Disclaimer: You know the gist; I don't own any of the characters from Fate/Stay Night that are used in this story and belong to its respective company. Starlight owns Hikari & Akiza Himemiya/Shirou Ogami/Rei Tachibana.
What's up, everyone? I know a 5-month update and I apologize for that. I had to come up with a way to end this arc before going into the next one.
Rei has been purged from the Caster Card thanks to Hikari and importantly, Shirou Ogami. The wolf-teen came to realize he has feelings for her which were what she needed in the end but just because this could be considered a "happy end" doesn't mean this is where it stops.
More drama starts right now!
FYI I am changing "Shirou Emiya" to just "Shiro" to better differentiate Shiro and Shirou (Ogami) better. So yeah, I'm doing the Dubbed language I see on Netflix.
How will it go down today?
Find out now!
Chapter 20 – Confession
Flashback: Sophia-Ri manor
Everything has returned to normal after a successful purging of the Caster card by the hands of Hikari and more importantly, Shirou Ogami as the latter held Rei by the arm as a crutch. Even though she was fine her energy was still expended and she thanked him for that.
As they gathered around the large group, Shiro and Sakura Emiya, Rin and Archer, Akiza, Shiki and Ciel, Dermont was the one to greet them all with surprise.
'It seems you did it, you guys!' He stated, his voice having a smirk on it.
Hikari gave a smile while Shirou playfully grabbed him and gave the poor red-deep plushie a noogie.
"What'd you expect lucky charms; I can get a job done when needed!" He crowed as Dermont couldn't do anything but take the abuse.
Soon the duo noted Rei's expression and stopped as she bowed apologetically.
"Nothing I say will make you forgive me for what I did, Dermont" She sadly began. "Even though I was under the thrall of that card it was my emotions and actions that did this to you. I am sorry."
Knowing full well that she was under the enchantment as Shoko, Shirou and Hideyoshi once before, Dermont didn't blame her along with he still felt uneasy with what she almost did.
He shook his head. 'I don't blame you Rei and I can forgive you,'
Rei brought up her head as she gave a smile.
'Of course, I'd be happy if you can FINALLY change me back!' Dermont forcefully stated.
Rei, Hikari, and Shirou almost forgot about his small stature along with another thing.
Pulling the gems out of his pocket, Shirou remarked, "Along with these."
Taking a peek the blonde gave a small gasp. "Oh yeah, I wonder why the magic hasn't been undone?" Hikari remarked surprised.
Rin, Archer, Akiza, Ciel, Sakura, Shiro, and Shiki went up to what was going on as Archer gave the gems his own appraisal.
"That's strange, I thought with the magic canceled they would have returned to normal?" He stated with a hint of confusion touching his voice.
Rin also took the gems to examine them. "They should have unless there's something we are missing?"
"Like what exactly?" Ciel asked.
No one said anything for some moments before Sakura spoke, eyes sparkling in a way. "I see," She walked to Rei, who appeared wary of her due to the purple-haired mage still in her "alternate" form.
"Rei, is there anything that you still harbor?" She asked with a sweet tone but some could tell there was bloodlust in it. "Any kind of strong feelings?"
Looking at her cousin, Rei shook her head. "No, I'm not hiding-!"
She stopped dead as Sakura's aura seemed to have been spilling through. To some, it could have been comedic but at this very moment, it felt dangerous.
"My, are you going to deny that? It's fine if you want to but I'd like to remind you that due to this incident, I haven't seen my precious baby boy for some time due to these issues you harbor. Best spill now Rei or do you want to have a nice long chat with me?"
For some reason everyone shivered, it was as if a dominatrix entered the room and about to sexually humiliate someone in the most sadistic way possible.
Sweat dropping down her neck Rei shook her head. "Ok-ok, I'll tell but please don't use me for some weird sex games!"
Sakura chortled as she took some steps back flipping her hair back. The others took three steps back from her just to escape from her clutches. Shiro on the hand thought that he'd have to do the deed to get her to calm down after this (which was a bonus).
Rei took a moment to gather her thoughts; this was something she was hiding and even though some might have guessed some issues, they didn't know how deep it went. What the heiress would say would give everyone a better perspective of her, especially Ogami and Rin.
Putting her hair behind her ears, Rei began the confession. "The truth is I hate my parents."
No words could be said by hearing those words utter from a teenager's mouth. Hikari looked ready to say something but Shirou shook his head gently.
A bitter smile appeared over the blue-eyed teen's face. "I hate my parents for placing all these hardships on me," She continued. "I hate them for deciding who I shall marry! I hate them for choosing the way of magic over me! Maintaining this illusion of perfection, showing my worth by being an arrogant, haughty, condescending, patronizing and mean person to the ones I never expected to be my friends! I hate them for…never loving me, for never treating me as their daughter and on as some beacon to continue the Tachibana name!"
Rei didn't look at anyone but still talked. "And I hate myself the most, for not saying what I felt. I just thought that if I could do this one thing then maybe, just maybe, they would finally just say how proud they are of me…that I meant something to the two of them."
She soon turned to Rin and Sakura. "My mother was miserable due to how she was treated in the Tohsaka household, especially with her elder brother and this reflected in how she raised me. You were right Rin, I did let my mother's words poison me and deter me from continuing to train with you. It made me see you as an enemy even though you never did and in hindsight, I can see that now."
Rin gave a small smile as Rei went on.
"But even though I say the word 'hate', I can't say that's a fact. The truth is…" Rei hesitated. She never once wanted to say it out loud only due to rejection. "I just want to hear them say 'we love you Rei'."
Everyone heard the teenager's heartfelt plead. Rei finally lets go of her ego to reveal what she wanted from her parents.
Soon a spark went through the gems that Rei was holding and it got brighter by the second. Opening them the gems broke apart as a flash of light shined through the area until…
"Mom…" Rei muttered being the first one to see Sharon and Shogo Tachibana standing in the middle of the area. "Dad?"
Everyone appeared surprised and amazed by what happened. Next to Shogo was Frederic, appearing haggard and confused and the golem Deen also looking at the people surrounding it.
Archer and Shiro went to hold up the Tachibana couple as they looked ready to collapse as everyone let Frederic fall to his knees pathetically.
"What-what happened?!" Frederic asked accusingly at the group as he tried getting up but falling on his butt again. He soon saw Rei and pointed at her. "IT'S YOUR FAULT!"
Rei didn't flinch as he said that and was about to say something until Shirou beelined for the flame-haired man and lifted him from the ground with his impressive strength.
"You might want to shut up you douche!" Shirou growled as Frederic stared at him alarmed.
"Huh, what are you doing here, riff-raff?" Frederic shouted as Shirou looked ready to punch him if not for Rei placing a hand over his fist.
"Rei, what are you doing?" Shirou replied surprised.
Shaking her head she gave him a look. "Put him down Shirou," Rei asked somewhat sadly.
Not liking this one bit but complying he did just that.
Frederic appeared miffed that someone put his hands on him but he only stared at Rei.
Sharon and Shogo soon got up with help from Shirou and Archer.
"Hold on, don't say anything you will regret son…" Shogo said seeing the anger on Frederic's face.
Frederic turned to the couple as he had maddening eyes. "Shut up you senile old fool! I've been through hell thanks to that bitch of a daughter you have!"
Hikari flinched at hearing that while the others, Rin, Sakura, Shiro, Ciel, Akiza, and Shiki frowned and Archer kept just gave a hard glare at the man.
Sharon, on the other hand, went up to Frederic.
"And what do you want-!" He started yelling before…
Everyone stood stunned, Rei most of all, at what happened. Sharon gave a decently sized slap to Frederic which left a mark on his right cheek!
Rei covered her mouth as she only murmured, "Mom…?"
"You will not call her any deplorable word like that you despicable boy!" Sharon yelled fiercely. "She is my daughter!"
