Chapter 1

Pacey Witter categorically did not believe in love at first sight. It was a completely ridiculous, hollywoodised notion that said more about the workings of the inner human psyche than he cared to admit. But when he walked into his childhood friend, Jack McPhee's, new apartment Pacey wondered whether he'd been mistaken.

Pacey had just moved back to Boston. Five years of medical school and he'd scored a job in Massachusetts General. The added bonuses of a job back home were several. Jack McPhee was one, his best friend growing up and an all round decent guy. Second, he could go see the Red Sox play with relative ease - hell he was going to splurge on a season ticket, and even if he didn't make it to their games he could at least join in the general gaiety and celebration that ensconced the city when they did play. Thirdly, Massachusetts General was an awesome hospital and Boston was an awesome city. On the downside his parents were there. His dad was there, and his always had been a lousy drunk and a lousy father. He'd pointed out only that morning how much it was putting he and Pacey's mom out to have Pacey staying there whilst he apartment hunted.

So, oblivious to the fate that awaited him Pacey hammered on Jacks door and when his friend pulled it open they immediately embraced in a big bear hug.

"Pace man, it is so good to see you," Jack chuckled and Pacey laughed as well taking the beer Jack pressed into his hand.

"You too Jack - great to be back in the same city at last," he grinned.

"You're telling me," Jack grinned broadly.

"But you gotta help me Jackers," he launched in immediately. "Please tell me you've got somewhere for me to move to?" Jack had been trying to find Pacey somewhere to live since Pacey had made the call to tell him he was coming home.

"Actually I do," Jack flopped onto the couch, Pacey flopping down beside him.

"Tell all!" Jack knew better than anyone why Pacey hated it at home. When Jack had come out in sophomore year Pacey had stood by him and barely battered an eyelash. Jack was Jack, his best friend. Pacey's parents had almost immediately started with the disapproval, the pointed jibs and jokes. It drove Pacey crazy and deteriorated his relationship with his parents further. It only served to strengthen his friendship with Jack. It seemed that the thing his parents were most worried about was that Pacey was gay too, which was frankly a ridiculous concern given that Pacey was either gay or not, irregardless of Jacks sexuality. Ironically, it was Doug, Paceys stoic big brother that Jack managed to yank out of the closet, merely by being irresistible and probably one of the nicest guys Pacey had ever known and of course the fact that Doug was in fact gay to begin with.

"The Adlers across the hall are getting a divorce. They handed notice in on the apartment today but they're pretty keen to vacate ASAP!" Jack grinned.

"What's it like?" Pacey couldn't believe his luck. It would be brilliant to live across the hall from Jack. Close enough but his own space. Doug would be around a lot and the suited Pacey nicely. The affection he lacked toward his parents was more than made up for in the affection he had for his siblings. Of course they hadn't always been close, but the five of them spoke regularly and now Pacey was back in Boston they planned to meet weekly for dinner. Doug was a police officer and whilst he sometimes lacked a sense of humour he was solid and utterly loyal to Pacey. Gretchen was savvy and fun.

"It's a two bed instead of a three like this but the second room is small, so the rent is a lot lower - I'm pretty sure you could manage it alone," Jack shrugged. "You interested?"

"Hell yeah," Pacey grinned.

"Thought you might say that," Jack grinned and leaned over the edge of the couch and grabbed a form off the nearby bookshelf. "I spoke to Mr Leeland the building administrator and you're practically a shoein."

"I owe you Jackers," Pacey grinned.

"You'll owe me even more when you meet Jen," Jack bit his lip and hauled himself out of his seat to grab a bag of chips, tossing them to Pacey.

"So tell me about these girls you live with?" Pacey settled back with his beer. "You met them during your training right?"

"Yeah. I met Jen first. We sort of had to recruit Joey, she's a little shyer but totally funny. Jen and I had hit it off immediately but a week in we were grouped together with Jo to practice taking blood. I don't know what set us off but we couldn't be serious, and trust me, Joey takes her training very, very seriously. But she was the one to crack the joke that made us lose it, all the while she's cool as a cucumber. Jen and I actually got sent out of class! But Joey found us and bought us a beer and from then on we were always together!"

