A/N: the fangirl 2013- Don't worry, Sherlock isn't getting punched again. (It does get mentioned, but that's it.) Potterhorse-Spirit- Thanks. I try to make Sherlock cute and awkward in this.

So…*sheds tear* this is the final chapter! Thank you to all my readers, followers, favoriters, and reviewers. You guys inspired me to write this as much as my muse and all those plot bunnies. So…here you guys go…*sniff* the ending.


I had stopped drawing pretty fast, because it got boring. So I started poking My with the pencils. It was really funny when his face would scrunch up when he would look at me, and I just laughed and poked him again when he kept drawing. Or was he writing now? I couldn't tell. John started walking over to us and My's eyes got bigger for a second. Then he punched me so hard I fell out of my chair. What was that for? It really, really hurt when he did that. I felt like I was going to cry. "My…?" I looked up at him. He had his head in his hands. He looked really mad. I was definitely going to cry. Before I could, though, Greg helped me up and led me to a different room. This one had a bed in it, instead of a table. He led me over to the bed. "Why is My mad at me?"

"I'm not sure, Sherlock. You were poking him a lot with pencils, maybe he just had enough?" He wasn't telling me what he thought. "You're lying. Your eyes say you are." I didn't really know how I knew that, and I didn't care. He sighed. "John told me you were having nightmares, Sherlock. He didn't say what they were about, but he was going to talk to you about them. I think Mycroft's in them, right?" When I nodded, he kept talking. "Well, your nightmare is about the last case you were working on before you lost your memory. Mycroft wanted it to be kept a secret, so he took you away when you started to remember. Now he's in trouble for kidnapping you, and for hiring Moriarty to kill those people."

"My hired Jim to hire someone else," I corrected. He needed to get it right.

"…Yeah, that's what I said."

"No, you said Jim killed the people. Jim made someone else do it. He didn't do it himself." Get it right, stop being so stupid!

"…Okay…Whatever you say, Sherlock."

"No! Stop being an idiot and get it right! It matters!"

He smiled. "Yeah, I know, I know. It matters. I'll put it that way in the report."

"Say it the right way too. What's the point if you write it right but don't say it right?"

"…Okay, what?"

He is kidding, right? "It defeats the whole purpose! Honestly, Lestrade, your being stupider than Anderson!" And with that established, I turned and faced the other way, giving him the cold shoulder. He just stood there a moment, and then asked, "So, you remember Anderson?"

"Hard to forget someone so stupid." He just laughed and left. What was so funny? It was true. In a little bit, someone came and stood in the doorway, I turned around and John was there, smiling like he was just told a really funny secret. "I didn't think I'd hear you insult Anderson again. I didn't think I'd hear you insult Greg, either, but I really didn't think Anderson would get insulted by you for a long time."

"Why? He's an idiot, John. It's just a fact."

He smiled even bigger. "So, you're letting yourself remember everything again?"


He laughed. "It will be good to have you completely back, Sherlock."

I gave him a small smile. "Give me a few hours in the Mind Palace, and I think we'll be all set. Nothing like a big shock to the system to get everything back in place. Although, I don't think Mycroft will go to jail anytime soon for what he did."

"You want to bet? Sherlock, we have your statements when you're in your right head, now. You're not going to have to worry about Mycroft or Moriarty for a while."

"I'll give them a week." And with that, I went into my Mind Palace, finally ready to sort everything out.

And it's about time, too.

I couldn't agree more with myself.


I watched the entire conversation with Greg and Sherlock from the security cameras. Something in Sherlock's eyes changed as they went through their conversation. By the time it was over, Sherlock was insulting Anderson, which I took as a promising sign he was willing to remember his old life. Greg came to me laughing, and by the way Anderson was scowling in the hallway, I knew he knew what had been said. I went over to the room Sherlock was in, still sulking in perfect Sherlock form. He looked over at me. "I didn't think I'd hear you insult Anderson again. I didn't think I'd hear you insult Greg, either, but I really didn't think Anderson would get insulted by you for a long time."

"Why? He's an idiot, John. It's just a fact."

I smiled even bigger when I thought that Anderson must have heard that since the door was open. "So, you're letting yourself remember everything again?"


I laughed at that. He was actually coming back! "It will be good to have you completely back, Sherlock."

He smiled, probably because I was actually working with him instead of against him. "Give me a few hours in the Mind Palace, and I think we'll be all set. Nothing like a big shock to the system to get everything back in place. Although, I don't think Mycroft will go to jail anytime soon for what he did."

"You want to bet? Sherlock, we have your statements when you're in your right head, now. You're not going to have to worry about Mycroft or Moriarty for a while."

"I'll give them a week." I just smiled as he put his hands to his lips in that position he gets in when he needs to think. I left and went to get everything set up for Mycroft and Moriarty. A week? Sherlock's setting his expectations a little too high.


The case was pretty straight forward from there. The hit man was caught as well as my brother and Moriarty, and all three men went to jail. Mycroft paid his way out and Moriarty escaped, of course, but at least it took them 11 days.

"Sherlock? Sherlock, we've got another case." John pulled me out of my memories. "Three bombs go off, all over London at exactly the same time. Are you up for it?"

I smile. "Of course. Just give me a moment." I quickly do something in my Mind Palace, then catch a cab with John to one of the crime scenes. "So, what did you just do back there?"

"I went into my Mind Palace, obviously."

"Yeah, I know that, but what did you do in there?" I gave him a huge grin as the cab pulled up to the scene.

"I left a key under the doormat, just in case." And with that, I stepped out of the cab, John closely following, both of us sharing a barely audible laugh.