The raven-haired teen tried holding back tears but seeing her mother, the person who held grudges against her own circumstances stood up for her honor. Frederic looked ready to punch her lights out until Shogo stepped up to him, grabbing his arm and twisting it!
A loud snap could be heard as Frederic howled in pain. "You will not touch a finger on my wife." He stated firmly as he planted the flame-haired face to the ground. "Along with that is my daughter…you will show respect."
Rei didn't know what to say about her dad interfering in this.
Shirou could tell she was overcome and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder which she didn't remove.
"Let me go! Do you know who I am?! I'm Frederic Sophia-Ri, my family is one of the oldest family in this godforsaken city! My dad has the power that can crush all of you!"
Before the Tachibana's could say anything Rin stepped up clapping her hands. "That is a nice performance but I think you should stop putting on airs."
Frederic looked up at her and recognized her. "Your Rin Tohsaka…"
"Correct good to know you have brains," Rin remarked. "Anyway, I am aware of your family lineage and I have respect for your father. He is a clever mage even though I don't agree with his politics but that's beside the point. Frederic-san, I do believe that 'power' you say is rather flimsy at best. It's come to my attention that you have stolen magecraft from the various families of daughters you swooned over with those deplorable [Mystic Eyes] of yours?"
Frederic gaped at the accusation as he tried getting up but Shogo kept him in that fearsome lock.
Rin gave Shogo a look. "You can let him go, uncle, I would like to have this male face me on equal footing."
The older male did not like being told what to do and still felt anger to what was said to Rei along with his own issues with the Tohsaka's but he acquiesced and stood next to Sharon, who continued glaring at him.
Getting up Frederic gave a scoff and went straight to Rin, who just appeared calm and collected.
"What do you mean I use that talent? I don't know what you mean!" Frederic snapped at the long-haired woman with aqua colored eyes. "And what magic do you mean?"
Rin only gave a smirk. "You're right, I need proof don't I?"
"Yeah, and you don't have any!" Frederic challenged a smirk creeping on his face.
"But I do," Sakura said stepping up shocking him.
"What…" Frederic burped out.
Sakura, still in her dark mode, gave a sinister smile. "While my husband and the little doll were searching for this place, I so happened to find that area full of tools and paraphilia that shouldn't belong to the Sophia-Ri family."
Pulling out an encrusted tomb out of nowhere (no one dares ask how Sakura did that) she showed everyone. "This is part of the Malkuth family I presume? I'm not much on history though; sister dear, if you wouldn't mind?"
Rin only smirked as she took the tomb and examined it. "You would be right; this is part of that family. Lovely people and their oldest daughter is the new head. She mentioned something to me at the mage summit once. Sadly I didn't bother to ask since she claimed amnesia or what not and given she was rather notorious in her younger days, it's hard placing truth at times."
Hikari whispered to Shiro Emiya. "What does she mean by 'notorious'?"
The projection mage responded back easily with, "She was on drugs apparently."
"Ah." The blond responded in understanding while the plush doll turned his head as if rolling his eyes.
Rin ignored the peanut gallery and continued.
"It seems you got your claws into her and made her forget. You realize there are rules in place so we mages don't abuse our gifts on one's not acquainted with magic or use it on other mage families? That is a big offense due to we need to remain low key and the fact that ability can cause contamination if it's not fixed."
She placed a firm glare on Frederic's face. "Along with the fact my sister sees right through the lies you are telling and we both have a standing with the association more than you so do you want to push this? Will you admit to this?"
Frederic started sweating, he very well couldn't deny the truth from all the people present along with if he did he wouldn't be able to use said ability to make them forget due to Sakura being there.
Gulping Frederic sneered. "Is this what the Tohsaka's go too, scare tactics? I am still high up as well, don't underestimate me and what my family can do!"
"Scare tactics? Please, I'm not that diabolical, dear." Rin easily stated before taking a step back as Archer took his cue.
Giving the tall man an annoyed glance Frederic snapped. "And what are you going to do grandpa?"
Not being intimidated Archer gave him a nonchalant response. "It's not what I'm going to do; it's what she's going to do."
Frederic didn't know what he meant until he felt a presence and turned to see Sakura giving one of her creepy smiles.
"I'm just here to make sure you don't run away, fool." Archer finished as he grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and moved him to a secluded place away from everyone else.
Hikari, Dermont, and Shirou blinked thrice. "Should we know what they are going to do with him?" Hikari whispered.
Shirou and Dermont only shook their heads as the drama soon moved to Rei and her parents.
Rei was still amazed at what she saw her parents do and wanted to say something but the words wouldn't form. Sharon and Shogo were baffled at the moment, they might not have heard what their daughter said but they could feel her emotions that she held to some extent (being a parental hunch).
Just as Shogo was going to say something he soon stopped as an unexpected figure stepped in the way of the family healing process; Shiki Tohno.
"It's been some time, Shogo Tachibana. I am relieved that you made it out of this crisis that befell you and Mrs. Tachibana." Shiki cordially stated.
Shogo only gave a stiff nod as if waiting for something.
The dark blue haired man soon drew his short dagger. "However even if that's the case I must do this; on behalf of the Buriel Agency and by the contract under Riesbyte Stridberg, I Shiki Tohno hold you Shogo Tachibana and Sharon Tachibana nee Tohsaka, guilty of treason!"
Eyes widening at this declaration everyone in the group couldn't believe what they heard. Rei especially was bewildered by this information.
Akiza turned to Ciel angrily. "You really are going to do this now, Ciel?" She whispered accusingly. "After everything that's happened?"
Ciel ignored the response and started forward the confrontation.
"Shiki-san, what do you mean treason?" Rei demanded confounded. "My parents haven't done the slightest thing closest to treason! They are one of the key figures in the Church's foundation!"
Shiki turned his cold eyes to the teenage heir and she actually froze with fright. Rei even with all her training didn't know how to deal with that kind of glare which radiated a killing intent.
Shirou was there immediately to go in front of her to prevent anything from happening. The black-haired teen's blue eyes went feral as they turned to golden yellow and he gave a growl.
"Back off with the scary eyes Tohno!" Shirou demanded not easily be swayed by the unseen pressure.
Hikari also could feel the intensity and would have collapsed right there but Rin kept her up by placing an arm around her shoulders. Dermont was easily swayed due to being in his current state so Shiro had to support the kid toy.
Shiki only gave the glare to Shirou and turned back to the Tachibana couple. "You two have been confirmed to have given various patents and your own money to black market dealers who delve into what we stand against!"
Rei couldn't believe what she heard! As she gripped Shirou's back he briefly glanced at her with a sad look on his face.
Sharon appeared scandalized over this as she went to her husband. "Shogo,"
"Not a word Sharon!" Shogo somewhat shouted and then gathered himself. "Shiki Tohno, I don't know what you-!"
He stopped as the blade went to his Adam's apple to stop anymore talking.
"What I say is an absolute fact," Shiki replied with no emotion. "You have this and smuggling of illegal things for all these years raising your family dynamic."
Shogo grimaced at that with Sharon looking fearful of that until she felt the presence of Ciel and turned as she entered "Church mode".
"We have confirmed this through the various channels of recent missions of exterminating nesting grounds of low-class vampires." She revealed shocking everyone present. "The magic substance they had might have been different brands but after analyzing it, it matches what you practice Shogo Tachibana."
The dandy dressed man growled as his fist tightened into a fist.
Rei soon said something as she tried getting close. "Dad…is this true?"
Shogo turned to the crestfallen look of his daughter while Sharon tried not weeping.
"It's…" He began to say until he heard a yell.
"Shogo just tell the truth!" Sharon called out going to her knees. "Tell our daughter the truth about this! I can't let her live in a lie anymore!"
The raven-haired teen turned to her mother. "What do you mean mom!"
Shogo would have gone to his wife but Shiki prevented him from moving due to the dagger. Akiza called out to Ciel.
