Castiel stepped out of his car and stretched out his aching limbs. He'd been driving for the last 6 hours to get home before the snow storm hit. Glancing up at the sky he saw the clouds building and a few flakes were starting to drift down. Thank god he had the better sense to not stop along the way home.

He hurried through the garage and locked the door behind him, pausing when he heard faint music echoing through the rather quiet house. A small smile lifted his lips as he dropped his bag on the kitchen counter.

Leaning against the wall he felt a warmth stirring in his chest as he gazed down at his beautiful Omega, snuggling their year old baby. Dean was wearing his usual washed out jeans, black shirt and olive-green button up but it didn't seem to bother him from wrapping his arms around the sleeping baby. Alfie cooed in his sleep and nuzzled his little face into Dean's neck, making the man stir just a bit.

A recording of his piano playing was softly coming through the stereo and Castiel couldn't stop staring or smiling at the two. Dean grumlbed something and his eyes slowly opened, blushing a little when his eyes met his mates.

"Hi," he whispered and Castiel stepped over, gently sitting next Dean's hip. One hand played through Alfie's hair while the other rested on his Omega's side.

"Hello Dean...I'm sorry if I woke you," Cas smiled. Dean shook his head, rubbing one of his hands up Cas's arm.

"You didn't...he couldn't sleep so I started playing this...I guess we both passed out," Dean chuckled and Cas leaned down to kiss both of them. Alfie sniffled and Cas slowly peeled him off Dean's chest.

"I wanted to come home earlier...I'm sorry I missed dinner...again," Cas frowned gazing down at their beautiful baby. Alfie had been a miracle for them...with Dean being a male Omega...they had no idea whether or not he'd be able to carry a child...but it happened and they couldn't have been happier. Dean sat up, his hand dropping to Cas's leg.

"Babe don't worry about it...I know you would be here if it wasn't for your damn family," Dean growled and winced when Alfie whimpered, slowly waking up. His deep blue-green eyes peered at Cas and he smiled brightly.

"I just hate being away from you two for so long..." Cas sighed, reveling in the warm touch from his mate. Dean moved closer so that their faces were inches apart, his fingers moving up into Cas's messy hair.

"I know...come on, lets put him to bed," Dean smiled and kissed him, Cas let out a soft sigh and wanted to deepen it but Alfie's little hand pulled on his shirt. He laughed a little and kissed the baby's forehead. He got to his feet and waited for Dean to join him. Together they went up the stairs to put Alfie in his crib. He stared up at his parents for a moment before falling back asleep. Dean took his hand and led him down to their bedroom.

Cas took in a deep breath and felt his whole body relax. Their room was his favorite in the whole was so warm and inviting. Cream colored walls and a huge four-poster bed. Dean stripped down before he crawled up on the bed, smiling over at him, waiting for his Alpha to shuck his clothes.

When Cas didn't move, Dean rolled his eyes and walked back over to him, slowly pushing and pulling off his layers until he was clad in only his black briefs. Cas turned his head to nuzzle into his neck, breathing his mates scent deeply...he was going to go into heat soon and Cas couldn't wait. They planned for their friend Ellen to watch the baby while he and Dean rode it out.

"Mmm, I missed you today," Dean moaned softly, his arms snaking around Cas's middle.

"I missed you you want to have another baby?" Cas asked shyly and bit his lip. Dean's face lit up and he nodded eagerly, his lips latching on to Cas's eagerly. The alpha chuckled, pulling him closer. They managed to crawl up onto the bed, their lips not once breaking apart.