"So why am I gonna want Jen and not Joey?" Pacey asked. "And how come we haven't met before now?"

"You haven't met them before now because you've only come home for holidays when they're in their respective homes, ok? Now why will you want Jen? Don't get me wrong, they're both totally awesome, different but both gorgeous. I could never pick one as a better friend because they are both brilliant and appeal to different parts of me. Jen is a fiery blond bombshell, totally your type man. Fun but not shallow. She's witty, smart and gorgeous."

"And the other one? The one with the boy name...Joey?" Pacey chuckled. Jen sounded totally his type, but slightly better than that because these days, being as busy as he was, he tended to go for frivolous rather than witty and wise. He was about ready for something a little more but only with the right person, and if Jack thought Jen might be the right person, well Pacey trusted his judgement.

"Joey yeah, short for Josephine but don't ever let her know I told you because she'll like kill me," Jack shot a nervous glance up the corridor to the bedrooms "she's in her room" he mouthed. ""Jack had lowered his voice and was frowning. "She, well she'll totally call you on your shit but she's not like Jen, not confident in herself, though she should be. She's utterly gorgeous in the tall, brooding way, awesomely clever, funny in a quiet kinda way but well Joey doesn't do guys," Jack tried to explain. Pacey nodded.

"She have a girlfriend?" he asked easily.

"Nah Pace, not like that, doesn't do guys...more she just doesn't date. She's one of the kindest people you could ever meet, but doesn't matter because she's really not your type in the way that Jen is." Again Pacey trusted Jacks judgement. At that moment a key jangled in the lock and the door burst open emitting a small, slight girl with a mass of blond hair.

"Hey Jen," Jack grinned at her as she dropped her bags, flung her keys in a bowl by the door and grabbing Jacks beer sunk into an armchair. Pacey liked her already. "Jen this is my best friend Pacey," Jack introduced.

"Finally we meet," she smiled a him "I feel like I know you... Jacks always, Pacey this, Pacey that."

"Jack and I spent practically our entire time together growing up - all my story's are Jack this, Jack that," Pacey told her easily.

"Are you going to go for the place across the hall?" Jen arched a brow and took another lazy, sexy sip of Jacks beer.

"Yeah, seems perfect, and so near the hospital," Pacey agreed catching a glimpse of Jack out of the corner of his eye. Jack looked inordinately pleased.

"I know, we were so lucky to get this place," Jen agreed as a door down the hall opened. "Joey found it...she was visiting an ex patient at home and as we were looking - it was like kismet."

It was kismet in many ways that Jen murmured the word kismet as Joey appeared in the entrance to the lounge area. She was wearing sweats and a hoody. Her dark brown hair was pulled up into a rough ponytail and she had a half smile on her face. Paceys heart immediately began to pound in his chest, it pounded so hard he thought he may be having an early heart attack and being a doctor he aught to know. He was suddenly so hot he thought he might faint and by fuck, he was rock hard. Totally embarrassing, totally unexpected and what on earth was he supposed to do about it?

"You started beers and nobody called me, huh?" she teased with an adorable lopsided smile and shining eyes. "Hi," she smiled at him and his body melted into a puddle. He was no longer a man, just a mushy puddle on Jacks couch.

"hmmm" he barely managed in return. She gave him a quizzical look with a quirk of her brow that did nothing to stem the rapid rhythm of his heart and then headed for the fridge calling over her shoulder,

"Anyone need another?"

"Me, Jen stole mine, and grab Pacey one he seems to be...disintegrating on the couch," Jack smirked in amusement at Jen as they both watched Pacey watch Joey. "Dont think your gonna get that date," Jack teased Jen under his breath.

"Clearly," she chuckled back, but Pacey was immune to their gossip as he watched Joey.

