A/N: Well, I have finally finished this little piece of fluff! Sorry for the delay, but life kept interfering with my writing time (as it always does)!. Thank you so much for all of the kind reviews left so far. Hopefully, this second part won't disappoint. Thank you for reading, and enjoy the conclusion of "Fight or Flight" :)

Fight or Flight

Part 2

Usagi let out a long breath and released Mamoru's hair from her fingers. She was trying desperately to ignore the heat building in her core, but it was unrelenting—its cause less than a foot away, his fingers still teasing the skin of her thigh. She leaned back on the kitchen counter, where she still sat, and sighed in mild frustration.

Mamoru smirked down at her knowingly, a sexy glint in his eyes, fully understanding the urges she was struggling against. "Your move, Odango," he challenged her.

Usagi straightened and cocked an eyebrow. "My move?" she drawled. "What, are we playing some sort of game I am unaware of?"

Mamoru let out a deep chuckle. "Oh please," he rolled his eyes, "you know very well the game we are playing: Who will give in first?"

Usagi bit her lip, trying to hold back a smile. "Give in?" she asked coyly. "What ever do you mean?" she teased as she snake a leg around his back, pulling him close to her.

He held his breath as his body made close contact with hers, his hips hugs tightly by her thighs. "Odango," he nearly purred.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" she continued as she wrapped her arms firmly around his neck, and gently pressed her forehead to his. "My name is Usagi."

"That may be," he began, inching his mouth closer to hers, "but you will always be Odango to me."

Usagi pursed her lips into a slight pout. "Always a comeback. You know, that mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble one day," she warned, her lips brushing against his slightly as she spoke.

"I hope so," he breathed before capturing her mouth with his.

An explosion of overwhelming heat went off inside Usagi, the feel of him so amazing and so…right. If possible, she pulled herself closer to Mamoru, and wound her hands back into his hair.

Mamoru was overcome with a sense of elation, but also an intense feeling of want. He wanted her more than he'd ever wanted anything in his life, and although her kisses were incredible, they just weren't going to be enough. He wanted more—needed more. Usagi arched her chest against his and let out a soft moan. Mamoru groaned in response, and began a trail of hot kisses down her neck. She gasped as his lips made contact with the cleavage peeking out from the top of her dress, and Mamoru pulled back from her, panting.

"This probably isn't the best place to be doing this," Mamoru laughed, a seductive rasp in his throat.

Usagi blushed slightly, wondering if anyone had seen them making out so unabashedly on the kitchen counter, of all places. "No," she smiled sheepishly, "probably not."

Mamoru suddenly straightened. "Although, it does seem a bit quiet," he thought aloud, brow furrowed.

Usagi pursed her lips, "You're right," she agreed as she hopped off of the counter.

The pair walked into the living room only to find Motoki passed out on the couch, and another boy sleeping in an armchair. The music continued to pour from the speakers filling the nearly empty apartment, and Mamoru nodded to a couple he knew from school as they left his home.

"Well, I guess the party is over," Usagi laughed. She then flushed with slight panic. "Wait, where are the girls?" she asked, spinning in place to scan the apartment. "They left without me!" she concluded angrily.

"Looks like it," Mamoru agreed as he turned off the stereo.

The room suddenly quiet, Usagi became a bit nervous and uncomfortable. What was she to do now? "I can't believe they would do such a thing!" she huffed. "What, did they expect me to walk home in the dark by myself?"

"Well, they probably noticed you throwing yourself at me, and figured you'd just want to stay over," he winked at her, and then patted her on the bottom for good measure.

Usagi yelped in response, her face becoming red with anger. "Excuse me? In no way, shape, or form did I throw myself at you, you baka!"

"That's not how I remember it," he goaded as he made his way into his bedroom.

"Oh please!" she rolled her eyes, following him. "You practically pounced on me in the kitchen!"

Mamoru laughed whole-heartedly. "If you say so," he continued as he grabbed a t-shirt off of the hook hanging on the back of his bedroom door, "but I clearly remember someone boldly wrapping her legs around my waist."

"That's only because you challenged me, dumbass," she pouted defensively as she sat down on the edge of his bed.

"Well," he began as he absently pulled off his shirt and tossed it toward the hamper, "you're the one who started this whole exchange with that little stunt you pulled during Spin the Bottle."

