Author's note: Hey hey~ Long time no see, my dear readers. Sorry for not updating, I just wasn't it mood for translating this story while I was working on others. But I'm definitely going to finish it, so don't be afraid *winks* Enjoy this long chapter~

Title: You drive me crazy
Rating: M (because of future chapters)
Pair: Shizuo x Izaya - Shizaya/Izuo (this story contains male x male relationship)
Disclaimer: I don't own Durarara or its characters. I just own ILPSI and doctor Aeman~

Izaya still stared at the door, which closed with a loud thud just a moment ago, when the door on the other side of the room opened. Informant shifted his look that way. Young nurse wearing a white uniform ran out from there and on her way to Izaya's bed she rubbed her eyes.

"What happened, Mr. Orihaaaa..."Before she had a chance to finish the question, she yawned widely. She immediately pressed her hand against her mouth and blushed. Izaya had to use his best acting abilities to not burst out laughing upon seeing how stupid she looked like. But since he marked her down as a useful source of information, he plastered the most sympathetic mask from his repertoire over his face and spoke to her in friendly tone.

"It's all right. I can imagine how tiring your work must be, so there's really no wonder you needed to take a little nap, Miss..." He looked into her eyes questioningly.

"Tanaka Hanako," the nurse peeped coyly.

"I've never really been in hospital before, so I never understood...But upon seeing you I know now, why everbody calls the nurses 'angels'." Izaya slightly tilted his head and gave her a charming smile. "Can I call you by name? Hanako?"

"S-s-sure," the girl stuttered and blush on her cheeks became even redder, when the attractive blackhaired man acted like that towards her. "So you won't tell about that to director?" She asked quietly, so it sounded more like a peep of small bird.

"But of course not." Izaya assured her in calm silky voice and young woman visibly relaxed. "It'll be our little secret. Right, Hanako?" As he was smiling at her warmly, the thoughts that swirled in his mind were completely different from his appearance. 'Hehe, secrets. My specialty. People always cooperate much more willingly, when you know a thing or two about them. And this poor being on the bottom of food chain probably knows more than few dirty secrets. Without realizing it, of course. She's so naive and easy to manipulate that it's almost no fun at all. I bet that the local honorable clients asked her for some extra services~ Oh well, it's not what am I interested in right now...' He decided to turn the discussion to object of his momentary interest.

"That noise, which disturbed you a moment ago, was caused by the door. Shizu-chan closed them with a little too much of strength, when he was leaving."

"Ah, do you mean Mr. Heiwajima? I hope you didn't have an argument." The nurse looked worried.

"No no," Izaya waved his hand. "It happens to him all the time..."

"You two have to be really close," Hanako proclaimed with a smile.

"We know each other for years. From highschool," Izaya chirped cheerfuly. "And we still spend a lot of time together. Mainly running around the city and such, you can imagine, ne~?"

Hanako was knowingly nodding. "I bet you are best friends."

Izaya smirked in his mind. He mastered the ability to lie using the truth a long time ago, but it never ceased to amuse him how people were able to understand information just the way he offered it to them. He expected the reaction the moment his comment left his mouth. No. Even sooner than that. The moment, when it popped out in his mind, he could already see the result. Fascinating. Even when in other point of view it was actually pretty boring. Predictability of human race always stirred conflicting feelings in him.

"Mr. Heiwajima had to be really worried about you. After he brought you here, he didn't want to leave at all," Hanako continued. "I had to literally shoo him away, when it was time for lunch. Meanwhile I was able to examine you."

Izaya listened with interest.

"He came back from dining room with two chocolate cakes, which were served as a dessert today...I thought for a moment that he brought one to himself and one for me," the nurse uttered dreamily, though when she realized what she's saying, her cheeks flushed and she started to play nervously with a hem of skirt. "Mr. Heiwajima explained that he brought both of them to you, because, according to him, you are sissy and there's no wonder that you collapse so easily," she giggled after this statement, while Izaya looked offended. Sissy? Him? Tch. He'll take a revenge on the protozoan for degrading comment like that.

"By the way, all the tests look good. It seems nothing serious happened to you. But just to be sure, you'll stay tonight here, all right?"
Izaya nodded. That meant he couldn't make fun from Shizuo today anymore. 'But it doesn't matter, we have all week to have fun~' Izaya thought merrily with a sadistic glint in his eyes. Then he focused attention back at talking nurse.

"Mr. Heiwajima asked me at least hundred of times whether you are going to be okay. It really shows how much he cares for a person he l-loves..." The girl stuttered and blushed furiously.

