Just a friendly warning, folks! The title says it all. There will be both YAOI and a little bit of het, and a few pairings. Sorry for making Kiba such a whore. He's adorable.
Also, there may be MILD SPOILERS, mostly for the first series but possibly for Shippuden as well.
Starts off random-ish but gets, I guess you might say, fluffy.
So you have been warned. On with the show.
Kiba moaned Naruto's name softly as he came for the second time that day. Everyone knew that Naruto was straight and madly in love with Sakura, but that didn't stop Kiba from fantasizing about the whiskered ninja.
The cool night air drifted over Kiba as he curled up and went to sleep. He couldn't wait for this to be over, so that he could get back to his missions.
Hokage Tsunade was a smart woman, and being in the medical field had quickly figured out that Kiba went on heat a few times every year. They had come to an agreement years ago that he would be excused from missions whenever this happened, since it was so hard for him to focus that it would surely jeopardise any mission.
At first, he had been ashamed by this. When he had first become a genin, it had started. He had had trouble focusing on the simplest of missions. He had pushed through though, but the Hokage had realised that it would not always be possible to do so, and so sent his teammates on lower-ranked missions without him when he was on special sick-leave.
Akamaru usually stayed away from Kiba in these times, probably so that Kiba could go about doing what he needed to do without his companion getting in the way. Kiba thought it was kind of pointless, though, since he rarely was with anyone.
Kiba was twenty-three years old now, and had honestly gotten used to being alone, in heat or not. He'd tried both boys and girls, but almost always ended up just feeling guilty afterwards, since there was little emotional attachment once it was over, either from him or from the person who had fucked him, probably just to shut him up.
He'd tried having an actual relationship once, with Ino. They had both been in their teens and things hadn't worked out too well with her in the end. They never did, with anyone.
Kiba had given up on a relationship for now.
Kiba blushed deeply, glad that his red markings covered it up a little, as he saw Naruto walk past the small restaurant he was sitting in. Naruto must have just gotten back from a mission. The yellow-haired ninja came and went from the village fairly often, so Kiba saw him enough for Naruto to be the first thing that came to mind when he was feeling frisky.
He had had strong feelings for his friend Shikamaru for years, but Kiba rarely saw him anymore. Shikamaru was almost always away on missions.
Kiba found his cheeks heating up even more as he thought about Shikamaru. He'd never confessed his feelings to the other, not even when on heat. For some reason, he'd always stayed absolutely quiet about the feelings toward the incredibly intelligent ninja, especially when he'd thought that Shikamaru was dating Temari from the Sand.
Shikamaru was too difficult to read. Kiba wasn't even sure if the other had ever even had any sexual feelings, even toward the Sand woman, let alone toward another guy.
Kiba shook his head. It didn't matter. The lazy shinobi wasn't ever in town for more than a day every few months, and Kiba had failed too badly at any other relationship he'd ever tried to form.
The Hokage had always been strangely understanding about Kiba's condition. She'd never batted an eyelid over it and had acted like it was the most normal thing in the world. Just thinking about the older woman made the dog ninja's heart race.
Kiba threw some money down on the table to pay for his meal, not even caring that it was twice as much as he needed to put down, and was on the way to the Hokage's office before he realised what he was doing.
He covered his face with his hands and stood in the middle of the street for a few seconds, trying to clear the image of Tsunade's ample breasts from his head. It wasn't going away. In a few moments, he found himself continuing on his way to the Hokage's office against his better judgement.
When he got there, he knocked gingerly on the door, knowing how inappropriate he was acting and yet going with it anyway. He had lost control.
The Hokage herself opened the door. "Yes?" she demanded.
Kiba glanced at her face, then her chest and then looked away, whimpering. He had no idea what he was doing. He knew he should leave, but it felt as though his body was on fire. He felt small beads of sweat drip down the back of his neck as he stood there, stuttering.
"I'm a very busy woman!" Tsunade said, sounding annoyed. "You'd better be here for a reason."
"Ho… Hokage-sama," Kiba finally managed. "I've come to see you about my… my condition." He knew he was blushing furiously and shaking a little, but he was beyond the point of caring anymore.
Tsunade sighed. "Come in."
She stepped aside so that Kiba could walk into her office and then locked the door behind them.
Kiba wasn't sure how to feel about that. He sat in a chair at her desk and stared down at the floor, panting.
The Hokage didn't ask any questions or get any medical equipment out, though. She went over and leaned against her desk, close to the young dog ninja.
For a few moments they just looked at each other, until she gave him a small smirk and started to untie the belt that held her shirt closed.
Kiba started to protest, but the words died in his throat as the Hokage's luscious breasts spilled from her shirt, close to his face.
He didn't know what to make of this since he'd never had sex with someone much older than him and… this was the Hokage, for god's sake! He looked up at her face, his eyes pleading.
"Shhh, Kiba-kun," she said, putting a finger on his lips and smiling down at him. "It's okay."
His body was begging for him to just go with this. He knew that it was probably wrong, but Tsunade had just said that it was okay, so surely it was?
Before he had time to think about it anymore, she shoved one of her nipples into his mouth.
He sucked desperately at it, all reason gone. He barely even noticed that the Hokage was roughly taking off his pants and jacket, too caught up in the small lustful moaning sounds that she was making as he ran his tongue along her cleavage as deeply as he could.
The cool breeze from the open windows caressed his now-bare skin as Tsunade pushed his head deeper between her breasts. He moaned as he licked and nipped as much of her as he could.
Without warning, the Hokage lifted him up and laid him down on the desk, his throbbing member standing up toward the ceiling. For a second, he felt embarrassed that such an important woman was seeing him like this. That feeling dissipated very quickly though as Tsunade pushed her warm, slick breasts onto him, engulfing his aching cock between them.
Kiba let out a heated cry, not caring who heard. It felt too good for him to hold back. He reached down to squeeze at the Hokage's flesh as he thrusted as hard as she would let him.
Pressure was building rapidly and he was disappointed when she pulled herself away. He groaned loudly but it was stifled into a gasp as his entire cock disappeared into her mouth in one go. She started sucking hard immediately, and he called out her first name. This was no time for formalities.
He clawed at the desk, knocking some paperwork to the floor as he came down her throat. Tsunade didn't let a drop spill, swallowing it down greedily.
He lay on her desk, sweating and panting in a haze, as she put her shirt back on.
She threw his pants on top of him. "Don't think this will happen again," she said, her usual tone returning. "And if you dare say a word about this to a single soul…"
She didn't have to finish her sentence for Kiba to know what kind of threat that was. He got dressed quickly, not making eye contact with her.
As he was about to leave the office, though, she took his chin in her hand, forcing him to look at her, their faces almost touching. "Not that many people can say that they've done such things with the Hokage," she said, smiling. Then her face resumed its usual stony expression. "Now get out of here, you brat!"