A/n: Update 17/03/2016 – Some of the chapters in this story has undergone a few tweaks to keep it from being too explicit. Unfortunately, the first chapter and the 'angst' (if it can be called that) don't make much sense to the newer readers, so I have to tweak the first chapter a bit. There are 'stuffs' happening, it's just not explicit.

That said, this fanfic still involves human-Pokémon love, which, in my humble opinion, is NOT bestiality if both parties are able to understand the relationship they are getting into and are able to give consent. For those who are still uncomfortable with the subject, the warning has been given and you may turn back; for those who are okay with it, I hope you enjoy the story.

And yes, Aurumshipping all the way through coz' it's my OTP apparently and there's not enough of it anywhere.

Ash Ketchum feels as if he is going to collapse any moment now, feeling the urge to empty out the Pokéball he has been weighing restlessly in his hands. Oh, how he wishes he can call his trusted Pikachu from the Pokéball – at least he has someone to share his anxiety with – but Pikachu needs to have his rest uninterrupted. Ash still curses himself for the recklessness which ends up with his Pikachu getting hurt, having slipped from a ledge in trying to dodge a Pidgey from pecking him on the head. He has sent Pikachu to the nearest Pokémon Centre as soon as he could; Pikachu is thankfully fine aside from the gash on the hind leg, but now, Ash finds himself irrevocably alone when he needs a companion to ease his worry. The single butterfly in his belly seems to have multiplied itself, filling his inside with phantom, warm flutters of many wings. He is alone in the ruins of Michina's Arceus shrine high at the mountaintop which towers over the peaceful little town. Somehow, the cold breeze fails to chase away the sweats wrung out from his skin, getting only worse as his nervousness doubles through every passing second.

This is it. He has only one more question to ask, one more future answer to ponder over, before he gives the Legendary creature his reply. His answer tonight will change his life – for the better or worse, he is not sure which yet – but at least, it will be the end of a year's worth of uncertainty which he has carefully contemplated in silence. So he continues to wait, watching the sky for the slightest sign of said Pokémon's arrival while trying to control himself from panting with nervousness.

Then, he sees it; the faintest distortion in the very air. Getting up to his feet, Ash stows the Pikachu-occupied ball back into his bag-pack and rushes towards the very end of the extended ledge. The disturbance soon grows into a rippling circle from which Arceus swiftly emerges in a burst of multi-coloured aura. His eyes follow the equine form as it glides silently through the air, heading straight towards where Ash is standing who is waving his hands in welcome. The tip of a golden hoof touches the tiled floor without a sound, followed by another, until Arceus fully lands beside the human.

"Hello, Arceus." The greeting sounds absurdly plain, undeserving of such a Legend if not for the fact that Arceus actually prefers its simplicity; it has been Ash's responsive address of the Alpha Pokémon, also made in nervousness, during their first private meetings.

-And greetings to you too, Ash.

Arceus warmly replies, apparently unaware of the turmoil brewing within the human – or maybe it does, choosing to ignore it instead to avoid worsening his restlessness. He is grateful for it either way and finds himself smiling up at the great Pokémon as much of his agitation evaporates away.

-Sheena's heart called to me, and I have come, Arceus says. Its straightforwardness hints of curiosity on the Legend's part.

Indeed, Ash has turned to the shrine's guardian – whose long ancestry is gifted with the ability to connect their hearts with that of Pokémon – to contact Arceus after worrying himself for many, many months, arguing with himself whether it would be considered rudeness to request its presence. Throughout his acquaintances with Arceus, they gradually develop something that is quite like routine, though it is not predictable enough to be called schedule but not entirely random to be owed to mere chances. For instances, they usually default to this glade in a mini-forest back in Kanto whenever Arceus came to visit him, where they might spend anywhere between a few hours to a whole day and night in each other's company; and that he is normally alerted to the Legend's presence by an object, most often a brooch shaped in the likeness of Arceus' flank-wheel, which would inexplicably appear where he may easily find them (right on his table seems like Arceus' favoured location) and lasts only for so long as Arceus remains on Earth, whereupon its departure would prompt the object's spontaneous disintegration. Thus it serves as an alarm of some sort, a notification that Arceus is waiting for him in the aforementioned glade should he decide to meet it in return, although he is repeatedly assured that whether he would come to it or not is entirely his to decide. So far, Ash has never failed to show up when he notices the object's appearance despite not being bound to do so.

Truth to be told, he is looking forward to the opportunities to meet the Legendary Pokémon, each time with more enthusiasm than the last.

