Hi guys!
I know I have other stories I am supposed to be updating but right now I am craving some Naruto so for the moment bear with me. I will be trying to update the rest of my stories as best as I can but if you have a request for the story you want update right away tell me!

Anyway I got this idea after reading a few stories and decided that I wanted to be a little different. There will be more Sakura stories after this just because I can twist and mold her the way I want, completely planning on ignoring the end of the manga here.

I hope for reviews, comments and even things you would like to see or hated to see in the story. I need help growing and I am counting on you people across the net! So don't be scared to say something, even if you just simply wanted it longer, although I do try to at least reach 2k words per chapter, not that big but pretty good when I'm typing this up in class.

Anyway you all should know the rules:

"…" = Speaking

'…' = Thinking

Author Note

Chapter 1: Killing the Flower

The hissing of pain, the yells of confusion, fighting between men and the unsteady feet of the unknown group tracked through the thick forest area while the sun burned down onto them, branches breaking easily under their tied, bound, gagged and blinded folded prisoner, the poor girl breathing heavily while blood poured from the corner of her mouth. The group of men who were dressed in black cloaks with red clouds on them yanked, pulled and pushed the pink hair girl forward without remorse for her current condition, to put it bluntly she was useless even after her training with the so called 'great' lady of the slugs, their mission was one thing and one thing only, kill whoever dared to get in their way. It so so happened that Naruto did and now that they were supposedly 'dead', the very upset group decided to take him head on... Didn't work... But they did get a small gift, bait, but she was pretty beaten up... Not surprisingly honestly, Hidan had took her blood and proceeded to stab himself damaging their goods which was now being taken on the poor male... Okay well not poor but still he was fuming and cursing enough to cause anyone a headache. The forest burned a bright red from the fire that was only a few feet behind them, something Deidara decided to do in order to cover their tracks, not very helpful when they were already dragging someone but very effective in stopping others from tracking them or following them.

With her bath gown ripped showing only the bindings from under it, she tried to keep up the pace but she was disoriented from her senses being blocked, not to mention the fact that her Chakra was being drained by the blasted cuffs around her wrist! Oh and the loss of blood was adding very greatly to both of those so you know.. she couldn't last much longer in that condition, better than finding out what they were gonna do to her. It seemed like hours before they finally stopped, her feet bruised and bleeding badly from the once rough ground to the know very soft padding of what felt like a inns flooring? Standing there with her back slightly bent over, stains of red over her chin and chest where the droplets had dripped causing a different muffle of voices to form in the small amount of sound she had but she guessed it wasn't about her because she was soon forced forward onto the ground, harshly. Laying there in that black silence, she didn't move or even try to fight back when there was a weight on her side, since she landed on her side from the fall..., and the cold metal of what she figured some sort of blade was pressed her the skin of her shoulder, the owner of it slowly trailing it up to her neck where she sliced the bindings from her eyes and mouth off freeing her from what felt like Death.

The dim lights did nothing to help the fear that was growing in the pit of her stomach when her eyes made out the blurring figures in front of her, the straw hats hiding the males faces but those long black coats, the shine of the two large weapons in front of her and that bright orange mask just staring... Waiting for her to do something, but she couldn't so she stared back with beads of sweat rolling down her forehead. "Can you hear us...?" The muffle voice of the mask male asked, Sakura only moved slightly, a foot being slammed into her side even just from the slightest movement causing her to scream out in both shock in pain allowing blood to flow freely from her mouth. With the weight from her side where the foot had been being lifted, she heard the sickening sound of the bones returning to their natural place and the sharp pain of the bone making it self known in her lungs, she looked up at the masked male and gave a weak nod. Her face was pretty beaten, not to mention her hair which she had let grow out was now butchered. No one moved or said a thing till a red hair male stepped up causing her eyes to widen in disbelief, Sasoir, she had killed him... They had killed each of them but... Then again they were there in front of her, this had to be a dream right?

With Sasoir's face near hers, the group behind him shifting, she felt his warm breath on her dry skin and winced, for once she was scared of actually being killed.. Wait breath? Slowly her eyes opened and she found his eyes narrowing at her, "Yes, I'm alive..." He whispered, his mouth turning into a smirk showing those two sharp teeth that he had lacked in his puppet form. Of course when he smirked she had almost relaxed but it was to soon, painfully his hand clenched her arm and dug his nails into the deep wound into her arm, digging into the ripped flesh making her bit her bottom lip just to keep from screaming out in pain once again. This torture would never end would it? With a thud Sakura landed onto the floor at the foot end of the bed and the group slowly left her there in the darkness, it was that moment she felt like screaming, running or simply knocking her self against the wall to send a rib into her heart to end this. With a struggle she stood on her feet with her hands still tied behind her back and swayed, the movement causing blood to rush from her mouth and nose while her hair fell loosely into her face. Unsteady she made her steps forward and leaned against the wall on the door, it was cracked... Sensing nothing but a trap but wanting to believe in her weak state they had became rather stupid from their time in death, she pushed it open with her face and stepped out. She was right... It had been a inn, the walls were lit with the moon light and there was richly decorated walls and flooring.

