I'm in love with Bye Bye Birdie! We did it in the Spring of 2013 at my high school. I became fascinated with the Rose/Albert relationship as so many people do. :)

No copyright infringement intended.

Rose Alvarez was fresh out of high school when she got her first job. She was a secretary at a law office in Pittsburg. Her boss was a much older man of about sixty or so. That man also happened to be her grandfather, Diego Azarola. When he died four years later Rose's father, Leon Alvarez, took over the company. She and her father had never seen eye to eye and it was there, at twenty-two, that Ms. Rose Alvarez was back on the market for a job. The first few places took one look at her and turned her away on the account that she was of Spanish decent. One of her friends from high school, Mary Delancy, had just been hired by a man named Albert J. Peterson when she called Rose about the good news.
"He's not much to look at and he told me it's a one year only position, but Rose it's a shot! We could be picked up by bigger and better people out there!" Mary exclaimed.
"Oh, alright. I'll see if Mr. Peterson approves of me," Rose said, a bit discouraged after her last meeting. Rose drove those three and a half hours to Mary's small apartment.
"Don't worry, I already made your interview for tomorrow at eight," Mary reassured her friend.
"Thank you, Mary. I just hope it's worth both of our time," Rose replied, hoping that this would be the job.
"I've already got the phones, and keeping track of all of his appointments and clients. He's just looking for someone to run his errands and file paperwork, but I know that went to interviews for worse," Mary said, giving Rose a look.
"I just needed to get out of my father's office," Rose snapped before softening, "you know how he is."
"I understand," Mary told Rose, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze, "but this will give you a whole new city to work in." Rose gave her friend a hug, thanked her again for the opportunity, before turning in for the night. The next day, the two women arrive at the Almaelou building at seventy forty-five sharp. Mary got to work answering the early morning phones, while Rose sat and waited for Mr. Peterson to call her in for her interview.
Mary's phone rang. It was Mr. Peterson. "He'll see you now," Mary told her, "best of luck." Mary smiled and Rose returned it, though nervously. The man didn't even want to leave his office to tell her he was ready for the interview. She had the suspicion that she was NOT going to get the job. She opened the door to find a man in his mid-twenties combing his desk for something.
"Hello, Mr. Peterson. I'm Rose Alvarez here for the job interview," Rose told him confidently.
"Hello, Ms. Alvarez. Sorry to keep you waiting, but I seem to have lost an important document that needs to be done. Taxes, you know," he said, though he seemed to be masking his true feelings of anxiety.
"Is there anything you would like me to do? Check a certain drawer, perhaps?" Rose asked, trying to be helpful.
"There's this filing cabinet over here," Mr. Peterson said as he walked over to an old grey filing cabinet, "I could've misfiled it somewhere." Rose walked over to the cabinet and started searching through the bottom drawer as Mr. Peterson searched through the top. She looked through everything quite quickly until she came upon the document labeled "Tax Form".
"Um, Mr. Peterson. I think I've found it here," Rose said. She looked up as he stooped down to retrieve it. Her heart stopped. Mary had gotten his description all wrong. Here was a man, tall, lean, and... handsome. She was shaken from her daze when Mr. Peterson addressed her.
"Uh, Ms. Alvarez? Could I have my form please?" He wasn't upset in the least. Really he sounded grateful, yet embarrassed.
"Oh! Yes," Rose exclaimed, giving him the form. She stood up, blushing. She mentally scolded herself for getting distracted like that.
I don't think I'll be needing an interview," Mr. Peterson told her.
"Oh... I guess it's a no, then?" Rose said, her heart falling.
"No! Dear me, of course not!" Mr. Peterson rushed to explain, "I've been looking for that file off and on for days and here you found it in a matter of minutes! No, Ms. Alvarez, I would be happy to hire you." Rose beamed.
You mean it? Oh thank you, Mr. Peterson! You won't regret it!" Rose assured him.
"I shall give you your first schedule by, say, tomorrow?" Mr. Peterson mused.
"Perfect. I'll be happy to start right away," Rose told him.
"Good," he replied, nodding, "then I'll see you tomorrow at eight."

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