The downsides to this arrangement is that, unfortunately, Ash has no way of getting in touch with Arceus himself. Arceus has not yet able to come up with an effective and convenient solution, so most of the time Ash contents himself to be patient. Arceus' visits are sporadic, but with every separation Arceus always makes the promise of returning; a promise that so far has not been broken, just as Ash will always make haste to meet it whenever he realizes the seemingly innocuous brooch which appears with Arceus' presence.

Not tonight, however. This time, he cannot depend on Arceus making its appearance at its own pace, and so has decided to take matters into his own hands. Now that it is happening, though, the normally bold Ash Ketchum finds himself fidgeting before the Legendary Pokémon. He forces himself to calm down and, in a sudden stroke of courage, says, "I've got something to ask you."

There is no verbal reply to this but Arceus' stance shows its undivided attention to the Trainer. The lack of displeasure emboldens the human. "If I say 'yes'… what then? What will happen to me?"

That is the worry-inducing, million-dollar question that he has been dying to ask. What does it mean to be the mate of the most Legendary of all Pokémon? Arceus' shocking proposal has since filled his mind, pondering, thinking what consequences there will be whether he agrees or otherwise. It is generous for the other to have given him ample time for it – and truthfully, an answer is not expected for many years to come – but Ash does not have the same capacity for patience as Arceus.

-That will be for you to decide.

Ash stares at the other incredulously; that is not the kind of reply he is expecting. However, before he can ask for further explanation, Arceus lowers its equine body to the floor, careful to accommodate the spikes of its golden wheel and settle itself rather deer-like beside Ash. It brings its head around towards the human Trainer until its forehead is mere inches from him, surveying him with a speculative air.

-Your life remains yours to decide, no matter what you will make of me in it. I have not a shadow of right to take that freedom from you… though you may expect my visits from time to time when my Hall of Origin becomes lonely for me, if you say yes.

Well, that does not seem unpleasant at all. He has been wondering himself sick whether he will be undergoing drastic changes in his lifestyles or something. Still…

"So… theoretically, you know, if I agree… how should I return it? I mean, what can I do as your –" The word chokes briefly in his throat as if the power behind it is tangible enough to strangle him. With a cough, he tries again, "You know I'm just a human, Arceus. What can I possibly do as your… mate?"

Apparently, the inquiry amuses the Alpha Pokémon. Its mirth manifests in the slight glow emanating from its golden wheel and the tiny dilation of its red irises.

-You know of it already; simply provide me company… in all sense of that word.

The suggestiveness in its tone is enough to make the human blushes. Ten years ago he may be oblivious to Arceus' implication but right now, it takes all of his willpower not to look away from the Legend's gaze. He still cannot overcome his own shyness at the notion despite physical pleasure being one of the obvious subjects that comes to mind in a discussion about romantic bond between them, should Ash agree to it.

-Of course, it suddenly resumes while Ash is still battling with his embarrassment, -the same holds true vice versa. It will be unfair for my mate to be left unaccompanied when he needs one.

Now that is definitely new. He will never dream of pestering the Original One with his daily undertakings… but the thought of Arceus' presence cheers him a great deal especially that he naturally loves to socialize with Pokémon in general. They remain in a peaceful silence afterwards; Ash has asked all that needs asking and even though he has felt an inclination to a decision long before he climbs this mountain, it still unnerves him a little to voice it out.

"Um… Arceus?"

A gentle rumble comes from said Pokémon as a reply. He holds out a trembling hand and rests it upon the Legend's neck. He finds his strength in the comforting warmth under his palms, prompting him to say, "I… I think I'll accept."

A subtle tremor runs through Arceus' body at the declaration. The golden shimmer surrounding it flickers uncertainly as if reflecting the surprise of its owner. It makes no disapproving sign though, and when the gold recedes back into its body, Ash feels the other subtly pushing back into his touch.

-That comes a little out of the blue.

"I know. I'm surprised myself, actually." Awkwardness makes his voice quaver when he speaks and quickly shuts himself before he embarrasses himself further. He leans against the neck, threading a finger through the soft white fur, glad for the warmth its body gives out and the receptiveness of the contact.

-My mate…

Arceus mumbles but it is less of a call than a subconscious monologue. Perhaps Arceus itself has been unconvinced that Ash will ever agree despite its persuasions, something which Ash finds interesting. The leaning becomes an embrace, his arms coming to wind around the neck as best as they can. A small sound comes from the other, as likely a sigh as the Pokémon can manage at the moment.

-You are certain, Ash? I have the patience to wait if you need more time.

"I've been thinking ever since you told me about this. I'm done with the thinking: I'm accepting." Ash rummages his brain for a point missed, finds it and takes another deep, steadying breath. "Is there something specific? Am I supposed to say something or…?"

-If you mean marriage vow, it is not a necessity. We are already bonded upon mutual agreement.