"Call of your watchdog Ciel!"
Ciel turned to Akiza. "You do not give the commands Akiza along with this does not fall under any jurisdiction of the Himemiya's! This is the foundation of the Church matters!"
As Akiza appeared ready to go at it with her, Rin intervened as she handed Hikari over to Akiza (she was still reeling from that glare).
"Ciel-san, what you are saying might have credence but please show some compassion, Rei, and her parents have already been through an ordeal and you decide to do this now?"
Blue eyes turned to aquamarine as the former spoke.
"Yes, this is a serious offense. Granted we were involved with what happened but our job is top priority over family matters!"
Taking point Shiro soon got involved as he placed Dermont on Akiza's shoulder as he went in the defense of his sister-in-law. Akiza soon glanced at her sister then the red plush toy and dropped her head.
"Come on, I'm the babysitter?" She muttered sardonically as she kept her sister up.
"Ciel I have to also ask not to do this!" Shiro stated firmly as he prepared to fight. "I think politics can wait for another time?"
Shiki turned to the mages. "I'm not sure why you are getting involved Emiya, you are nothing but a contractor like Kiritsugu was before you so you have no say in this matter!"
Before he could say anything Shirou soon sprinted towards Shiki trying to land a punch! This surprised him as he nimbly moved away from Shogo! Shogo collapsed in exhaustion as he looked to see the wolf teen growling which he found surprising that he would do that.
Before saying something Shirou turned to the man to set the record straight. "I didn't do that for you, I find you deplorable for that shit you did to your daughter!"
Rei didn't know what to say as she tried keeping tears from coming to her eyes. Seeing Rei like this angered Shirou as he soon moved his glare towards Shiki Tohno who had appeared ready to slay the wolf.
"I knew I should have realized your name was familiar as soon as I heard it!"
Shiki raised an eyebrow before realizing something. "So you must be linked to the Demon Hunter faction?"
Something close to a growl erupted from the black-haired teen. "That's right chuckles and the name Shiki Tohno is notorious in the documents I read once! You're family used to run around taking care of various monsters that made you guys a legend. I never thought I'd ever meet you and I sniffed something wrong with you…that bloodlust of yours!"
Shiki kept an appraised look from showing but was impressed. "I see but I'm surprised there are still ones with lycan blood running around? Thought you guys went extinct?"
Shirou howled out. "You wish!"
As it looked like a battle of hunter vs. wolf was about to start Rin and Shiro stepped in the middle.
"There will be no fighting!" Rin stated as she eyed Shiki. "Shiki-san, I implore you, let this go for the time being! We will resolve this at a later date but not now!"
Shiki stood resolute. "No deal, I have a job to do. I don't care if the Tohsaka has a small foothold in the church but you interfere and you die."
Rin grimaced as she didn't want to have a battle along with being winded from her earlier fight even though she was healed. As it looked like nothing would get resolved something unexpected occurred to stop everything.
"Shiki-san that is enough," A female voice could be heard.
Everyone turned to the staircase as Sakura and Archer returned with a disheveled Frederic who appeared meek, with another person appearing behind them. This figure was female, she had blue eyes and long black hair going to her butt. The woman also wore an elegant business dress that fit snugly over her lithe frame.
As everyone got a clear look at her Akiza, Rin and Shiro could recognize her and it was someone Shiki and Ciel knew intimately. Shiki could only glare at the person before calming down. Ciel scoffed irritably.
As the figure got closer she saw the Tachibana couple and offered a hand to Sharon who took it gratefully and offered her a handkerchief.
"I'm sorry for all this Sharon-san." She spoke in a dignified manner.
The teenagers, however, were surprised by this figure that seemed to be taking command of the situation as she said something to Shogo before turning to Ciel and Shiki. Shirou still seemed on edge and it took a moment for him to calm down. Seeing this Rei gripped his hand without hesitation which garnered his attention.
Dermont, still being on Akiza's shoulder, soon spoke. 'Okay, then who is this person?'
The short-haired blond Himemiya answered. "Her name is Akiha Tohno, CEO of the Tohno Financial Group that is located in Tokyo."
Squeaking out Hikari spoke in amazement. "That conglomerate? Didn't our father have business with them at some point to get the temple established in Fuyuki before moving here?"
"The very same," Akiza confirmed keeping a grimace off her face. "The only info I know of her is she brought her father's company from the brink after the first CEO, her father, Makihisa Tohno, died and is actually the one our father established our home today. I believe though he occasionally does favors for the Tohno group, to his annoyance."
Hearing that Dermont soon asked, 'It sounds like he doesn't get along with them?'
It took a moment for Akiza to describe the circumstances. "It's complicated given the history behind that tainted family…"
Before any of the teenagers could say anything on the matter the CEO Tohno turned to them. "You must be Akiza Himemiya, head priestess of the Himemiya shrine I take it?"
Akiza grabbed Dermont and tossed him to Hikari who caught him by surprise.
'What was that for you Amazon?' Dermont yelled out irritably. He's had enough being passed like some fashion accessory. The elder sibling ignored him and walked forward to meet Akiha; no way would she dare explain a talking deer plushie.
"Actually it is my younger sister, Hikari Himemiya who is the next head; I'm just offering my service to some matters for the time being." She spoke easily.
Akiha appeared surprised by the information but didn't let it show on her face. "I see, well it is still nice to meet you Akiza-san,"
As she gave a nod Akiha soon set her sights on the teens and soon met eyes with Rei and addressed her "Rei Tachibana?"
Rei confirmed as Akiha walked to her. Shirou stood close as did Hikari as she carried Dermont like how Misty in Pokémon did that for Togepi to his embarrassment, he wondered when he would be changed back to normal!
"Not to worry, your parents will not be faced with judgment as of yet," Akiha confirmed. "However as things stand there will be a procedure with this so this will not be over anytime soon."
Tsundere 2.0 felt relief but soon had to ask a couple of questions. "Is it true about the claim?"
The elegant woman took a moment. "That is something to ask your parents, Rei-san."
Rei lowered her head with that but felt happy that her parents wouldn't be facing any hard time yet.
"What about that knife-wielding asshole?" Shirou declared angrily.
Akiha blinked surprised at what the teenager said, she never thought one would just curse out like that to an adult. "If you mean Shiki, he has stood down along with Ciel. Their behavior will be held accountable for a lack of judgment, which I'm surprised Ciel let him get away with in the first place."
Hikari soon asked the next question as she gathered some confidence. And FYI if you are wondering about Ruby, the blond was able to "turn her off" for the time being so you won't be hearing her anytime soon. Don't ask how it went down just use your imaginations as we move this along.
"Tohno-san if I may ask how and why did you come here?" Hikari tried talking properly which came off as awkward to her friends.
Akiha kept a bemused smile from showing at the girl trying to sound mature. "That's a question with a long answer I'm afraid. I will say this; I got word from someone about what was happening,"
Shirou soon butted in. "Wait you know what is going on here?" He demanded. "The fact that my friend went all Witches of Eastwick on us or that douche Frederic?"
Holding up her hands Akiha spoke. "I'm aware of the situation but not much. I also know that you are Shirou Ogami, the blonde is Hikari Himemiya and the one with black hair is Rei Tachibana." She turned to said individuals before doubling back.
"How strange, I thought there was supposed to be another one with you by the name Dermont Lainn?" Akiha responded with surprise.
The group gave each other a look. Akiza, Shiro, Archer, Sakura, Ciel, Rin and Shiki made their way towards them and overheard that and also dropped their heads.
"Huh, what's going on? Have I mistaken my information?" Akiha tried again.
Taking pleasure in this Archer coughed and soon said, "You are looking at the said person as we speak, Akiha-san,"
"I am? Then where is he?" She asked her temper flaring and not liking this joke.
Archer eyed the little animal plush and it was as if they were having an argument that couldn't be heard before the white-haired man smirked. "He's waiting in the rabbit's arms."
