckle. "Unlike Bill, who probably only knows the missionary position, and clearly seems not to have varied any technique at all," he continued (I snickered; it wasn't too far from the truth), "I have always believed that there are any number of different ways of making love, depending on your mood and the mood of your partner. You can be tender and loving, playful, silly, fierce, passionate… whatever seems right to both."

"Silly?" I asked, curious to know what he meant by that.

"Yes, silly," he grinned. "Want me to show you?"

I wondered if my smile would split my face in two. "Oh, go on, then."

And he did.