"… So, I'm really your m-mate now?" His gathers a bunch of fur in his palms; tugs it absent-mindedly, and the deep-chested humming the gesture produces course through his body. Mate rises again and again to the forefront of his mind and steadfastly refuses to give way to other concerns not related to the Pokémon he is hugging.

-Yes, Ash's newest title seems to have its own effect on the Creation Legend, whose eyes begin to gaze into the far distance lost beyond the horizon, -There is still the consummation, of course, but…


…As in, the sex? The fucking (Ash cringes internally; that sounds inappropriately harsh in Arceus' presence and tells himself not to use it again where Arceus is concerned)? Right now?


Said Pokémon stirs, shrugging off the unexpected reverie and finding its way back to the Ketchum, whose neck it nudges gently.

-Ash, you do not know how extremely glad I am… A heavy sigh from above ruffles through his hair and across his skin, making him shiver with the warmth, -…but I must advise caution on your part. Be careful of who you indulge in especially now that you have accepted my proposal.

Arceus sounds so grave that Ash is taken a little off-guard by the drastic change in its tone. He loosens himself from it and returns the Pokémon's unrelenting stare. "Are you saying that –?"

-It is only a precaution – but an important one nonetheless. There are people with vile intention who will not hesitate to use you as a puppet should they know what you are to me. Remember Marcus who betrayed my dear Damos to destroy me.

"Arceus, you're scaring me," Ash cannot help from voicing it out. He is not by nature easily scared, and there have been many times in his life when he is forced to be brave, but having heard the plain warning would have made most people worried. He has had his fair share of adventures that would have killed him if not for his luck and a bit of skills to save him, and a cautioning from the Original One itself should never be taken lightly if one still values his life.

-You have your trusted friends that you can turn to, Arceus whispered, softening at the obvious fear the human is showing. -They will protect you, as will I.

The reassurance stores some of his fled composure. Over the years, he does indeed cultivate a great number of friends of whom he depended upon, both humans and Pokémon alike. He appreciates their supports in times of crisis just as much as he enjoys their companies in more leisurely times. Arceus does not need to announce its promise so – but all the same, its willingness to protect is something massively comforting to hear. Any adversary of the Alpha Legend does not stand much fighting chance when it comes to head-on duelling.

-As for me, I will have to inform the Dragon Trio of our… development. This is too important to exclude them from knowing…

The golden glow returns to encompass the Alpha Pokémon, this time its flickering is more characteristic of humorous expression than surprise and catching the interest of the Pokémon Trainer.


-Nothing. I was just thinking that with or without their knowing, you will be protected otherwise – considering that they have already gone to the extremes of defying me when I was still in rage…

Ash remembers this, of course, as do his other time-travelling friends although the change in the timelines has rendered amnesia for the original history in all other Michina residents. Yet, Arceus still retains the memories of both alternate histories, even the bold/reckless defiance from Palkia, Dialga and Giratina during its Judgment rampage upon said town. The first two have arrived just before Ash and his friends can be obliterated by one of the Judgment's starfalls; along with Giratina not much later, they continue to defend them until Arceus's wrath is pacified by the truth. Arceus does not seem upset at the recollections, even looking strangely content, as it lays its head on the floor and enjoys the gentle petting on its side. It amazes the Trainer how different Arceus seems from the first timeline, whose fury has transformed it into an uncontrollable and vengeful beast, compared to this being who will gladly associate itself with humans and ordinary Pokémon. Granted, it has been a misunderstanding but it is still shocking to see the similar benevolence with which it treated Damos long ago, now extended to him. He runs his fingers through the white fur, made almost silvery from the moonlight, and is still astounded by its silkiness after all these time. Arceus' contented rumble deepens with every pass until, quite suddenly, it gently nuzzles his shoulder in a rather different fashion than its usual touches.

-In a few hours, I will have to return to my dimension. Until then… will you entertain me, Ash?

Its purr holds a strange tone which causes his body to shiver internally, though it is far from being unpleasant. Quite the contrary, in fact, as he finds himself returning Arceus' stroking upon its gold-edged forehead. However, as his confusion dwindles under the Pokémon's comforting nuzzling, Ash suddenly realizes what Arceus is actually hinting in its words. His stroking reflexively halts under the shock while he stares wide-eyed at the Alpha Pokémon, his brain laboriously processing the information.

The extensive pause makes Arceus withdraws itself from the young Trainer. Ash is still too stunned to realize that his hand is no longer in contact with the Pokémon, who gently says, -I will not take it to heart if you are unwilling, Ash. It is understandable.

