The next morning I open my eyes and see Red lying in front of me with her arms wrapped around me tightly. I smile brightly seeing her in front of my eyes.

"Stop staring beautiful." She whispers and I giggle.

"I missed you." I whisper and she leans forward to kiss my head. I smile softly and lean forward to kiss her but I get cut off.

"Mommy!" I hear Dani scream.

"I have to go get our kid." I say and she nods kissing my cheek.

"Go, I have to get ready for work." She whines and I roll my eyes pulling the blanket off her. I leave the room and go get my baby.

I am feeding Dani breakfast when Red comes out in her usual sinful apparel. She walks over to us and kisses Dani's head.

"Are you going to work today?" she asks

"I haven't decided yet, but probably." I reply and she slips her shoes on.

"Okay well I will see you guys later. I'll pick Dani up from Daycare." She says and I nod as she walks out of the door.

I sit there for a few moments after she is gone realizing she left with out kissing me. I cant help but feel really hurt. I mean we just got back together.

I shake it off before I finish feeding Dani breakfast and changing her before dropping her at Daycare. I head towards the hospital before changing my mind and turning around. I drive to the station and walk inside. Emma is sitting in her office and Sarah is in the cell.

"Hey Natalie." Emma says when I come in and Sarah's head snaps up to look at me.

"Hi Emma, is there any way I can talk to her for a minute?" I ask motioning to Sarah. Emma looks at me concerned before nodding and walking away. I take a deep breath and walk over to the cell. Sarah stands and walks to the bars.

"What are you doing here?" she asks and I shrug.

"Was any of it real?" I whisper after a long moment, before raising my eyes to look at her. She sighs and her eyes close for a moment before opening them.

"Yes. It started with revenge but I loved-… love you. That part isn't a lie." She whispers.

"I loved you. You tricked me." my voice breaks.


"Don't call me that!" I snap.


I walk away from a freshly bussed table to the counter and feel a sharp pain in my chest. Natalie is hurting, where is she? Who is hurting her?

"I have to go Granny. Something is wrong with Natalie." I call before running out of the diner. I fallow the pull closer to the station.

She wouldn't.

Why would she.

Sarah's there.

I run the rest of the way and throw the door open before bounding inside to see my mate standing in front of the cell talking to Sarah.

"I loved you. I let you near my baby." Natalie says hurt lacing her voice.

"I never hurt you or Dani." Sarah says pushing the hair out of Natalie's face and a growl tares out of my throat.


I march over and pull Natalie back from the cell. Sarah smirks a dangerous smirk and I step closer to her; in front of my Natalie.

"She doesn't belong to anyone." She says

"Besides she told me all about you." She glares crossing her arms and I look at Natalie who is glaring at me.

"What are you talking about?" I snarl

"Nothing she's talking about nothing." Natalie says grabbing my hand to pull me away.

"No we are here now!" I exclaim ripping my hand away. I stalk closer to the cell.

"What did she tell you?" I growl and Sarah smiles in a way that un nerves me.

"That she didn't want to be a wolf. She never wanted to be with you. You forced her to be with you. She never loved you." She says and I snarl loudly

"You know nothing!" I scream losing my control.

No she loves us.

She chose us.

She wants us.

"I know she hates how possessive you are. You scare her."

"Red lets go home please." Natalie whispers putting her hand in mine and pulling. I spin around and pull my hand from hers.

"I'm going to talk to Emma. You do what you want." I snarl leaving the station. I sniff the air and find Emma's scent. I fallow it to the docks to see Emma sitting on a bench with Henry.

As I walk up she ushers him off and I sit down. She slides down the bench closer to me. I sigh and lean my head on her shoulder.

"I'm going to wipe her memories and send her over the border." She whispers after a minute and I let out a relieved breath.


I leave the station right after Red and head to the woods to run. The cool air calms me down and when I shift back to head home its already in the afternoon. I stop outside of the apartemtn when I smell Red inside. I take a deep breath and open the door going inside.

"Mommy!" Dani screams and wraps around my legs.

"Momma's making us fries!" she exclaims and I kiss her head. we walk through the apartment to the kitchen.

Red is leaning over the stove cooking and she doesn't turn around even though she knows we are in the room. I know the moment she feels my presence because her body stiffens.

"Mommy's home." Dani says and Red turns slowly. I wait with bated breath to see what she will do. In a split second she makes up her mind and walks over to hug me. I am caught off guard and the hug ends as soon as it starts.

"I'm going to watch Tv." Dani says going into the living room. Red lets go as soon as Dani is gone. She moves back to the stove ignoring me.

"So you're going to pout?" I ask and she spins around with a fire blazing in her eyes telling me I pushed to hard.

"No I'm fucking pissed!" she yells stalking closer to me. I step closer to her angry.

"You wont use that language when my kid is in the other room." I hiss and she raises an eyebrow.

"Your kid? Last time I checked it took both of us. Even if you tell your whores things about me." she says and I can see the pain in her eyes but I'm to mad now.

"Shut up! there is a three year old in the other room!" I scream

"You do not get to dictate to me. we don't do this relationship on your time. When your into it and when your not." She says and I scrunch my face up confused.

"you pull me in and push me away. You want me you don't. you leave and sleep with another woman." She says in a harsh whisper.