Izaya blinked, perplexed.

'Shizu-chan? Loving? Me? ... This woman clearly isn't completely right in the head,' he thought, but aloud he said: "No, no, no. We aren't partners or anything." He shook his head while laughing.

"Really?" Hanako asked surprised. Izaya noticed that this information made her happy. "Please forgive me then, I thought...Since he provided you first aid so carefully and brought you here like a sleeping princess and then was here with you all the time..." The nurse smiled.

Izaya decided to not comment on comparing himself to 'sleeping princess' and instead of that he focused on the important stuff.

"First aid? What exactly happened? I don't really remember."

"As Mr. Heiwajima told me, you fell, hit your head and stopped breathing. You became unconscious and since you weren't breathing, he used artificial respiration at you until you started to breath on your own again. Then he took you to director and she sent you here."

Izaya thoughtfully nodded. In that moment some beeping sound resonated in the room and Hanako pulled out some device from the pocket of her uniform.

"Are you really alright, Mr. Orihara? Anything you miss or I should bring you?"

Informant just shook his head and the nurse walked away to door.

"I have to visit one of the clients, I'll be back in a minute." And she was gone.

False friendly mask vanished from Izaya's face just as abruptly as it appeared there and he dipped into his thoughts once again.

"So Shizu-chan really saved my life, eh~? The monster always manage to surprise me, heh." He snickered. It sounded almost merrily. "One would expect that he will celebrate I'm out of his way and he comes with artificial respiration? Seriously? Well, good that he didn't try heart massage. I bet I would end up with some broken ribs. In the better case, that is..."

Though the idea of Shizuo's lips on his own didn't disgust him as he would expect at first. His natural curiosity was stronger than anything and he couldn't help but thinking what kind of feeling such an unexpected occurrence could cause.

"Ah, such a pity that I don't remember one-in-life experience like that...Too bad, too bad~ But don't think I'll let it be just like that, Shizu-chan. I'll find out why you have saved me so suddenly, you can bet on that," Izaya stated with his trademark smirk twisting his lips and then he decided that a little nap wouldn't hurt at all as he sunk back into unusually soft hospital bed.

Shizuo sat on the stairs in front of the high entrance door and smoked. On the stairs under him lied few butts, since he lit cigarettes one after one from the moment that he found a refuge here, which was right after he left the nursery.

The door opened all of sudden and the director walked out of it with ashtray in her hand. Shizuo was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice her until she sat down next to him and started to throw the cigarettes into the ashtray, which she put down on the stair next to her leg.
"I would appreciate if you didn't make a mess here, Mr. Heiwajima."

Shizuo snapped out of his muse and looked at the doctor out of corner of his eye. He addressed him 'Mr. Heiwajima', so he had a feeling she's irritated.

"She must really adhere to this clinic when she's pissed off for every tosh..." Shizuo thought, but he knew better than saying anything of the sort aloud.

"So, what happened that you sit here as a beaten puppy?" The doctor asked more softly this time, since the mess was cleaned now.

Shizuo let out a frustrated sigh and extinguished the cigarette in ashtray.

"I don't get it. What's going on with me? I saved the fuckin' flea. I was even nice to him! I let him eat my cake, for Christ sake! That's not like me at all...I hate that bastard. So why?" Shizuo let the question dissolve into the air.

"Why do you actually hate him so much?"

"From the very first moment I saw him, I knew he's a trouble maker. I've never had such a strong gut feeling about anything else. And exactly as I thought, from that moment he's destroying my life. With a sick pleasure." Shizuo growled and clenched both of his fists.

Upon seeing the tense blonde, the doctor stood up and clasped her hands.

"Come with me, Shizuo, I have a surprise for you~"

Shizuo raised his brows in surprise and looked at the woman. When the doctor started to walk inside, blonde stood up and followed her. They headed to stairs which leaded down. It brought them into a corridor full of doors.

"Here's the place where you can do various sports. You find here a gym, tennis court, playgrounds for all kinds of ball games, pool and sauna."
She made a turn to the door signed as 'GYM 1'.

"I let arrange this room specifically for you, Shizuo. I hope you will like it." The doctor smiled, opened the door and invited the perplexed blonde in.
There was a bunch of exercise machines inside, but the thing that caught the most of the attention immediately was a huge punching bag hanging in the middle of the room.

"It was order made specially for you. It's made from aramid fibers, the same material as bulletproof vests. I'm sure you can punch it with full power and it'll last.

