A/N: After much difficulty here is the next chapter, sorry about it being forever, please forgive me! Life sucks at the moment and I had this ready to go last week but my phone wouldn't allow me to upload it :( so I finally managed to slip onto a computer. I hope this chapter was worth the long wait, so here it is, enjoy my lovelies.

Tenth Chapter

A cold wind blew at our backs as we retreated from Caradhras, just one more reminder of what we left behind. After a long walk we stopped, Legolas gently put me down beside Gandalf and sat beside me.

"Now what did you do to your ankle," Gandalf asked as he gingerly picked up my foot.

"I hurt it while we were digging a way through the drift, we were having some trouble. So I offered to climb to the other side, I jumped up and started to climb but Boromir didn't want me to go. He reached out and grabbed my foot, he caught me off guard, I lost my footing and fell," I winced slightly as he moved my foot, "and landed badly."

He raised an eyebrow, "Since when does Leafling Hazelwood let a hurt ankle stop her? It greatly surprises me that you would let yourself be carried or even to let others know that you're hurt?"

"Yes well," I huffed, "Estel knows me far better than anyone, more than I would like."

Just than Estel walked by and burst out laughing, "Of course sister dear, I can spot the pain in your eyes even though you hide it well. If it wasn't for me you would have said nothing and more than likely, hurt yourself more by walking on it."

Gandalf chuckled as he quietly whispered words and rubbed my ankle in circles, "That is pretty much all I can do for you, keep off of it for the rest of the day. We won't be going anywhere for now."

"Don't worry I'll watch her, make sure she rests," Legolas vowed.

"Good luck with that," Estel laughed, "You think you know her but, she's more stubborn than a Dwarf."

"I don't think so laddie," said a gruff voice, "No one, not even Elf over there is near as stubborn as a Dwarf. Ask Gandalf."

I put my hands up, "Okay, okay, we're done talking about that. Now onto more important things."

Everyone mumbled an agreement and went off in separate directions.

"How are you?" Legolas asked.

"As good I can be right now," I sighed, "As long as my ankle heals up before we enter the mines."

"Mines?" he asked.

"Yes, it's the only way now. Either that or we admit defeat and go back to Rivendell. But I'm not one for admitting defeat so easily, if we do go back to Rivendell we won't be able to start out again. The mine is the only way to go now," I stretched my arms and put them behind my head, "Although I will not lie, I wish there was another way...Did you ever see Moria in its prime? I heard it was a wondrous place, it was called the greatest mansion of all Dwarves. During the Second Age back when they had a friendship with the Elves, they helped build some of the mansions making it ever more beautiful, also they built the West Gate which allowed them a way into their homeland, the Dwarves granted them passage through the doors, that's how Naneth established Lothlorien, after the Nandorin elves fled from the growing Moria. They also helped in The War of the Elves and Sauron since the walls were impregnable, the Dark Lord was distracted by an surprise attack from Dwarves and the Elves retreated behind them. Because of that the Dark Lord harboured a deep hatred for them and order the Orcs to trouble them."

"You know your history," said Gimli pleased.

I glanced shocked at him, "Yes, I have a knack for reading and I had a lot of time to learn."

Gimli sorta chuckled, "I bet you did, what else do you know?"

"Don't get her started," exclaimed Estel as he walked up, "You'll be sitting here all night, come Gandalf is talking with the rest of the Company."

In one swift move Legolas picked me up bride style, I felt my face burn in embarrassment as I held onto his neck. You would think after all the time I spent riding on his back I would be used to being this close to him, I elbowed his chest. He looked down and grinned than swung me onto his back. We stood there listening to them debate about taking the road to Moria, I rested my head on his shoulder.

"*We should go to Moria,*" I whispered in his ear, "*After all Balin may have a stronghold there.*"

He turned his head to face me, "*True but there has been no word from them for a while.*"

"...I will tread the path with you," said Gimli, "I will go and look at the halls of Durin, if you can find the doors that are shut."

"You encourage me Gimli, we will seek the hidden doors together," replied Gandalf, "In the ruins of Dwarfs, a dwarves head is less easy to bewilder than Elves, Men or Hobbits. Yet it will not be the first time I been to Moria, I went there in search of Thráin son of Thrór after he was lost. I came out again alive."

"Aragorn and I have been there before," I said quietly, "It's dark...I hoped never to enter it again but we must do what we have to do."

Pippin looked alarmed, "I don't want to go there at all!"

"Me either," Samwise muttered.

"Of course not," said Gandalf, "But who will go if I lead?"

"I will," vowed Gimli.

"I will," said Estel, "You followed me on a course that was almost our doom, and said no words of blame."