Akiha turned her face down to see the plush doll.
'…I'm Dermont Lainn, Akiha-san.' Dermont said lamely enough with untold anger.
The look on Akiha's face was priceless.
After the initial freak out the big party moved themselves to the upper part of the building to start gathering to go. Some people were together discussing what would be the next course of action along with the claim of the Tachibana's going rogue with what they allegedly sold to the black market.
In the den, Rei had decided she needed answers along with closure for the emotional baggage that needed to be dealt with. Shirou offered to go with her but told him that this was something she needed to do and asked him to keep an eye on Frederic.
Complying with a grunt Shirou did just that. He was in the living room making sure the man wouldn't be going anywhere. Of course due to whatever Sakura and Archer did leave the red-head quiet and docile. His crimes would eventually be given to the higher-ups of Clock Tower which would become the scandal in the magic community.
Shirou still wouldn't be forgiving him on how he treated Rei and would have decked him hard but was prevented by Archer, who kept an eye out thanks to his superior eyesight.
"You're a real piece of work," Shirou scoffed as he continued to glare at the non-responsive Sophia-Ri heir. "Stealing all that magic and for what; to maintain some status quo of superiority? I'm surprised that shit still persists in this day and age!" He raged.
The teen wolf (a happy accident I swear, I forgot that was some tween show) got up and grabbed the redhead's shirt and pulled him close, a growl escaping his lips. "But again, putting Rei in that situation of going to treat her as one of our call girls?"
As it looked like the grappler would try to punch him Archer coughed loudly as if telling Shirou to rein in the anger. Shirou did that and let go but he had too much emotion running through him at the moment. He needed something to hit!
Taking his seat he wondered how Rei was doing talking to her overdue talk with her parents. Shirou was frank in his opinion with the Tachibana's; he disliked them, Shogo a lot more due to how he treated Rei.
It was surprising that Shirou's opinion of Rei changed this drastically after admitting his feelings to her in the form of a kiss. He did enjoy the brief feel of it but do that now…he was rather frisky. His wolf nature started coming to the surface due to finding someone he actually likes and it surpassed his feelings for Hikari.
I never thought that would have happened but it's time I moved on from my obsessive love for Hikari. It's like I asked Rei if she really loved Dermont, his thought process went to that conversation. I mean not like I'm going to marry her but I would like to at least try this with Rei. Hope we can discuss this once everything calms down.
Shirou turned his head to the closed door that Rei and her parents were in.
Speaking of Archer he was with Rin, Akiha, Ciel, and Shiki talking about the politics surrounding the Church's claim over the fate of the Tachibana's along with their almost execution. Given how the family is linked to both it made it hard how this was going to go. That conversation would be an even split with Akiha trying to mediate between them due to the unsteady friction with Clock Tower and The Church.
Ciel spoke on the matter. "We were given this mission after it was confirmed with the dealings, Shogo Tachibana." She stated firmly. "Along with his political aspects have gotten out of hand due to him wanting to take this in a different direction."
Rin pushed back her long hair behind her ear and crossed her arms, doing an impressive hip out like pose. "Ciel-san, I am aware my uncle is ambitious and cold with his dealings but he does have some nobility; his family did stop the resurrection of one of those vampires generations ago."
The glasses wearing woman shook her head. "Holding on to past glories won't get you anywhere, a fact I'm surprised you bring up given the tension between the Tachibana's and Tohsaka's."
Knowing that Ciel was trying to force a kind of heated confrontation Rin didn't allow that to happen and continued. "Yes, there is tension, however, I believe we are working past that. Besides the problem is you and Shiki-san were going to kill those two in front of their daughter and after her possession as well?"
Shiki soon stepped in easily and spoke in a clear-cut voice. "That situation with those Grail Cards was never supposed to occur from what I understand," He brought up which made everyone pay attention. "They aren't even supposed to exist and yet Clock Tower made them for what purpose?"
Rin would have answered but nothing she would say would be able to stack up to the claim; the cards were under their jurisdiction and yet they ended up in someone else's hands by mysterious circumstances.
As she was about to say something Archer got involved now. "The inner workings of Clock Tower is beyond our jurisdiction but we are dealing and trying to avert this crisis. It should be of no concern of the church official to wonder about that." He gave a look to Shiki. "You were awfully gung-ho trying to kill that despicable man though, makes me wonder if you hold some kind of grudge with the Tachibana household."
Shiki tightened his fist but tried to not let it show on his face. "I have no such thing; it's nothing more than a job."
"A job that could have gone in a different way without you trying to slice Shogo Tachibana's throat, Shiki," Akiha jumped in as she crossed her arms. "I'm surprised by your action; a member of the Tohno family should act with a lot more integrity and respect."
He grimaced at that, Shiki had some quarrel currently with his sister over certain things which they haven't gotten over just yet. "Akiha, how did you know to come here in the first place?"
Archer too thought on that as he was one of the ones to see her arrive unexpectedly. "I too would like to know that, Akiha-san."
Rin didn't say anything but she was curious along with Ciel.
Akiha only gave a sigh; at least they were not going about auguring how to handle the Tachibana situation. "I received word from Hisui about the situation; apparently she is a cousin to Shoko Lainn who works in research at Clock Tower. She heard that Shiki and Ciel were sticking close to what was going on. Given I was already in the city on business I decided to stop it from occurring."
"How did you find out where we were though?" Shiki asked wondering.
For an instant, her dark hair turned a shade of vermillion and her eyes were the same color albeit briefly before returning back to its natural hue.
"I know what you're life force feels like, my brother. Even in the past decade my ability hasn't faltered to pinpoint you, wherever you are."
Ciel blinked as if she didn't figure that would be the case and continued the conversation. "I'm amazed someone from Clock Tower could have a connection to all this based on a hunch? Who is Shoko Lainn anyway?"
Turning to Ciel, Akiha answered. "Shoko Lainn is part of the Fujou clan and an [Synchronizer] as well. She has had dealings with the Buriel Agency before being married to Richard Lainn." She started bringing up the knowledge she had.
"Lainn?" Shiki muttered. "Why does that name sound familiar as well?"
A chuckle was heard from Archer as the brown-haired man glanced at him. "It sounds familiar due to he was once married to Stella 'Rosen' Lainn, the fabled healer," Archer mentioned chuckling.
Upon saying the name Ciel and Shiki eye's widened. They too heard of the woman's exploits before she passed away all those years ago.
"You mean to say Stella's name is involved in this?" Ciel muttered. She wouldn't normally do that but under the circumstances, it seemed pretty important not to hold face.
The smile on Archer's face grew even more amused which irked Shiki. "That's right and you were about to execute the son of Stella's friend's parents, that smarmy bastard, Dermont. Not only did you show poor judgment but to do that in front of him? Stella would be appalled if she were among the living to witness that!"
Ciel didn't say anything at all. She knew of Stella's mysterious time with the Church and not much was said about it but clearly, she had an impact on them despite also being linked to Clock Tower.
Akiha also added, "Yes, Stella was indeed someone to revere and to think her son is involved with Clock Tower…never thought I'd see the day. Along with Shoko being linked to this due to a family connection to the Fujou's; seems like something more is at work here."
"What do you mean to say Akiha-san, that it's some intervention that's guiding all of us to this point?" Rin teased.
The long-hair woman gave a scoff.
"Please, Rin-san, I don't put much stock in destiny, I'm just merely saying that's all." She clapped her hands. "But to roll this back, for now, the Tachibana's will not be killed but be investigated under regal manners and not just through the Enforcers. There will be a trial to see if the Tachibana family can maintain their standings along with some Clock Tower personnel being involved due to the delicateness of it all," She turned to Rin and Archer. "Is that acceptable?"
"That it is Akiha-san," Rin agreed. "I will get in contact with one of them that owe me a favor."
