"Don't encourage her Liv" Elliot tells Olivia.

"Daddy I'm just saying. Kathy accused you of cheating on her for years with Livia and it turned out that she was the one the cheating on you." Kathleen told her dad.

With that they go out to the car and to head to the park where the meet up with Matt and Gabby the kids all run to their uncle and aunt then they hug them.

"Hey big brother does these crazy kids belong to you because I've never seen them in my life?" Matt asked Elliot.

"Hey Matt and Gabby I would like for you to meet Olivia Benson my girlfriend. Olivia this is my younger twin brother Matt and his wife Gabby." Elliot introduced them.

"I'm finally getting to meet the famous Olivia Benson that I have heard so much about you're the one that made Kathy so jealous because this crazy man spent more time with you" Matt said.

"It's nice to meet you too. What do you mean by the famous Olivia Benson?" Liv said as she spread out the picnic blanket on the grass.

"Matt means is that we have heard so much about you from Elliot and these crazy kids" Gabby said.

"Gabs hows Antonio doing after his and Laura's divorce and how are the kids taking it?" Elliot asked his sister in law.

"El Antonio isn't doing so good after the divorce Laura is keeping the kids away from him so he doesn't get to see them as much as he wants. Antonio is coming with us when we come back for Thanksgiving is that ok?" Gabby asked him.

"Yea that's fine the more the merrier. Why isn't he spending it with your parents instead." Elliot asked her.

"My parents won't be in Chicago for the holidays." Gabby said.

"So for Thanksgiving it's going to be Elliot, Me, MoMo, KayBay, Dizzie, RJ, Matt, Gabby, Antonio, Christie, Jim, Violet, Cragen, Fin, Amanda, and Nick?" Olivia asked them.

"Yeah that's going to be a lot of cooking that day" Elliot said as he Matt and the kids went to play catch while Liv and Gabby talked.

"Gabby what do you do for a living in Chicago" Olivia asked her.

"I'm a paramedic at the same house that Matt works at. What do you do here?" Gabby asked Olivia.

"I'm a Sargent in the Sex Crimes unit that's where I meet Elliot and the kids this past year has been hell for me not seeing him and those four kids." Liv said as they sat around and talked to eachother.