Okay so I'm starting another story. I know I have other stories I should be working on but I really wanted to write the development of Chase and Kimiko's relationship from the perspective of another character so this story was born. It is entirely from Guan's pov but I'm going to publish anther version of this from Chase and Kimiko's perspective at some point. By the way this is not in the Chronicles universe as I had this idea before it came out. Xiaolin Showdown only.

This was originally supposed to be a one shot but it jut kept getting longer and longer to the point where it was just a bit to big to publish in one chunk. It isn't too terribly long, probably about five chapters or so. I have about half of it written already so I shouldn't take too terribly long to update, at least I hope so.

Anyways, Enjoy!

Chapter 1

Seven years. It had been seven years since Guan had last seen the monks. They had been barely thirteen then, still so young and idealistic. He could honestly say he had missed the young dragons in training. There really had been no need for his presence as there was a lull in the activation of shen gong wu. They simply stopped appearing. It was a common enough occurrence, there was often an alternation between small spans of intense activity, followed by long gaps in which little happened at all. When the Wu slowed down, so did The Conflict and Guan had decided to retire to the mountains for a bit and let the monks develop and train without his interference until the wu once again became restless. Seven years later they decided to resurface, which was why Guan now found himself staring at the familiar gates of the Xiaolin temple and being greeted by Master Fung.

"Welcome Master Guan, so wonderful to see you after so many years." Fung greeted amiably.

"It is nice to see you as well friend, I hope these seven years have been as kind to you as they have been to me." He replied, genuinely pleased to see his colleague after seven years. Fung was one of the few monks who could truly entertain him. While he had nothing but good will and respect to all of the monks of the Xiaolin temple, most of them were just so… boring. Not that he was the definition of spontaneity himself, but after fifteen hundred years one grew tired of making conversation with generations of stern faces repeating the same mantra of the Xiaolin manifesto and abiding by the rules without stepping even a single foot out of line. He either got that or unrestrained awe, where he would immediately be placed on far too high a pedestal for his liking. Fung, with his quiet humor and mischievous eyes, made a rather excellent companion as Guan always felt on equal footing with the man.

"Things have been very well, although more so for the young monks. I must admit it is rather difficult to no longer have them as my students. Being surpassed is an odd feeling indeed."

He had almost forgotten that the monks in training were no longer in training. Just a year ago he had gotten the news that they had graduated to the level of full-fledged dragons. Guan had felt immensely proud at the time and still felt so now, and was extremely curious to see how powerful they had become, as well as how much they had changed in the past seven years. He had trouble thinking of the little thirteen-year-old children from so long ago as fearsome Xiaolin dragons.

He slapped Fung on the shoulder with a wry smile.

"It will pass friend, be proud that you have produced such excellent warriors."

Fung returned the smile. "I'm sure you are eager to see their progress."

They turned to the gates and walked to the interior of the temple.

"Where are the young dragons anyway?" Guan asked as they crossed the courtyard into the receiving room. Fung gestured to one of the cushions around the table and turned to prepare tea. He spoke amongst the clattering of porcelain.

"They are at a showdown." He replied before turning around and setting a steaming teacup before Guan. A thought occurred to him as he watched the elder take the seat across the table, an identical cup clasped in his hands. If the showdowns had started…

"Have they encountered Chase Young yet?" Guan inquired, sipping his tea with relish. Fung really knew how to brew the perfect beverage.

"He has not appeared, although I am sure that will not last long." Fung replied after taking a drink for himself.

"He has not been encountered at all these past seven years?"

"He hasn't been seen since the last wu activated." Guan set his half empty cup down.

"It will be interesting to see how they stack up to him."

"Indeed" Fung replied. They weren't stronger than Chase, Guan knew, not yet at least. He was sure, however, that they would sufficiently be able to keep him at bay in most cases. Chase never seemed to be totally, completely serious when it came to combating the Xiaolin and Guan had honestly never seen him at full power, in a battle where his very life was at stake, would likely never see it.

