Just A Formality
Veronica had never really noticed the way she sought Eli 'Weevil' Navarro out, even if she had nothing to say to him, or had no reason to look for him she would look for him in the crowded halls, or out in the quad. She probably wouldn't have noticed it if she hadn't realized that she hadn't seen him in the last three days and before Veronica could stop herself she voiced it out loud. Glancing at Wallace as she poked at the crap they called food she frowned. "Have you noticed that Weevil hasn't been around?"
"Ah that would explain why I've felt so relaxed, but no can't say I noticed..." Wallace said as he looked at her. "Have you?"
She shrugged a slim shoulder and they let the conversation drop switching to another topic, when lunch time was over Veronica had went to her next class consciously aware that she was looking for him, she came up empty handed but decided to leave it alone; after all they weren't even friends. Just two people who did each other favors from time to time, but it bothered her that he was missing.
The Next Day.
The next day Veronica couldn't stop herself from doing what she was best at, Weevil was still MIA and after some snooping the previous night Veronica knew that he hadn't been arrested, that meant something was up and she wanted to know what it was. Veronica spent the morning two periods working on homework for her afternoon classes freeing up her lunch period so she could devote her time to finding out the where about's of everyone's favorite leader to the PCHer's. As soon as the bell rang Veronica headed towards the usually lunch spot for the PCHer's; she knew half of them at first glance.
Hector, Felix, and Thumper…the others where smaller players in the game and probably didn't know what was going on with Weevil any more than she did at the moment; that left the three of them. Veronica narrowed her eyes as she sized them but weighing in her options before settling in on Felix, Weevil's best friend and right hand man. "Felix. I need to talk to you for a moment." Veronica said as she approached her stride confident as she met his gaze ignoring his smirk. "What can I do for you blondie?" Pursing her lips she beckoned him over with a finger, to which he ignored. "Do I look like a dog to you?" "Oh I'm sorry. Come here boy, come on. Do you want a cookie?" Sarcasm dripped off each work out of Veronica's mouth.
The look Felix gave her made her grin, she'd hit a cord and while that might impact his willingness to give out any information it still gave her a moments satisfaction. "Look if I have to come all the way to you, you're not going to like it." He grunted and pushed off the wall ignoring the whispers and talk from the other boys. "You can't talk to me like that; Weev's isn't here to stop me from showing you your place." Jackpot, she didn't even have to bring the subject up and he was already talking. "And just where is the leader of the pack?"
"Why do you care where he is?" Felix asked, apparently smarter than she was willing to give him credit for since he didn't just let loose information. "Curiosity." "Yeah well I aint telling you shit blondie, curiosity or not." He looked at her once more before looking at his boys who nodded at him. "None of us are going to say shit." His steadfast no made her sigh but then again she hadn't really expected him to say anything useful. "Don't even bother asking any of the other boys, none of them will talk either." Felix said and she just smirked at him. "Asking you is just a formality, I don't need you or any of them to talk."
The rest of her day went slower than she would have liked as she sat in her class asking herself why she didn't just call him if she was really concerned about the bikers whereabouts…or why not just show up at his place? Sighing she reminded herself that their relationship was little more than favor for favor and she probably wouldn't be welcome just showing up or calling him. Another sigh slipped past her lips as she tapped her pen against her note book thinking about what her next step should be before grinning as she remembered that Wallace worked in the office and it should be a piece of cake to get her hands on his attendance records and the reason for his absence.
School ended and she made her way to her locker, glad that Wallace was already there it saved her the time in having to go and look for him. "So, I need a favor." She said as she opened her locker, looking at him from the corner of her eye. "Hey Wallace how was class? Good, thanks for asking V." Veronica made a face and then smiled. "Sorry, about that favor." He shook his head but cupped a hand to his ear. "I'm listening."
"I need you to get me Weevil's attendance records for the last week, and the call log of all the people who've called in to report being absent."
"Do I even want to know why?"
"I'm working on something and I need them?" Wallace shook his head again before ultimately giving in. "Fine, but you're driving me home." Veronica gave him a satisfied smile. "Done, now go do your thing and I'll be waiting." Wallace gave her a have salute as he headed back down the hallway towards the office.
Sitting in her car Veronica scanned the parking lot, looking for his familiar bike even though she was already aware that Weevil was not at school today, which meant she wasn't surprised when Hector tapped on her window. Rolling it down she gave him a bored stare. "May I help you?"
"No but I might be able to help you, for a price."
Puzzled and oddly intrigued Veronica leaned a little closer to the window. "And just how might you be able to help me, Hector."
"You want information on Weevil right, I'll tell you anything you want for fifty bucks…I heard that was your going rate. "
A laugh bubbled up from her mouth as she looked at him. "How about this, you tell me what I want to know and I promise not to make your life miserable."