At the sight of Mamoru's bare, muscled chest, Usagi jumped to her feet. "What are you doing?!" she flushed, staring at his half naked body. 'Good god, are those abs air-brushed on or something?!' she thought to herself.

"Huh?" he asked innocently, before looking down at his torso. "I'm getting changed." He smiled deviously as he noticed her eyes raking over his body. "See something you like, Odango?"

"Oh shut up!" she frowned, embarrassed she'd been caught gawking.

Mamoru grinned again, and dropped the t-shirt he was about to put on to the floor. "Well?" he said expectantly.

"Well, what?" Usagi asked, genuinely confused.

"Well, you've seen some of me, so now I get to see some of you," he said to her as crossed his arms in front of his chest triumphantly.

Usagi let out a surprised laugh and rolled her eyes. "That's not how it works, Chiba," she told him, crossing her arms as well.

"It is tonight," he smirked. "Looks like you're going to be spending the night, and we'll have to find something to do to occupy ourselves, so," he continued, extending his open hand in a sweeping motion to indicate her turn, "show me some skin, Tsukino."

"You are such a pervert," she sulked.

"Only for you," he winked at her again.

Usagi rolled her eyes, and tried to hide the blush staining her cheeks.

"What's the matter, Odango?" he challenged again. "Are you all bark and no bite? Throwing out all your seductive moves with no follow through?"

"Fine!" she responded, stomping her foot.

Mamoru's eyebrows shot up in obvious surprise. He never thought she'd actually comply! The realization that he was about to see some portion of this girl's bare body set in very quickly, and he felt his heart rate jump in response. "Really?" he asked, still unbelieving.

Usagi was the one smirking now, noting his change in demeanor. "I thought this is what you wanted, Baka? Or will the sight of me be too much for you to handle?" she teased, raising an eyebrow.

Mamoru cleared his throat, and tried desperately to look nonchalant. "No, no. I just didn't think you'd have the guts, is all."

Usagi straightened, and faced him fully. "You'd be surprised, Mamoru," she purred as she reached behind her back and began to unzip her dress. "I'm a lot bolder that you give me credit for," she continued, never taking her eyes from his, as she pushed the straps of her dress over her shoulders, and let the garment fall to the floor.

Mamoru watch the white fabric flutter to the ground, and collect itself in a small, rumpled heap around her feet. His eyes slowly traveled back up her legs, and over the thin lace material of her panties. He drank in the sight of the tanned, taut skin of her stomach before resting his gaze on her chest, adorned with a delicate white, lace bra.

"Mother of god," he breathed.

"Do you see something you like, Mamoru?" Usagi asked coyly.

Mamoru could only nod dumbly, before he practically jumped across the small distance between them and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

Usagi gasped at his sudden assault, her sharp intake of breath cut off by his demanding lips. His gripping hands were warm on her waist, and she reveled in the feel of her bare stomach against his. She'd never been so close to another person…She's always imagined that when this moment finally came with someone, she'd by shy, or timid, or even embarrassed. But she felt none of that with him. With him, she felt confident, adventurous…free. With Mamoru, of all people!

She tightened her hold around his neck, and Mamoru smoothly lifted her from the floor before wrapping her legs about his waist in one fluid motion. He moved toward the bed, and nearly fell on top of it as his shins hit the edge of the mattress. He then lowered Usagi onto the bed before letting his body sink into hers. Hungry kisses made their way down her neck, trailing down to her abdomen. Usagi gasped, back arching, as he pressed his lips against the sheer material of her underwear. His mouth made its way back up to hers and he kissed her deeply. There was something different, tender, about this kiss compared to the others they'd shared. Usagi melted beneath him, realizing this is what true intimacy felt like—they were completely connected. No judgments, no inhibitions, just them.

"Mamoru?" Usagi breathed.

"Mmm?" he responded.

"I think you need to loose a bit more clothing," she smiled into his kiss, and he chuckled in response.

"I will if you will," he told her, eyebrow arched as he hovered above her.

She placed a quick peck on his lips before pushing herself into sitting position. "You asked for it," she teased seductively.

He could barely breath as he watched her unclasp her bra. She hesitated a moment, feeling his eyes intently on her, but with a quick breath she tossed the undergarment to the floor. She braced herself, expecting Mamoru to pounce on her as he'd already done so many times. However, when she didn't feel his form on hers, she looked up to find him quietly staring at her.

