Legendary Insanity

A/N: Sorry for not updating for so long!! I was being a very bad lazy cat. ^___^ Or Espeon, anyway. Oh well. Let's see...TCL and PyroVulpix are the next ones to be included...I'm having a headache trying to keep track of all of 'em. -_- Okay, so, in order of appearance, we have Pinkdragonflame, Sal, KuroMew, Lccorp2, Flower Powerer, DClick, seadragon1012, Light Sneasel, Fire Fox, Miss Misty USA, Corrector9Yui, TCL, and PyroVulpix. That's 13 authors!! And Saffire (Tsunami Shadow), since I simply HAD to include her =D. Sigh. Lotsa authors, don't ya think? ^^;;;

Disclaimer: Blorp blip blonk blurk blark. Blirp blop blup blap blarp.

Suicune: Uhh, I don't think they understand that ^^;;

Me: Blorp blarp?

Suicune: If they don't understand, they'll have the right to sue you.

Me: Blo, blight. -_-;; Ok, fine, so I don't own Pokemon. ;_; At least I have $100 saved up for the aforementioned GBA and Ru/Sa cartridge. Yes, I know, very slow. -_-

Suicune: *snigger*

Me: Yes? T_T

Suicune: ^^;;;;;;; No-Nothing.

Me: Thought s- *is hit by the evil author-seeking killer tennis ball and faints*

Suicune: Bwahahaha. *runs off* Now, where to go?


Chapter 4: The Chase goes on...In More Ways than One!!


{{ The authors are still running after the dogs, but Fire Fox and PyroVulpix have ended up in a fight about who is the real fire fox. (Fire Fox: Sorry that you kept saying the same thing, but I didn't know what else to put. ^^;; You'll have somewhat more lines in this. ^^) }}

PyroVulpix: I have a redder and shinier coat than you!! So there!! PLUS, I'm the original fire fox around here!! And I'm better!!

Fire Fox: Wanna bet?

{Sparks fly...Nyahahaha...^^;;;}

PyroVulpix: I'm not scared!! Bring it on!! *fire blazes in eyes*

Fire Fox: *fire blazes in eyes as well* Why not?

{And so, they have many competitions and such to find out who is better. Meanwhile, let's switch over to the dogs and their pursuers.}

KuroMew: Huff...They sure can run fast don't they...*pantpant*

Me: *floats along* They've had a lot of practice, no?

DClick: I'll say. Can't you teleport us or something, Dawn?

Me: I COULD, but I would faint afterwards and therefore not be able to type this fic.

DClick: Oh.

seadragon1012: I could help ^^ I can shapeshift into any Pokemon, ya know.

Me: But it's hard work, and besides, I wouldn't have anything to write if you did.

seadragon1012: T_T Aah...But can't we have a break now?

Me: *closes eyes and concentrates* Okay...the doggies aren't very far. They're having a break too.

Light Sneasel: All right!! *produces some muffins and cookies from nowhere* Let's have a picnic!! ^___^

Sal: *drools* Must...have...muffins...

TCL: *stares at cookies and does the same* Must...have....cookies...

{Both simultaneously pounce on the respective items of food and gobbles them up.}

Saffire (Tsunami Shadow): *pulls Sal off by the ear* Bad Raichu!! T_T

Sal: Sorry, I couldn't help myself...;_;

MMUSA: Now what do we eat?

Me: Hmmm....*teleports some Gengar jellies in* I suppose this will do...

Sal: *starts drooling again* Gengar....jellies.....Must.....have....them...

Saffire: *keeps firm hold of his ears* Oh no you don't. You ate up all the muffins already. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Sal: *whimpers*

TCL: *pats her stomach* I, for one, am full.

C9Y: *pops a jelly into her mouth* Mmm, these taste great!!

{{ Somewhere in a Gengar Jelly factory..}}

Manager: *looks around disbelievingly* Vare haff all da gellies gone? *turns to a worker nearby* Tey vere here jest nov, vere tey not?

Worker: *nervously* Yes, sir.

Manager: Vell, vare are tey nov?

Worker: I don't know, sir. *is getting more worried by the minute*

Manager: Aah, I knov nov, you es steal tem, no? *stares at worker accusingly*

Worker: *is all nervous* No, sir!!

Manager: Did you not vork here jest nov?

Worker: Y-yes, sir.

Manager: Ten VERE ARE TEY?! Out wiv eet, man!!