After this, there would still be talking about how to go about said stuff but Shiki was oddly quiet as he continued thinking he should have killed Shogo when he had the chance.
Archer had it right that Shiki had it out for him but didn't know the reason.
Damn you, Shogo Tachibana, I should have taken advantage when I had the chance! He thought venomously. I won't forget that you tried to kill Elliott at one point due to your own prejudice against tainted bloodlines due to the circumstances of Ciel once being an incarnation of his!
Only known to Ciel, Hisui, Akiha and him, Shiki became a dad during the course of almost four years and the lucky person was…
He felt a hand go to his hand and turned to see Ciel smile. Shiki offered out one as well. Ciel was the mother of their almost four-year-old son, Elliott Tohno. He had no sort of abilities as of yet but one thing he did inherit by being born from Ciel, inheriting Roa's small dose of magical potential which also included strong magical circuits.
Whatever that meant as a whole will be told in time but for right now, somehow Shogo discovered the secret and at one point tried to kill the innocent baby due to Roa being a strong vector of evil which got the wrath of Shiki and Ciel.
Shogo Tachibana, you will not touch a hair on my son. I'll see that you're bigoted ways meet its end one way or another! Shiki swore that he would bring down the Tachibana family.
Akiza was with Sakura and Shiro as she had helped them get in contact with the Lainn's and confirming that they would be there soon to pick up their son. Shoko asked how were her son and the others which got confirmed by Akiza that they were safe along with to be expecting Dermont back to normal soon.
After hanging up, Sakura turned to Akiza. "So did Hikari figure a way to break that curse over of Dermont-kun?" She asked.
"By the way she gave a squeak of excitement and rushed upstairs, I think that is a strong yes," Akiza stated rolling her eyes over her sister's happy disposition.
Shirou gave a chuckle. "At least Dermont won't be a child's plaything for long. I wonder how she figured it out."
Upstairs room
Hikari went upstairs with Dermont, determined to break his curse of being a plush doll. As they were talking before the group split up into different rooms she had Dermont explain what occurred when he was kidnapped.
It took a moment for Dermont to reveal all of it due to it revolved around almost having a moment with Rei. Knowing that he didn't want to explain that part he avoided certain wording and explained how he got to Shirou and Sakura. He at first wasn't also going to reveal the person posing as his deceased mother but thought otherwise since it was Hikari.
After he finished explaining Hikari had a thoughtful look on her face. "So that's what happened? I wonder who would even know what your mom looked like."
The tiny plushie shook his head dismissively. 'Who knows but they messed up when it came to her eyes. I just wonder why they would help me to begin with…'
Pushing back her long hair Hikari could only shrug before continuing. "Anyway Dermont, I brought you up here because I figured out how to break the curse on you."
Sitting a little taller while being on the bed, the red deer doll looked up with expectation.
'You did?'
Hikari appeared hesitant which he knew something was up. 'Hikari, you figured it out right?'
The rabbit paced a little before looking down at him. "Yes, I did but…"
'But…' Dermont exclaimed. 'Look I don't care what you have to do but I want to be in my own body again! Do you know how embarrassing this is?'
Thoughts of what he went through ran in his head; from riding on people's shoulders too Seta ribbing him to his heart's content. Dermont did not like being in this form nor did he like being the one at the end of a running joke. Seeing his frustration Hikari picked up Dermont until they were staring face to face. Purple-red eyes met black beads as she talked.
"I can't know how you feel being in this form and you've endured lots of teasing and what not. But don't you think, in a way, it made you realize how your own teasing can be just as bad?"
Dermont gave her a look that cried "what you saying woman?" before he talked. 'Ah come on, MY teasing is bad?'
"Yes Dermont, the constant witty quips, and snarky commentary over what happens to everyone around us and even downright mean at times," Hikari spoke like a parent nagging a child, which to Dermont's surprise she's gotten good at as of late.
This was bewildering, Dermont always used sarcasm, and it was a part of him. He never figured that it could be bad, depending on when it happened.
'Does my snark annoy you Hikari?' He asked contemplatively.
Eyes widening Hikari answer. "Not really since I know that's part of your personality but you do like teasing me too much…"
'In what way, Kari?' Said doll asked.
She blushed. "Calling me flat-board?"
'That's me complimenting your physique.' He easily said.
"In front of everyone though? Do you have to constantly remind me that I don't have breasts like Rei or my sister or Sakura-san?" Images of said females striking a sexy pose floated in her mind as she dropped her head in shame.
Dermont gave a chuckle. 'No need to compare Hikari, you're boobs will grow little by little.'
It took a moment to realize how Dermont was able to change the subject to boobs. "Dermont I was going to tell you how I could change you back and we talk about this?" She cried with injustice!
'You were being wishy-washy again so I decided to make you laugh and relax.' He stated. 'Whatever method you have will be fine with me Hikari. I trust you; we are partners after all.'
Hearing that made Hikari brim with confidence as she thought about what they've been through as of late. "We are partners and it means a lot to me for you to say that Dermont." Taking a breath she calmed down. "Dermont, like I said I figured how to change you back."
'And how is that?' He asked.
Before he knew it Hikari kissed him on the forehead making a cute "Chuu" noise for added effect. It didn't take a moment until red smoke surrounded the little frame until Dermont's lanky frame appeared and the added benefit he had his arms wrapped around Hikari's shoulders; her kiss no longer on his head but on his bare chest.
Opening her eyes Hikari saw Dermont's tall figure holding her which she once again blushed. Dermont, eyes also closed, opened to see the situation they were in. There was another elephant in the room as well and it would be addressed in 3, 2…
"WHY DON'T I HAVE ANY CLOTHES?" Dermont yelled taking three steps back exposing all the goods. What's with him showing his junk to the two main females in this story?
Hikari blushed as well as getting a good look at the goods before turning. "I-I don't know!"
"Why'd you look?"
"I couldn't help it! I didn't expect that to happen!"
"I didn't think you'd be lewd Hikari!"
"I'm not!"
After the exclamation bout, the two had to catch their breath. Dermont, with haste, grabbed a bed sheet and wrapped around his waist until he could find some decent clothes in the house. As he checked his hands and feet the black haired teen gave a smile.
"Finally no longer in that obnoxious form; no way I'm ever allowing that to happen to me, never again!" Dermont rambled which was new for Hikari, he never did such a thing much.
Dermont noticed Hikari and asked, "So how did you figure to use a simple thing like a kiss to break the curse?" While he waited for her to answer the teen went through the dresser which luckily had Frederic's spare clothes he kept around the house.
"Actually it was Sakura-san who gave me a hint while we were coming back up here." She revealed. "Along with hearing about the account how she was freed from that sleeping curse, I got the answer I needed."
Nodding his head Dermont again reminded himself not to underestimate the power of a kiss. "I guess those fairy tales hold some truth in them to break a curse?" Dermont muttered. Finding some clothes he gave Hikari a look.
"I don't mind you being in here Kari but could you turn around as I put on these clothes?" He asked sounding indifferent, "You think you are missing seeing something?"
Blushing at that Hikari turned around as Dermont put on the clothes. She didn't have to wait even a minute as the blond turned, giving an appraised look over what he wore; an open red shirt that showed off his chest and sported black jeans and his feet he decided to go with flip-flops (the shoes were not his size).
Hikari's cheeks continued to get hot as if she didn't know how to react or say to his choice. Not decided if she were flustered or on the verge of fainting Dermont decided to say something. "That douche doesn't have much so I have to make do until going home."
Only nodding Hikari continued eying how he looked and couldn't help but what how damn attractive he looked, almost like a Calvin Klein model.
Sensing that he was losing her due to his man juices Dermont flicked her head causing her to yelp out.
"Ow, what was that for?" She cried rubbing her forehead.
He walked passed her easily. "For giving me the up-down, that's what." His figure soon left the room.
Hikari felt bad for doing that but she didn't know why that was. She took a single step before bumping into his chest. Before long she was in the lanky teen's embrace, shocking her.