"What?" she asked quietly, sudden insecurity surging within her.

Mamoru shook his head slightly. "You're beautiful," he nearly whispered.

Usagi's heart began to race as he leaned toward her and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. He then stood up, and began to undo his pants. He made quick work of it, and let them drop to the floor. He stood before her in his briefs, his obvious manhood held within. Usagi laid back on the bed, indicating she was ready and willing. Seeing her gesture, Mamoru slowly removed his underwear before crawling across his bed toward her waiting form. He gripped the waistband of her panties, and pulled them down with painstaking care. He lowered himself down, between her open legs, and looked at her.

"For tonight, you are mine," he told her seriously, his brow furrowed.

"For tonight," she nodded, "I am yours," she finished before passionately pulling his mouth to hers.

The pair made love then, and would do so again shortly after, before drifting to sleep in one another's arms.

The sun began to stream into his bedroom, casting yellow bands of light across his floor, and bed, and her sleeping form. Golden light illuminated her hair as it cascaded across his pillow and behind her. He watched her quietly, her back to him, as her body rose and fell with each sleeping breath. His heart heavy and his mind racing, he wondered just what to do about this beauty beside him. He traced the curve of her shoulder with his fingertips and sighed.

Mamoru ran a distraught hand threw his hair. 'What was I thinking?' he scolded was angry at his own weakness and stupidity. He couldn't get involved with Usagi like this! He had too many other obligations—namely, a certain Princess of the Moon. 'You know, the one you've been relentlessly searching for the past few years?' he chided himself sarcastically. He knew deep down he belonged to the princess. How could he betray her so?

Not to mention the fact he was the masked crusader, Tuxedo Kamen…His energies should be focused on protecting Tokyo and aiding the Senshi—aiding Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon. Mamoru shook his head at the thought of her. He'd often fantasized about having encounters with her like the one he'd had just last night. Now, next to him, lay his worst enemy, naked and peaceful, and he found himself wishing she'd never leave. Frustrated and torn, he threw off his blankets and made his way toward the shower.

Feeling the loss of Mamoru's weight next to her, Usagi finally opened her eyes. She'd been awake for some time, but she wasn't ready to face him just yet. What was she to do? How could she possibly explain…

Last night had been the most amazing of her life, and now she dreaded having to say goodbye to the man who'd given it to her. Did she really have to say goodbye, though? Was this something she should flee from or fight for? Her heart pushed the latter, but her brain knew that wasn't an option. While he was worth all the fight in the world, she knew it was a losing battle. She was a Senshi, a warrior, and that was one aspect of her life that was non-negotiable. Even if she did try to make some sort of relationship work with Mamoru, things would just end badly…if she told him of her secret life, he'd always be in danger—an instant target for her enemies to exploit. And if she kept her secrets to herself? Well, what good is a relationship built on lies? She could never explain the sudden departures, secret meetings, and inexplicable battle wounds…

"You're awake?" Mamoru's voice interrupted her musing.

Usagi sat up in the bed, holding the sheet firmly over her naked body. "Hey," she smiled.

"Hey," he smiled back, but Usagi quickly noted the sadness in his eyes.

"So," he began awkwardly as he came to sit beside her. "About last night…"

"No, you don't have to—" Usagi cut him off. She saw where this was going. He was obviously just looking for a one-night stand, and nothing more. This would give her an easy way out, without having to explain, or more accurately not explain, why she couldn't see him anymore. Any why this made her state of affairs much simpler, she couldn't help the feeling of hurt and disappointment that welled up within her. "I get it," she nodded, "we were just having a little fun."

"No!" he waved a disagreeing hand at her. "It's not that. Last night was amazing. Really amazing," he emphasized, causing Usagi to blush, "it's just, I wasn't completely honest with you going into this."

"What do you mean?" she pressed, suddenly curious.

"Well," he paused, trying to determine the best way to tell her about his situation, without really telling her about his situation… "You see, there's kind of someone else."

Usagi straightened. "You have a girlfriend?" she asked, her tone accusatory. "Did you cheat on her with me?! Am I the other woman?!" she wailed angrily.

"No, no," he tried not to laugh, "it's not like that. I've kind of had an ongoing long distance relationship with someone. And while we are not physically together now, she will be coming to Tokyo sometime in the future—I'm just not sure when…" he trailed of sadly.