No, Pacey did not believe in love at first sight, but he didn't know what the hell was happening to him because this was something. He'd desired women before. A lot of women but he'd never felt this instantaneous want before, not just for them physically but for all of them. He felt, as ridiculous as it sounded, utterly confident in the fact that should he be given the opportunity he could make Joey happy, that he could spend his whole like making her happy and that would make him happy. That she would make him happier than anyone else could.

"So who's your friend?" she asked Jack, apparently as unperturbed by his presence as he was perturbed by hers. She rested herself on the arm of Jens chair.

"This is Pacey, Pacey, this is Joey." Jack introduced watching his best friend with amusement. "And I guess I was totally wrong," he alluded to their conversation a little earlier.

"I've heard a lot about you," she gave him a tentative grin.

"hmmmm," he attempted back but he still couldn't seem to get his shit together. One look at her and he was a complete mess.

"ok..." she frowned. "Jen are you still up for heading out tonight? I thought we could walk to Cafe Vanille - I totally owe you dessert after you helped me collect that box of books," Joey ruffled Jens blond curls affectionately and Pacey realised he was in big trouble.

"Cake," he croaked. "I'd, um, yeah, some," he attempted and Jack and Jen practically peed themselves laughing. Joey looked confused and slightly unsettled. Like they might be laughing at her. Jen seemed to realise and launched herself out of the chair and grabbed Joeys hand.

"Yeah let's go," she agreed flinging her empty bottle into the recycling.

"Do you guys want to come?" Joey asked with slightly narrowed eyes.

"S'alright," Jack shrugged as Pacey nodded not really capable of a verbal response.

"Is that a yes or a no," she chuckled looking from one to the other.

"Yeah, um, I owe Jack...the place across the hall," Pacey whacked Jack on the arm rather pointedly.

"Um yeah...and I definitely want cake rather than a nice beer out," Jack rolled his eyes.

"Get a grip man," Jack told Pacey under his breath as they walked behind the girls in the direction of Cafe Vanille. Joey had changed into a pair of boot cut, form fitting jeans and Pacey was hypnotised by the movement of her ass as she walked with Jen.

"I don't know what the hell is wrong with me...she's...god..." Pacey attempted to explain.

"You love her," Jack teased.

"I don't even know her," Pacey looked slightly wild.

"She'll drive you crazy," Jack told him. And she did. She immediately began to drive Pacey crazy in a multitude of ways. She was sweet, she was funny, she was kind, she was clever, she was witty and she was also evasive, difficult, argumentative. They argued at Cafe Vanille. He was trying to be nice and pay, she got haughty taughty about it, acted like she thought he was looking down on them. Man, she had a chip on her shoulders. Not that he'd know where it came from because she'd always avoid answering questions, cleverly diverting conversation back to whomever she was talking to.

Walking back from Cafe Vanille Jack and Jen loitered behind whilst
Pacey and Joey walked in silence. Minor tussle over the bill aside she was every bit as intriguing as he thought she would be.

"So where did you grow up?" he smiled. He couldn't seem to stop smiling.

"Down the coast a little, you?" she bit her lip. "Stupid question, you grew up here with Jack. I'm tired," she explained.

"How come?"

"Long shift yesterday, lots of stuff to get done on my day know, laundry, cleaning, shopping..."

"Oh I have someone come in and do all that," Pacey told her lazily.

"Really?" she gawped at him and he chuckled,

"No not really, only in my dreams. Life would be so much nicer without grocery shopping and cleaning," he fantasised.

"And cooking, god I hate cooking," she smiled at him. He would do anything for those smiles.

"Now there we'll have to disagree. I love to cook..."

"Really?" she interrupted looking impressed. Pacey was secretly pleased as punch at the expression on her face.

"Yeah, it takes the stresses of the day from me. I kind of put all those loose threads, bits of stress away with each vegetable I chop...I don't know, does that make any sense?"