Taking a moment to let it sink in with what he did Dermont said, "Thank you Hikari for breaking that curse." He whispered before kissing her on the cheek.
What felt like an eternity Hikari was on cloud nine! She never thought she'd be in this kind of situation let alone with Dermont. As he broke it off he gave her a wink.
"Try not to fall for me…okay?" He said jokingly as he soon stated they needed to go downstairs.
Hikari stood in the room a moment longer before thinking about what he said.
"Try not to fall for me…why did it sound like he was sad about it?" Hikari whispered bringing her hand to the left side of her cheek. "I also didn't even get to ask him about his dreams…I guess it can wait."
Dermont stuck his head back in the room, his orange eyes looking annoyed. "Will you stop trying to have character development by talking to no one here and come on!" He soon left.
Hikari moved her butt to follow him. When they got back downstairs everyone would be surprised and happy to see that Dermont's curse was removed. All except the Tachibana's who were having their own mini moment.
Rei was sitting on a couch while her parents grabbed two chairs to sit in front of her as they soon started talking over the accusation that occurred along with them as a family unit.
"Before all that I want to know one thing!" Rei demanded as she sounded composed but internally she was angry.
Sharon and Shogo waited for what their daughter wanted to say.
"…Did you really want to be parents?" She said quietly.
Eyes widening at the sentence Sharon was beside herself and Shogo was also tight-lipped as he didn't know what to say.
Crystal blue eyes appeared hardened as she spoke once again. "I'm sorry but I need to know. Over my entire life, it felt like I was more of an accessory to uphold this so-called family honor than be a daughter to you! I did good-no, go above and beyond to maintain my grades and being composed and 'mature' for someone of my age. I never let myself get involved with the 'common folk' you decreed lesser than us and I made sure my magic on both sides of my heritage was up to par under the Tachibana name! I became the personification of perfect. I dealt with the lack of empathy and love…for sixteen years! SIXTEEN YEARS OF NEVER BEING LOVED BY THE BOTH OF YOU!" She yelled out.
Shogo covered his eyes with a hand while Sharon appeared on the verge of sobbing but held it in as they needed to give their daughter to vent out these feelings.
"I, who was denied some semblance of a childhood, hadn't any friends! I had admirers or people who either feared me or felt antagonized by my haughty attitude towards them." She turned to her father. "Father I made sure to keep our family motto in my heart, to rid evil even if it means to commit evil. I never once doubted the words for an instant. I hold our family honor to the point that I feel like breaking but I don't, over this family lineage."
She soon turned to her mother. "We never even had dinner together much by the time I was eight years old. I was either eating by myself with either the maid or butler or when we did it felt cold and lifeless. And this is before we moved to Fuyuki! We used to live overseas in Europe until I was thirteen and we moved back to our family's walking ground which is Japan. By that time you got rid of the aids in order for me to fend for myself which I could do. Then you decide to do extended travels and leave me by myself which I didn't really mind. While teens experience the normals of adolescence, I'm studying on various tombs or curses or even family lineages connected to this place! I maintained everything with the occasional checkup before you vanish again."
Rei's eyes continued staying hard but her voice started cracking as she stared at the both of them. "So answer me please! Give me a reason not to give up on you too! My friend Dermont, the one I was supposed to watch, thanks to him, I saw what family does!"
A memory flashes when she took care of Seta during the time Shoko was possessed by the Rider card then soon to the hot spring incident where she got a little closer to Rin and Sakura.
"There is so much warmth I missed due to all that. I never questioned it but now…" Rei pressed her hand against her buxom bosom. "I just need an answer from the both of you…do you even love me?"
Tears fell down her face and upon seeing that Sharon rushed her daughter into her arms which caused Rei to gasp.
"My precious girl." Sharon sobbed holding her in a firm grasp. "I never knew any of what you kept locked away."
Shogo also looked be grieved over what he put his daughter through; putting a family legacy, gaining in political satire and forgetting something he too forgot; that he above all else he was a father.
Rei hugged her mother as Sharon pulled apart from her and looked at her firmly. "Rei, you are very important to both your father and me and it is now apparent that I tell you something."
The raven-haired teen felt her heart get heavy. "Like what…" She was hoping it wasn't some scandal.
Sharon turned to Shogo who only gave her a nod before returning her view on Rei. Both mother and daughter now sat on the couch.
"When I met your father it wasn't love that we felt for one another…at first." The woman turned her eyes to Shogo who gave her a hint of a smile. "It was more of a business transaction. We both felt that we would do well staying by each other's side as colleagues. Given I was a Tohsaka and scorned I had my own issues to work with while Shogo continued trying to strengthen his ties in raising in ranks at the Buriel Agency. Eventually, we did come together into marriage but the thing was…I had a hard time to conceive."
This surprised Rei as she never knew that. She gripped her mother's hand and turned to her father. "Dad…"
He soon spoke. "It was a difficult time finding out that we might not have a child and we were just married. For the time being, we focused on our work but soon started feeling we missed something. We did what was asked, changed diets, got ourselves checked and even had your mother go through estrogen shots. Sharon…she did become pregnant at one point but lost the baby just as fast."
Sharon appeared grieved at remembering that time but she soon continued the conversation. "I thought that I would never become a mother. With my circumstances, I thought that if I had a child I would do right by him or her that I would walk a different path then my own parents did with Tokiomi and myself. And it felt like my prayers were answered when I became pregnant with you…"
Shogo went on. Rei took note that he was holding his wife's hand, something she thought she'd never see.
"I made sure Sharon was taken care of with doctors, anything to make sure the pregnancy would go through. During this time our assets were limited and had tons of debt. It kept piling up but I didn't care as long as your mother would be all right with you in her arms however our luck was finite."
Rei turned to her father. "What do you mean?"
"Rei you were sickly when born, along with being in the hospital for 3 months until it was safe to bring you home and even then it was a challenge." Shogo continued with lament which shocked the usual snarky teen.
Composing himself Shogo went on, his hand never leaving Sharon as if getting strength from her. "When you were born Rei it was a feeling I'll never soon forget. You are our daughter, for whom we would do anything for…even if it meant breaking the very rules I swore to myself."
Rei gave a stare at her father and even though she felt conflicted this was the opportunity that she waited for. "Does this have to do with what Tohno-san accused you of?"
"It goes into it but I do swear that anything I've done was never supposed to get into the underground market," Shogo revealed ashamed.
Sharon took her cue and continued. "As we mentioned there was tons of debt due to keeping up with the medical bills and even though we could take you home you always wound up with a fever no matter what we did. I even invested in using some alchemy but due to the chemicals and you being an infant but thought wiser of that."
"Mom, if that's the case, then how am I healthy now?" Rei demanded to try to keep an edge off her voice but failing.
The parents looked at one another before Sharon did the talking. "We were approached by a female one night when you're fever hit a point I never saw before. She claimed to have been walking through the neighborhood and could hear the wailing,"
"Though I was suspicious given I was aware who moved into the neighborhood and it seemed too convenient that some stranger walks through a neighborhood in the dead of night!" Shogo snarled which Sharon had to ask him to calm down before continuing.
"Anyway despite Shogo's wishes along with his concern for you exceeded his normally cynic mind along with mine we had her come in as she stated that she could help you. Yes, a stranger coming into our home is suspicious but there was something peculiar about her that told me she could be the one to ease your pain. She utilized the ingredients I had and was able to whip up some substance I never thought possible."
Sharon appeared to be thinking of the moment along with Shogo as Rei had to urge what it was they had her drink.
"The interesting thing about the drink has she used an ingredient that I thought was nothing more than a legend; it was [Ambrosia]."
Eyes widening in shock Rei couldn't stop her mouth from dropping; Ambrosia, the food of the Greek Gods themselves that could grant someone longevity of life or even immortality.
