Reached the end of the story guys, but this sweet little Epilogue should be a happy end!

Thanks for all the amazing reviews!

Two years later

"More!" Jeremy clapped his hands together.

Damon smiled, "But that's that was the fourth chapter."

Jeremy pouted, "Moooree."

Damon gave him a pointed look, "We'll read some more tomorrow, Jer. Right now it's bed time."

The little boy blinked, "Just a little more? Pleeeease?"

Damon smiled a little. The kid may be his miniature in looks, but just like his mother, he could work Damon around his finger.

"Just one more chapter," Damon agreed, opening the page.

Also like his mother, Jeremy had a love of written words.

He preferred poetry and in depth stories over picture books.

For a three year old, he had quite the collection, though his favorite was still Call of the Wild.

Damon took pride in that, even though this was the tenth time they'd gone threw it in a year.

Damon read more than one chapter; couldn't help it.
Moments like this are what meant the most to him.
Laying on his son's bed, Jeremy resting on his arm, reading bed time stories.
It was such a contrast to what he'd almost lost.

Jeremy was asleep now, so he closed the book, putting in on the night stand next to the bed, but otherwise didn't move.

The boy's lashes were long crescents against his cheekbones, straight and high, like Elena's.
His skin was also dark like her's, and he had a personality just as identical.
Everybody that met him loved him.
So like his mother.

Damon smiled at the thought of her.
Elena was his now, and always would be.

They'd gotten married a few months after the thing with Augustine had cleared up, and life with her and Jeremy couldn't be more perfect.

He'd gotten to help his son learn to walk and pronounce words. Changed his diapers, get him to sleep, and even helped potty train him.

He'd been unsure of his parenting skills at first, but with Elena and his mother help, he'd grown to be a pro.

And things were finally right.

He was working back as Salvatore Inc, and he found he actually enjoyed the steady pace of work and coming home to his family each night.

It was all he'd ever wanted.

The door creaked slightly and Damon looked up.

Elena was there, still dressed in the gown she'd worn to the Annual Charity Banquet at S.I.N.C.

He happened to love the way the floor length blue silk fit her.
The way it hugged her curves, enhanced those perfect breast, and outlined her slightly visible baby bump.

She'd told him two months ago, and he hadn't stopped grinning since.
Neither had she.
He knew that being a mother was one things she wanted most in life, and he was so happy that he could give her that, and that she'd given it to him.

"He asleep?" She asked.

Damon nodded, sliding his arm out from under his son's head to join her.

"Yeah, he's good."

He slid his arm around her, leading her back down the hall, to their room.

"You're so much shorter without those heels," he teased as she began to take off her jewelry and put it on the dresser.

She smiled, "I know, but I'm going to wear them while I still can. If this pregnancy's anything like it was with Jer, I wont be able to wear any of my shoes soon. These baby's make me swell so badly, it's unreal!"

Damon smirked, coming up behind her and wrapped his arms around her stomach.

"Don't talk about my daughter like she isn't in the room."

Elena laughed, "You're still sticking to that, aren't you?"

He looked at her through the mirror with a solemn expression.

"It's a girl, Elena."

She raised a brow, "Your mom said the same thing, but I just feel like it's another boy."

Damon shook his head as she turned to face him, "Nope. Girl."

"Well, we'll know for sure next week."

He nodded, "What day was your appointment again? I need to make sure I tell dad that I'll be out."

"Thursday," she kissed his chest, "At ten."

"Thursday, ten," he repeated, "Got it."

"Good," she smiled, "Now uh, you want to help me out of this dress?"

She turned her back to him, pulling her hair to the side, and his lips immediately attacked the skin at her neck.

She giggled, "The zipper, babe."

He smiled, kissing across her shoulder while lifting one hand up to slide the zipper down.

Once her back was exposed, he slipped his arm in, under the fabric, wrapping it around her.

She leaned into his embrace.

"Come to bed with me, kitten," he breathed in her ear, and she nodded, allowing him to slide the dress completely from her.

In just her panties, she followed him over.

Damon made room for her to lay down next to him, and as soon as she was settled against the pillow, his lips were on her skin.

She sighed deeply as he kissed down her neck, to the dip between her breast, and stopped at the top of her stomach.

Elena felt his mood change for a second, and he placed a sweet deliberate kiss on the bulge of her belly.

"Daddy's girl, aren't you baby," he nuzzled.

Elena smiled, "Or boy."

This was ignored, "You're going to be so beautiful, just like mommy."

Elena relaxed against the mattress, just watching the adorable moment.

Damon continued to run a hand across her belly, "And you're gonna be a fighter, just like your daddy. Isn't that right, my angel?"

Elena let her hand drift down to stroke his hair as he talked to their child.

"You're going to be so loved. So so loved. Mommy and Daddy, even your bratty brother. We'll all love you. And we'll protect you. So stay all safe and warm in there baby, but I can't wait to meet you, angel. My little Isobella."

Elena paused her strokes, "Isobella?"

Damon looked up, blushing a little.

"After your mom...I figured you wouldn't mind...and it's Italian...but if you don't like it, we can-"

She placed a finger over his lips, "I do like it. It's beautiful."

Damon smiled, moving back up to kiss her, "Just like you."

She smirked, then kissed him again.

"Isobella Salvatore...what about a boy's name?" she teased.

He smiled, "Calvino Grayson Salvatore. But that will be the third child."

She chuckled, "Whatever you say, dear."

He placed a quick kiss on her lips.

"Whatever the name though, they'll be perfect."

She nodded, "Absolutely."

He gave her a mischievous grin the, "Now...where were we?"

She laughed, pulling him down to her, "Right about here."

"Oh right," he smiled, connecting their lips.

And in that moment, he wouldn't have traded a single day of his life.

Because in the end, it had gotten him here.

And it was pretty damn close to paradise.


Thanks so much for all of you who stuck with this story!

Ya'll are awesome!

You should check out my new one, "Love in Shackles."

Elena is a slave, and ends up in Damon's house.

Rated "M" ;)