Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Yu-Gi-Oh

Warnings: Rated T for mild language and violence and bad grammar ooh and Slash pairing

Summary: Harry always had different powers that he has never shown to anyone, a past that was never told, and a look that has never been seen. However, upon seeing Yugi a light without a dark he knows that there must be something that he can do so all of the sudden everything is being revealed and not even at a slow pace.

Author Note: This is a story of mine that I am rewriting and reposting on this account as opposed to the other account I originally did this story on. I hope you enjoy it, and please do read and review so that I can get tons of feed back.

Chapter One:

Harrison James Potter was thinking about all the things that had happened to him throughout his time at a school known as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Also upon his mind were all the secrets he kept through his stay there. After all he was a lot of things and being a first-rate liar and secret keeper was among them.

Hogwarts was a beautiful place. It's seven stories holding many secrets of magic, society, and the evil in the hearts of many – Evil was less in the castle however, and more in the surroundings. Seeing the forests around the school one could tell that they held within merciless beings. Off topic as such thoughts were, thoughts went back to the castle, and more precisely the people within its walls now, especially the teacher.

In the raven's first year, with was meant to be the initial time he was exposed to magic, he almost lost his life (Seeing as how this happened every year he shouldn't really phrase it as such.) After all that is what happens when an eleven year old goes against a troll that was easily five times his size. Then there was a mystery that revolved around one of the most famous magical pieces of all time the sorcerer's stone. The sorcerer's stone as a glistening and innately powerful, red colored gem, that held many secrets that even Harrison hadn't discovered in that year. The one after said stone was the well known dark wizard, Voldemort, the same person that killed Harrison's parents. The raven haired boy solved the obstacles that were hiding the stone however in the end he ended up fighting against Voldemort and only just getting away with his life. Thankfully the stone was safe as well.

In his second year there was another conspiracy that was being spread about the school, as many of the students became paralyzed. Everyone around the school believed it was Harrison because he had the power to speak to snakes called parselmouth that was rumored to only go to descendants of Slytherin, whom was said to be the one behind the first opening of the chamber of secrets. As it turned out Harrison was not behind what was happening. He did however; find the one guilty party after a long series of events. The being responsible was Tom Riddle who was Voldemort well he was still young, before all the evil rituals and such. Harrison had to fight against him once again to prove his innocents and again almost died by the fang of a large snake that he only just managed to kill. Of course the fang did get stuck in his arm as he trust a sword through the poisonous beings throat.

Harry's third year was by far the best and easiest that he would have. After all this time he didn't end up fighting against his parents' murder only the one that was said to give away his parents' location to Voldemort. Another mystery was solved however when it was found out that Sirius Black the one put away for helping Voldemort turned out to be framed and to be young Harrison's godfather. After all of that was sorted out though Sirius had to leave because he was still on the run from escaping prison.

Up next for Harrison was the Triwizard Tournament with took place in his fourth year. He was nominated for a spot on the competition and wasn't happy as he was forced to participate. After all who would want to take part in a tournament that had taken away lives before? Even though he was force though he still did his best and ended up in the last part of the event. Something that later he would regret after all it lead to the rebirth of a completely solid Voldemort unlike the ones he fought in the past that were inside of other people this one was the real deal. He knew that the moment that he left the depressing and dull looking graveyard after being tortured with the body of a friend Cedric Diggory. The wizarding world refused to believe that their worst enemy was alive again and a smear campaign against Harry and his strongest believer Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of his school.

During all these years and events however Harry was hiding some very important things about himself. Such as his name, power, personality, appearance, and living arrangements. Many people would not understand why someone would hide their very self from everyone, having no one that really knew at all. The raven had his reasons, which didn't make the whole thing anymore easy on the psyche.

First off, why should he show himself to a world that was only going to see what they wanted anyway? After all that was what happened to many famous people. Everyone saw what they wanted when they wanted. This was only proven during his years at school when the students loved him as their Savior then the next moment he was paralyzing people. Not to mention Dumbledore.

When he entered the wizarding world the first thing he noticed was that people expected him to be someone that he was not – A brave young boy that looked like his father and saved the world with no mind to the damage that it could bring himself. That's what a Savior was, right? They didn't know that ever since he was very young he had put an illusion around himself to hide his looks so that his so called relatives wouldn't start abusing him more than they already did.

So the world was happy when a skinny, knobby kneed, raven haired boy with emerald eyes showed up. If they could see through the illusion that he had put up they would be confused to see a boy that was perfectly in shape with spiked hair that had purple highlights. They would be baffled the eyes that well still emerald glowed with knowledge and amusement a lot of the time.

What made the raven make the decision to keep the appearance up was the look he saw in his Headmaster's eyes, at his faked humble expression, underweight body, and clothing that looked to be his cousins hand me downs that is. He saw satisfaction; it was as though the man had just won a jackpot in his almost emaciated appearance.

So Harrison didn't only hide his appearance but any powers that may have seemed not ordinary even by wizard standards. Such as a power that he had been using ever since he was too young to remember. This power involved shadows that could strengthen the power of wizards that he was born with.

As the years went on so did his act. He was happy with the results that had gained him a godfather and an almost peaceful education. Also the years gave him plenty of time to look for clues on what his power was and where it came from. It was in the beginning of his fourth year that he found it.

The power he held was ancient, from Egypt to be more exact. It had been only by chance that he had come across the old, dusty, heavy tome that held the knowledge that was needed. This power, as he found out, was gifted to those who had injured souls so that they could heal. Over time however, people began to abuse this power and one of the strongest users at the time had sealed it away into seven magical items. It is said that there are some people that still had the power but they were mostly situated around the game called Duel Monsters.

