My first fan fiction! And yeah,this is a Marcelee fanfiction! I am a huge fan of Marcelee! Well,the first chapter won't be very good I guess. But read it please! Note:Maybe I am not very good at English grammer.

At The Tree fort..

Finn's P.O.V

I was playing BMO with Jake Copy Castle."Woo hooo! I won again!" I said cheerfully "Dude,this is the fourth time man!" Jake frowned and crossed his arms. I wrapped my arms around him "C'mon Jake, no one wins all the time, dude!" I said and gave him a smile and he smiled back. We stayed silent looking at each other, until BMO's voice broke the silence "Who wants to play more games?"

"No, thanks BMO, hey I am going to make some bacon pancakes then I will head to my bed, want some bacon pancakes with me, Finn?" Jake asked heading to the kitchen.

"Omg, no way dude! I got enough from bacon pancakes! And I am not hungry anyway!" I said clutching my stomach.

Then Jake and BMO laughed. "Hey! What are you two laughing about? I am no kidding!" I said and blushed a little.

"Nothing dude, you are just funny when you don't want to eat pancakes!" Jake said and started making some bacon pancakes.


I headed to our bedroom and I wore my pajamas, Jake was already in bed sleeping and snoring. "Pfft, such a lazy dog..!" I smiled. I was just sleeping when our phone rang. I growled. "Hello?", "Hi Finn!" It was PB!(Princess Bubblegum) I was surprised that she called at that time, it was midnight already "PB? Why are calling now? I though you were sleeping already!". She sighs "No I wasn't. I need you and Jake's help in something. Now." She said the last word firmly.

I raised an eyebrow. "Um, ok Princess, me and Jake are coming right now" She sighs, she seemed relaxed "Oh thanks Finn. I appreciate your help. And sorry if I waked you up, 'cause you sound tired!" she said.

"It's ok Princess, the real problem is Jake, he hates when somebody wakes him up" I giggled.

"Oh ok, he he. So bye for now Finn." She says and hang up. I sighed and looked back at Jack. I walked to him and throw him from his bed. "HEY!" He said angrily "Wake up, lazy dog!" I said while laughing.

"What's up,man?" He said while rupping his forehead. "Princess Bubblegum wants us Now" I said while wearing my normal outfit. "Now?" He said. "Yup. Now" I grapped my backpack. "C'mon!" I said and hopped over Jake and he ran to the Candy Kingdom.

We are coming Princess Bubblgum! I though to myself and started thinking about what PB wanted…

So guys? What do you think about it? I know it doesn't have romance or Marcelee. But it will come in the next chapters! Please review! And I don't want bad reviews. Just advices and good reviews. Love you guys! :D