Ash instantly snaps out of his daze; the quick progress is shocking, yes, but the genuine remorse in Arceus' words is even more so. Perhaps it just seems natural for Arceus to offer some form of intimacy since Ash accepts being its mate, making his recoil all the more regrettable. So he scoots closer to the Alpha Pokémon and reaches for the neck; the muscles underneath his palm feels a lot tenser than what it is willing to let on. Nevertheless, Arceus meekly receives the touches and sighs appreciatively as the persuasive hands unwind the stress from its body.

"Arceus, I…"

- I will ask nothing that you are uncomfortable to –

Subsequent words are instantly lost when Arceus finds itself hugged – or rather, having the Trainer clinging to its neck. There is just something in the Legend's acceptance that makes denial uncomfortable… not to mention that Ash is getting interested himself of what the other has in mind. He has come too far to turn back just yet…

So, taking a deep breath and suppressing his instinctive hesitance for the unknown, Ash says, "Okay."

-… 'Okay'?

"I think I want to try it. Being with you, I mean." Damn it, even saying it is enough to make him sweat. Ash knows how things work between boys and girls but he never have hands-on experience, so to speak, making him desperately wish that he has paid attention to some of Brock's 'advices'. His twelve-plus years of Pokémon Training experiences matters nothing when he is going to be moved on by (frickin'!) Arceus, of all people.

-There is no need to rush things, Ash.

True, but Ash has been forever tackling his problems headlong and this fear seems to him like another unknown that he needs to conquer. Its source may have been different but the fear is still the same – the unknown makes him hesitate, however briefly, be it him walking a shortcut to the next city he has never tried before or trying to convince himself that he is really going to get serious with a Legendary Pokémon. His own interest just solidifies the decision and he tightens his hug, making known to Arceus that he is perfectly willing with it.

"Come on, Arceus. You're not gonna say no now, are you?"

-I am if you are not prepared for it. There is time enough to wait.

"Arceus, now you're just being a tease." Though he does not feel very confident himself, Ash manages to grin at the surprised look from the Legend. Its head drops to his level, its forehead touching the top of Ash's head. He belatedly notices that the red irises are contracting and focusing upon him in contemplation

- … Are you truly certain?

Ash does not need thinking anymore. However, nodding does not quite satisfy the Alpha Pokémon of his perfect willingness, no matter how vigorously he is moving his head. It carefully nuzzles him in search of whatever doubt the human may still have with its metal-forehead. Only when Ash does not flinch from its touch does Arceus withdraws from its inspection.

-Very well. Follow me.

Arceus draws on its inner power and levitates itself, its long legs unfolding from underneath. Ash rarely sees it physically walk, preferring to float around, which surprises him a little to see the Pokémon letting its levitation ceases and bringing its golden hooves down to the floor. Its steps make little sound, if at all, and Ash is forced to jog to keep up with every long stride. He is led along a short way through a massive corridor, only dimly illuminated by moonlight from above, until they reach the end of it where a stone structure nearly as massive as Arceus itself looms before them. Ash knows what it is, having been told by Sheena before; it is the remains of Arceus' throne, built long ago by Damos to welcome Arceus whenever the Legend chose to visit Michina. Years of disuse and neglect have reduced its majesty in Damos' time – it has since lost much of its jewels and delicate carving, its shine of polished stone now dulled. It barely retains its original shape with cracks zigzagging across its surface at some part and having its stone crumbled at another.

Arceus settles itself before the mangled throne, the front legs bending down before the rest of it follows. It beckons Ash to come forward, pointing with a jerk of its head towards a patch of wild-growing grass at the sloping base of the throne. He does as told and instantly recognizes the reasoning behind Arceus' choice as the soft grasses make sitting that much more comfortable than if he is to sit on bare ground.

-I would have preferred my own Hall of Origin for you, Arceus says and sneaks itself under Ash's hand, -but a human's body is not meant to transcend spaces. It will be most… unsettling without Palkia's or Giratina's help. You will be under a lot of pressure as it is for what we are about to do.

"It's fine here," Ash replies. Indeed, the place is secluded from outside chill and the grassy patch cushions his weight comfortably enough. However, it is still intriguing to hear the mention of spatial travel. "But, I've been to Giratina's Distortion World and –"

-The Distortion World is closer to yours than mine and, unnatural as it seems though, it supports your world from collapsing. The closeness does not allow for much dimensional fluxes to be of substantial effect to you, unlike the worlds further from here.

Arceus consistently refuses to entail what kind of danger there is, reasons enough to unsettle the human; he has not the slightest inkling of danger if he has ended up in domains other than Giratina's. His brooding is swiftly interrupted upon feeling the Pokémon's head rubbing against his shoulder, coaxing him to return with gentle petting on the forehead.