"that wasn't my fault." I say angrily.

"I cant even be near you, you reek of her." She says stepping back for emphasis.

"Is that why you wont kiss me?" I ask irritated.

"The moment I touch you I get nauseous. Your skin reeks of her."

"I have taken showers."

"doesn't matter, its still there. You let her touch you." She says sadly.

"it didn't seem to both you when we were kissing in the street the other day." I say and she shrugs stepping back.

"I was just so happy to have you back I over looked it. But given the way you really feel about me I don't see the point in over looking it." She says

"the way I feel about you?"

"you told Sarah how you feel. You didn't correct her. Why were you even there?" She asks hurt.

"I needed to see her." I say and Red steps closer to me until I feel her breath on my face.

"She took you from me. she kept you from me for weeks. She hurt our daughter and you were just chatting it up with her."

"That's not how it was." I say exasperated.

"That maybe, but you didn't defend me to her." She says turning and going back to cooking, leaving me dumbfounded. I turn and go to the living room to sit with my baby.

We eat dinner with Dani talking animatedly about school. Red and I avoid looking at each other. We make our way through the nighttime schedule of getting Dani ready for bed. We finally make it to our room and change in silence before climbing into bed. The silence is deafening but neither of us make a move to speak.

A day passes with Red and I moving around each other without interacting. Red and I are getting dressed to go out. i don't feel like going but Regina, Snow and Emma talked us into it. Red and I have been acting normal around everyone but icy at home. Emma wanted a girls night so we are going. Regina, Emma, Red, Snow, Ashley, Belle and I.

this should be fun.

I finish the touches on my makeup and walk out of the bathroom. I stop dead in my tracks when I see Red in a skin tight black leather dress that stops at her knees.

"Shit! That's not fair." I mutter under my breath.

We head over to the only club in town with out a word to each other. Once outside of the bar Red looks over at me and puts out her hand. I take it and we step inside; the music instantly hits us. We spot the girls and walk over to the table.

"Hi mom." I say hugging Regina. We greet everyone and Red lets go of my hand. even though we are fighting I miss the warmth.

"Do you want a drink?" Red asks after I am sitting down in the booth next to Regina.

"Yeah." I say and she nods walking away to get them. After a few minutes she returns and slides in next to me.

"So Emma how are things with Hook?" I ask sipping my drink trying not to be distracted by Red's bare thigh touching mine.

"oh you know so, so." She says waving it off. We spend about an hour chatting and drinking until Red, Ashley and Belle are smashed.

I frown because even though Red is drunk she makes no move to touch me or be closer to me. usually as soon as she gets drunk I have to fight her off.

"Lets dance!" Belle exclaims pulling Red up. Red sways and giggles before bending over and kissing my cheek.

"I'll be over there Natalie." She says loudly stumbling away. I frown momentarily as she stumbles onto the dance floor without me.

"Okay so what gives?" Regina asks and I look at her confused.


"What's going on with you and Red?" she asks and I shake my head.

"why do you think something's wrong?"

"you two haven't said ten words to each other all night. She kissed your cheek instead of the normal porn kiss and she called you by your full name." Regina says and Snow nods. I sigh before spilling the whole story.

"and that's where we are now. I don't know what we are." I say tiredly nad Regina shakes her head.

"Well she's not done with the relationship." Regina says and I cock my head confused.

"look at her." She commands and I look over to see my mate dancing around in a way that makes me drool.

"look at the girls and guys watching her. Any of them would jump if she called." Regina says and I look around to see the people watching her intently.

"if she was done she would have left with any of them long ago." Regina says and I sigh.

"Go show her you love her. Show her Sarah was lying to her." Snow says

"Go get your girl." Regina says and I take a deep breath standing up. I step away from the table and walk to the dance floor nervously. When I catch peoples stares at me I walk with more confidence.

I slide up behind Red and slide my hands down her ribs to rest on her waist. She tenses for a moment and I kiss her neck. Our bodies move in sync to the music and I slide my hands up and down her torso. She twists back and forth in my hands before spinning around and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"you're the sexiest thing out here." I whisper in her ear and she shivers.

She leans forward and kisses me harshly; her tongue licking my teeth before finding my tongue and fighting it. I rip my mouth away and breath out.

"lets get out of here."

We say our good byes to the girls before stumbling down the street to the apartment. Dani is with my parents for the night. We get home and Red slams the door before pinning me to it and rubbing her face in my neck and over any exposed skin she can reach.

Stumbling through the apartment we get to the bedroom and fall onto the bed. Clothes are quickly discarded and she resumes licking me over. I realize quickly she is ridding me of Sarah's smell. I let her, realizing tonight isn't going to be gentle or slow.

I roll over and see Red wrapped around me with a small smile on her face. She opens her eyes and nuzzles me groaning.

"what time is it?" she whimpers.

"four." I reply and she leans forward to kiss me lightly. I return it and after a moment I pull back and look at her brushing the hair from her face.

"Sarah was wrong. I love you. I chose you. I want you." I whisper and tears well in her eyes.

"I love you." She sobs and I kiss her tears away.

"So what do you say we go slower this time?" I ask rolling on top of her with a smile.

"I say we better start now, we have to pick Dani up in seven hours." She says

"Better make it eight." I smile leaning down to kiss her.