So I wrote this because I just read the comics The Mighty Thor #7-12 and Fear Itself: Thor #7.2 and I needed bromance between Thor and Loki, after Loki helped Thor get back from the Land of the Dead and Thor killed Tanarus. Lots of bromance and fluff and just... X3 So I wrote it and sent it to my sister, and then she convinced me to post it, so here it is!
I hope you enjoy ^.^
And so Thor threw the skull, the prison where all the trolls were bound, and threw it far, far away from Asgardia, where it will stay forever.
Thor turned after chucking the skull and suddenly found Loki bounding over to him, arms outstretched.
And then Thor was kneeling and Loki was wrapping his arms around Thor's neck and tangling his slender fingers in Thor's tangled blond tresses.
"I didn't believe Tanarus was my brother, not for a moment," Loki muttered into Thor's hair, that was oily from lack of washing and smelled of sweat and dirt and lightning and Thor.
Leaning back into Thor's muscular arms that had wrapped around him, Loki put his hands on Thor's broad shoulders, the fabric of the scarlet cape strangely soft beneath his fingers. Looking into those summer-blue eyes, Loki's own green ones wide, he whispered with barely concealed horror, "Everyone else forgot, Thor. Everyone forgot about you, and thought that Tanarus had been here the whole time. Everyone."
Loki's arms wrapped back around Thor's neck, clutching him like a lifeline. "Do you know what that means?" he murmured into Thor's ear; a secret, brother to brother, for only Thor to hear. "It means they don't love you like I love you."
"You helped me get back," Thor realized, remembering hearing Loki's voice, Loki's voice in his mind saying, "Thor... please... hear me. Don't give up."
"I did," Loki said, and his smile was large and joyful and proud as he looked into Thor's face, letting a hand brush against the scratchy stubble of beard on Thor's cheek. "I found Mjolnir for you and everything."
And then Loki's face crumpled and he clenched his eyes shut, letting his head fall against Thor's shoulder as he began to sob. "But oh Thor," he gasped, warm tears slipping down the thunderer's neck, "It was my fault that you died! I orchestrated events so that you would fight the serpent, so that the world wouldn't end, but oh Thor, I condemned you to death! I..."
"Shh," Thor murmured, rubbing comforting circles into Loki's back. "You did what you had to do, Brother. If you hadn't done so, the whole world would have ended, and neither you nor I nor Asgardia would be here today."
Loki sobbed still, soaking Thor in more tears than the thunderer was covered in blood.
Taking Loki's shoulders, Thor pulled away enough to be able to pin that verdant gaze with his own, so that Loki would see that he spoke the truth as he said, "I'm proud of you, Loki. I'm proud of you."
Green eyes widened and Loki's breath hitched violently in his chest, Thor pulling his little brother back against him, just holding him in an soothing embrace.
People were everywhere around them, the Allmothers dealing with Karnilla, everybody celebrating victory, laughing, shouting, crying, trying to figure out what the Hel just happened, looking at Thor and wondering how they could have forgotten about him.
But none of them mattered to the brothers.
"They don't love you like I love you," Loki had said.
And Thor never doubted it.