Hi Everyone, It's been a long time since I updated and i'm sorry for keeping you on hold. I had a massive case of Writers Block but all that matters is, i'm back now and I plan on finishing this FanFiction. BTW i'm skipping to sometime in January where the gang is gonna be hanging out even more and so yeah here it is. This chapters main POV will mostly be Marshall Lee's and Unknown ;) and the song of this chapter is Evanescence-My Immortal. Without further ado here is Chapter 9.

Marshall Lee's POV:

"Marceline...guess who..." I said chuckling while I covered Marcy's eyes with my hands changing my voice to a deeper octave. As soon as our skin came in contact with one another she stiffen and wouldn't dare move. "Please don't touch me...please..." Her voice came out just above a whisper. Removing my hands from her eyes I turned her slowly to face me. Once I saw the expression on her face my heart literally felt like it was shatters with a jack hammer. "Marceline it's only me...Marshall Lee...calm down." Now seeing her up close you could she her scars fading, lower lip quivering, and her eyes shut tightly. Once her eyes opened you could easily see the fear within them. "Are you okay?" She nodded quickly before answering, "Yeah I gotta go...don't worry about me that's the last thing I need." "Marceline what the actual hell? Just a second ago you were on the verge of tears now your telling me your fine? That's a bunch of bullshit." We were currently in the lobby of the University and had drawn a lot of attention to the two of us

Taken back by my words she pushed me back and look at me with angry eyes.


"I'M JUST TRYING TO HELP AND YOUR PUSHING ME AWAY!" I yelled with just as much anger as she did.

"HAVE YOU EVER CARED TO THINK MAYBE I DON'T NEED ANY HELP! THAT'S ALL EVERYONE WANTS TO KNOW! Oh Marcy i'm so sorry do you need help with anything are you okay? Oh Marceline I can help if you want. MARCELINE CAN I HELP YOU!? DON'T WORRY IT'S GONNA BE OKAY! IT'S F*CKING ANNOYING!"

I looked at her with in disbelief. Is she being serious right now? She's ticked off because people are asking her if she's okay? I don't know what about that last sentence that she said but it ignited a spark within me. A one full of anger at that. "THAT'S BECAUSE THEY F*CKING CARE! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE LIVING WITH PARENTS WHO DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT IF YOU BROUGHT HOME GOOD GRADES?!Or how about parents who thought of you as a disappointment!? Trust me I know the feeling and if I were you I would actually except the attention while it's still there rather than push EVERYONE THE HELL AWAY!" I hadn't realized the tears on my cheeks till they rolled down onto my chin.

"You know what forget it. Forget this every happened. Whatever we had is done." My mind kept screaming at me to go tell her that I care about her so much and admit how I love her but the words that came out of my mouth said other wise. "Gladly." Once the words rolled off my tongue we both looked each other in the eyes before walking into opposite directions.

Ever since the incident at the New Years Eve party the gang has been pretty screwed up. Like for instance whenever someone touched Marcy she would instinctively flinch away then whenever you tried to ask her about she would go off on you. It's the same shit every single time. In case your wondering what the hell i'm talking about...on New Years Eve Marcy was kidnapped and then mugged. We thought she was in the bathroom but when Cake and Fionna went in to make sure she was alright they ran out saying how they only saw Marceline's stuff sprawled around the floor and a broken window. Glob only knows what would've happened to her if we hadn't had found her in that alleyway all marked and bruised up. As soon as we found her Fionna immediately broke down at the sight of her Best Friend looking barely conscious. I can remember the day clearly...

"Marshall Lee...what is that noise?" I heard Bubba ask as we were searching for Marceline since she had been missing for the past 2 hours. "I-i don't know what's it sound like?" He shrugged looking visibly sick. "Shush...it sounds like...like plea's of help...OH MY GOD WHAT IF IT'S MARCELINE!?" Fionna said getting all teary-eyed. Finn pulled her into his chest calming her down slightly while she trembled. "Well...there's only one way to find out..." With that said I turned the corner and slowly walked into the alleyway. "Helllp...pleeeasee...help me..." The voice spoke sending a wave of trauma through me. I knew that voice anywhere, it pained me to hear the once fiery full-of-attitude voice sound so...-so miserable and weak. Following where the sound came from I ran towards it and engulfed her in my arms continuously whispering "It's gonna be okay Marcy...I won't let them touch you...ever again."

And now whenever we try to help her with something she goes completely insane. I mean I get that she's annoyed with it but can you blame us? Just 20 days ago we thought one of our best friends was dead! She simply can't understand that we're worried about her and that we just want to know her feelings! It's been about 10 minutes since our huge blow-up in the lobby and I already regret what I did and said. I already miss her presence.

Shit...I totally screwed up.

Unknown POV:

Marceline has only tasted alittle bit of the fire...just wait till she's experienced it all! She'll be sorry for what she did and be begging on her knees for forgivness I won't give her. Oh...Marcy look at what you've done! :D

Who do you think is the Unknown POV? And what does he/she have planned? How do they know Marceline? All questions will be answered in the next chapter. Thanks for reading guys hoped you enjoyed! BYE!