-Speak your mind if you are uncomfortable.

The words open up their intimacy as Arceus begins moving its head around the Trainer's body, getting a general feeling of Ash's physiques. Ash brings his arms to wrap around the head as best as he can. The fine white fur tickles wherever his skin is exposed, though his giggles are quickly lost in the gasps elicited by the Pokémon's exploration of his body. It was particularly frustrating that he has no idea how to reciprocate the treatments; their size difference becomes pronounced in the close proximity and even if the problem is eliminated, where exactly he has to touch to cause pleasure?

Arceus continues to nuzzle against him when his hand happens to reach further back to find a point to hold on to; the fingers accidentally tug on the furred protrusion of its ear. Arceus unexpectedly moans at the simple touch, its widening irises telling of its own surprise; Ash is even more astonished to see one of the horizontal lines running upon its face splitting open, for the first time revealing its physical mouth to the Trainer.

"Whoa…" Ash openly gawks at the Pokémon's face, his eyes drawn to the opened maw. For as long as he remembers, Arceus has always spoken telepathically that the human has become used to it by now; the moan is definitely not, its voice taking a certain solidity that seems to ring in his ears. However, its timbre still retains the gender dualities that are present in Arceus' telepathic speech.

-That is – that is very pleasurable…

The jaws hang slack while Arceus speaks those words mentally. Ash does not need the comment or the persuasive nuzzling to return to his stroking, running his fingertips along the pointy lengths. Both ears quiver at the touches and its beautiful moans are back with them. Ash listens to the liberated voice and notices a curious tone akin to Palkia's roars within it, only much softer; perhaps unsurprising, considering the myths…

It is amazing to see the Legend rendered so needy to pleasure, more so that it comes from his own little hands. Arceus seems particularly fond of having the very tips of its ears fondled; the equine body becomes wracked with delightful little shivers when Ash uses his fingers to gently tweak them. The moans become ever louder each time until its voice breaks into a peculiar growl not unlike Dialga's, at which point Arceus quickly withdraws. Arceus is positively panting; wisps of its breath escape the opened mouth. Under the moonlight, its white fur gleams with a sheen of sweat as it shifts itself closer to the Trainer.

-Ash, let me see you…

Ash is still nervous even though knowing that this part is forthcoming the very moment he agrees to proceed. To deny would have seemed like an extraordinary rudeness after its willingness to yield to human-given pleasure. Arceus' dimly glowing eyes plead for it, unabashed and eager, signifying a longing deeper than Ash has ever seen in any living being he has met so far. Who in the world – aside from its old friend Damos, perhaps – has noticed the loneliness hiding behind the impregnable fortress that is its reputation?

The thought is profoundly shocking – and the implication that he, Ash Ketchum, is the one it sought for is like a shot of adrenaline into his systems.

It is impossible to not submit to the request despite Ash's lingering reservation. Ash is about to start on slipping his vest off when a sudden metallic clink from down below freezes him. He watches in horror as the clasp of his belt, which faintly glows with purplish aura, comes undone even though his hands are nowhere near it. Freaky enough as it is, Ash finally lost it as the belt slips off the waist of his pants like a living Ekans. Arceus is quick to notice the human's distress and retracts its power immediately. Silence reigns between them while his intended shout dissipates into little gasps residual of his panic. Arceus refrains from touching until Ash himself initiates contact with his fingers in search of living warmth to steady his wildly hammering heart.

"I-I'm fine. I was just… Never mind, I'm alright." He does not sound wholly convincing with the stammering. When it comes to being with your lover, Ash is instinctively expecting something a little more down-to-Earth. Psychic powers are not uncommon in his life as a Pokémon Trainer but this… his human self has expected something more physical when it comes to being unclothed. The remote undressing, being bereft of his partner's solid touch, is just straight-out unnatural.


The uncertainty is peculiarly painful to hear. Arceus' tentative nosing speaks of desire to understand and to soothe… which just make it worse to the Trainer. He cannot blame the Pokémon for not knowing; its telekinetic power is as much part of itself as the Plates it bears. So far, Arceus itself has gone to unbelievable lengths to accommodate his limitations. It is Ash's fault for not being prepared – not adapting himself to Arceus' means of physical handling – when it is the least he can do for his part.

"I'm fine," Ash repeats, more strongly this time. He cannot bear to see and feel the Legend lingering in unease for his stupid mistake.

-…You prefer more bodily contacts, Arceus whispers; a conclusion that comes out more questioning rather than a statement. The eyes brighten hopefully as Arceus brings itself to face the human and says, -Will you be fine with kissing? I wish for it...

