(Willow/William Dear's POV)

"We need to talk." Peter Pan towered over me.

I scrambled to my feet, "I'm so sorry, Peter, I didn't want anyone to know!"

He held up his hand to silence my worrying, "It's alright, Will." He shook his head. "I was just startled by what your father had done to you."

Wait, what?

"That sick bastard should've never laid a hand on you like that." His gaze was low, on the ground.

"Peter, what are you talking about?" I asked.

His head snapped back up, "The marks on your back… what were you apologizing for?"

My eyes slightly widened, "I was… apologizing for not telling you about the marks. I just thought I misheard what you said." My voice wavered a bit.

He frowned, stepping toward me and causing me to step back. "I don't like when people lie to me, William."

"I'm not lying!" I continued to back away as he approached me.

It wasn't until he rushed at me, practically shoving me against a tree, that I stopped backing away. My wrists were pinned over my head with just one of his hands while the other caressed my cheek. His deep blue eyes darkened as they stared directly into mine.

"I know you're not telling me something, Will…" He leaned in until our noses were almost touching.

My hands trembled, knees weakening while a fluttering sensation sickened my stomach. Either it was his hot breath on my face or I was burning with blush. Quick, Willow, think of something. Anything!

"They weren't from him…" I admitted.

From one statement, everything about him changed. His tense musles fell loose, his tight jaw became unwound and even his breathing stopped for a second. He released my wrists and took a step back from me.

"When I was 16, I dated a sadist…not a good idea." I added.

"I… I didn't know…" he whispered under his breath.

Out of the blue, a yelping and howling came from the distance. The boys were close. Pan closed his hand around my forearm and tugged me towards the noise.

"Come, I told the boys we were all playing Cats and Mice so they wouldn't suspect you ran away." He explained. "Why did you run away in the first place?"

"That's a tale for another time."

"Nearly forgotten…" a rope appeared tied around my wrists as he glanced back at me with a crooked grin. "Can't have the others think you came willingly."

God, I missed him.

The boys who played cats whooped and cheered in success when Peter walked me into came as the last mouse mouse was tied to the base of a thick tree, tightly packed against each other. Pan smirked at me, untying my wrists and handing me over to the two boys who were tying them in. A scratchy, slightly-frayed-from-overuse rope was laid over my arms and tightened with a knot. From the texture of the rope, I could tell my bare upper-arms were going to have red marks no matter what. For what seemed like hours, the victors rallied with different sounding cheers and whoops, celebrating their win. A few of us shifted under the itchy ropes, causing more of use to shift from being bumped so often.

Then, after things calmed down, they dropped in random places around the fire, exhausted and happy. It wasn't long after when I closed my eyes as well and slipped under. I didn't have much sleep however, when a sudden loosening of my ropes almost caused me to fall. Either someone tied a pathetic knot or only I was untied.

"Did you know that you seem to be one of Pan's favorites?" Felix's voice came from behind the tree.

Cautious, I brushed the bindings off of me and circled the tree of resting boys to find the smug blonde half-smirking, half-seething at me. I didn't know why I felt the need for caution, Felix never hit or ever even insulted me. Perhaps it was the way his eyes seemed to darken and his skin turned paler in the moonlight.

"I can't help if he likes me." I tried to match his smirk.

"It's been years since you've been to the island, your skills must be rusty. Come with me, we can practice." he offered.

"Does Pan know about this?" I asked.

"Yes and he's perfectly fine but we mustn't arouse the others." He trekked off into the pitch black jungle.

Glancing back Pan, who was sleeping soundly in his usual tree, I shook away my caution and followed Felix. Why would he want us to have a midnight spar like this? Why not wait for the morning? Maybe it was to test how well I could fight in the dark before in daylight as a run-before-walking theory. We must've walked for an hour or so, searching for an isolated spot. The boys were trained to hear from extreme distances due to any wildlife.

"How much farther?" I asked a bit impatiently.

Suddenly, he whipped around and the hard part of his forearm landing on my right temple. The impact was enough to make me stumble around, eyes blurring. Pain rattled me for a second but that was all it took for him to tackle me to the ground. His fingers had a vice grip around my wrists as he straddled my hips.

"What are you doing?" I murmured, still disoriented.

"You should never let your guard down." he breathed against my neck. "You're going to have to be punished."

With one dswift movement, he flipped me over, one hand holding my wrists together just as Pan had done before. Realizing his intentions, I began to shreik and struggle but his steel grip was too strong. He ripped away the belt that held my shirt closed and tore the shirt, leaving my skin bare. Laying on top of me, he grinded his pelvis against my rear. Looping his free arm under my shoulder, his hand was on the back of my head to shove my face into the soft dirt. This prevented me from screaming and the fight was more to breathe rather than getting free.

"I see someone already has punished you. I wonder for what, you naughty boy." he growled into my ear.

Then, he sank his teeth down savagely on my left shoulder. Agony screamed through my entire torso as he soon drew blood. There was where I struggled the most. When I began to run out of oxygen, every sensation intensified. The pebbles prodding my stomach felt piercing. The body on top of me felt heavier. Most of all, the bite felt as if it was raging with fire. Finally, he eased on the back of my neck enough for me to turn my head to my left, towards his face.

"Get the fuck off me you psycho fre-" I screamed but was cut off when his jaw realeased the bloodied skin, sending a jolt through me.

"Such naughty words, William." he gave a sick grin that sent and army of shivers down my spine. "Perhaps you need more punishment…"

My eyes widened as he slipped his hand into the back of my pants, groping my butt. Oh god, please, don't let him do this to me. I screamed and shrieked for help only to be replied with absolute silence. It was pointless, no one from the camp could possibly hear us from this distance. He was going to rape me and there was nothing I could do…

He tightened his grip on one of the cheeks before whispering into my ear, "But first, I want to see your cock."
Easily flipping me over, all his attention was on my pants until something caught his eye. It wasn't the jagged scars that blanketed my belly and some of my chest. It was my breasts. Furrowing his brow, he glanced at them but then back down at my pants. He quickly slipped his hand under to confirm his thought before taking it out and rolling off of me.

"You're a girl?!" his face with twisted with confusion but held rage in his eyes.

I'm not surprised by his reaction. All these years, he thought I was a boy. With this opportunity, I grabbed my torn shirt and scambled to my feet to run. However, I didn't take three steps before being caught by a steely grip on my arm. He yanked me back to him, taking hold of my other arm.

An ear-to-ear grin stretched across his face, "Oh, Pan is going to love this…"