Shizuo skeptically looked firstly at the doctor, then at the punching bag. just smiled reassuringly and waved her hand to encourage him into trying it. Blonde stood next to bag and tentatively jabbed it. It almost didn't move. He added a little bit more of strength into the next hit and it lightly swung. He smirked and with all his might he punched into it with his tightly clenched fist. To his big surprise it withstood the blow. He nodded in appreciation and turned back to the doctor.

"Didn't I say?" She proclaimed with smile. "Anytime you'll feel irritated, you can come here and get rid of that frustration. I'm almost sure nobody will disturb you here, most of our clients do anything to avoid this part of the clinic as much as possible..."

Shizuo nodded and looked at the punching box with satisfaction. With this thing maybe he won't cause so much damage at clinic, even with that annoying insect's going to roam around. Only the thought of Izaya brought the tension back into his body, so he stood in proper position next to the bag and started to land hits one after one.

The doctor sat on the nearest exercise machine and after a moment of observing she started to ask.

"What exactly is annoying you at Mr. Orihara to this extent?"

Shizuo thought about it for a moment.

"Well. I suppose it's the way how he nags people. For his own crazy entertainment he brings some disaster upon them and then gets off on their reactions. He plays with their lives and blabbers about love to all humans. Don't you find it sick?"

"All humans? Including you, Shizuo?"

"Heh, of course not. I'm not a human according to him, but monster. So I'm not being counted among his 'beloved' people."

The doctor was nodding thoughtfully.

"I admit that from available information one could come to conclusion that Mr. Orihara shows certain signs of personality disorder. But when I take into consideration his family background and education, his intellect and everything I've observed while talking to him..." The doctor tapped her cheek with her finger as she was thinking. "Can you tell me whether Mr. Orihara has some friends?"

"Friends?" Shizuo stopped boxing for a moment and pondered over the question. "Hmm. I think that maybe Shinra is the only person who could be called his somewhat friend. That's our classmate from highschool. Thanks to him we met each other, "Shizuo's lips twisted into sour smile," 'unfortunately' would be more fitting." He added and started the fight with punching box again.

"So even when he exclaims to love all humans, he has only one friend?"

Shizuo looked at her with raised eyebrow. "Who could tolerate such an arrogant selfish bastard?"

"Mr. Orihara is very intelligent person, genius, you could say. People like this often have problems to blend into society. They feel detached and misunderstood and because they don't really know how interact with others in a way that is considered a standard, they are often ostracised by others. It has never occurred to you that Mr. Orihara, even when he's doing pretty good job in hiding it, is a very lonely person? That the way how he plays with people, as you call it, is his own specific way how to make the contact with others?"

Shizuo stared at her as if she was from Mars.

"You're kidding me. That fucking parasite isn't trying to get personal with people, he plays really sick mind-games with them and these 'games', "he pressed the word sarcastically," always end up catastrophically."

"I'm pretty sure he only does it to gain some attention, especially when it comes to you. Well, sure, it seems he possess a little sadistic tendencies and creating a ruckus in people's lives obviously bring him some sort of satisfaction and entertainment. Maybe it's a revenge to some extent, for not accepting him, since he probably feels bitter towards the society. But I've noticed he's also very curious. He likes to observe people and he has a special talent in this area. He's like a big child who gets to know the world around himself in amazement. Have you ever noticed that infantile behaviour of his?"

Shizuo shrugged. He didn't have a clue what the word 'infantile' means, but he wasn't going to admit it. He could though nod to the fact that the flea sometimes acted like a brat.

"Though he may be a little bit of masochist too, since he's desperate for attention to the point he doesn't mind whether people will hate him or hurt him. The only thing he wants is to not being ignored. He needs human companionship so much to his life that if you dropped him on deserted island all alone, he wouldn't probably survive the first month."

Shizuo unintentionally pondered about the idea. "That louse really needs people so much in his life? Then it really sucks being him, since everybody hates him...Wait a sec, am I imagining it or I really pity that bastard a little?" Shizuo, lost in his own confusing thoughts, ignored the doctor's monologue for a while and he focused back at it only when he suddenly heard his name.

"...And you, Shizuo, you have obviously very important role in his life, because he excluded you out of the crowd, your position is different from all other human beings. You are exceptional for him."

"Of course I am...I'm his mortal enemy!" Shizuo growled and hit the bag so strong that it swung from side to side crazily.

"I wouldn't be so sure about it." The doctor smiled. "What if you tried to use this stay for getting to know Mr. Orihara a tiny bit better? Maybe you'll find out that he's not such a bad person as you believe."