Arceus successfully earns itself a disbelieving stare from its young companion with the request. Sure, Ash has kissed and be kissed himself before – one may have even come from another Legendary Pokémon – but from Arceus, it is on a wholly different level. He feels no repulsion though, and when he places a hand on its cheek, Ash welcomes the rippling sensations in the pit of his stomach. Arceus follows the pulling gesture felt on its face and bends down, carefully nearing itself to a reachable distance. Its closed mouth is indistinguishable from the other decorative lines on its countenance so Ash, guided by his memories, places his mouth on the sloping curve instead.

Arceus gives a low, helpless grunt and pushes back uncertainly. Arceus is already being careful with its strength but even then, Ash is knocked nearly out of balance though his quick grasp to the lower jaw saves him from tumbling. Ash returns to the interrupted kiss despite the concerned rumble from his larger partner until it relents to his insistence. The feel of parting surface under his lips makes him pull back, just in time to see Arceus' mouth opening and catching a glimpse of a pair of fangs behind the lipless maw. Arceus means no harm, of course; regardless, an instinctive fear kicks in at the sight of it which looks sharp enough to puncture flesh easily. However, his alarm is quickly overwhelmed by the astonishment in seeing the tip of a pale red tongue slipping out to briefly swipe him on the lips.

Ash is unsure how to react the first time it happens while Arceus immediately backs down to judge his response. It feels weird, yes, but it is not at all like having a Furfrou or a Herdier licking at him; the affection it pours into the gesture is as much a kiss as Arceus can manage with its physiques. Ash is only half-conscious of the silly smile he is making – an encouragement enough for Arceus to give him a second licking, this time on his cheek. Arceus is definitely enjoying it; it finds more and more skin to touch until Ash's body succumbs to the gentle slides of the tongue. The vest is quickly taken off as soon as Arceus ventures to the base of his neck, his hands working subconsciously to strip himself of his sweat-drenched shirt.

"Ar…ceus…" He gasped faintly as the Pokémon eagerly lavishes its attention to the bared torso. A soft rumbling answers him but never once does it pause. It is an urge that Ash himself can connect with as he desires to feel more and more of his companion before him, not wanting it to stop for even a second. Even his loose-fitting pants feel constrictive especially when the exciting heat circulating in his veins begin to concentrate in his nether region.

-Ash, Arceus rumbles in-between the eager licks; Ash finds his breath as desperately as a drowning man manages to finally swim up to the surface. It takes him a few moments to find himself back to the present, and that Arceus has its eyes fixed upon him intently.

-I feel your body is straining to endure it, Ash. I cannot risk you hurting.

"No, please… I can –"

-Do not fret. There are other times for more… Arceus' tongue on his lips silence his protest, but it ends all too abruptly before he can plunge back into the drowning pleasure. -For now, let me see you, Ash. All of you.

Arceus no longer sounds as collected as it normally does; its lustful quavers punctuate its speech, echoing with the same desire as those brewing in the Trainer. The request invokes in Ash the reflexive embarrassment at the thought of nudity, especially before someone like Arceus, but there is no way is he going to refuse it even if he wants to, not when they are already halfway through to the culmination. Words fail him in the haze of pleasure but his fumbling with his already beltless pants is enough of an answer for Arceus, who swoops in to help with the undressing. Its teeth clamp on the very edge of the leg of his pants and tug it down, inch by inch, until it comes off him completely and tossed unceremoniously to the side. His boxer shorts are the next to go, joining the rest of his clothing.

Now that he is completely undressed, his embarrassment only grows under Arceus' curious stare. His hands clench and unclench restlessly at his sides while he struggles with the urge to cover himself. Arceus may not have the same notion of appreciable traits in humans but it still intrigues him what the Original One finds worthy of attention on him; he is just an average-looking young man from an average town, growing up with his companion Pokémon like hundreds of thousands other teenagers in the world.

"Hey, um…" Ash does not really know how to begin. Arceus has comforted him on many occasions that there are ways to bridge their difference but between a human male and an ambiguously-gendered Pokémon, he cannot see how things will work out for them. "… Arceus, I don't know how to –"

-This night is yours, dearest Ash. Leave it to me.

Arceus gently pushes him back by his chest until his back lies against the vine-covered wall behind him. Ash cannot muster any objection to it; the Pokémon insists upon his idleness, to simply lay there and feel the pleasure… which is really all he can do as Arceus trails its tongue on his torso. He moans steadily louder while Arceus works its way downwards, tracing the faint impressions of muscles as it goes until it pauses just above his navel. It pulls back a scant inch to take a look at the naked prize between his legs. Lust and embarrassment collide under Arceus' watching eyes, but neither can take hold on his mind when Arceus' jaws gape open above his crotch.

