A/N: Hello little darlings reading this! This is my first story and I'm very excited about it. It's a crossover of Criminal Minds (Pre-Paget quit) and NCIS. The story will mainly focus on Prentiss and Gibbs. Sorry Hotch and Emily fans, but Hotch will be kind of a jerk. (I'm a hotch/emily fan too). Prentiss and Gibbs most likely will NOT become a couple just because I'm the writer and I say so. They'll have more of a Rossi/Emily father/daughter relationship. Emily will also be kind of annoyed with the rest of her team. She'll start bonding with the NCIS team.

Timeline: An imaginary situation pre-doyle. Sort of near Retaliation (episode where Emily's car crashed with the police officer and the killer/abductor) Mid season 5 area

If you haven't read Tigereye77 's A Rose By Any Other Name and Perfect I really suggest you do. It's what inspired me to write this.

This is the link to Rose: s/7041265/1/A-Rose-By-Any-Other-Name-CMNCIS-Crosso ver

Anyway, I wanted to thank you so much for reading this. I love you all. Please submit feedback!

Thank you,

Lisa Characters are not mine.

Emergency Room

"When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you." - Nietzsche

Red and white lights flashed above my head. I could only hear the shouting of a man and smell the faint scent of blood. I tried to move my head up and realized I couldn't. My head was pounding and the world began to become dizzy. That's when it all went black.

In my dreams I was walked alone through the darkness. It was all black and I could see only enough to tell I was in some sort of an alley. It looked a familiar to me and gave me a nervous feeling. My heart raced, pounding faster than it ever had before. I started running. Not sure where to but I ran. Finally I stopped. And when I stopped a street light was shining down on me. I looked up at it. I stared at it for a moment or two, my eyes not affected by the light at all. Then I glanced away. My eyes stung, I put my hands on my head and crouched. That's when it happened. An old, junky, black car, speeding down the road, driven by a middle aged man with bloodshot eyes and grey hair, appeared. His eyes seemed to widen as he drove his car straight into the light pole and me. That was when I woke up from my dream.

My heart pounding, mouth dry, head dizzy, vision blurry, and my head fresh with sweat. I looked around the cream colored room that reeked the smell of paint and sickness. I couldn't stand but I could just barely move my head. All I could hear was the beeping of a machine. I winced when I spotted a needle connected to a tube pumping blood from my arm. I looked again at the room I was in, closer this time. It was blurry, but I could make out a few things. The room was small and in the middle of the room was a bed. I was lying flat on my back on this bed unable to move. On the right side of the bed was a large machine that I guessed the beeping was coming from. On the left, I saw a table with a small, plastic cup of water on it and some medicine. In front of the bed on the other side of the room were three chairs. These chairs were vacant. Next to the chairs was a door, and next to the door was a doctor. He had a stiff face and was concentrating on the stack of papers on his clipboard. He looked concerned. Then he noticed I was awake and staring at him and asked how I was feeling. "What Happened?" I croaked.

The doctor explained what had happened. A truck had hit me while I was crossing the street next to a light pole. The driver was under the influence. It seemed oddly similar to my dream. He said the driver was not hurt and should have probably been home by now if he hadn't been arrested. I asked if he's called my parents. "No", thank god. He did say however that he alerted Hotch. I'd been here lying in this cheap bed for forty-five minutes. It was three doctor left the room.

I laid there, flat on my back for what seemed like hours, wondering what would happen to me. Would I lose my badge? As I closed my eyes to this horrible, dull, cream colored room that smelled of sickness. I fell asleep. Wondering.

A/N: I hope you like it!

Please write reviews, otherwise I won't know if you liked it and I'll just stop.

What will happen next? I'm very open to suggestions!

[Next chapter is the first appearance of Hotch, soon Gibbs/NCIS team]