"But-" she continued, still feeling like 'the mistress.'

"Don't worry, Usagi," he assured her, "I've been casually dating other women, and it's fine. It's just—" he trailed off.

"You can't commit to someone else," she finished for him.

Mamoru looked at her suddenly, surprised by the soft understanding in her tone. He nodded. "It's never been an issue before," he explained. "No girl I've been with has ever been able to hold a candle to her. But with you, Usa," he confessed, taking her hand, "With you I feel like I could…"

"Don't," she urged him to stop. "We both know it can't be. Besides, I've got my own obligations and responsibilities. A relationship just won't fit into my life right now."

Mamoru said nothing, but furrowed his brow curiously. "What type of commitments could she possibly have in her life to prevent her from having a boyfriend?' he thought.

"But if I could…" Usagi implied as well, and Mamoru smiled at her in understanding. Usagi then sighed loudly. "I will miss those abs of yours, though," she teased.

"There are several parts of you that I will miss, but in good taste, I can't mention most of them," he teased back, giving her his now trademarked wink.

"Baka!" she scolded him playfully, swatting his arm. He caught her hand as she did so, and pulled her toward him. He placed his lips on hers, his kiss firm but gentle.

Usagi sighed again as he pulled away from her, and said, "Now, I think I should go."

Mamoru frowned, but nodded in agreement. "That's probably best."

Usagi slid out from the sheets and began to gather her clothes. Mamoru watched her as she did so, realizing he would never get to see her like this again. As she carefully dressed, Mamoru took her in, trying to imprint every detail of her body into his mind. He was sure he would pull those images many times in the future, and a sad feeling washed over him once more as he thought of how they would never be like this again.

Usagi moved toward the bedroom door and paused as her hand gripped the doorknob. "Until our next argument," she turned to him, trying to smile.

"I can't wait," he told her, just before she left him.

Usagi stood at the counter of the Crown Parlor waiting for the soda she had just ordered. Nameless teens milled about the restaurant, the clattering of dishes and pans mirroring the jumbling of her thoughts. It had been four days since her night with Mamoru, and they'd somehow managed to avoid each other. Usagi let out a nervous breath, and stole a glance at the parlor entrance. Although she knew the less they saw each other, the better, part of her longed desperately to see Mamoru.

'What am I some kind of masochist?' she snorted to herself. 'Would it be wise to dangle a piece of meat in front of a starving lion?' she continued her train of thought. 'No. Why torture myself?' she chastised.

"Well, well, well," a male voice taunted. "If it isn't the tease of Juuban."

Usagi whipped around, angry and insulted, to meet Natsu's haughty stare. "Ugh," she rolled her eyes, "take your sleaze somewhere else."

"You and I have unfinished business," he continued, grabbing her arm. "I don't appreciate being made a fool of in front of my friends."

"Let go!" Usagi growled, attempting to yank her arm from his grasp.

"Do we have a problem?" a new voice demanded.

"Mamoru?" Usagi breathed in surprise.

"Well, if it isn't Usagi's knight in shining armor," Natsu smirked. "You're not going to intimidate me today, Chiba. One word from me, and my friends back there will—"

Mamoru didn't even bother listening to the rest of his threat, and instead, promptly punched Natsu in the mouth.

"What the hell?!" Natsu shouted.

"Get the hell out of here, or I will knock you unconscious with my next hit," Mamoru warned as Motoki came to stand behind him.

"Motoki!? Natsu wailed. "Did you see that?"

"Get out, Natsu," Motoki told him sternly. "And don't bother coming back. We don't need your business."

"I hope that slut's worth it," Natsu bit angrily on his way out.

Mamoru lunged for him, and Usagi yelped in surprise, grabbing Mamoru by an arm to hold him back. "Mamoru, don't!" she urged, causing him to turn toward her. "He's leaving, and besides, he's not worth the trouble."

He nodded, adrenaline still coursing through his veins. "Are you okay?" he asked her with concern.

"I'm fine," she assured him, rolling her eyes a bit at his overprotective actions.

"Good," he nodded, and their eyes locked. He was suddenly aware that this was this first time he'd seen her since…

"Sorry about that guy, Usagi," Motoki suddenly interrupted. "Your soda is up on the counter."

