Two Different Worlds

The world is a cruel place. I have learned that ever since I entered this world. Born to a noble family, you may think that my life is easy. Well, think again.

At first, I believe that the world was a wonderful place to be. It was until my mother passing from an illness that I started to realised that the world is indeed a cruel place to live in.

Well, that's all in the past. What matters is the present.


A voice called out to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned to find Tetsuya, one of my loyal crewmates standing beside me. Normally, most people will be shocked out of their wits from his lack of presence.

"Yes, Tetsuya?"

"You've been in a daze for quite a while now. Is something wrong?"

Despite having a poker face, I could tell that Tetsuya was gazing into my heterochromatic eyes, trying to find a hint from there. However being the way I am, I firmly hold my composure. Tetsuya is sometimes too smart for his own good.

"Nothing for you to be concern about. I believe you have something to tell me?"

Tetsuya eyed me for a bit more before answering me.

"Midorima-kun needed to ask you about the change of route. As Midorima-kun predicted, there's a storm ahead."

"I see. Thank you for informing me. Please inform Shintarou that I will be heading over soon."

Giving Tetsuya the gesture to leave, Tetsuya nodded and left my quarters. I wander my eyes out to the window to find dark clouds hovering at the horizon. I could smell petrichor filling the air around me. Tetsuya was right about the storm.

Taking my velvet coat don with gold trimmings from the hanger, I put my coat on and make my way on deck to face the harsh cold winds.

"Wahh… Midorimacchi, the storm is really dark! Why didn't you tell me before hand?!"

"The constellations from last night have told me that a storm was coming but I felt it was unnecessary to inform you. I just didn't expect for the storm to be this big."

"Midorimacchi is horrible!"

"It seems lively up here."

I walked up to the deck where I heard the loud bickering of the two the moment I left my quarters.



Ryouta, the newest crewmate, ran up to me with a rather upset face, pointing his finger at Shintarou, the First Mate of the crew.

"Midorimacchi didn't tell me that there was a storm!"

Shintarou just shifted his glasses up, ignoring his words.

"Is that so?"


Ryouta nodded.

"If that's the case, I believe he made the correct decision."


I walked towards Shintarou, leaving the stunned Ryouta behind.

"The storm is pretty bad."

Shintarou explained to me as he opens up a map for me to look at. At the back I could hear Ryouta whining on how is everyone on the ship is bullying him.

"We should change our course before it's too late."

Shintarou suggested to me. However I just looked at the storm that was ahead of us.

"It's already too late. Judging from the speed of the wind, the storm will catch up to us even if change our course."

"So you are saying that we should…"

Shintarou's words trailed off as he looked rather surprised at my words.


Without another word, I ushered Ryouta who was still whining to come over.

"Yes Akashicchi?"

"Inform the rest of the crew to get ready. We are going to sail through the storm."

The moment I told him, Ryouta's face turned serious.

"Right away!"

Ryouta ran off shouting 'Get ready! We are bracing the storm.' to the rest of the crew.

"I shall get ready to take the helm."

And Shintarou scrambled off to the steer, where Takao, the Helmsman of the ship is. At this moment, the rest of the crew started to appear on the deck, getting ready to change the sail direction.

"Akashi! We're ready!"

Daiki called out to me, raising his thumb up for me to see. Checking that everyone was in their positions, I look up to find Satsuki on the crow's nest, giving me the same signal that Daiki did. I nod my head at them to give them my consent before heading to where Shintarou was.

"Brace yourselves! The first wave is coming up!"

Takao gave the first warning as he ran up towards the crew to join them.

"Ready about!"

Moments after I said that, the wave hits us. It was exactly as bad as the other ones we faced in the past but it wasn't exactly good either.

Saltwater fell on board, drenching us. Lighting flash before a loud rumbling sound followed. We were already in the middle of the storm.

Watching Shintarou steering and Satsuki for her directions, I started to command the rest of the crew to shift the sails.

Wave after wave kept hitting us, the storm never seem to end.

"Akashi-kun! I see light up ahead! But there's another big wave before it!"

Satsuki shouted to me. Upon hearing her, I gave the command to sail straight ahead.

"Brace yourselves!"

I commanded, as the towering wave that was rising was nearing towards us.

It was then it came crashing down towards us. I grabbing onto the nearest thing I could hold onto. Looking around, I could see that everyone was holding on to something. Tetsuya, who was the weakest among us all, was held onto by Daiki. This wave was the strongest one that we ever experience.

As the water gust out of the deck, I heard a cracking sound nearby, looking at where the sound was coming from, I found a crack onto the piece of wood railing that I was holding onto. As I was about to switch my hold onto something else, the railing broke.