"Perhaps they will encounter him today, it's about time already." Fung said, snapping him out of his thoughts. Fung shifted his eyes slightly and Guan became slightly curious.

"Indeed, that is very possible." Guan agreed, "We will just have to wait until they return. Regardless of Chase, I am most excited to see them again."

"They have changed greatly." Fung replied, the hint of foreboding in his voice so slight, none but Guan would have caught it. He looked at Fung in confusion.

"Not in any negative way I hope?" He asked, choosing to address the ominous tinge that had peppered Fung's statement. The old monk looked at him with slight surprise at being read so easily, but nonetheless relented.

"I'm sure I'm putting to much into it, it is likely a none issue." Fung replied after a moment of silence, and Guan grew increasingly concerned. Fung averted his eyes from Guan's face and he could detect the slightest trace of embarrassment.

"Any problem you find should be taken seriously, you are not the sort of man to worry yourself over trifling matters." Guan reassured. "Tell me, what troubles you friend." He prompted.

Fung remained uneasy, but nodded in appreciation at the compliment. He sat there for a few minutes, looking down from Guan's reassuring smile into his now empty teacup. He stared at the intricate pattern of tea leaves settled at the base, debating on how to properly phrase the issue that had recently been becoming more and more apparent to him as his students grew.

"It's not a problem, not really, just something I have observed that concerns me." He finally said.

"Well?" Guan prompted. Fung began to look distinctly uncomfortable and he grew more curious.

"Its only one of them, and its of no fault of their own." Fung continued. Guan began toworry.

"Who is it and what is the problem?" He asked, hoping that maybe once he found out he could help solve the issue. Fung went silent again. Guan grew impatient but waited for his friend to finish. After a moment, the man looked up, a wary question in his eyes.

"What…" He began, before exhaling loudly. Guan tilted his head as a reassuring prompt to continue. Fung fingered his teacup nervously.

"What was Chase's element before turning?"


It was such an odd question that it threw Guan off for a moment. What did Chase have to do with this?

"Fire. Why?" He asked with an increasing amount of confusion. That confusion turned to wariness as Fung's face paled slightly, his hands clenching the teacup.

"I see."

"What does Chase have to do with this Fung?" Guan asked with confused trepidation.

"It is Kimiko, she…" Fung was interrupted by the tell tale sweep of displaced air, followed by the sounds of animated chatter. The monks had arrived.

"I think you will understand when you see her." Fung said.

Within a second, the unease that had marred his features was gone, replaced with a kind smile as he turned and walked out the door to greet the warriors in the courtyard. Guan followed him, intent on seeing what exactly the problem was and how exactly it connected to Chase. Did the immortal have some kind of plot going? But then how would Fung have known about it? The questions just kept piling up but Guan knew that just sitting at the table and pondering was not going to give him the answers he needed. The talking grew louder as Fung greeted his former students. Guan rose from his seat and walked out of the room. He strained his eyes against the bright light of the sun shining on the marble courtyard. Once they adjusted he laid his eyes on the scene before him. The dragons' backs were to him as they greeted their former master, a shrunken dojo resting gleefully on Fung's shoulder.

The first one he noticed was Omi, who was now just a bit taller. Not by much of course, Guan thought with amusement. The cowboy hat to Omi's left caught Guan's attention next, where a considerably taller and considerably more muscular Clay stood, messy blond hair peeking out from beneath his hat. Next to him stood Raimundo, his posture proud and tall, with the same tan and the same air of confidence. Kimiko was standing beside Omi. She was taller and her hair was styled differently, let down to her hip in a river of black ink. She was talking to Fung animatedly as her teammates listened to the conversation

Raimundo was the first to notice him, turning his head slightly after growing bored of the conversation, his forest green eyes lighting up as he spotted Guan.

"Master Guan!" All three heads tuned in his direction, but he was blocked from seeing Kimiko's face as three excited bodies ran into his line of sight. Remembering her manners, Kimiko turned back to finish her conversation with her former teacher. That left him with three exuberant boys. No, they were men now.

