"Brave turn that down-"
"What was that Crow?"
Between the blasting music and Brave's voice competing with said music, Crow wasn't sure where his headache was coming from, but he supposed that didn't really matter. It was simply annoying and it really needed to stop. It was to the point where, oh hell-
He reached over and shut the radio off, earning himself a loud and whiny "Heeeeeey!" from his boyfriend. Crow glared at Brave, before settling back into his leather seat. It didn't really sooth his irritability- Why leather anyway? Oh right, Brave had money. Sending a rather bored glance out the window, he spotted a flock of birds flying in V-formation in the distance. A pretty sight.
... And a pleasant moment until he heard the sound of music blasting again. He let out a low growl and shut the radio off again, let his frown turn into a self-satisfied smirk. Now, Brave wasn't pleased with that. If this was gonna be a game he was about ready to turn this car around and head back to Neo Domino-
But that wasn't how Brave played games. No, if Crow really wanted the music to go, then he'd have to give something in return. While the back and forth of switching the radio on and off continued for a while longer, eventually Brave decided it was time for a "break." He promptly pulled over by the side of the road, putting the car in park mode and sending a rather provocative glance towards his boyfriend.
Of course Crow noticed that look- How couldn't he? It always made him a bit flustered, after all. He shifted his position, returning the smirk despite his cheeks feeling rather warm. Joy. "Alright, why'd we stop?" He asked, though it was more like an invitation, roughly translating to, "Alright, what game are we playing this time?"
Brave unbuckled his seatbelt, before clambering over and placing himself atop Crow's lap, the smirk never leaving his face. "Hm, well I suppose I'd like to make a little deal with you~!" He chuckles softly, before leaning forward his breath tickling against Crow's ear. Said Blackwing duelist shuddered at that sensation.
"And I think you're well aware of my end of the deal is, hm?" He whispers huskily, before nipping at Crow's ear. The low whimper that escaped Crow's lips was certainly a good sign, though not quite a sign of approval... Yet.
Crow, while more than a little impatient at the moment, was more than happy to make this deal with Brave. His response? He moved upwards, nuzzling his face into Brave's neck. Crow could feel the other flinch at the mere touch, so he pushed forward, placing small kisses along the exposed skin. "Heh, I'll accept this bet of yours then~" He smirked, grabbing Brave's shirt and tugging at it gently. "Having fun on the road is always a plus, after all~"
In which silence is golden but sex is far more valuable when it came to this couple.