I'm back with a new chapter! Yay!

Hope you enjoy, and don't forget to read and review!

Disclaimer: I don't claim the rights of PO5

Scarlett Adams was known in her school for her sports talent, her weather predictions and her fiery temper. So it was no surprise when she landed herself in trouble.

It was lunchtime and, as Scarlett had promised, the sun was out. The hockey team had decided to train for an upcoming match.

Scarlett had been doing great – two goals in the first half. Students who had come to watch were cheering her on from the side-lines.

'C'mon Kelly!' she yelled. Kelly Griffin was one of her school friends and one of the best scorers they had. At the moment, she had possession of the ball and was nearing the goal. She aimed and scored.

Scarlett was happy that the practice seemed to be going well. They were in with a good chance to win the tournament this year.

About halfway through practice, Scarlett gained possession. She ran forward, dodging the defenders. She was really close to the goal and she had a clear shot. She hit the ball with as much force as she could muster. She expected it to hit the back of the net.

She hadn't expected to hear the window smash.

'What were you thinking?' the headmistress exclaimed in anger. 'Miss Adams, as the captain of the school team, I expected you to be a bit more responsible.'

'It was an accident,' Scarlett protested. 'I was aiming for the goal and I guess I must've hit it in the wrong direction.'

Scarlett had been pulled into the principal's office. She was in deep trouble, for not only had the hockey ball destroyed the window pane, it had also hit one of the teachers in the head. Of course, it had to have been the window of the headmistress' office that got smashed.

Miss Collins was one of the meanest teachers in the school, so Scarlett and her classmates had found it faintly funny that she was knocked out in the matron's room. Scarlett didn't find it funny now.

'Miss Collins is being treated for brain damage right this minute. You're very lucky that you didn't kill her!'

Scarlett doubted that any ball she shot would cause any brain damage, never mind kill anyone. She was worried that she might start laughing if the headmistress came up with any other stupid ideas.

'You're going to pay for the window, Miss Adams, and you're going to have a week of after school detentions. No ifs, no buts.'

Scarlett nodded, sighing and stomped out of the office.

'Seriously? Detention?' Aidan spluttered, close to laughing. He couldn't believe that "Goody-Two-Shoes Scarlett" had gotten in trouble with the headmistress. She had told him the full story on the walk home.

'Yeah. It sucks.' Scarlett muttered, kicking a coke can further down the pavement.

'It does.' Aidan's smile vanished and he sighed.

'What's wrong?' she said softly.

'I was going to invite you to my place this Friday.'

'Oh no,' Scarlett said, clapping a hand over her mouth. 'It's your birthday on Friday, isn't it?'

He nodded.

'Aidan, I'm so sorry.'

'Hey, it's fine, no big deal,' he said, smiling. 'We can always hang out on Saturday.'

'Yeah.' Scarlett grinned at him, but she couldn't stop that hint of guilt creating an ache in her chest. Aidan was her closest friend and his birthday plans were ruined because of her. They always try to spend time together. His father was a wealthy businessman and travelled all over the world, and because of that, Aidan could be shipped back to America at any time.

She left him at the crossroads and headed down Half Moon Lane. Her house wasn't far.

Her father was waiting on the phone when she got back. To her fury, he wasn't any more understanding than the headmistress had been.

'Scarlett, you really have to be more careful! It may not have been on purpose, but after the incident with the swimming teacher…'

Oh. That.

They had been taking lessons about six months ago. The teacher was quite cute – sea green eyes and messy brown hair. He had the girls swooning. Not that Scarlett herself had joined in, but she did admit that he was good-looking.

Then he had said something that she didn't like – she couldn't remember what he had said now – but she had lost her temper as soon as he did. Before he could realise what was going on, Scarlett ran up to him and shoved him into the pool. How was she supposed to know he couldn't swim? What kind of a swim teacher couldn't swim?

Her father gave her a half hour lecture, and informed her that her mother wasn't impressed either. Mrs Murdoch also had a lecture waiting for Scarlett after the phone call and by the time she was finished, Scarlett felt upset, angry and misunderstood. She collapsed onto her bed upstairs, buried her head in the pillows and couldn't stop the sobs.

How could a hockey ball cause so much?

Okay, I put two ideas in one here - the hockey ball through the window incident, and the teacher in pool incident. If anyone wants me to do the latter in more detail, I'll consider it.

I'll begin work on the other ideas soon and if you have any new ideas, then fire away and write them in your reviews!

As for readers of After the War... I'm so sorry, I meant to have it up way before this! I'm planning to post it ASAP. Promise!

See you soon,

CG xx