Chapter 3

Half an hour later John had finished setting up the crib in his room. He brushed off his hands and wandered back out into the living room. He was met with a consulting detective sound asleep on the couch with Isabella's sleeping form still perched in his arms. John approached the pair quietly and attempted to pick up Isabella but, Sherlock's arms tightened around the baby. Happily surprised at the amount of affection the detective was showing Isabella, John smiled and tried to rouse Sherlock from his sleep.

"Sherlock…." John shook Sherlock's shoulder slightly, "Sherlock, Isabella has to sleep in her crib and you'll get uncomfortable sitting like that."

Sherlock opened one eye lazily and relinquished his hold on Isabella. John scooped up the baby and cradled her closely to ensure she didn't wake up. He dislodged one of his hands and picked up the blanket draped across the back of his chair.

"Here you go, lie down and get some rest." He threw the blanket at Sherlock who responded with a noncommittal grunt as he collapsed across the couch. John raised an eyebrow at the detective's lanky legs which were overhanging the edge of the couch but shrugged it off. John thought to himself 'It's a miracle he's sleeping at all. There is no chance at getting him to go to his actual bed.'

John returned to his bedroom and set Isabella down in her cot. He attached the mobile that had been in the bag and spun it around. It was a model of the solar system. All eight planets circling around the bright yellow sun. John spun the mobile and watched the little girls eyes sparkle with delight as she reached up to grab at the glossy colours.

"At least you appreciate the wonders of the universe." John smiled at Isabella whilst remembering his failure at teaching one very stubborn detective about the solar system. He tucked her under her soft pink blanket, brushed a few sparse curls from her face and headed to his bathroom to get ready for bed.

When he re-entered the room he peeked over the edge of the crib to find Isabella asleep once again. After triple-checking the positioning of her blanket he decided it was time he went to bed.

He was restless. No, he was more than restless. He was completely and utterly distraught.

Once John had climbed into bed, memories of the past flooded back to him. His mother screaming, his father shouting and a very still body wrapped in a soft blanket.

John awoke with a start and saw a figure standing next to the cot at the foot of his bed. He leaned forward only to recognise the flash of silver associated with Sherlock's eyes. His figure was rocking awkwardly in an attempt to soothe the gurgling baby squirming in his arms.

Still slightly dazed, John questioned the man, "Sherlock?"

"The child was crying and it made sleep impossible." Sherlock quickly explained. The detective looked over at John and began a rapid round of deductions.

Dishevelled hair, movement in his sleep. Slight build-up of sweat, obvious sign of panic or stress. Arms crossed over chest, acts as protective barrier suggests he is hiding something. Rubbing the nape of his neck, perhaps an act of self-soothing. Conclusion: Nightmare.

Sherlock's concentration was suddenly broken, "What's that look for?" John queried after returning Sherlocks stare.

"What look?" The detective replied innocently.

"The look. The 'I'm deducing your whole life story look'." John stated much to Sherlock's confusion.

"John, you must be seeing things due to your lack of sleep. Lie back down and I will care for the child." Sherlock said as he brushed off John's observation. John let out a loud chuckle and rubbed his hands with his face.

"What is it?" The still confused detective questioned John.

"You." The doctor replied pointedly, "I never thought I would ever hear you say 'care' and 'child' in the same sentence." Sherlock narrowed his eyes at John's amusement but the doctor continued. "You've shown more sentiment today than in the entire time I've known you. Since when do you remember babies being born? Sherlock…. are you still listening?"

As an attempt to try and ignore him, Sherlock had turned away from John. "I thought that you would be pleased about the effort I have put into 'baby-sitting' this child. Anyways I was in the middle of a very important experiment pertaining to the growth of algae in the River Thames when Mrs Hudson interrupted me with the news." Sherlock replied bitingly. Although his back was turned, John swore he could hear the sneer that had settled on Sherlock's face.

Sherlock leaned over and placed Isabella back in the crib. He replaced her blanket as John began his apology, "Look, Sherlock. I am really glad you've taken such a shining to Isabella." Sherlock rolled his eyes but John went on, "It's just a bit different, but good different. I've never been fantastic with kids but.." John stopped short and cleared his throat and Sherlock eyed him suspiciously, "But, it's good to know at least one of us is capable." The doctor gave Sherlock a small smile but Sherlock saw through the act and recognised the guilt painted on Johns face.

Sherlock took the silence that followed as his cue to leave and he headed for the door. As he passed through the doorframe he turned to the older man and said "I was serious about you getting some sleep. Goodnight, John."