Holding up her hand to her face Rei had to calm down with this information. "Mother do you mean to say I have immorality or something?"
"No-no Rei, the woman stated that it had lost its strength a long time ago but it was small enough to give you a boost to your weakened immune system and said that you would be healthy for a long time or at least when it works through your system. You are still able to go through the process of life as you are a teenager, right?" Sharon calmly stated though she did look concerned.
Thinking about that Rei did calm down. She soon looked at her dad. "Father…"
Shogo spoke. "It's as your mother said though I was apprehensive with that strange potion we had to give you I was more than gratified when your fever broke." He gave her an actual smile which Rei never thought were possible before he continued. "The woman stated that there was a price for using something of that magnitude; she wanted me to use my connections to give her any relics or patents to her or anything I will create. Of course, I refused but given the price of your life, which I do not regret, I had no choice. So what Shiki did say is somewhat accurate but not the full story given the circumstances. I had no clue the benefactor would sell to others in the black market but it never came back to me along with the money we made to get out of debt I wasn't actually kicking this gift horse."
Everything was coming full circle. Shogo revealing everything that he's done to reach his family to prominence. Rei wasn't sure how to feel that her noble family was corrupt even though they did the one thing any parent would do; save their child.
"Dad I feel like I should apologize," Rei spoke. "Because of me and my failing health, I was the one to put that burden on you. Because of me-?" She stopped abruptly as she felt arms wrapped around her shoulders and it was her father.
"Stop that Rei," Shogo whispered. "None of this is your fault!"
Rei never heard her father's voice break before. He always felt distant in Rei's mind and to be this close to the man who she felt that would never show an ounce of affection.
"Rei, you were never a burden. All I wanted was for our family to have the glory it once had. I didn't want it to be drowned out in the bowels of history anymore! I wanted you to be above everyone else because it is your right!" Shogo responded. "But I never wanted you to know about any of my duplicities actions…all that I did in the name of my family but the truth is, it's nothing more than arrogance. I wanted this because I hated how everything that my family once had was torn to shreds by other families that raised above us."
It took a moment for Shogo to continue as he looked at her. "Rei…I'm not a nice person nor am I saint. I will never be able to get over my own insecurities and I know I will not change drastically but the one thing I know and feel is that…I am proud of what you accomplish in your life. I know that when the time comes you will be a better leader for this family than I am."
Not sure how to take this Rei only hugged her father and soon Sharon did as well.
"I'm not sure how all this will turn out and there will be enough to answer for but I will never regret the choice I made which is saving your life Rei…" Shogo said. "And to answer the question, we do love you. You are our daughter, how could we ever not want to be your parents?"
Sharon also broke in. "You will continue to mature Rei and it seems you are more astute than I was at your age. I couldn't be prouder."
One-third of a smile showed on Rei's features as she looked at her mom and dad. "Father, mother, I need to ask something; my friends…may I stay with them?"
Sharon took a moment and nodded. "You can do as you like Rei, it's not like I or your father could stop you. Though I have inhibitions over said friends…it's what makes you happy."
Shogo also reluctantly gave a nod, he also had reservations with her befriending the Himemiya, Lainn families...especially Shirou Ogami and that was something he would have to get used to.
Thinking on open bonds Rei also asked that she keep an open line of communication with her cousins Rin and Sakura and their respective families. Though it took some extra minutes persuading her parents (mostly Sharon) they gave their half-hearted blessing.
Rei knew it would be sometime before that situation got solved along with her parents soon to be tried but there was something that she got out of it; acknowledgment that her parents did indeed love her.
Though the Tachibana's would still be their upper-crust, stuffy selves Rei could at least be happy with her friends being in her life and that was all that mattered to her.
September – Tachibana household
Rei was up and already finishing putting on her school uniform for the new semester. It had been two weeks since the Caster incident which left her a changed person along with her family.
Brushing her long black hair and soon putting it in a hairstyle reminiscent of Weiss Schnee, Rei made sure she had everything she needed. A week previously she had to go to the school as being the president of her the student council, confirming various things that would happen from school activities to clubs along with finishing up her homework.
Walking downstairs Rei saw that her parents were packed and ready to go too; they would be heading off to the Europe Branch seeing the big wigs at Clock Tower over the recent activities as of late along with the Bureial Agency being there.
Rei was sad knowing her parents had a lot to answer for and wondered if she should go when hearing what would happen but being reassured by her mother that they would handle it along with some help from Rin (which surprised them) and even Akiha Tohno, they would see that the procedures go easy.
As a form of an olive branch, Rin was more than happy and surprised that Rei had at least let go of the past and decided to help her parents. With this, she and Archer would be away from Fuyuki for a time until the procedures were handled. Along with Ciel and Shiki would go to being the ones to confirm the actions and Akiha being a sort of buffer to make this a fair trial.
Rei was worried about her father though when it came to Shiki Tohno. She didn't really speak to him but always could tell he hated her father.
I hope everything is settled soon to avoid any backlash from the magic and religious communities, Rei thought as the rumors started flying around. Her family was in some dark times at the moment.
Going to her mother, Rei gave her a hug. "Mom are you sure I shouldn't come for moral support?" She asked.
Sharon, still wearing a new red dress and looking on point with her light makeup gave her daughter a smile "No, you have a responsibility and that is to go and learn. Try not to worry about your father and I. You will do more good being here and helping your friends than dealing with the ramblings of old men."
This got a chuckle out of Rei before hugging her father and he too hugged her. "I have your mother to keep me in line as we deal with this mess."
"But father are you sure you won't be condemned?" Rei asked concerned."
It took a moment for him to answer. "I know I will face some penalty but with your mother's niece, it shouldn't be that bad." He gave her one of his rare smiles. "I or your mother will keep you updated with the proceedings."
She gave him another hug which he didn't mind before something buzzed in her pocket. Taking it out she saw it was Shirou. "Yes, what is it Shirou?" Rei wasn't one for pleasantries and got straight to the point.
"Come on, you could at least have some kindness in your voice?" Shirou's voice could be heard whining.
A sigh escaped her lips. "I'm about to leave, just wishing my parents a safe journey to Europe. I'll meet you at school!"
"Cool, tell your parents I say hi!" Shirou's voice joyfully said before cutting the connection.
As she was about to say it, Shogo gave a response. "Yes, we heard him…no need to say it." He was rather uncomfortable knowing his daughter had feelings for him which were a pill to swallow. This too would be something that would take time getting situated.
Sharon, being a tad bit okay with it only smiled. "You got him on a leash it seems," she said. "I taught you well."
Both Mother and daughter gave wicked smiles to one another as Shogo only gave an exasperated sigh before they said their goodbyes before heading to the airport.
Rei stood waving as the car was out of sight before taking another gander at her house. Even though it would be empty it at least felt a little warmer knowing it wasn't so restricted as it once was.
Grabbing her bag, shutting the door and locking it, Rei didn't notice her right hand glittered like diamonds in the sunlight…
Lainn Residence
Dermont too was finished getting ready as he rushed downstairs to grab something to eat. His situation was also good with his parents being ecstatic and thankful that he was no longer a children's plaything.
When he returned things were somewhat hectic with Shiro and Sakura getting a very happy Hiroki and thanking the Lainn's for helping them look after their little one. Shoko was pleasant and Richard was also cool given he raised two boys so another one wouldn't have rattled him in the least.
As they left Dermont had to go and see how Seta was doing given how they ended things.
Thinking on that he shoved some toast in his mouth Dermont could only give an internal sigh. It's still frosty with Seta and he's still holding a grudge…I tried apologizing but he's being stubborn!
Walking past Shoko and giving her a quick hug and a wave to his dad, Dermont checked his own cell.
I'm making good time today. I bet Rei will already be there at the school when I arrive to give Kari and Shirou a hard time.
Racing off he didn't notice Seta staring at him through his window. He frowned heavily before getting ready for school as well.