"Total sense," she nodded. "I write poetry," she told him and he practically jerked in surprise, that was totally not what he wanted to hear. There was nothing wrong with writing poetry per say, but the way she said it...well it sounded a little pretentious. Before he could say anything further she elaborated, laughing at the expression on his face, "don't misunderstand. It is terrible, terrible poetry, if you can even call it that. It's more like witty ditty's to vent my stress. They're probably only funny to me, but it's how I work out the left over and running," she wrinkled her nose and Pacey burst out laughing. She wasn't pretentious at all and she ran.

"I do the running too," he nodded.

"So what's your favourite meal to cook?" she asked turning her head to look a him.

"This is going to sound weird but I cook vegetarian. It's crazy because I love meat, but I cook vegetarian. Risotto is my favourite - to eat and cook."

"I love risotto," she gushed.

"Well when I move in I'll cook you dinner," there was no mistaking that it would be a date.

"We can eat risotto together but not as a date," she narrowed her eyes a him.

"Well then, when I move in to my new place we'll eat risotto together," Pacey decided to heed Jacks warning- if the girl didn't date he'd have to work out how to date without dating. "and I'd love to read your witty ditty's!"

"Oh, no one reads those," she laughed out loud, "I'd never hear the end of it."

"And why would that be?"

"Every fantasy I have is in those things..."

"Fantasy?" Paceys voice was lower, huskier but she just rolled her eyes,

"Who I'd happily slap, that kind of fantasy. Occasionally the other type too, but mostly of the venting variety!"

"How disappointing," Pacey teased with a frown and she whacked him on the shoulder with a chuckle.

"I bet your ditty's would be a sordid little read huh," she teased back.

"Oh definitively, more than you could handle I'm sure," he grinned.

"I'm sure," she chuckled and an easy silence fell.

"So what area of the hospital are you based in?" he asked her wondering how lucky he might get.

"I'm a paediatric nurse in the emergency department," she told him. 'Score,' Pacey couldn't help think to himself.

"We'll be working together then. I'll be starting in paediatric emergency next week."

"That's great," she was so genuinely pleased.

"Yeah, I've been wanting to move into the field since I completed my training."

"The team is really great...well Dr Valentine can be really annoying...shit I shouldn't have said that," she covered her mouth with her hands.

"Your secret is safe..." he flirted.

"To be honest, I can be a little annoying too," she shrugged in an easy going manner, "I have very strong opinions."

"But he's the doctor?"

"Yeah," she answered vaguely.

'I am so, so tired,' Joey flopped onto the couch and smiled at Pacey who was sat in the armchair across from her. Jen and Jack were rummaging in the kitchen.

'It would not be an exaggeration to say that I have never met anyone who works as hard as you,' Pacey tried to sound relaxed but his heart was pounding just being in the same room as her. The entire day had been spent as if he'd had an extra shot of adrenalin, the boom of his heart sounding in his ears and that was just at the prospect of seeing her and having to interact with her. Oh he'd been professional, but man it was torture to tear his eyes from her, it was near impossible not to become a gibbering wreck in her presence. And now they were back at her place, and she was in jeans and a hoody and boy did he wish he'd chosen the couch.

'Please,' she rolled her eyes and he practically died at the gesture, 'I don't work harder than anyone else in that hospital.' She shrugged easily.

'You do, and everyone knows it.'

'Says you at the end if your first day!'

'I'm observant - you didn't even stop for lunch,' he would know, he'd been looking.

'That's because I never stop for lunch.'

'Like I said, you work harder than anyone,' Pacey smiled at her in what he hoped was an engaging manner.

"So how was the first day? What do you make of the hospital?" she leaned toward him, her eyes bright.

"Well there was this really gorgeous nurse," he teased and she rolled her eyes again, god but that one gesture was going to drive him literally crazy. "I'm not lying. I asked her out to dinner but she said no, and I know for a fact she was free!"

"If you're going to be annoying I won't ask again," she gave him a death glare but he knew she was kidding.

"Fine, fine. I love the department. It was great to be working where I really want to. The staff are great, you particularly, and not because I think you're gorgeous," he hated himself, officially, but he just couldn't seem to turn off his compliment diarrhea. "You are a truly excellent nurse and that helps me hugely, especially on my first day." This was no exaggeration and Joey knew it and thus seemed to accept the compliment. "It's only a shame Jen and Jack are in a different department," he shrugged.

