Hellooooo random person who is reading this terrible story, I am turtleswift11 but just call me turtle. I am a terrible writer as you can tell. Now, for the disclaimer! Ryuga, if you please.

Ryuga: No

Me: Yes


Me: -glares-

Ryuga: Fine... Turtle does not own Beyblade or a turtle which is sad because Turtle hearts turtles.

Me: Behave or turn into a pile of glitter.

Ryuga Fine.

"Yes! Today is the day Ifraid, they will choose the world championship teams! I can't be late or Shinobu or Ren will kill me!" Zero Kurogane raced down the stairs fired up and ready to go. He ran towards the Zero-g bey stadium where the WBBA would choose the participants in the year's world championships would begin. When Zero rushed into the stadium, plenty of people were already there. As people saw him, they rushed out. Now there were only two handfuls of bladders, including Ren, Shinobu, Kite and his brother Eight. Plus some other strong looking people including a blue-haired girl. The girl saw him looking and ran up to him". " So you are Zero Kurogane then. Hmnn. My name is Artemis." " No last name? Really? " " Yes, now are we going to battle or not?" " Erm, yes of course" Zero felt awkward. Very awkward. After all she reminded him of someone he just didn't know who. Ah, I need to battle now. " 3,2,1 let it rip!" Both beys clashed and mini explosions filled the arena. Many spectators crowded around the arena, watching the battle. " Silver, end this now! Hunter form! Shining Steel Arrow!" Zero watched helplessly as a Bey Sprit rise out of 'Silver" and take the shape of a human girl with bright silver wings. The 'girl' got a bow and shot five arrows causing him a stadium out. Zero felt more than shocked. I mean, he just got beat up by a girl! Zero ran up and picked up Ifraid. " Well, good game," Zero looked behind him and saw Artemis." You know, you are in the team already 'cause you won NeoBattle Bladers. Well, battle you later!" and the girl ran off. Zero was happy, sad and angry all at once. Happy because he is in the Japan Team, sad because he lost and angry because he just missed a My Little Pony marathon. Zero ran back home trying to see if he could catch the last episode.

Me: Was that bad? I hope not. But if it was i'm not that sad because i'm a terrible writer

Ryuga: That is correct

Me: Shut up or else

Ryuga: or wha- explodes into glitter-

Me: That. Now i might revive him if i can get 5 stinking likes. I highly doubt that but still, just trying!

Now, i need OCs to fill in the other teams . There will be:





I might take more countries but can't think of any so tell me if you want a certain one. OC form:





Special moves :


