(Willow Dear's POV)

The cold, hard wood floor pressed against my stomach and chest as dust clung to my pajamas. My heart was beating erratically while tears trickled down my cheeks. My whole body trembled with terror and did not seem to relent any time soon. Stale air was breathed back and forth when even my lungs trembled.

From downstairs, I could hear yelling, shouting and crying. Fate just had bring my drunken father home safely only to terrorize my mother and I. If only this hadn't happened so often…

"Charles, please, calm down!" my mother cried in the living room.

"Don't tell me what to do!" he shouted before there was a loud smack and a thud.

With every sound, I flinched. It was only until a pair of feet came thundering up the stairs that I began to scramble to the most hidden corner of under my bed. He's coming, oh god, he's coming! Clutching my stuffed fox, Rodger, in a vice grip, I prayed to any almighty being to keep me hidden. That was all I asked for. Suddenly, the room got colder and breezy as if my windows opened. Anxiety spiked in my chest as confusion swirled in my mind. What was going on? Then, a pair of dirt-covered boots softly landed on the floor far from my door. Was it a burglar?

Then, a young boy knelt and ducked his head low to spot me under my bed. "Quick, come with me!" he whispered.

Panicking, I scrambled out from under the bed, my arm still around Rodger's belly. The boy, who had smooth, aquatic eyes, caramel colored hair and a cheeky smile, grabbed my hand tightly. He dashed towards the window as I stumbled behind and jumped out the window. The first thing I thought of was that we were going to die but that's when I also realized we had merely dove to fly.

"We're… we're flying!" I screamed.

"I know!" the boy laughed.

The wind rushed towards us, tossing my short, blonde locks around. We flew high over the town and even into the clouds. Tears of joy even filled my green eyes as we flew even farther from that cursed house.

"Where're we going?" I practically had to yell to even hear myself.

"To Neverland!"