"That would make Jen and Dr Valentines affair a little less than clandestine," Joey joked loud enough for Jen to hear,

'Ha, ha... it's hardly a secret Jo," she and Jack returned from the kitchen with beers and plates ready for the sushi take out they'd ordered.

"You and Drue?" Pacey stared at Jen with an open mouth, an expression that was dwarfed by Jacks shock.

"What the hell did I miss?" He stared at the blond in utter confusion.

"You knew," Jen swatted him on the back in a dismissive way.

"But you knew I was match making you and Pacey," Jack stuttered.

"Well yeah, I've seen pictures and it's not like Drue and I are more than casual."

"Yet," Joey put in.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Jack was just about choking on his beer.

"Because I figured you knew. It took Joey five minutes to work it out."

"Well now I feel like a dumbass," Jack frowned.

"Not a dumbass," Jen hugged Jack.

"To be fair it only really picked up this week," Joey reassured.

"It's a moot point anyway considering Pacey isn't interested in me."

"He was," Jack defended.

"For thirty seconds," Jen laughed and looked pointedly at Joey.

"Leave me out of this," she grumbled.

"And me," Pacey agreed. He desperately wanted to talk to Joey but felt suddenly awkward with Jen and Jack right there.

"So Pacey have you heard about the place across the hall?" Joey flicked her eyes to gesture in the general direction of the front door.

"Um, yeah the guy Mr Leeland said I got it and can move in two weeks today."

"Ha," Jack interrupted.

"Ha?" Pacey smirked at him.

"I'm out of town and so is your brother."

"Ha to you, I hardly have any stuff."

"You will when your mom clears out the basement," Jack kicked at Pacey's foot and Pacey kicked back.

"I just can't wait to be out of that place. I mean I love them, sort of, but there is a reason we leave home."

"Why don't you stay with one of your sisters? Doug said you guys have sisters?" Joey frowned.

"Gretchen, the logical choice, well she's got a studio. I don't think I could handle Gretchen in that small amount of space. Carrie has got three kids running round. She'd have me, but I need sleep and her youngest gets night terrors."

"And the last one?" Jen smiled at him.

"Anna. I could stay with Anna I guess, but the commute to work would be nearly an hour. I can't do an hour on either end of the day."

"Why don't you stay here?" Jack asked and looked to Jen and Joey who nodded. "You could sleep on the couch."

"Now that's fine, but why don't you stay at Doug's? I mean he's here half the time anyway?" Joey frowned and he reminded himself to focus on the conversation.

"Oh Dougy never let's me stay. Not after my extended stay in high school. Too much teasing about being in the closet. Never mind the fact that he was in fact in the closet, the guy holds a grudge and has never forgiven me for messing with the diva cd collection."

"A crime I'm sure," Joey caught his eye and grinned. He grinned back.

"Of the highest order," he concurred.

"Seriously, stay here," Jack stated and the girls nodded.

"I'll go home and fetch a bag now I'm that on board with that suggestion," Pacey made to stand.

"Wait for dinner," Jack suggested but Pacey shook his head.

"I really would rather get my stuff and not have to stay there tonight?"

"You need a hand?" Joey asked before Jack could. Jack immediately shut his mouth knowing Pacey would rather Joey than him. Pacey gaped like a fish for a second or two. The idea of having Joey to himself versus the idea that Joey might meet his parents. It was a no brainer no matter how his parents made him feel,

"That would be great," he gave her what he hoped was a dazzling smile. His expression was one of total adoration, not that he knew it. Joey jumped off the couch and headed to the door.

"Let's go then otherwise these two will eat all the sushi," she looked at him and he shook himself a little and followed her. He couldn't be sure but he thought he heard Jack and Jen laughing as the door closed behind him.