"I will," I said, "There is no other way, we shouldn't risk going by the Gap of Rohan."

Legolas shifted underneath me, "I do not want to enter any mines, I would vote no. But if Leaflings going, than so shall I."

Boromir looked conflicted, "I will not go into those mines, their very name means dark. Unless I am out voted, I will not go. What do the Hobbits say?"

Frodo shuffled his feet, "We had a long day and the winds are howling louder now, before we vote we should sleep on it."

I gasped, "That is not the wind that is howling, it's Wargs! They have come west of the mountains! Put me down Legolas."

He shook his head and griped my legs tighter, "*You will be of no use with your ankle like that.*"

"If we survive the night who will travel with wild wolves at their heels?" Gandalf asked.

"How far is Moria?" Boromir questioned.

"If we could fly fifteen miles, since we can not twenty miles," I answered, "If we can, we should start out at first light."

"Yes, I agree with Leafling," said Boromir, "We will be easily picked off and killed, Wargs have better eyesight for the dark than even Elves."

Gandalf nodded, "Alright follow me."

We followed Gandalf up the small hill we were standing beside, the top was crowned with old and twisted trees, there lay a broken circle of boulder-stones. In this circle we made camp, Estel lit a fire in the centre, the dark wouldn't hide us anyway.

"I'll take first watch," I volunteered.

"You shouldn't," Legolas cautioned, "Your ankle."

I looked at him, "Sure I can't fight with a sword right now but, I am a sharp shooter with my bow. If you are that worried watch with me."

A light blush coloured his cheeks, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be over bearing, I just don't want you to hurt yourself again. Like you said, I'm worried about you."

I felt heat in my cheeks, I felt sorry for my sharp words, "I'm the one who should apologize, I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm not used to being coddled, not like when I was an elfling."

He smiled at me and put an arm around my shoulders, "*Don't apologize Leaf.*"

The light from the fire danced on his face, his eyes smouldered with emotion, I felt my cheeks redden, I looked away. The howls drew near than backed away, the ones who slept moved around uneasily. Shapes moved close to the circle and backed away, I leaned into Legolas, unafraid but ready to spring up to fight.

At the gap in the circle I seen something move, it was a wolf-shape, the captain of the pack, he howled as if to command an attack. I stood up and moved to the edge of the circle griping my bow, Legolas was right behind me, Gandalf strode forward holding his staff.

"Hound of Sauron, listen!" He cried, "I am Gandalf, fly if you value your life!"

The wolf snarled, salvia dripped from his mouth it sprang forward with a huge leap, I let out a breath and heard the familiar twang of a bow. I watched as the arrow struck the wolves neck, it howled than fell over.

"*Nice shot,*" I muttered.

"*Thanks.*" he muttered back, "*You okay?*"

I nodded, "*Yes I'm good, my ankle doesn't hurt anymore.*"

We settle down the night grew quite once again, I sat beside Legolas uneasily, something was wrong. I got up and walked towards Estel, I knelt down.

"*Something is off,*" I whispered in his ear.

He nodded, "*The wolf that Legolas killed, I went to look for the body but there was none.*"

"*The night is too quiet, those wolves aren't natural,*" I glanced around at the trees, "*There is something there, I can feel it but I see nothing.*"

"*Stay beside me,*" he whispered, "*I need your help, my senses aren't as keen as yours and, I do not want to disturb the others they need their rest.*"

I raised my eyebrow, he grinned and looked down, "*I know but I trust you more than anyone else.*"

I sat down beside him, "*You need your rest too, I can see it in your eyes. I'll look after everything.*"

He nodded his head and pulled his hood up, I rested my hand on my dagger, lightly thrumming my fingers on the hilt. I heard a light chuckle.

"*Nervous? That's always been your tick,*" he said.

"*You know me too well,*" I muttered, "*I should kill you now so you don't spill my secrets.*"

I saw his shoulders moving in silent laughter, "*I shall come back and haunt you than.*"

Shaking my head I turned my attention to the fire, something is out there, I know it. A few cold hours went by, dawn is near, I stretched out and got up putting a few more logs onto the fire, then I heard a growl. I spun around and seen a dozen glowing eyes approach.

"Throw more wood on the fire!" yelled Gandalf, "Everyone stay together!"

I brandished my sword and stood beside Estel, I kept an eye on the Hobbits on my left. The snarling shapes drew closer and they attacked, with a yell I beheaded the Warg closest to me. Behind me I heard the twang of Legolas bow as he hit down other Wargs. In another swift move I cut down another, I looked over my shoulder, "Look out Samwise!"

