Hello all you people!
I am here again! With a new oneshot! Hahahahahaha!
Angst again? I'm sorry! It seems to be the only things I can write...
Please comment on my writing style. I want to know if it's good.
Disclaimer: No, I do not own. OK.
And, uh, yeah! Enjoy!
What is he doing?
Where is he?
It's as if he's in a dream.
But he knows it's reality.
Cruel reality.
That he has to face.
He steps forward.
He is silent, for once.
Yet there are too many thoughts, inside.
But he stands.
Even though he knows it's the end.
He stands.
Like a dream.
But not a dream.
A nightmare.
He can't listen.
But they ring in his mind.
His head hurts.
He hears it.
"I hereby announce..."
Everything comes rushing back to him.
"Kesese! That's a victory!"
All those times...
"I'm so awesome! Right, Liz..?"
Please. No...!
Everything was leaving him.
"..Königreich Preußen..."
"Of course I won! I'm just that awesome, right?"
He'd been so naïve.
"Third in a row!"
He'd never even seen this day coming.
"..is officially.."
"Suck it, losers!"
After all those battles won..
"The awesome Prussia is here!"
After all those victorious marches..
His breath caught in his throat.
He knows it's coming.
He can't believe—can't believe it's over.
It's coming.
What could he want to ask...
Why this day'd come?
Why he'd never, ever, even seen it looming on the horizon?
Why he'd only ever noticed the stars behind him?
He'd only...
Looked on.. as he died away!
Yet! He did nothing!
His own laughter...
It hurt him now.
"You—you can't—"
Please don't take this away from me.
...would you do this!?
"Are you crying?"
His head whips around faster than it ever has before.
"Are you crying...?"
His hand moves, on its own, to wipe away a tear he'd never even noticed...
Is he crying?
How can he be..
"No!" he says, a little too loudly. "No way! I'm too awesome for..."
His voice breaks.
She can see him crumbling.
She can hear him falling apart.
He watches the world fall as he feels his knees hit the cold marble floor.
Cold marble floor and blood-red carpet.
Like the blood he had once watched flow out the veins of his enemies' soldiers.
Like the blood he now felt vanish from him.
He's crying.
Why didn't he see it before?
Is he.. only too blind?
"I'm not crying!"
Even though you know that I am.
It makes her happier.
Even in the slightest.
To see that he is still the same.
But she wants to be there for him.
he may not, perhaps..
want her there,
she is there.
For him.
And he is crying.
Not because he is too weak.
Because he never will be!
Even if he is disbanded!
Because his spirit—his victorious, ever-upbeat spirit—continues to live on...
And because Gilbert Beilschmidt is still here! Still fighting! Still living!
And so...
And so even as everything falls apart...
He stands.
Because even if he is now gone...
The great Prussia... Will never die!
Wow, that was pretty fun to write. Surprise PruHun that even the author did not realize was going to be there was very surprising. I wanted to incorporate some of Prussia's more in-character personality traits along with the fact that he's—literally—breaking down. Hence the "I'm not crying!".
I would really love some more ideas. I have gotten into oneshots rather than longer stories, so you will see those more from me. I don't know if I should put them into a collection or just have them loose, so for now, this and all other oneshots will be their own story, and if I see fit I'll put them all together.
So yeah! I hope you guys liked this. And I hope to see you guys soon (update something soon)! Bye guys!
(Oh, and if you liked it, don't forget to drop a review~! even if you didn't like it, I'm always looking for ways to improve.)