"Ok I love this van," Joey told him as she sank into his second hand and extremely old VW camper. "I've always wanted to have one of these. I have this fantasy of converting one and travelling across to the west coast, maybe even up north to Canada. I'd have to get a dog though," she grinned and looked into the back.

"I have the same fantasy," Pacey could scarcely contain his glee at how utterly perfect they were for one another, "as you can see the conversion is only part done. There's not a lot of cash going spare when you're in medical training."

"I guess not," Joey smirked as she fingered the new but exceedingly retro curtains.

"My sister Anna made those. Gretchen and Doug chose the fabric and she made them up. She's all kinds of crafty and good with stuff like that," Pacey smiled.

"I have to say I love them. I love everything about this van. Does it run well?" she arched a brow.

"Like a dream. A mate of Doug's fixed it up for me, mates rates."

"So when are you planning this big trip?" she crossed her legs on the seat like a kid.

"I guess my aim is thirty."

"Thirty?" she seemed amused.

"I don't plan on taking this trip alone. I'm hoping I may have a girlfriend and we'd go together, you know before kids and all that. But I need to work a few years, to warrant the time I want off."

"How long do you want off?" she chuckled.

"I'm thinking a year. In fact it would be my honeymoon. Can you imagine? We could pull up at a beach, swim, watch the sun rise, all that," his eyes flashed with enthusiasm.

"We?" she was teasing, he knew she was teasing, but for a split second he put Joey into that fantasy and the result was more than perfect.

"Well now that would be fine by me, but I imagine you who doesn't date might find the jump to honeymoon a little much," he decided to tease back.

"Ha ha," she laughed, "though if that's the honeymoon you want I might be tempted to marry you!"

"Anytime missy,"

"Jack was right - you're a riot," she rolled her eyes.

"And you're a sweetie pie," he spoke with heavy sarcasm though he thought it was true.

"Yeah like sugar," she was equally sarcastic.

"Don't worry, the reputation of your acerbic temper precedes you," he looked at her briefly and she smiled,

"As it should," she nodded as they pulled up in front of his parents modest detached home. "This it?"

"Where I grew up," he nodded as they exited his van and headed up the front porch pushing open the unlocked door. The house was old, the wallpaper peeling a little. Pacey hated the old, worn furniture for the nostalgia it wrought.

"I hope you didn't park your damn van out front," his fathers voice came from the usual chair.

"Only for a few minutes pop. I'm moving in with Jack."

"That damn kid is gonna take both my sons," his father muttered.

"Doug went willingly dad and Jacks my best friend, always has been," Pacey felt exhausted already.

"Don't speak back to me," his father growled.

"Dad...this is a friend of mine, Joey," he gestured to Joey but his dad didn't look away from the tv for a long moment, then hesitantly looked to Joey. "Whatcha doing with this boy?" he asked appraising Joey's pretty face.

"Well sir, we work together."

"At the disease hub," Pacey's dad looked back to the tv.

"I prefer to think of it as a health hub. After all it's where we help people get better."

"Do you now?" Pacey watched as his father looked back at Joey.

"I do. Everyone in that building works really hard to help and heal people, calling it a disease hub doesn't really do it justice. There's all the elderly people, the people with broken limbs, those that need cosmetic surgery, children who have had accidents, people having babies and yes, those with diseases. Maybe an illhealth hub, but more than just diseases!"

Pacey watched his father bark out a laugh and turn back to the tv,

"You can keep this one around. I like her," he dismissed them with a wave of his hand. They headed through to the kitchen where his mom was sat with a book.

"Oh Pacey. I hope you didn't park out the front, did you?" she asked with a weary sigh.

"I did mom..."

"Oh Pacey," she interrupted, "you know how your father hates that van."

"Mom, I'm going to go stay with Jack. It's nearer the hospital and they have space," he lied. "Joey's here to help."

"Hi," his mom gave Joey a dismissive glance, "well don't take long," she looked back at her book. Pacey rolled his eyes and nodded in the direction of the stairs.

"Now don't laugh. This was my room when I was eighteen. Aside from the odd college vacation I haven't been here since then!"

