
Greetings readers, I'm here to promote the new story RWBY: Team Vanguard, starring Victor Roman, Alexi Muratov, Nigel Holland and Deveraux Mercer. Yes, Victor Roman will be returning with a new team, new story, but the same old oversized power house we know from Draco Hunt. This is a collaboration with SOVIETxEAGLE (Deveraux Mercer) and roosterteethfanatic (Alexi Muratov). Nigel Holland is an OC put together by all three of us. It follows the group as they work through Beacon, meeting new friends, facing new enemies, and even finding love.

Note, it will not be following Draco Hunt at all. It will be a separate story from it, just to let all of you know.

Deveraux Mercer- The World of RWBY, SOVIETxEAGLE

Alexi Muratov- RWBYA, roosterteethfanatic