Worker: I-I-I d-d-don't kn-know where t-they a-are, s-s-s-s-sir!! They-they just dis-disappeared in-into t-thin air!!

{{Hehe. And now, back to our-erm...- heroes...}}

KuroMew: *burps* Those were nice ^_^

DClick: *munches on a jelly* Mmm-hmm....

seadragon1012: Absolutely great.

Sal: (is tied to a nearby tree, away from the jellies) *whimper*

Saffire: Aww...*gives Sal several jellies* Here ya go.

Sal: ^___^ *eats them up* Thankies!!

{{ Meanwhile.... }}

Suicune: Aaaaah!! *looks back* Run run run!!

Raikou: I'm running, I'm running!!

Entei: *shrieks in a high-pitched voice as he looks back* They're coming closer!!

{ You must be wondering what they're running from. Well, let's have a look. *Camera pans over and zooms in on a cloud of dust behind the dogs* }

Narrator-who-is-me-existing-in-two-different-places-since-it-looks-funny- with-everything-in-brackets: Aaand it looks like...*takes a closer look* What the-?

{ Camera reveals that the dogs are being chased by.... }

Narrator-who-is-me-yadda-yadda-yadda: Pumpkins?

Evil Legendary-eating Halloween Pumpkins: We want revenge!! We want revenge!! We have suffered the indignity of being carved on Halloween, now we want revenge!! *chants these phrases and the like while hopping forward rapidly*

{{ Suicune: Hey, wait a minute, why are almost everything Legendary-eating thingys? *glares at me*

Me: 'Cause the legendaries are the stars of the fic...

Suicune: That doesn't explain it.

Me: ...And stars of insane fics get hurt a lot.

Suicune: oO;; What kinda logic is that?

Me: The logic of the insane!! *cackles evilly*

Suicune: -_- Shouldn't have asked. Now I shall quieten down and get chased by those evil pumpkins... O_O What did I just say?!

Me: *snickers* It's nice being a psychic type AND an author. }}

{ Camera pans back to the dogs, who are running and screaming their head off. }

Raikou: *running and screaming madly* AAAAAAAAHH!!

Suicune: *doing the same* AAAAAAAAHH!!

Entei: *running, screaming and looking back at the same time* AAAAAAAAAAHH!!

Suicune: *shrieks* Entei!! Watch out!!

Entei: *frantically* They're gaining on us!!

Raikou: *screeches* Loooook out!!!

Entei: What?! Can't heard you!! AAAAAAAHHHH!!

Suicune and Raikou: *simultaneously yelling* Loooook in front of yoooou!!!

Entei: Wha-


Suicune: *skids to a halt* Ouchie.

Raikou: *skids to a halt and falls down* Double ouchie. X_x

Entei: x___X Nice Pidgeys...

Overlarge-Sudowoodo-which-Entei-hit: X___x Can't even take a quiet snooze in the sun...*limps off*

Suicune: Got that right. *peers into the distance* Well, can't run now....*eyes the mob of murderous pumpkins* They should make nice pumpkin pies Eww.

Entei: Let me at them!! *gets a wild look in eyes, then runs off towards the stampeding pumpkins*

Raikou: Has he got a suicide mission in mind?! oO *winces and gets up*

Suicune: I'll just say that that hit took whatever minds he had outta him. A 3, and a 2, and a 1...

{ Dust cloud erupts into flames }

Raikou: Good thing that pumpkins cook well. And I didn't even have time to celebrate Halloween, so that chase was soooo uncalled for. =_=

Suicune: Would you like being carved once every year anyway?

Raikou: I am NOT a pumpkin. Pumpkins do not talk, or walk, or stampede for that matter.

Suicune: Riiiiight. Then what IS that? *points to dust cloud approaching them, much reduced in size*

Entei: *blazes past them* I WANT MY MUMMY!!!

Raikou: *eyebrow twitches* Are you thinking what I'm thinking, dear sis?

Suicune: I think I am, B-I mean, dear brother.

{ Both pause }

Both: RUUUN!!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

The dogs seem to have many pursuers, no? *snickers then puts on narrator's voice* Will they ever beat the evil pumpkins? And how? Will the authors ever catch up with the dogs, will the poor man at the jelly factory ever explain the disappearance of the jellies to his boss, and will I ever stop saying all these 'will the's' at the end of every chapter?

Find out in the next chapter!! And remember to review!! ^_~

{ Camera fades out and swirly silver letters spell out something on the screen }

~Dawn the Espeon~