"Thanks, Motoki," she replied. "And there's Minako," she told them, nodding toward a booth in the back. "If you two will excuse me," she politely relieved herself, taking an opportunity to distance herself from the man she was covertly lusting over.

Usagi slid into the booth Minako occupied, soda in hand, and let out an exasperated breath.

"Usagi!" she smiled brightly at her friend. "What held you?"

"Uh," she began, glancing toward the ebony-haired man at the counter, "it was nothing. Just waiting on my soda," she lied.

Minako peered over her shoulder, following Usagi's gaze and spotted Mamoru. "So," she began, turning back to Usagi, "you never did give me all the details from your night on Friday."

"Details?" Usagi asked innocently.

"Oh come on, Usagi!" Minako nearly laughed. "I'm not stupid. I know something happened between you and Mamoru." Minako still hadn't shared her newfound knowledge of Usagi and Mamoru's bond with her friend, and she wasn't sure if she was going to, but she couldn't help but wonder what had unfolded between the two after she'd left them.

"We…we had fun," she stated simply, a light blush tinting her cheeks.

"Uh-huh," she rolled her eyes. "Just how much fun are we talking about here?" she probed.

Usagi only blushed more deeply and Minako gasped in impressed surprised. "Usagi! You didn't!" she giggled wildly.

"Shh!" Usagi hushed her angrily. "Don't throw a fit, Mina! It just…happened."

"Ohhhh," she sighed, "how was it?"

"Minako!" Usagi squealed.

"Oh fine, I'll let you keep the details to yourself," she smiled devilishly. "So what now? Are you two dating or something?"

"Of course not," she shook her head, "you of all people know that's not a possibility."

"But," Minako continued, "isn't there, like, something between you two now?"

"It's nothing," Usagi shrugged, disliking the sound of the words as soon as they'd left her mouth.

Minako raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"We have an understanding," Usagi rolled her eyes at Minako's disbelieving expression. "There can't be anything between us. I have my duties as a Senshi, and Mamoru has his own obligations."

"But…" Minako pushed, her eyes mournful. "Don't you think—"

"It was just a fling, Minako," Usagi cut her off. "We had fun, but that's all it was," she finished, pushing the ice around in her cup with the straw, a sad and unsettled look on her face.

Minako felt her chest tighten, sorrow for her friend's situation filling her heart. It wasn't natural to fight being with one's soul mate, and she was sure Usagi was hurting more than she was letting on.

"I'll be right back," Usagi said, suddenly standing.

"Usagi?" Minako asked in concern.

"I just need to use the ladies room," she lied. "Soda goes right through me!"

Minako watched her friend's retreating back, lips pursed in thought. 'There must be some way those two can be together,' she sighed to herself. "Poor Usagi," she quietly concluded aloud.

In the restroom, Usagi dabbed a damp paper towel on her face, trying to cool the heat from her constant blush, and wipe away any threatening tears. "Damn that Baka for making me feel this crazy!" she grumbled to no one in particular. She scowled at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. "Get yourself together, Usagi!" she reprimanded. "He's just a boy!" she tried to convince herself.

With a deep breath, and a new sense of determination, Usagi pulled the bathroom door open to face reality once again. All the while, angrily muttered words like "baka" and "jackass" could be heard under her breath.

As she exited the restroom, Usagi nearly collided with Motoki's stumbling form. "Motoki!" she gasped. "What are you doing?"

"Pulling some supplies from the storeroom," he told her as he continued to trip and drop various items on the floor.

"Oh jeez," she giggled at his fumbling. "Can I give you a hand?"

"That would be great," he sighed. "I've got a full counter and have to restock the napkins."

"No problem, I'll grab them!" she declared heroically.

"Perfect!" he smiled gratefully. "They are on the top shelf. I'll send someone back to give you a hand!" he called as he walked toward the front of the parlor.

Usagi made her way into the storeroom, and scanned the high shelves for the napkins. Spotting them, she grinned, "There you are," and moved to retrieve them. The shelf holding the supplies was quite high, and Usagi pushed her self up onto her tiptoes, stretching to reach it.

"Almost," she grunted as try tried to extend her body to impossible lengths.

"I've got it, Odango," a husky voice laughed from behind her.

