Natsu was at the guild with everyone and they were celebrating his son's third birthday.
"Happy birthday Ignus!"
Lisanna gave him a big kiss on the cheek.
"Mommy's so proud of you and so is Daddy, right Natsu?!"
He smiled through a mouthful of cake which Lisanna glared at him for.
"Sure! We'll go see Happy later today. I know he'd want to wish Iggy a happy birthday."
She sighed.
"I don't know, I mean Iggy's never been so far from home before..."
"Let them go, I think it's a good idea."
Mira came up behind her little sister and she was so quiet that Lisanna jumped a bit when she spoke.
Ignus laughed in agreement.
"Fine! But not too late okay?"

Natsu held Ignus in his arms as they entered Magnolia's graveyard. The tombstones that lay in rows seemed to go on forever. Finally they arrived at a small plate in the ground. The tombstone read:
A beloved friend
And a loyal companion
Gone but never forgotten
"Hey Happy! Sorry, I know it's been a while but the family is keeping me busy. This time I brought Ignus with me. Today's his third birthday."
He put Ignus down on the ground to sit.
"He's very smart for his age and I think he's starting to walk with some help. Iggy can already say some words like 'mama', 'dada', and there's one other name but no one knows where he learned it from. Maybe Levy read him a book that might've said it but Lisanna thinks it's really odd."
Ignus was occupied with the grass at the moment but then he crawled over to Happy's tombstone.
"No, that's Happy."
Ignus shook his head and pointed at the hills.
"No! Lucy!"
"There is no Lucy! There never was a Lucy!"
Natsu didn't realize he was yelling until Ignus began to cry.
"Hey buddy, I'm sorry. Daddy didn't mean to yell. I don't know why I got so upset."
What was wrong with him?! Who fights with a three year old over someone who doesn't even exist?!
As they were leaving the cemetery, the wind carried a familiar scent to Natsu's nose. He spun around and for a moment, he thought he saw a flash of blonde hair coming from the hills. He blinked and looked closer only to find that nothing was there. It must have been a trick of the light.
"Goodbye Happy! See you soon!"
His voiced echoed throughout the graveyard.
Ignus waved his hand behind at the tombstones that filled the hills. Natsu didn't know if Ignus was
saying goodbye to Happy or his imaginary friend Lucy but seeing him smiling made him feel warm inside.
~The End~

Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to finish this story. I hope you enjoyed my first fan fiction!
Let me know if you have any requests for a fan fiction. ^w^