"No. Fucking. Chance. I. Would. Ever. Do. That." Shizuo snarled and every word was followed by forceful blow. "The only thing I might try with that bastard is that I'll snap his tiny neck and end up his lousy life."

"Did you forget by any chance that /you/ have saved that 'lousy life' not so long ago? Don't you think your actions contradict your words?"
Shizuo kept quiet. He didn't know what to tell, because till now he wasn't able to come up with satisfying answer for the question, why he has done thing like that. Thus he only continued in his beating into the punching bag, frustrated and confused.

"Shizuo, can you imagine, how would look your life without Mr. Orihara?

Blonde knitted his brows. Happy, that popped out first in his mind. But since the doctor was burning holes into him with her intense gaze, he decided to expand the thought. He never really pondered about his and Izaya's relationship, it was hate and dot. Simple as that. So know when he actually focused on thinking about it, what would his life be like without the flea?

Firstly, he wouldn't be here. His stay at the clinic was because of that damn informant more than anything. Secondly, he wouldn't absolve frequent chases across the whole city. He wouldn't destroy so much public property. He wouldn't be hit by car, twice, probably.

But he had to admit that certain parts of his life wouldn't change, like gangs picking the fights, seeking a fame and adrenaline rush, and annoying clients not willing to pay, their poor excuses always drove him crazy. Crazy meant violent in his case. Just he couldn't throw vending machines and road signs at them. Or not too often at least. Because some of them tended to report him to the police and it meant problems for nothing. Tom always had to get him out of it. Shizuo really hated it when he caused his boss and friend any problems.

When he chased the flea around the city, it was totally different case. He could grab anything and use it as a weapon. Well, even when he was arrested once because of that annoying fucker - what was totally for different reasons though; Izaya didn't report him since then, he also didn't want to have troubles with municipalities. And after each chase he felt a little calmer, right? For a little while, but he did. As if he spent all the rage at that smirking bastard and then he could live few days as a normal human being...

And about his hate to violence, it was mainly for a fact that he was afraid he'll hurt, or worse - kill, someone when he won't be able to control his enormous strength. During a fight with Izaya though, he could use all his power and don't be worried about consequences. Simply because that little pest could dodge all too well. And even when he rarely managed to hit him, even with something heavy, Izaya was able to stand up and flee as if nothing happened.

Shizuo remembered the smirk that appeared on his face always when he faced his arch-enemy and a strange feeling flowing through his veins together with waves of adrenaline, when he roared Izaya's name with all his might as a battle cry. Could it...could it be that he actually enjoyed the fights with that bastard?

Shizuo covered his mouth with his hand, pretty much terrified by the flow of his thoughts.

"It means that all the time I screamed at him that I'm going to kill him, I didn't really mean it? Was it just an adrenaline rush during the fight? That's why I saved him when it really seemed he's going to die? I wouldn't be able to kill him with my own hands? I really want so that flea continued his life and interfered with mine? Oh shit. That doesn't really sound like I hate him, does it? Is the part about the mutual hate truthful now? I'm sure it sparked something when I saw him first time, I would bet my hand on the fact that it was hate. But even if it was...It's more than few years now and how can I say I hate someone and enjoy the time spend with him at the same time? Fine, fine, technically it's time full of flying knives, fighting and throwing benches, but still...I enjoy it, with all the honesty, don't I? I only focus on him and totally ignore the rest of the world. Shit...Does it mean I...The I actually come to That bastard? You can't call this friendship, or? Is it some weird twisted rivalry? Oh my fucking...This is too much, I can't think about this..."

Shizuo shook his head when the furious flood of bugging and disturbing thoughts overwhelmed him. Dr. Aeman watched his inner fight for a good while, then she stood up and walked to the door.

"I'm sure that you'll use the time you're going to spend here to look for answers to your questions, Shizuo." She smiled at him reassuringly and opened the door. "You can be here as long as you want, I'll be expecting you in the morning after breakfast in my office for your first therapy session." She walked off the room and closed the door behind her.

Shizuo stood there for a while, quiet and dumbfounded, staring into air. Then he attacked the punching box with full force.

I'm curious whether this explanation of Izaya's character works for you *chuckles* I'll be delighted if you leave me a review~ Well, stay tuned for more of this story *waves*

Next time: 'Let's get to know him better' plan in action~ What strategy is Shizuo going to use? I swear if anybody can guess it right, I'll write a oneshot for him~