"I'll try not to hold what I see against you," she smirked as they entered the painfully small room, with its small single bed, cluttered walls and shelves full of books. "You liked to read huh?" she crouched down in front of the book case pursuing the titles. "Kurt Vonnegut fan by any chance?"

"The biggest," he smiled. "You read them?"

"No, should I?" she smiled at him over her shoulder.

"Start with Slaughterhouse Five," he instructed plucking the book from the shelf and handing it to her.

"Thanks, but I'm only reading it if I get to use this," she held up an old photo of him wearing a Bruins jersey and holding a hockey stick, "as the bookmark."

He took the picture and looked at his fifteen year old self.

"Jack took that. We went to a game for his birthday, about a month or so before he came out. His dad took us, it was just about the last thing they did together before his dad freaked out. Somehow he managed to get us back to meet a couple of the players. Best day."

"You look adorable," Joey smiled as she tucked the photo inside the book. "I promise to guard the picture with my life," she held the book to her heart and he took a step towards her, making them a little closer than friends would normally be.

"You're adorable," he whispered the words, one if his hands moving to rest on her hip. For a moment they stared at one another but then Joey smiled,

"Pacey, you're going to have to stop all that before it gets uncomfortable."

"Go out to dinner with me and it won't be uncomfortable," he smiled at her charmingly and she squeezed his cheek,

"You might be cute but I'm not interested in dating."

"Fine. Then help me pack," he reached behind her and grabbed a bag from his closet and she laughed. It seemed slightly unfair to him that she could be so damn perfect for him. Hell, they could even banter about wanting to date and not wanting to date.

"What am I packing here?" she took the bag.

"I'll do the big move in two weeks, but there's a pile of notes and stuff on my desk, and I need a couple of ties for some meetings. I guess I better take all the stuff in the top desk drawer. I'll do clothes."

"Deal, but let's be quick. You've never seen Jen eat sushi!"

Pacey had to hand it to Jack - the guy had the worlds comfiest couch. It was long enough to fit his 6"3 frame, wide enough for him to turn on and the cushions were just the right mix of firm and yet comfortable. Unfortunately, despite the comfortable bed he had, he was not falling asleep and yet he couldn't really fathom why. Sure his head was full of the girl he'd met only two days earlier. He hated his entirely irrational response to her. He was borderline pathetic in his utter, incomprehensible response to her. She was attractive, well beautiful if he was honest, and gorgeous and he wanted her. Man, did he want her. But it was more than that. She was funny and sweet and she worked hard, and yes she was feisty. He could immediately see she was insecure, but was unclear about what. He just wanted to magic that all away. Inside was a burning need to make her his and to be hers. It was crazy and totally on the off with his romantic views up until that moment he first laid eyes on her. He was bat shit crazy for her. He sat up and rubbed his eyes and headed to the kitchen for some water wearing just his pj pants and a wife beater.

"Hey," Joey was sat at the table with his battered copy of Slaughterhouse Five and a glass of water.

"I thought everyone went to bed," Pacey yawned and took in her pj pants, and obligatory hoody. She looked scrumptious.

"I tend to go to bed a little later. It takes me a while to fall asleep so I often vacate the bed, read elsewhere and try again," she smiled at him. "Couch not comfy?"

"The couch is awesome," he said honestly. "I just can't seem to fall asleep."

"Try my trick and chat to me for a bit," she pushed out the chair next to her with her foot.

"You enjoying the book?" he arched a brow as he sat down next to her.

"'s good. I'll borrow the others when you're all moved in," she gave him a cheeky little smile.

"I have a ton of books."

"You haven't seen my room," she popped her photo bookmark in.

"You like to read?"

"I nearly majored in English, but decided on nursing as the more practical option."

"You don't see English as practical?"

"Not unless I wanted to be a teacher, professor or god forbid end up in editing," she rolled her eyes and Pacey restrained himself from touching her.

"I'm sure English leads to other jobs," he chuckled.

"None I wanted to do as much as nursing."

"Fair enough."