Hector snorted as he looked her over, which was an impressive feat since she was sitting in her car. "Coming after me, would be bad for your health senorita."
"Oh? I'm scared." Sarcasm dripped from each word as she looked at her watch. "I don't have time for this vato."
"Twenty bucks and I'll tell you anything you want to know about Weevil." Hector said dropping the price. "Do you know who I am?" Veronica asked, trying to figure out if he was always this slow or if today was special.
"Whatever blondie, you had your chance." Hector said turning to walk away, clenching her fist in frustration she made a face; narrowing her eyes at him. "Ten bucks, three questions." Veronica said making a deal with him.
"Fifteen." Hector countered and Veronica sighed glaring, was it worth? Did she want to risk him playing her? "Ten." Hector glared back but nodded his head before holding out his hand; digging through her bag she tried to think of the right questions to ask, after all she only had three.
"Is he okay?" Veronica asked, holding the money in her hand. "Money first." Hector said and Veronica shook her head. "Answer the question." Glaring the biker nodded his head. "Mostly."
Mostly? That was all he was going to give her…fine she was Veronica Mars and she could work with mostly. Two more questions, and she was at a loss what else was she supposed to ask? "What happened?"
Hector looked like he was about to ignore the question but after running a hand through his hair he relented and answered her. "All I'm going to say is there was a fight."
A fight where cops weren't involved meant it had something to do with one of two things; the Fitzpatrick's or the PCHer's. "Inside or outside source?" The question was out of her mouth before she could stop herself and she mentally curse at the use of her last question.
"Both. He was dealing with a mole." Worry gnawed at her and she nodded her head as she handed him the money, Veronica watched as Hector walked away just in time since Wallace arrived just a few moments later. "You know one of these days I won't be able to get you these and then what will you do?" He asked handing her the papers he had photocopied not that she really needed it now…"I'll just have to befriend the next office attendant then." Veronica said teasingly as she set the papers onto the back seat.
"You would, wouldn't you?" Wallace said shaking his head in mild disgust. "Of course not, I'd just go back to getting them myself. You're my favorite office attendant." The rest of the drive was done in relative silence as Wallace tried to find a working station on her radio; and her attention focused on the new information she had received from Hector. Pulling to a stop in front of Wallace's place she offered him a smile and see you later before she headed off towards her place only to make a left going to Dog Beach. The parking lot was nearly empty which suited her fine as she climbed from the LeBaron and sat on the hood toying with her cell phone before caving and dialing his number.
It rang several times before he answered, his voice was thick as if she'd woken him. "I'm not doing any favors today." Weevil said and she smirked. "So quick to assume I need a favor from you." He sighed and she wondered what he was thinking. "Why else would you call me?" He muttered and she was sure she caught some underlining anger there. "To make sure you where home, it's safe to assume that's where you are?" She said as she slid down the hood of the LeBaron and got in, deciding that she was going to go to see him. "Yes? What are you on about Veronica?"
"Nothing, just stay at home." Veronica didn't give him time to protest before she hung up, making her way to his place, she'd been there a couple times before so she found it easily, despite the fact that most of the houses in the barro looked the same. Parking her car along the curb Veronica got out and made her way to the front door, before she knocked she could hear children laughing and the sound of a TV which instantly added to the environment. Knocking she waited only a minute before the door was pulled open a young boy stood there staring at her.
"Who are you?" He asked his dark eyes sized her up and she bit back a laugh.
"She's Veronica Mars." Weevil's voice sounded behind him and they both looked in its direction, he was walking towards them, sweat pants hanging low on his hips and a black wife beater covering his chest leaving his arms exposed. "What are you doing here?" He asked ushering the kid out of the way as he stepped onto the porch closing his door behind him. "I wanted to make sure you where okay." Veronica said as she studied him, he had a cut on his lip that was healing as well as a ring of discoloured skin around his left eye. But all in all he looked okay…
"And you couldn't have just asked over the phone?" He said dully arms crossing over his chest, which meant she noticed every twitch and movement of his biceps. "Calling you was just a formality."
Veronica muttered as she stepped closer. "You miss me or something Veronica?" He asked and she shrugged. "Or something…"
A dark brow rose and he watched her. "I'm fine, you can go." Weevil said as he moved a little closer to her, if she was honest with herself she'd been into him since the first day they started their ridiculous back and forth of sexual innuendo's. He kept her on her toes more than anyone else. "Or I could stay."
He gave her a look as if he was trying to figure out if this was all some big joke, finally he reached behind them and put his hand on the knob, turning it and pushing the door open taking a step backwards into the house he turned his body slightly allowing her to walk in as he rested his hand on her lower back guiding her in, not just into his house but into his life.