With her heart pounding heavily and the whole area looking like it was moving along with its double, Sakura took a deep breath and moved from her door way only to stumble and fall forward, a thud leaving in her unsteady weight. She waited, laying still almost dead on the ground, to see if someone was coming to take her away and kill her but no one ever did and she forced her self up onto her knees silently. Something wasn't right... Still she pushed forward, the bindings on her wrist weakening slightly with a small flicker making her pause. Just as she reached the bottom stairs the owner of the Inn stopped in front of her holding a thing of towels in his arms and looked up at her still smiling making her smile back, he was going to help her and save her! "Please... I've been kidnapped.." She whispered, taking a step forward. The male took on a dead serious look and sat the towels aside to lead her out into the lobby and sat her down, the cuffs being tugged on by him, "I... I need to get help..." She panted, the male saying something but it sounded like a mixture of noises as her head started to cause her to fade in and out of just being alive! Handing her a glass of water, his daughter standing there at his side with a small round silver tray when her eyes flickered open, the cuffs gone, she took the glass in a hurry and smiled as the cool liquid flooded her throat making her smile, water being dripped down her shirt causing the brown bath gown to darken.

Having her you ever had a feeling someone was watching you though? Lifting her eyes to see the black robed group behind the male, simply watching her, the Inn owner stood up and gently lead his daughter away, Sakura wasn't chained now and quickly took to healing her self, she could fight now! With her body weak but some how able to hold it self up, she took a step forward with her fist raise and raced towards the first person she saw, Itachi, who simply grabbed her wrist and spun her around pinning her back to his chest. Standing there in mid shock, Sakura felt her heart drop and looked up at 'Tobi' who touched her cheek in a creepy loving manner. "Did you enjoy your drink..?" He questioned softly, Sakura simply staring at him confused till she felt a twinge of pain in her chest. Watching him stand up and feeling Itachi drop her, she looked at her hands with her Charka still being sucked from her, "Its a small device..." Tobi explained, moving over to a bench in the lobby and sitting down with his legs crossed, you could almost hear the smirk on his face when she looked up at him in pure shock and horror! "I have control over it... If I want you to have charka I'll tell it to stop If I dont... Well it keeps draining you..." He chuckled and watched her moving her gown to the side trying to find some way or removing it, some location of the item but with a movement of his hand, her scared doe eyes turned to Tobi and stared, there sat a small remote in his hand and her heart stop.

"Now be a good pet and come home with us... We only need you as bait..." Then what? They would kill her! Sitting there on her knees and her hands resting in front of her, she could hear Kisame, the blue shark man, move behind her with his heavy sword chuckling silently, she could feel those eyes on her skin making her feel like she needed to scrub! Her eyes darted around the group up to Itachi who stood there emotionless, to Sasoir who could easily be seen planning her death out rather nicely, Zetsu was already taking among him self about how he would cook her, Hidan sat there licking his lips while tapping his large weapon on his shoulder, Kakuzu was simply glaring at her... And then there was Pain and Konan who were smirking with their arms crossed over their chest, eyes full of bloodlust, but why her? "Why me...?" She suddenly voiced, Tobi eyeing her before he tilted his head to the side and rested his head on his hand chuckling, "Because.. You are the leaf Village medic... A war will start soon and you will work for us.." He warned, her eyes narrowing with hate, "You will have to kil-" Getting cut off when Tobi pressed the button, volts of energy forced into her body within seconds, Sakura arched her back in pure pain and let out a blood wrenching scream that seemed to get a few of them chuckling when her body fell limp forward, Tobis finger no longer on the large button, "If you don't... We will make sure your lovely fucking village is on that map..." He warned, "And you will watch as we bring it to hell..." Laying there bleeding and drooling, tears pooling in her eyes, she looked up the male and staggered to move.

The group watched in silence when she pulled her self up to her knees, her body shaking from the amount of pain that was racing through her body, but she hicupped and bowed her head in defeat, it was the weight of others before the weight of one right? Her death would mean nothing in a few months... "What... War?" She questioned, her hair slightly burnt and sticking up, black marks along her skin while a bit of blood pooled under her skin making her light headed once more. With a tilt of Tobis head to Konan and a nod from the female, she was buy Sakuras side simply doing patch up work so their toy would stay awake to hear, "We plan to bring God to our level... To control life and death..." Sakura didn't look up at him, only smirked and chuckled weakly, "There is no such way..." Hearing the group shuffle and a few chuckle, she looked up to see Tobi kneeling in front of her, "Now, now... We were dead remember...?" He questioned, his finger gently tracing her bruised cheek, Sakura flinching away only making the pissed male grab her chin and yank her forward, lips mer inches from his, "We saw your Gods... We were judged..." Slowly his voice soften and the harsh grip he had on her chin slowly loosen till she fell forward use to him already holding her.

With a loud chuckle he grabbed her arm and yanked her up, pulling her stumbling form outside of the small inn to show the black town, demons or deformed people wondering around, some with hoods while others simply walked about almost unnoticed. Her Green eyes scanned the area till she saw Tobi looking up and did so her self, her eyes widening at the large egg shape in the sky appearing from a ring of blue and clashing red. She didn't fully understand till Tobi looked down her and chuckled, "That is Heaven... Your paradise.." He whispered, her eyes showing her disbelief till he held up a small charm and light flooded her eyes, within a few seconds she felt warm... Welcoming, so her eyes opened and she laid there in front of a large throne where Tobi slowly walked up to it and sat down, his legs crossing over the other, Pain and Konan standing by his side. With a smirk he removed his mask and chuckled, "We are your God's now..." He smirked evilly, Sakura laying there on the ground almost in a daze, "And you will act like the book says... You will sing for us..."

I know this isn't a great opening but I got the idea from a game and decided to mix it with Naruto, don't hurt me! Anyway as you can tell I wont baby Sakura and yes I know that the couple was pushed in here yet but don't worry! It takes time!

Anyway comment and review please~ 3