another, another ~ ladiladida!
I do not own Shugo Chara!
Maybe if I go away...everything will be okay again. Everyone will stop crying... Everyone will stop suffering... Everyone won't sacrifice themselves for me... Everyone will be happy...
I stop in front of the airport and turn around. "Good-bye..." I whisper in the wind. I'm sure that they will hear it soon. Just not soon enough. I am doing what is best, right? I giggle to myself and step onto the plane. Soon it will take me to a place far away.
A place that might not suffer because of me. A place where I can do whatever without anyone worrying about me. But when I turn the corner I will once again see them. Standing together, giggling and laughing. Getting ready to take the 'picture of their lives.'
While they are squeezing tightly against one another, I'll be the one to take the shot. I'll be the one not standing together with them. And when their children ask where the "auntie" is. You won't have a single memento. You won't have an answer. You'll just shake your head saying that you don't know. And I don't blame you.
I left a long time ago. I never properly said good-bye. I'm sorry. But I hope you guys are happy. You might see me and I might see you. But then I'll just disappear like before. If you blink then I'll be gone before you can say another word.
I dont know is I should make this a one-shot or a full-out story. *depressed*