Mamoru came up behind Usagi and reached above her head for the infamous napkins. As he did so, his torso pressed against her back, his warmth causing a tingling sensation in the pit of her stomach. They stood there unmoving, taking in their momentary closeness, both tempted to turn it into something more. Mamoru lowered his raised arm slowly, purposely brushing his fingers across her shoulder as he did so, and her breath caught. That same hand somehow found its way to her waist, and he held it gently as he lowered his head and placed a light kiss on the crook of her neck. He breathed in the sweet smell of her skin, the almost honey-like scent of her hair, calling on every muscle in his body to hold back from possibly ravaging her.

Her shudder in response nearly broke his control, but it was that way she nearly moaned, "Mamoru," that pushed him past his breaking point. He gripped at her with both hands, roughly pulling her body toward his. He pressed himself into her backside and she whimpered again. Mamoru swiftly turned her toward him, and kissed her fervently. Usagi pulled herself against him as he backed her up against the wall, pressing his body fully into hers. His hand traveled up the skirt of her uniform, and he forcefully pressed his palm between her legs, causing a loud moan to emit from her lips.

Mamoru clamped a panicked hand over her mouth, realizing they hadn't bothered to close the door. "Shh," he hushed her, "someone might hear us."

Usagi rolled her eyes, Mamoru's digits still covering half of her face, and she gently pushed him away from her. She sighed when she noticed his confused, and slightly hurt expression. "What are we doing, Mamoru?" she asked, throwing her arms up.

Mamoru then looked down shamefully. "I don't know," she responded, raking a hand through his hair.

"This can't happen," she ordered, gesturing back and forth between herself and Mamoru.

"I know. You're right," he nodded. "Of course, you're right," he groaned in frustration.

"I—" she began tentatively, "I don't think we should be around each other." He looked at her, his eyes wide with surprise, and she continued, "I don't think we can be around each other. At least for a while."

Mamoru let out a somber laugh in agreement. "I think you're right."

"I won't be coming by the arcade anymore," she decided, biting her lip. "Maybe with time this…attraction will settle down between us, and we can move on. Maybe we can even be friends," she half-smiled, hopefully.

"Friends," Mamoru nodded with mild disgust. "It sounds great in theory, but I think we both know it won't be that easy."

"I know," she whispered, her eyes burning with threatened tears.

"Usagi!" Minako's voice urgently interrupted their farewell.

Fully recognizing her friend's alarming tone and what it meant—a youma—she ran from the storeroom. "I'm sorry, Mamoru. I have to go!" she called, not looking back as she fled.

Mamoru watched her flee, confused and downhearted, but he knew it was for the best. "Goodbye, Usagi."

"Where are we heading?" Sailor Moon panted as she ran behind Sailor Venus. The two had transformed the first chance they had gotten after leaving the arcade, and they were charging toward an already ongoing battle.

"Tokyo Tower," she called over her shoulder. "The other Senshi are already there, as are the Negaverse generals. Mercury thinks they've located the last crystal!"

Sailor Moon felt a sudden surge of energy, and quickened her pace. 'The last crystal!' she thought excitedly. 'Finally!' There was no way she would let that prize gem fall into the hands of the enemy. That crystal was hers!

Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus skidded to a halt in front of the building. Shouting and intermittent explosions could be heard from where they stood, and they rushed inside. The fight was taking place in a large open room that, in a better state, probably served as some sort of reception room. Now, there were holes in the walls, rubble on the floor, and countless pieces of broken furniture scattered about the space. Moon watched Sailor Mars dodge an attack from Kunzite, the head Negaverse generals, and she leapt into the air clutching something tightly to her chest.

"Sailor Mars!" Moon called worriedly. "Do you have it?"

Mars ran toward Sailor Moon, nodding urgently. "Here!" she yelled, pushing the small stone into Sailor Moon's gloved hand.

Sailor Moon gripped it protectively, and let out a relieved sigh.

"We need a plan of attack!" Mercury called, joining the other Senshi in a corner of the room.

"No," Sailor Moon stated simply.

"No?" Sailor Jupiter asked incredulously. "What do you mean, 'no'?"

Sailor Moon narrowed her eyes at Kunzite and his right hand man, Zoicite, in determination. "Let me handle this," she ordered, and began to march toward the generals.

"What the hell has gotten into you, Sailor Moon?" Mars asked her in disbelief, grabbing her by the arm. "If you go over there, they'll kill you!"