For a split second, the memories of his brief glimpse of fangs have the Trainer expecting for the worst, yet the pain never comes. What Ash is feeling instead is warmth and wetness, incredible pleasure with which he has no experience before and no idea how to react to but to moan and cry with every wave of motion…

Ash remembers very little details of what happens afterwards; remembering only his shouts which he cries out to the sky –

Fleeting sensations with lasting pleasure, and there is so much of it and so intense until he has no idea of his present, his world narrowing down to himself and the Pokémon before him –

His nails ache but the discomfort is a distant thing; his hands continue to scrabble into the dirt, trying desperately to find a handhold to the reality –

Impressions of great pain-pleasure that is heat and heaviness, growing in his lower body and seeking for means to relieve itself –

His own desperate cries for the Alpha Legend, broken and strained, pleading and afraid and wanting

Arceus looks back into his barely-opened eyes; its mouth obscured by his thrashing legs but the voice comes forth unimpeded, pride and passion lacing through the words, -Just let go, Ash. Do not hold yourself back.

And then, complete, total, all-encompassing whiteness, and Ash remembers nothing more of the night.

Only after his body stops shaking does Arceus very gently slide itself away from the limp Trainer, a contented sigh escaping through its jaws despite the drenched state it finds itself in at the moment. Seeing the human slumped lifelessly against the stone wall behind him, eyes closed and limbs slack at his sides, little pinpricks of fear blossom in Arceus' chest until it senses the presence of living Aura about him if a little sluggish and that his flesh does not bear fresh marks of wounds or bruises.

Ah, Arceus heaves a relieved breath, though in place of it a new guilt starts to coil tightly in its chest. I have misjudged the potency of it…

Arceus reels in its excited Aura back to itself, taking with it a minute sliver of Ash's brilliantly deep-blue essence and imparts in the Trainer a tiny piece of its own gold Aura. Not much of a bond admittedly but better than nothing until both of them are comfortable to take it to its ultimate conclusion without damaging its mate. Until then, Arceus has the sleeping, covered-in-sweat human to care for before his nakedness brings about a more human illness it can have easily prevented, what with the night chill hanging in the air around them. A fraction of its innate power is unleashed to encapsulate the Trainer in a fragile-looking sphere and carries him down to the floor, where he is deposited beside the Alpha Pokémon. Ash is manoeuvred to tuck himself closer against the warm body with little nudges, in the crook of its body just in front of its hind limbs. Here, Ash will be hard-pressed to feel all but the strongest gust with Arceus keeping itself close to him unless an enraged Articuno happens to be randomly around to whip up a polar-cold wind stream.

-Sweet dreams, my dear Ash, Arceus hums into his ears, gently brushing back the frays of hair sticking to his forehead.

It brings its tail forward to curl around the human, just to make sure that Ash stays as comfortable and as warm as possible. The gentle snores are somehow more soothing than any music that Arceus has ever heard whilst it entertains itself with little strokes to the messy-haired head. The thought of returning to the Hall of Origin, for all the light and warmth it is blessed with, becomes greyer the longer it stares at the sleeping human; a twistedly funny thought for Arceus has strived to keep its company to itself all these while only to find that the wall has long been breached behind its back.

Arceus dims its eyes whereupon memories take over in the absence of worldly sight. In its mind's eye, far above a half-wrecked Machina it hovered while a host of Judgment-strike trails were frozen into a cage of light around it – to the Legend only a breath away from utter destruction if not for one simple human.

Who… are you? It hears its own voice asked, simultaneously demanding, curious and confused as memories at once alien and familiar, ancient and recent, came flooding into its mind, and from the myriad inflow of sounds and images, one voice stood out:

"Uh, I-I'm Ash," said the boy in its mind, younger-looking than the one who now sleeps beside it and with a speck of Arceus' essence in his soul, "and this is my partner, Pikachu."

Its eyes brighten back to the current time and place and to the sight of the human who had once dared to challenge its wrath – and lives to steal its heart.

-… Funny how that turns out eventually, Arceus murmurs into the unresponsive silence around it. How ironic that its near-demise instigated upon it by a human would eventually bring its path to cross with its young would-be human mate…

A sound almost imperceptible to normal hearing makes Arceus looks up. The flutters of wings that meet its gaze are mesmerizing against the star-spangled sky visible through a crack in the shrine's roof. A rainbow of colours come flitting through the fault, trailed by golden sparkles whose brilliance seems intends to outshine the glow of the moon and the stars. When it finally settles down on a broken arch not far from the Alpha Legend, the glow steadies itself to reveal a heavenly beautiful bird-Legend with wings which reflects the moonlight into magnificent prismatic hues.