Himemiya residence
Shirou waited at the base of the shrine for Hikari as he finished talking to Rei and he had a smile on his face.
During the interval, he and Rei talked about the things that happened to them as of late but haven't made anything official with dating status which he didn't mind. He was just happy knowing that Rei was in better spirits.
Speaking of this, "Hikari come on, we are going to be late!" He heard a crash which he knew what happened as Hikari sprinted to him and bowed.
"I'm sorry, I got wrapped up in some purification last night!" Hikari babbled.
Before he could say anything Akiza, wearing an actual Miko outfit snarked. "Hikari I did tell you I had it under control but you forced yourself into it."
"But that spirit appeared hostile and…" She trailed off seeing the glare her sister gave her.
When the Himemiya sisters had returned after the caster situation Akiza decided that she'd stay here for the time being as a figurehead to the shrine which shocked Hikari.
The long-haired blond would have protested but Akiza easily swayed her sister with that she is still a student and should focus on her studies along with her priestess duties. She admitted it was in bad taste the responsibility dropped to her along with got the okay from their still traveling parents.
Hikari and Akiza also placed the grail card in a purified spiritual barrier in their shrine for safe keeping. With both sister's powers being the base of maintaining it nothing could penetrate it unless it was a blood relative. Though it was sealed it attracted malevolent spirits despite it being a holy shrine which was easily contented with Akiza.
Akiza was also going through the basics of utilizing her own powers and continuing her sword training to be in control of them but did not stop her from doing side jobs of her own profession. She was more than willing to put that on hold for the time being, being concerned over the grail cards and secret from her sister, Dermont as well and this hold he had over her naïve sister.
She had no problem with Dermont being Hikari's partner in the slightest but with catching hints of something more Akiza would be vigilant with her observations. Lind, her spirit also was still recharging from the mana drain along with using her own powers to purify the now defunct El Melloi summer house of spell wave contamination.
"You two better get going, wouldn't want to be late?" Akiza said as she had a broom in her hands, really making her look the part of a priestess which in turn stunned Shirou.
"Never in a million years would I see Akiza being the part of a priestess…must be the end of the world. Shirou muttered before feeling a crack in his head.
"I'm sorry did the puppy say anything?" Akiza growled, her hand tightening over the broom and causing it to crack.
Squeaking out something close to a mouse yelp Shirou took off with Hikari as they headed down the stairs.
Akiza gave a smile of seeing them as she brushed her short hair behind her ear as a gust of wind blew it, really giving her the official "priestess motif" before thinking.
So we have one card under our protection while the enemy has three. I wonder who will be targeted next? Akiza asked Lind.
Lind's spiritual body emerged as she too looked grim. "Even I don't know but with everything that's happened and how spell wave contamination seems to be growing rapidly, we must remain vigilant."
Giving another look at her shrine Akiza felt the card was still purified for now. As she was going to check on it some customers appeared as they were greeted with the hired help.
"Oh well, a priestess has to make money somehow." She muttered before going to greet the coming wave of customers.
2nd-year classroom.
Hikari and Shirou made it to class on time but were still met with gripes from Rei and Dermont when they arrived. They would meet up for lunch to discuss other matters before break into their classrooms.
As Hikari greeted her classmates she saw an empty seat next to her which piqued her curiosity. Taiga Fujimura appeared (making an official appearance in this story as of late and the author promises to keep her in the school setting) she greeted them happily.
"Good morning everyone, I hope you all had an exciting break before coming back to school! " She spoke hyperactivity. "I hope you all finished your homework?"
Some students moaned and groaned about not doing said homework which soon got Taiga to call them out. "I'LL BE SEEING YOU AT THE END OF THE DAY TO MAKE IT ALL UP!" The tiger gave a roar which frightened the ones that didn't do their homework.
Shirou was sweating bullets and thanked his lucky stars he did it thanks to Rei's interference while Hikari also thanked tsundere 2.0 as well.
"Anyway before I forget, some things have changed, Momiji Kishinami has transferred classes as we have a new transfer student!" Taiga exclaimed. "Though we will miss Kishanami-san, please show some kindness to our new classmate. The light-brown haired teacher turned to the door. "You can come in now!"
The entire class was silent as they saw the new student and it was a girl and not just any female! Shirou and Hikari did a double take on who it was in the front of the room!
Shirou couldn't keep the shock off his face while Hikari was flabbergasted by this student.
Taiga wrote the name on the whiteboard as the student gave a radiant gentle smile.
"Greetings everyone, my name is Aileen Moore, I'm from Europe but transferred here being part of the cultural exchange program," The pretty girl said elegantly as she flashed a smile which put all the boys in lockdown mode.
Her medium length brown hair also seemed to sparkle with a radiance which the girls instantly felt a pang of envy and anger! She also wore a pink necklace with a gem embedded in the middle.
"I hope we can all get along!"
(Scene fades to black as Madoka Magica OST: Luminous plays as specific scenes of chapters 1 thru 20 plays with an image of Hikari and Dermont standing back to back as ends song)
And that my fellow readers end this chapter! I once again apologize for the delay as I wasn't planning on this to be another delay of 5 months.
It's already October and this story hasn't shown much production in 2016? Damn, I need to show my actions with dedication. Have I thought of making a kind of annual chapter since this started in November?
It would just be small stories of little actions of what occurs with our cast before the Lancer arc hits? At least that's an idea, I don't see that arc starting till 2017 so the annual should tide you over. I'll think more on that but if you like it to give a shout in a review.
Yeah I know I'm not one to cry about reviews (I'm pretty chill if you don't want to review) but it would be nice to see if anyone is reading this and gives me that boost to say "here it is NOW GET WORKING DARN IT!" LOL!
Yes after this long period Rei has been cleansed of the card but what change occurred to her? You'll find out in due time. She and Shirou will be official soon. I also tried to give some characterization of Shogo and Sharon. Yeah, they might not be changing fully as I felt I have to at least keep that part of their personalities in check since that would be a disservice of how I wrote them. They will still be stuffy but loving to Rei.
Shiki and Ciel are a couple along with having a son. Their story is connected to Shogo Tachibana's own innate hatred of anything that defies his own ideals as explained. Now, why would I make another OST kid?
That's for you to take a wild guess at but I'm planting seeds.
How surprising I got Akiha Tohno involved ad she's a legit businesswoman. I state that there is friction between her and her "beloved" brother as of late but what it is will remain quiet until I write something on them.
I did forget to write Illya in this but that might be for the best. She'll be somewhat quiet for now but you can bet she is upset about losing that card. I better make her a factor for our precious priestess soon though so don't be surprised.
Along with mentioning Momiji Kishinami, the one to bring Gil in the world; she will be playing a factor in this story so I have to get her integrated along with her brother. If you remember she does have some rivalry with Rei. And what better irony is to have them in the same class now? Blood will flow.
Aileen aka Grainne, Diarmuid's former love, makes her appearance now and this will be a plot played out in the coming arcs. You can bet how this will be a thing for you Dermont/Hikari shippers.
Rin and Archer will be ghost being in Europe and don't count on Shiro and Sakura to be stepping in as well as the latter will be taking a short trip to America for a kind of honeymoon/vacation with Hiroki (I want to keep the little guy away from what's going to happen) and they deserve it with what occurred in this chapter.
I did drop Dermont's angle with Frederic's family but that can be explored fully in the Lancer arc as well so look forward to it.
I think I will do that annual chapter and I have something to ask, what opening/ending song do you want for the Lancer arc? Just a thought if you have any idea's leave them in the review.
Okay so I won't say when I'll update (that would put too much pressure on me) but I'll be working on that next chapter. In my spare time these last few months I've started blogging, I feel it helps me keep consistent with writing. I'm on WordPress and my username is "Rhelix", check it out, I have some anime and movie reviews along with ramblings.
Hope everyone enjoyed and have a good Halloween and scare off any little kids! LOL.