Sailor Moon placed a gentle hand on top of hers. "Trust me, Mars. I know what I'm doing," she assured her.

"But—" she continued to protest.

"Sailor Mars," Moon reprimanded, and silenced her friend with a single look. Mars nodded in resignation, and took a step back.

Sailor Venus watched the exchange curiously, but said nothing. 'What is she up to?' she questioned silently.

"What the hell is she doing?" Tuxedo Kamen quietly questioned aloud. He watched her begin to stride toward Kunzite and Zoicite from where he hid, perched on a shadowed beam in the ceiling. "She's going to get herself killed," he growled, angry at her stupidity.

"Sailor Moon," Kunzite called out with an arrogant smirk. "You must have a death wish to approach up so openly," he snorted.

"Not a death wish," she corrected him, "a proposition."

"We're listening," Zoicite spoke up, raising an eyebrow. The generals were well aware that Sailor Moon had the upper hand in this situation since she had four of the seven crystals in her possession.

"A dual for all of the crystals," Moon finally stated. She knew it was dangerous, but it was the only way. She had strong sense that if she could just get all of the crystals together…well, she wasn't quite sure, but she'd figure something out when the time came.

"You can't be serious," Kunzite laughed at her. "Beside the fact that you will obviously lose, the seventh crystal is in neither of our possession."

"Tuxedo Kamen?" Sailor Moon called toward the shadows. "Care to join us?"

On cue, Tuxedo Kamen leapt down from the ceiling and cautiously strode toward them. "Sailor Moon," he nodded, slightly tipping his hat.

Sailor Moon let out a small huff of breath, relieved to see her ally and protector. She stilled as he brushed a few stray black hairs from his face, and she couldn't help be reminded of Mamoru. 'What I am doing thinking of him at a time like this?' she rolled her eyes to herself.

"Well, well, well," Zoicite goaded, "it looks like a fight for all seven crystals will be a possibility."

"Not so fast Zoicite," Tuxedo Kamen halted him, holding up his hands. "Sailor Moon," he continued turning toward the blonde, "are you sure this is a good idea? You know they won't play fair," he warned her.

"Would you guys just trust me?!" she pouted, stomping her foot in frustration, much like a child.

Tuxedo Kamen bit back a laugh, and thought of how much her movements reminded him of the Odango Atama. 'I must really have it bad when the heroine of Tokyo starts to remind me of Usagi,' he shook his head. "I do trust you, Sailor Moon," he assured her, "this is just a mighty risky move you're making. I don't want to see you…" he trailed off. "And as for you two," he said to the generals, "Iwill be holing on to my crystal until the outcome of this dual. Then, we'll talk."

Sailor Moon smiled at him appreciatively. "Thank you," she mouthed.

"I've got your back, Sailor Moon," he told her, his pulse beating rapidly in his throat. He didn't know what he'd do if something happened to her.

"Us too," the Senshi joined it, taking a step behind her.

"Very well," Kunzite replied. "Here are our Rainbow Crystals," he began, placing the stones in a pile on the floor between their two parties. "Now add yours to the pile, and let's get this over with," he finished with a menacing growl.

"Fine," Sailor Moon responded, trying to control the tremble in her voice, and she placed her four crystals in the heap.

Before she even had a chance to step back, Zoicite threw a blast of energy her way. Sailor Moon leapt out of its path, yelling, "What a cheap shot!"

"Those are the only kind of shots I take!" Zoicite cackled, blasting her again.

She rolled out of the way to dodge the attack, and spotted Zoicite running to the crystals to snatch them. "No!" Moon screamed, hurling her tiara at the general.

The disc barely missed Zoicite's head, and he fell back yelping. "You'll pay for that!" he threatened.

Kunzite then stepped in and threw his own attack. It hit the five Senshi, throwing them backwards, and he lunged for the crystals.

"The crystals!" Sailor Moon yelled in a panic.

Coming to the rescue, as always, Tuxedo Kamen threw a razor sharp rose at Kunzite, piercing his hand.

Kunzite screeched in pain, and fell backward. Sailor Jupiter followed up with her Supreme Thunder attack, momentarily stunning both generals.

Sailor Moon gasped, seeing her chance, and ran toward the magic gems. "Tuxedo Kamen! Add your crystal to the pile!" she ordered, hovering over the other six protectively.

"But—" he began to protest.

