~Alright, this one will be a bit darker then my other Cyberchase stories so just be aware of that and don't read it if it makes you too uncomfortable. Also, it's important to understand the backstory of Cyberchase before reading this because that's a central part of the story, basically, Motherboard and created Hacker, who was good for a bit, and as he was good he created Digit. When Hacker turned evil, he took Digit with him but Digit later rejoined Motherboard.~

"Motherboard, we all know that I was the one who created Digit and frankly I don't care that he's afraid of me and wants to stay will you! I will take him back, even if I have to sneak in during the middle of the night and knock him out! That dysfunctional cyber-turkey will be punished for every second that he was against me!

Sincerely, The Hacker"

Motherboard sighed, this wasn't the first time Hacker had sent her a note of that nature, threatening to take Digit away from the life that made him happy. Out of worry, she called Judge Trudy for some legal advice and fortunately with all the crimes Hacker had committed against Cyberspace, and the danger he had put Digit though, Hacker was deemed unfit, so in the eyes of the law, Hacker could not take Digit back; however, Motherboard had no doubt that Hacker would attempt to use illegal means. Only Judge Trudy, and herself new about the messages that had been sent daily for nearly a month; she didn't have the heart to tell Digit because she knew how much he feared Hacker, but today was the day she was going to tell Digit- he had a right to know.

Before long, Digit skateboarded into control central, he was at Radopolis with Slider.

"Digit, how many times have I told you that one of these days you are going to crash into something if you keep skateboarding inside?" Motherboard reminded Digit gently.

"Sorry, Motherboard, I just got so excited over a new trick that Slider shown me." Digit explained.

"That's alright, Digit, however, there is an important matter I would like to discuss with you." Motherboard replied slowly.

"What's up, Motherboard?" Digit asked sitting on a nearby chair to rest from his skateboarding with Slider. Motherboard took a long, deep breath before answering and you could have heard a pin drop in the room in the deep silence.

"Motherboard, is everything okay?" Digit asked. Motherboard shook her head.

"For nearly a month, Hacker has been sending me messages threatening to kidnap you and take you back to the life you had before you came back to live with and I in control central." Motherboard explained, her voice breaking.

"He can't do that Motherboard! Please don't let him take me!" Digit begged Motherboard.

"I promise I will do everything I can to protect you an I talked to Judge Trudy who said that legally, there's nothing Hacker can do to take you back." Motherboard reassured Digit. Just then, walked in and noticed how shaken up Digit looked.

"You informed him about the messages you've been receiving?" Marbles asked.

"Yes, I knew that Digit had a right to know what was going on." Motherboard explained.

"Why... Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Digit asked.

"We were hoping to diffuse the situation before we had to involve you." explained as he moved to hug Digit, to reassure him that everything would turn out alright. Digit accepted the hug but was still crying.

"Marbles, I know you tried to call Hacker to see if there was any way to deter him from his goal, were you successful?" Motherboard asked.

"Alas, Motherboard, I wasn't. It appears that Hacker is becoming increasingly angry by the day. When we last spoke he was-" explained but was cut off by loud banging on the door.

"Let me in, Motherboard! That cyber-turkey belongs to me!" Hacker yelled, there were more bangs on the door. Digit gasped and hid behind .

"Hacker, I order you to leave at once and do not return until you can discuss this matter rationally." Motherboard commanded, trying to keep her voice steady.

"More rationally? I'm not like you're foolish Earth brats who try to outsmart The Hacker. I want Digit and I will take him even if I have to tear you apart circuit by circuit!" Hacker screamed.

" , I need you to take Digit to Earth and to find a place there he can hide. I fear that as long as Hacker is in this mental state, there is no where safe for him." Motherboard whispered.

"What about you?" Digit whispered, pulling away from Marbles.

"I'll be fine, Digit, just remember, no matter what happens, I love you." Motherboard replied.

"I love you to." Digit replied tearfully as Motherboard opened a portal that lead to Earth and an unknown fate for Digit. solemnly guided Digit though the portal, regret visible though his eyes.

~Ok, there will be more. Sorry if Hacker's too OOC, I wanted to portray him as a little crazy.~