I spun around and pulled the Hobbit away from the edge of the circle where a snarling Warg jumped, I thrusted my sword up through the gapping mouth. I felt the sharp cut of teeth as they grazed my hand, it let out a whine and fell limp. I put my foot on its shoulder and ripped my sword out cutting down another Warg as well. I turned my head as an arrow flew by my cheek, a sharp sting drew my hand to my cheek, I wiped away some blood.

There was a growl beside me, I grabbed my dagger with my left hand and drove it far into the head of one, it gave a high pitch whine before it collapsed. I kicked it away as I backed up closer to the fire, I stood in front of the Hobbits.

"Leafling!" cried a voice.

I turned my head Pippin was battling a Warg, quick as I could I threw my dagger it pierced its eye, howling it took a few steps away, Gimli swung his axe taking off its head.

"Naur an edraith ammen! Naur dan i ngaurhoth!" Gandalf yelled as he held a burning branch.

Fire leaped from tree to tree until we were surrounded by fire, the remaining Wargs howled and retreated. I went running and jumped over the stones, determined in running the creatures away.

"Leafling don't! Come back!" someone yelled at me.

I kept running following the quiet moving shadows in front of me, slowly one by one the shadows disappeared. I stopped in my tracks and crouched down, the dirt around me was untouched. No paw marks, no blood, a trickle of fear ran down my spine. Quickly I stood up and ran back, it took me a while to find my way, I didn't realize how far I ran. I approached our encampment and walked right up to Gandalf.

"*Mithrandir, the Wargs-*" I started.

"*Leafling Hazelwood!*" he yelled, "*You never run off after an enemy like that you know better! What would your brothers think?*"

I waved his words off, "*Mithrandir the Wargs, they are not real.*"

His expression went from anger to worried, "*It is as I feared, how did you come upon this?*"

"*I followed them to make sure they didn't double back, I was able to keep up with their shadows, that in itself is concerning. No Elf alive would be able to keep up with Wargs on foot but, the shadows disappeared, I checked the dirt and found no tracks or blood,*" I put my hand on my dagger only to find it was gone, "*Mithrandir?*"

His expression was grave, "*At first light we leave, if you are right than all the arrows Legolas used was for naught. I wonder if he'll be able to find any.*"

I shrugged, "*I don't know but I'll help him look.*"

The morning was bright and clear, the winds died down and the sun was shining bright. Gimli walked with Gandalf leading the way, his excitement shining on his face. I walked with Estel who looked troubled.

"*What is bothering you?*" I asked him.

He sighed, "*Moria, I am afraid of what we might meet again.*"

I grabbed his shoulder and gave it a squeeze, "*Don't worry Little Brother I'll protect you. No Goblin or Cave Troll will get past me besides when we fight together there is no greater force.*"

"*That is backwards, I should be protecting you,*" he objected.

"*Really?*" I cleared my throat, "*I'm the older one here last I check and the older one always looks after the youngest one. Believe me, I grew up with three older brothers.*"

He laughed and placed his arms around my shoulders, "*I can never win an argument against you can I?*"

I grinned, "*I don't see why you keeping trying either,*" I put my hand on my dagger only to find an empty sheath, "*Oh, my dagger...*"

He looked down, "*You didn't find it?*"

"*No, I looked everywhere, when they disappeared they took my dagger with them. Orophin gave me that one.*" I sighed, "*My very first dagger, it's a shame I had to go and lose it. Perhaps I'll pick up another one somewhere, steal it off a dead body or something.*"

"*Leafling!*" he exclaimed.

I laughed at his expression, "*What? It's not like they need it anymore and, I'm only teasing. However I do feel safer with a dagger on my belt, after all a long sword is no use if your attacked by surprise.*"

We walked in silence, I strained my ears to try and pick up the sound of rushing water from the Sirannon the Gate-stream. As much as I don't want to enter the Mines again, the faster we get there the better, who knows what will happen to us if we don't. The day wore on and still no sign of the stream, my ankle gave a painful reminder that it wasn't fully healed yet, I bit my lip to keep from wincing. We came up to a dried out river bed, Gandalf frowned but said nothing, I begun to worry, this was the Sirannon. The sun crossed the sky as we traveled on, no one was in the mood to talk. We stopped and took a short break, Gandalf wanted to look ahead Boromir, Gimli, Frodo and I followed him. Walking on we past a bend in the road.

"Ah this explains why the river bed was dried," exclaimed Gandalf, "Over there is the wall of Moria."

We stood at the edge of a dark lake, it was dammed, on the far side was the tall wall of the mountain. The water was so black it didn't reflect the sun, it was dull and gloomy, I dip a toe in the water expecting it to be slimy and thick.