-I do not expect to see you here, Ho-Oh.

Arceus remarks the rainbow bird. Its red eyes are entirely focused on Ho-Oh, curious – and slightly annoyed, though Arceus maintains an image of indifference – of its unanticipated coming. However, its displeasure is still conceivable to the emphatic Magical Creature; Arceus' Aura is too powerful to be concealed from Ho-Oh even if its outward appearance hints of nothing in particular.

-Pardon me, Arceus, it says in a strangely lilting voice, suffusing words with Psychic energy to soothe the Original One. -I have sensed an unexpected vibration of energy coming from this mountain. I have come to see what is happening… it hasn't occurred to me that the energy is emanating from you.

The Psychic influence, subtle though it is, does not go unnoticed; nevertheless, Arceus allows the power to calm its irritation after realizing that Ho-Oh does not come voluntarily with the intention to disturb. In a much gentler tone, Arceus replies, -I did not plan on leaving my hall either, but my presence is requested here.

A sudden breeze steals into the ruins, not cold enough to merit any worry but Arceus reflexively draws its tail to curl tighter around the human who is still blissfully sleeping. The slight movement draws the bird's sight towards it; Ash Ketchum is just slightly visible behind the confines of Arceus' tail but Ho-Oh nevertheless sees the Trainer. The golden crest of feathers on its head bristles slightly with curiousity, making no concealment of its observation.

-…and you've answered the boy's summon, Arceus?

-There is no reason not to.

Arceus gives its answer confidently. Ho-Oh is silent for a few seconds, the feather-crest rising and falling in contemplation as its gaze continues to linger upon the human. Ho-Oh rustles its wings a few times and whispers in wonder, -So, you have really Chosen…?

-I have.

The sternness in Arceus' voice is undeniable; its head is held high and proud, signifying confidence and, more subtly, of challenge should Ho-Oh decide to criticize the unconventional choice. However, the rainbow bird has the least notion of it upon realizing what must have transpired between the two.

-I shouldn't have been surprised that of all Magical Creatures and people… you settle for Ash Ketchum.

That the Trainer's name coming from Ho-Oh is only perplexing for a few seconds before Arceus' memory brings out to it the explanation. Ash has recounted to the Alpha Legend of his journeys before, including the scarce but exquisite glimpses of a Legendary bird with feathers the colours of the rainbow in the sky, the sights of which always renewed his weakened spirit.

-Ash has mentioned you to me. You saved his life on his very first day as a Trainer.

-His soul will be a waste to let go. There are not many so pure of heart nowadays… It rustles it wings together, sending up brief sparks like the leaping of ambers in a merrily crackling flame. -Though I admit, I would not have expected that it will be enough to fulfil even you, Arceus.

Arceus pauses at the last statement, parsing through the other's tone but finding only wonder rather than the initially-suspected riposte. Perhaps Ho-Oh's disbelief merits justification because few enough humans nowadays attract Legendary Creatures – and even less of Arceus' kind is disposed to association with others and so the Alpha is willing to let the matters pass. Furthermore, as long as it does not detrimentally affect Ash, Arceus is not bound to give explanation on its choice.

It is clear that there is nothing of serious concern which needs handling here in the shrine by now. Ho-Oh lifts its head to the heaven as if listening to a voice that Arceus cannot hear and spreads its wings wide, casting off the moonlight into colourful display upon the shrine's floor. Ho-Oh's life belongs to the sky just as the wide ocean is Lugia's home and the heaven begins to call longingly for its presence. It is ready to leave now but one last look at the still-sleeping human invokes in Ho-Oh to say to the Original One, -Keep him safe and well, Arceus. You do not meet a human the likes of him every age. I sense that his heart will prove precious to you one day.

So saying, Ho-Oh cast itself into the air with a little hop; the multi-coloured wings take it higher and higher, soaring through the gap in the roof from whence it came and leaving behind a stream of many-coloured lights which sparkles dazzlingly. Ho-Oh itself disappears into the night sky, its rainbow trail disappearing into the lazily drifting clouds high above; the sound of its wing flaps is soon drowned in the gentle breeze that blows over the mountain, once again leaving the silence for Arceus alone to enjoy.

Arceus gives the human a little nudge; Ash does not wake up, only shifting slightly in his sleep so that he faces the direction where he has been nuzzled. His snores continue uninterrupted to mingle with Arceus' own breaths. The words from Ho-Oh echo in Arceus' mind while it looks on affectionately at its newly-acquired mate. Arceus will mourn for the time when it will have to return to its home dimension but for now, the Creation Legend is feeling perfectly content as it lays its head beside the human and whispers softly:

-You are already precious to me, Ash.