The water started pulling me away from the object that I was about to hold. I was swept off the ship by the current.




I could hear the other shouted for me as the water shallow me in whole.

Fighting against the water current that was pulling me down to the depths of the ocean. I started having trouble breathing. Trying to swim upward for a gasp of air, I suddenly had this thought that was this my final moment? Is my life going to end here?

At the corner of my eye, I could see that a figure was coming towards me. As the figure got closer, my vision was getting blurred. Soon after, my eyes failed me and I blackout.

"What shall I do…?"

I could hear a rather worried voice say as I slowly opened my eyes. As I did, my sight was blurry but I could see a shadow over loom me. I blinked to regain my vision only to find that the figure was gone. However I could hear splashing sounds moving away from me.

I sat up and look around my surroundings. The sky was back to normal again and it seem like I am on the shore of an island. After confirming where I was, I turned my head to where the sound was heard from.

Over at the direction, there were some huge rocks by the shore. Small waves crash onto it softly as I could see that the rock where shaped in a rather strange forms. It must be the erosion that the waves made over the years. However that wasn't the only funny thing about it. There was also a tail sticking out of it.

Slowly getting up, I carefully made my way towards the rocks without making a sound. As I got closer, I realised that the tail was actually a fish tail. That picked my interest even more.

I slowly got around the rocks as my eyes follow up along the tail. The tail was in a shade of a light blue, just like the sky. As my eyes follow even further up, I could see that pearls and shells don along with the tail beautifully. However what shocked me was when my eyes met with the colour of a lightly tanned skin infused with the blueness of the tail. My eyes immediately shot up to see the back of half a figure of a boy with brown hair and a noticeable blue fin along where the ears should have been.

I, Akashi Seijurou, have never believed in myths or legends before. Although I have heard of how mermaids look like in stories, I do not believe that they exist, until now.

I took a step forward, wanting to take a closer look at this so called mermaid or the proper term, merman. Forgetting that I was trying to be quiet, I accidentally stepped on a piece of drift wood.

And for once in my life, I was actually careless.

I turned to look at the merman and my eyes met the eyes of the merman who was in a state of shock.

Immediately, the merman tried to flee from me.


I ran after the merman who jumped into the water without hesitation, accidentally tripping over the driftwood that I stepped on. A loud thud sound was heard as I fell flat on my face. I could not believe I actually fell.

"Are you alright?!"

I could feel someone scrambling towards me, making splashes everywhere and holding me up to a sitting position.

Clearing the sand on my face, my eyes fell onto the worried looking merman once more.

It was at this moment, I could feel that something magical was happening to me. I can't help but use that word even though I don't believe in such things. However there was no other word I could use to describe this moment.

I think I have met the most beautiful creature on earth. Even though the merman's face was rather plain looking, but somehow everything about him seems perfect to me.


The merman hesitated in his words. As he turned away and look like he was about to go, I immediately grabbed his hand.

"Did you save me?"

I asked him, firmly holding onto him as I took note of how smooth and cold his skin was.


The merman turned away, not wanting to look at my eyes.

"I see."

I let go of his hand and watched as he slowly turn his head towards me carefully.

"Thank you."

Making sure he was looking at me, for the first time in so many years of my life, I gave a sincere smile to a creature that I never knew it could exist.

The creature that I smile to immediately turned away from me.

"What's wrong?"

I asked him, worried that my smile might have been too creepy since I don't usually smile. And yes, for once in my life, I was worried about something.

"It's… nothing…"

The creature muttered as I look closely at him. It was then from the side of his face that I realised that he was blushing.

Wanting to see his blushing face, I placed my hand on his chin and turned his face towards me to have a look. Exceeding my expectations, I found him rather adorable.

It was then I made a resolution. I wanted to get to know more about this creature.

"May I know your name?"

I asked the creature.


A new fanfiction from yours truly. I'm terribly sorry to my followers who are following my other stories! I really didn't have the time and motivation to work on them. My university is asking a lot from me. :( I apologise in advance but reassure, by the second week of December will be my holidays and I will work on them!

Anyway, why am I write an AkaFuri fanfiction all of a sudden? Well, I've been a fan of AkaFuri for a long time and recently I came across a fanart of a Merman Furihata and Captain Akashi.

Here's there link: member_ ?mode=medium&illust_id=39754450

I was so inspired that I had to write this.

Well, I can't promise when the next chapter will be up. It will probably be during December along with my other fanfiction. Meanwhile do review and tell me how you think of it.

Till next time! :D