In his childhood he too played that fun, and interesting strategy game. Even now it was a big part in his life. Harrison's childhood was hard and he tried not to stand out too much unless it came to dueling. That was why he changed his name from Harrison to the less noticeable one Harry. (This wasn't legally binding, for which he was glad. Harrison had such a better ring to it.)

Even now his cards, which had been his only friends during childhood, were in his pocket. As a child he had entered a lot of competitions using his made up name. When he played he almost never lost, after all if he believed in his cards then they would lead him right thorough the game and make him a winner. The cards being semi sentiment would know how they wanted to be played.

Harrison was startled out of his thoughts when a feeling that he recognized fell over him. A wrenching cold that settled right into your bones and a feeling of hopelessness right on the edge of his consciousness. He knew however that this time they were not there for him, or perhaps they were but got sidetracked toward someone else. Idly, he registered that it wasn't his intention to have walked around as he glazed over the story of his life, but it seemed things worked out that way in the end.

Someone else, he almost panicked a bit, his mind going back to the more important matters. The raven was fine with people getting hurt if it was from their own stupidity but he couldn't stand it if someone was hurt because of something after him. Going against his, despite what others thought, strong survival instinct he runs toward the danger again.

It didn't take all that long to get there – Longer than glamoured legs ran at a much higher speed than many would expect – and observing the scene in front of him he felt almost sick. There was a young looking boy there and he didn't look good, he would go as far as to say that the teen was suffering depression, the Dementors were worsening it. For a moment the younger teen looked him in the eyes and it took everything not to tear up, loneliness, helplessness, insecurity, and heartbreak.

God, thought Harrison as he to felt just a little bit of what the teen was feeling, I need to help him...

The feeling coursed throughout his entire being until there was nothing left in his thoughts. He didn't think of the possible repercussions, the ministry of magic, nothing but saving the sad eyed boy.

Immediately Harrison spat out the spell that was on the forefront of his mind, "Expecto Patronum," and out of his wand came a large raven that went toward the Dementors when it hit them however something unexpected happened, he then finally noticed that in his panic he channeled shadow magic, his mysterious power, into the spell causing the strength and effectiveness the shot up in a rather unexpected way. After all Dementors were meant to be indestructible however it seemed that wasn't the case as then the spell hit they blow up in a rather cool and interesting display. The captured souls all scattered and went elsewhere.

Later it might be a subject to think about, how something called Shadow Magic would have a profound and none volatile reaction to a spell that was meant to be so pure, so wholly good in nature, but for now there were far more important things.

The raven rushed to the young teen taking in his appearance. His hair was very different for this area; it was spiked and tri-colored. Thinking for a moment then he finally came to the realization of who this cutie was, The King of Games.

That didn't do anything to overcome his coming panic as he saw the teen, the fucking kind of games, was barely holding on feeling out with his dark energies he tried to puzzle out just what the problem was.

Harrison nearly gasped at the condition of the soul; unconsciously he pulled the young man, Yugi, closer. His soul was so light and yet torn in ways that a light never should. Someone, his bonded, had practically destroyed him.

What he was feeling right now was placed in several different categories, pissed at the one that would wantonly destroy their light like this, sympathetic and helpless on how to help the little one before him.

A thought suddenly came to his mind, it was grasping at straws but it may work, bonding himself to this tiny being. After all he knew what a great thing having a light was, an honor.

He wanted to bond with a light, all darks did in a way, a light was what made them complete in ways unimaginable. Unlike how it was for a light, a dark wouldn't need a bonded; a light however wouldn't last very long without one. For a dark to break that bond was horrible in ways that were indescribable.

But did the little one even want such a thing? Was it even okay for Harrison to bind himself to someone whom couldn't give consent, even if they were in life ending danger?

Reaching out with his shadows he went into the light's soul dragging his soul in during this and pushing them together. Finally with bonding done he felt Yugi wake up slightly and, feeling the bond he started sobbing. The newly opened emotional channel filled with feelings mostly however hope and fear.

Wanting to put his little one at ease he started to feed his own feelings into the bond, protectiveness, caring, wanting. He cuddled the one in his arms until the sobbing ran down and the drained game king fell into unconsciousness once again. Getting up from his kneeling position he started thinking as he picked up the small teen, noticing just how much smaller he was then he looked, he needed to protect his light. His cards hummed in agreement and Harrison Potter finally decided, it was time to show his true face.

Somewhere Else:

Another Dark and his light noticed that Yugi had once again slipped away from them, the two looked like twins when standing next to one another, both had reasonably long gray hair and the same basic build, a swimmers lean body type. The two well looking alike, had vast differences one's eyes were old scheming and had a gleam that screamed just cross me I WILL kill you, well the other looked smart, shy, and had a loyal gleam.

The darker of the two said to his other half smirking, "I don't know how he always gets out but I guess this means Yugi hunting again, the little brat gets everywhere." There was fond exasperation under the almost harsh words.

The other nodded, somewhat absent minded, trying to figure out the direction the tri-colored teen went in. He gave a smile before replying, "Yeah well have to find him soon though, we don't want him getting worse or getting hurt."Bakura, both light and dark were in agreement for what would happen to those that hurt their best friend, nothing would get in their way of hurting the once that hurt Yugi times ten worse than the little being had been hurt, nothing.

Chapter End:

Author Note: Let me know what you think, do that read and review thing. I wish you all good days and happy thoughts.