-At School-After Jeffrey's class-

Rhydian definitely hated her!

She was sure of it! He barely looked at her for the whole class and when he did he gave her this confused/angry look that sent shivers down her spine. Shannon and Tom had noticed and asked her what was going on, but all she replied with was something between a whine and a growl.

She was walking down the hall to the dark room when she saw Rhydian leaning against the door. She sighed and considered turning around, but he had already seen her.

This is going to be fun! She thought with extreme sarcasm.

"Hi…." She hated how weak she sounded. It just portrayed how miserable she felt.

He didn't return the greeting. He just nodded toward the dark room and stepped inside. She sighed and followed him. Once they were inside he turned to her.

"What's up Mads?" He said with a defeated look that made her want to cry.

She bit her lip and thought of how to answer.

"I-I don't know what your talking about." She hated that she couldn't lie! Especially to him.

"Don't give me that! You've been avoiding me all week! If you don't want to hang out with me anymore just saw so!"

"That's not it!" How could he think that?!

"Well then what is it?!"

She put her head down a little and he sighed.

"Come on Mads. You can tell me anything."

She sighed frustratedly.

"It's none of your business! I just have a lot on my mind, ok!" With that she stormed out of the room and ran.

She didn't stop running until she was out of the school and deep into the woods. She stopped and hit a tree out of frustration.

"I don't think it's the tree's fault." Came a familiar voice from behind her.

"Not now Jana." She said sitting on a log. The last thing she needed right now was a lecture from Rhydian's "girlfriend".

Jana sighed and sat next to her.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing! Why can't everyone just leave me alone?!"

Jana sighed, clamped her hand on Maddie's head and closed her eyes. Before Maddie could fight her off, she released her hand and grinned at Maddie. Maddie looked at her confused until she realized what had happened.

"Did you use Ancium (Sp?) on me?!"

Jana's grin widened. "Yes."

Maddie growled. "You can't just invade people's minds like that!" She paused. "What do you know?!"

Jana giggled and Maddie winced. "I know about your dream."

Maddie closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she tried to calm the swarm of panicking butterflies in her stomach. "Did you see it?"

Jana shook her head. "It was more like a description."

"Great!" Maddie said dejectedly.

Jana's smile faded and she became serious. "It is normal you know?"

"What's normal?"

"That you're attracted to his change."

Maddie went bright red and held her head in her hands. "You know that too?!" She asked, her voice slightly muffled by her hands.


Maddie sighed and straightened up. "How do you know it's normal?"

Jana blushed slightly. "Well there was this boy in my pack before Rhydian came. I spent a lot of full moon's with him and everytime he transformed….I felt…..well….you know."

Maddie nodded, not wanted anymore detail.

"I didn't know if it was normal at the time either, so I asked one of the older females in our pack. She laughed and told me that it was normal and powerful."


"Yes, she said that it wasn't just your wolf self or your human self that was attracted to that person, but you as a whole, your wolfblood. The attraction was stronger at transformation, because it is the merging of the two halves."

"Oh…" Maddie said, processing everything. "What happened to the boy? Is he still with the pack?"

Jana frowned and turned her eyes away from Maddie. "He was killed by a poacher, a year or so before Rhydian came."

Maddie looked at her in shock. "I'm so sorry Jana,….I can't imagine." She often worried about Rhydian and she knew he had been in danger before, but she could never wrap her mind around the possibility of something taking him away from her forever.

Jana gave her a small smile. "It's ok, I've come to terms with it and he is in a better place now, running with a greater pack."

Jana looked straight ahead in silence for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "I think that's why I latched onto Rhydian so tight. I had felt alone for awhile after his death and I wanted to be close to someone."

Maddy looked at her surprised.

"Rhydian was so energetic and opinionated. He made the human world sound so appealing and I just wanted to be in it with him."

Jana frowned.

"Then he left and when I came here to follow him and found out about you, It just made it worse."

"Why?" Maddy asked confused.

Jana smiled at bit. "The challenge. I was not going to give him up to another alpha female."

Maddie smiled and nodded, that was something she could understand.

"Thinking about it now, after your dream, and just watching you two together….." Jana sighed. "I think I need to find someone of my own."

It was quiet for a while. Maddy couldn't believe that Jana was letting her crush on Rhydian go. But she was only doing it because she thought that Rhydian was Maddie's…..



"You won't tell anyone, especially Rhydian, about any of this will you?"

"No! I promise!" Jana said, eager to show Maddie that she could be trusted.

"You told Jana a secret that you didn't tell me?"

Maddy turned from her locker to see a rather hurt and angry looking Shannon. From behind her Jana gave Maddy an apologetic smile.

"We were talking and she mentioned you running out the other day and that she was worried about you. I told her that I went after you and that you were fine. She asked what was wrong. I told her that I couldn't tell her and she got all upset…." Jana said in a pleading rush.

Maddy sighed and tried to think of something to tell Shannon. "Shan…"

Shannon cut her off by dragging her into the darkroom. Once the door was closed she turned to Maddy. "Is it a Wolfblood thing? You know I would never tell anyone anything about you guys." She said looking more hurt than angry now.

Maddy sighed and cursed inwardly. "I didn't tell Jana anything. She used her Ancium on me."

Shannon looked at her confused. "I thought that was about nature and the past…"

Maddy shrugged. "I don't really know how it works, but she knew."

"Knew what?!" Shannon asked exasperated.

Maddy sighed and gave in. "Fine, I'll tell you, but you have to swear not to tell anyone. Not Tom, not anyone. Especially not Rhydian."

Shannon nodded furiously and waited.

Maddy sucked in her breath and let it out fast. "'I've been having this dream….about me…..and Rhydian."

"About you and Rhydian…" Shannon said smirking.

Maddy blushed and stuttered. "I-it isn't like that….well it is….I mean."

Maddy sighed and shook her head. This was so much easier when she didn't have to explain it.

Maddy told Shannon the details of her dream. She didn't leave out anything, which made for a good amount of blushing on Maddy's part and giggling on Shannon's. After Maddy was done they sat in silence for a few seconds.

"So, you get turned on when he changes…?" Shannon asked carefully.

Maddy nodded, a light blush seeming to make itself comfortable on her face.

Shannon took a second to process this and then looked at Maddy with a smile.

"So...does that mean you like him…?"

Maddy sighed and bit her lip. "That's the thing, I don't know. I mean….I think I do."

Shannon's smile widened. "It's not that hard. How do you feel about him."

Maddy thought for a second. "He's my bestfriend, apart from you. He is always there for me. He's funny and smart. He's protective. He's cute…" Shannon giggled at this and Maddy gave her a look.

"Sorry, sorry, continue."

Maddy rolled her eyes. "He understands me, like no one else does. My parents are like me, they raised me, have known me for my whole life, but even they don't get me like he does. It feels like we've known each other forever."

Shannon smiled. "Oh Maddy, you've got it bad."