"I do dream of writing a book one day. I'm pretty sure it's a cliché and everyone feels this way but I'm sure I have a novel in me somewhere!"

"Totally cliché," Pacey teased.

"Watch it," she grumbled swatting his arm.

"You want to go for a run tomorrow morning? I noticed we're both on at 8, so we could run at 6.30?"

"Oh I'm gonna like having you live here," Joey smiled, "Doug warned me not to run alone in the dark and I like Doug so I listened, but if we run together..."

"It's ok!" Pacey grinned.

"Yep. I've tried and tried to get Jen and Jack into running but they just aren't into it. Doug sometimes runs with me when he stays over."

"All Witter's took up running in their teens - I think you may understand why after meeting the folks!"

"They're full of love and affection huh?" she spoke with a soft sarcasm.

"They were once," Pacey thought back to his childhood, "but they seemed to hold us to these unrealistic expectations and we all just kept letting them down. I was a screwup. I know I'm a doctor now but I was nearly failing sophomore year."

"But surely they're proud of you now? I mean doesn't every parent dream of having a doctor in the family?"

"Not the Sheriff! He wanted the boys to be police men and ideally sheriffs of course. Doug pleased him mightily by following in his footsteps, then Doug came out. I wouldn't call dad an out and out homophobe, he campaigned for gay rights, but Doug and Jack and all that was a little to close to home I guess."

"What about your sisters?"

"For Gretchen it was a pregnancy and abortion in college - apparently mom and dad aren't exactly pro-choice, Carrie got the divorce and Anna, well Anna moved in with her boyfriend at 16 and never really came back home. They were ok until we began to challenge them and broke out of the moulds they'd made for us. It doesn't help that dads a drunk."

"That never helps."

"And mom...she just seems defeated. Tired all the time. I've talked to her about depression but she still sees me as the screw up," he shrugged.

"At least you guys are all close," Joey smiled.

"We weren't always, but yeah, we are now." They sat in silence for a few moments.

"I'm going to head to bed, but thanks for the chat," she stood up and surprised him by ruffling his hair on her way past him to the door. His stomach swooped up to his head and down to his toes before settling uneasily back where it was supposed to be. With a sigh he headed back to the couch.

After that night, chatting to Joey in the kitchen at midnight became a regular thing. Aside from a couple of night shifts Pacey would find that he just couldn't fall asleep until he'd checked the kitchen. Inevitably Joey would be there.

"Hey," she kicked out his chair for him a week to the day that he moved in. It had been a whirlwind of a week. He'd sweet talked the shift supervisor and now he and Joey shared nearly every shift. Pacey knew they worked well together and that everyone had noticed how well they worked together and so there was no real problem. He loved working at the hospital almost as much as he was enjoying getting to know Joey. Not loving Joey, getting to know her, he reiterated to himself several million times a day. You can't love someone you don't know. She was fun to work with. Incredibly opinionated and utterly brilliant. She hadn't hesitated to second guess him on an occasion the previous day and she was right. She'd handled it with complete professionalism, took him to one side and disagreed. He'd been less grown up about it, but she'd insisted and she was right. She was everything he could want in a nurse.

It hadn't taken long for the hospital rumour mill to kick start into action and several staff would watch their interactions with interest, especially because they worked so seamlessly together. But their interactions were the problem. She was funny, and she was intriguing. She was always interested in what he had to say and was always easy going and affectionate. But that was it - she clearly wanted to be just friends. Jack told him that gossip had the two of them dating, or at least sleeping together. Pacey was disappointed that neither was true although he was relieved that she seemed as interested in a friendship as he was in a relationship. He could tell she enjoyed his company and he could even tell she thought he was attractive, but it ended there. Friendship and a little flirting.

"How you doing?"

"I finished Slaughterhouse Five..."

"And?" Pacey leaned forward as they began a lengthy analysis of the book. Slipping into his bed later that night he knew in his bones that she was the girl for him. That he would marry her and have children with her in a heartbeat because they would make each other happy. It just seemed almost laughable that she didn't feel the same way.