I think this chapter's going to be very short, but it should be at least somewhat enjoyable. This is another part of Thor and Steve exploring the modern world and its culture.

Tumblr was a fascinating part of the Internet, Steve realized.

A person, no matter what they were into, could find a loving community of people who were into the exact same thing. Sure, there were haters and people called 'trolls' (Steve vowed never to mention trolls in front of Loki, lest he be inspired), but it was overall a nice place.

He was scrolling through his dashboard, sweaty from the workout that he just did, when Tony walked by and saw him on his computer.

"What's up?" he asked casually.

"I'm on tumblr," Steve replied. "Thanks for telling me about tags, by the way. It makes sorting and searching for things so much easier."

Tony smiled slightly. "Yeah. On a bad day, I just scroll through the 'funny' tag. Cheers me right up. Speaking of, there's a really cool tag you should follow. It's even funnier than 'funny.'"

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"Nsfw. It's hilarious."

Steve smiled up at Tony. "Thanks."

He didn't notice Tony moving considerably faster out of the room as he typed the letters into his search bar.

The first post was cool; a collection of aesthetically pleasing pictures and gifs (he still had no idea how to pronounce it) of random objects.

The next post was a revealing picture, but Steve just averted his eyes and scrolled down. Perhaps it was a mistake. Even this incredible technology could have mistakes sometimes.

The next post made Steve Rodgers, Captain America, survivor of World War II and a year of high school, wanting to erase his memory forever.

Thor found the Internet, especially tumblr, amusing. Computers were different from the technology of Asgard, but eventually he got used to them. Tumblr users had very amusing behavior, caring and theorizing and 'shipping' their favorite characters from their favorite medias. He was particularly fond of mythology posts, for the users of tumblr certainly put an even more interesting spin on stories that were hilariously wrong to begin with.

For the sake of friendliness, Thor followed many of his classmates, including a girl named Tina. Tina often posted links to stories, but Thor never read them.

Tina's newest story, however, had his name in the title.

"What is Thorki? And what does the 'E' mean?" Thor wondered. He clicked on it, wondering if it had any relevance to him.

His scream alerted Loki, who was in the next room. He rushed to his brother's side, dagger at ready.

After seeing that Thor was physically okay, he asked "What is it, brother?"

Thor looked up at Loki, trembling slightly. "Do not read this. I beg of you."

So, of course, Loki snatched the computer out of Thor's hands and read it. It wasn't long before he, too started trembling.

"I have lost all faith in Midgardians."

"Come, brother," Thor rallied. He picked up his hammer. "We can go together, and put this... author out of her misery."

Loki nodded gravely and sheathed his dagger.

Thor shivered. What kind of damaged mind could even think of such a horrible thing?

I of course, mean no offense to the people in the Thorki community. This is just what I think of their work.

The Bob's Burger's reference isn't 100% accurate, but I hope some fans will appreciate it.

BTW, the next chapter of Avenger's High School 2 is coming along really slowly. The next chapter is coming, just not as fast as past updates have been. Sorry guys.