"Just do it!" she screamed, the intensity of her command so extreme, he felt he had no choice but to comply.

Tuxedo Kamen tossed the small stone to her, and she placed it gently with the other six.

"The seven crystals!" Zoicite called, jumping to his feet.

Sailor Moon took a deep breath, and prepared to utter the words that had built up inside her—their origin somewhere lost and unknown, but she somehow knew them so intimately. It was time. "Moon Crystal Power!" she called, and a flash of rainbow-colored light began to swirl around the room, before it turned bright white and enveloped Sailor Moon.

The other occupants of the room shielded their eyes, the intense light too much to bear. The light then slowly faded, and all eyes went to Sailor Moon. A unified gasp filled the room.

"Sailor Moon?" Sailor Mercury questioned softly, staring at the figure in the center of the room.

Where Sailor Moon stood, now stood a young woman with long, blond pigtails wearing a flowing white gown, a glowing crescent moon adorning her forehead. In front of her, hovered a small glowing crystal. She turned toward Sailor Mercury and nodded.

"Princess?" Venus addressed her, staring in awe, but also feeling as if she had somehow known Usagi was the princess all along. Sailor Moon was the Moon Princess.

"The Moon Princess has revealed herself," Kunzite said nervously, rushing to stand beside his comrade. "And she's got the Silver Crystal," he continued grimly. "We are in no position to fight her right now."

"But—" Zoicite challenged.

"No!" Kunzite cut him off. "Let's go!" he ordered, and with that the two transported promptly back to the Negaverse.

"They're gone," the princess exhaled in relief.

"Princess," Tuxedo Kamen spoke, his voice just above a whisper. He drifted toward in a daze, his legs seeming to mean on their own accord.

Serenity watched him intently as he approached, and her heart rate increased a bit.

"I have been waiting for this moment for as long as I can remember," he told her. "I have waited for you as long as I can remember," he confessed. "And now that you're here—" his voice caught in his throat, overcome with emotion.

'Me?' she thought to herself. 'He cares for me so much?' She was surprised by the usually stoic crusader's expression of yearning.

"I am yours," he told her sincerely, "and I always have been," he finished, as he slowly brought a hand to his face and pulled of his mask.

The world seemed to spin around her as she processed the face he had just revealed to her. "Mamoru," she breathed.

He suddenly straightened in response. "You know me?" he asked her in surprise.

"Mamoru!" Serenity practically barked, and she began to laugh wildly.

"Mamoru!" Sailor Venus then joined in, laughing just as maniacally as her leader. "It all makes sense!" she declared happily.

"What the hell?" he asked, eyebrow raised, and he wondered if this Moon Princess was completely out of her mind.

"This is just too perfect," she gasped between laughs, her utter relief and joy manifesting itself in a fit of giggles.

Mamoru cleared his throat, "Um, Princess? Did I miss something here?"

Serenity smiled at him tenderly, and nibbled her bottom lip. "Oh, Chiba, you always were a stupid man," she teased before throwing her arms around him and kissing him full on the lips.

He pulled away from her, realization creeping into his mind. "Odango?" he asked hopefully.

"My name is Usagi, you baka," she smirked.

"Oh thank god!" he breathed, utterly relieved that his feelings for Usagi wouldn't be competing with those for the Moon Princess. It was the best of both worlds! In pure elation, he captured her mouth with his. He pulled her body close to his, images of all the explicit things he'd like to do with that body running ramped through his mind.

"Mamoru," she moaned, fully giving into the desire that had built up within her.

He growled hungrily in response, practically tackling her to the ground, before kissing her passionately again.

"Um, guys," Sailor Jupiter finally intervened, uncomfortable with their excessive and practically obscene display of affection, "would you like us to leave you alone?" she teased.

"Yes!" they responded in muffled unison, not bothering to break their kiss.

"You heard them, ladies!" Sailor Mars ordered, holding back a laugh. "Move out!"

Sailor Venus lingered a moment, clutching her chest in admiration. "Isn't this just wonderful?" she gushed.

"Yes, it's lovely, Venus," Sailor Mercury told her, "but you are now verging on being some sort of Peeping Tom, so I think it's time to go."

"Oh fine," Venus sighed, satisfied that, for now at least, all was right in the world.

And with that, she left Mamoru to properly ravage her best friend and Moon Princess.

The End