My they had grown!

All three were quite handsome. Omi had lost his childish appearance, his face neat and angular but containing a boyish charm that likely had many girls gushing. Clay looked like the typical country beau, with a handsome smile and twinkling blue eyes. Raimundo was rather striking with a sharp jaw and soldering green eyes. He looked every inch the playboy he had pretended to be as a child. Guan almost felt sorry for the women of the world, as these young men would remain quite untouchable. At least they better be, Guan thought ominously, thinking of Raimundo in particular. A tap on his left shoulder caught his attention. As Fung was now without a conversation partner it could only be on person. He turned to the dragon of fire, his greeting dying on his lips as he laid his eyes upon her. He inhaled inaudibly.

He knew what the problem was now.

Beautiful wasn't even a word he could use to describe her. A heart shaped face coupled with a softly defined chin and high cheekbones gave her a regal sort of air. In contrast her wide, baby blue eyes were the absolute definition of innocence. He felt as if he were staring into gems, they shimmered so vibrantly. Inky waves of ebony hair cascaded down her back, bone straight, appearing as if one could fall into its blackness. Her body presented a similarly stunning vision, but he refused to elaborate, even mentally, on the basis of propriety.

She was an absolute goddess and an absolute nightmare. If he thought the boys were going to be a bit of an issue, Kimiko was a crisis.

"Master Guan?" Her doe like eyes peered up at him with concern. He realized he had been staring and snapped smile onto his face.

"I'm sorry. I was distracted for a moment." He looked away from her and clapped a hand on Raimundo's shoulder. "Its wonderful to see everyone again. You all have matured quite considerably."

"Ya think so?" The Brazilian boy replied. "I'll admit I've grown into quite a looker myself." He said rather haughtily, puffing his shoulders out. Guan had no time to laugh, as Omi couldn't wait to chime in a response.

"I am uncertain as to you my friend but I do believe I have become quite the handsome goblin." Kimiko gigged and rolled her eyes, the soft melodic quality of her voice demanding his attention to the problem at hand. It killed the laugh that was bubbling up his throat.

"Its devil partner." He barely heard Clay's voice as he dragged his eyes away from the group to look at Fung, whose face was taught with wariness. Guan shifted his eyes towards the tearoom they had just vacated, his friend nodding imperceptibly in response. The monks carried on, oblivious to the communication between their mentors.

"Although I'm sure Master Guan is delighted to meet you again," four heads turned in the direction of the soft but commanding voice of their teacher, "we have many things to discuss." The monks looked slightly disappointed.

"I'm sure Guan would love to join all of us for dinner tonight." He added and all four brightened up considerably.

"Indeed." Gun added. "I am most excited to hear of your progress."

"And we are most excited to tell you, master Guan." Omi said enthusiastically. The monks bid them farewell and disappeared into one of the many doors surrounding the courtyard single file. Before entering however, Kimiko stopped and spun around, her illustrious hair twirling around her shoulder as she did so. Her face was lit up with realization.

"Dojo! My phone!"

The dragon stopped snuggling Fung's shoulder and turned towards the female.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot." Dojo reached his hand into whatever place he manages to keep objects in and produced Kimiko's cellphone, a glistening screen surrounded by pink metal.

"I should get papa to send one for you", Kimiko laughed as she strode towards the reptile, "you've become addicted to playing games during showdowns."

"I got nothing better to do, plus this new tech is awesome!" He handed over the device upon Kimiko's arrival, though he was obviously reluctant to do so.

"Thank you dojo, I'll be sure to get papa to hustle." She patted the dejected dragon on the head before turning towards Guan.

The setting sun cast a halo around her hair, her blue eyes sparkling in the light. She tilted her head a fraction and gave him a sweet smile.

"See you at dinner master Guan." She nodded her head respectively to both him and Fung before turning around and walking gracefully through the door she had recently abandoned, looking to him rather like a gliding angel as she passed.

Both men frowned and Dojo looked between them curiously.

"So… What's with the gloomy faces?"

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