"There's no way across," muttered Boromir.

I looked at him, "Over there up the stairs, a few furlongs for us to cross. We have to leave Bill behind eventually though, mines are no place for ponies"

"Bill? Who is this Bill?" he asked.

"Bill the pony," I replied slowly, "Our Beast of Burden?"

He nodded at me, I rolled my eyes and walked towards Gimli, Frodo and Gandalf.

"...poor Sam, what will he say?" Frodo asked.

"I am sorry, if I would have known we end up taking this way I would have had us travel lighter." Gandalf said.

"I can let Samwise know," I volunteered.

They both looked at me.

"You don't have to, I can do it," Gandalf replied, "It is my fault after all for agreeing on taking him along."

"*Just like it was your fault for pushing Bilbo out the door on the Journey to Erebor,*" I said in a teasing tone, "*Or the time you told Radagast to go get my Naneth or the time-*"

"*That is quite enough out of you Young Elf,*" he with severity.

I shrugged, "*You were never good at letting someone down easily or explaining all the details. I'll tell Samwise okay? Besides its not like we're leaving him behind yet.*"

He glared at me but nodded, I rolled my eyes again, wizards are too proud creatures sometimes honestly. I walked back down the path to where everyone else waited, Legolas perked up and gently smiled at me, I grinned back.

"*Whats going on?*" he asked me.

"*Getting to the entrance of the Mines, where is Samwise?*" I replied.

He motioned with his head, "*Over there.*"

I walked over and gave Bills head a rub, "Hello Bill and dear Samwise."

"Hello Leafling," Sam answered cheerfully, "Are we ready to go?"

"Sam," I said lowly, "Bill is a strong pony, he has come a long way since Bree, Aragorn told me he was just skin and bones."

"Yes that he has, I swear if we spent more time with the Elves he probably would have started talking." he chatted, "I thought when those Wargs attacked he was going to bolt but he's brave."

I sighed, "You know a mine is no place for a pony, even one as brave as Bill."

He looked down at the ground, "I thought as much Lady Leafling, I don't want to leave him here, alone."

I put my hand out and lifted up his head, "I don't mean to leave him right here right now. When we do don't worry he'll find his way home, I know it Sam, he's smart. Just watch, he'll be waiting somewhere for you to come home."

"How do you know that?" he asked sadly, "Can you see the future too?"

"No, but I have faith in him Sam, you should too." I rubbed his shoulder, "Bill has shown faith in you, he has followed you this far right?"

"Yes he has, now...it's my turn?" he muttered as he hugged Bill.

"He'll follow a ways longer Sam, just be ready to let him go," I said.

"It's better though," he mumbled, "I wouldn't want you to get hurt in those mines. Okay Bill? You are so brave, I need you to be brave again..."

I smiled gently as I quietly walked away, I spotted a tall sycamore tree. Looking around I ran to it and climbed up, I reached the top in record time, I hung on with one arm as I leaned out I gazed at the wide blue sky, puffs of sparse cloud floating lazily. The light breeze ruffled my hair, I closed my eyes and imagined I was holding onto a different tree in a different place, the sound of the running stream echoing in the background, the sound of my brothers voices filling my ears. Sighing I opened my eyes again, all around me lay bleak surroundings, the dark gloomy smelly lake, the sound of someone calling for me...I looked down someone was calling me.

"*Leafling! Hey Legolas have you seen her?*" Estels voice carried on the wind.

"*I seen her talking with Sam a little while ago, I don't think she could have gone that far.*" he answered, "*Leafling!*"

Sighing I closed my eyes again, I should go down but I want to enjoy this breeze and the sky before the mines...I sensed something coming up the tree. I crouched down, my hand hovered over my sword a disadvantage in a tight space like this. The rustling grew louder-

"Why are you up here?" asked a small voice.

My eyes flew open, I looked down in shock, "Pippin! What are you doing up here?"

He grinned bashfully and shrugged, "I seen something jump into this tree, so I decided to check it out. Us Hobbits are adapted to climbing trees, although I never been on one this high before."

"You fool of a Took, I could have been an enemy. I doubt you know how to fight high off the ground like this?" I scolded, "It's a long way to fall."

"I-I didn't think of that," he mumbled face growing red, "How are we going to get down?"

Sighing I climbed down until I was face to face with him, "The same way we got up here."

His eyes widened in fear, "I-I-I can't d-do it, I-I didn't r-realize how f-f-far up..."

I put my hand on his shoulder, "It okay, I got you climb onto my back and hold on tight, alright? Don't let go."

Gently I tossed him over my shoulder, he clung on hard burying his face in my neck. I jumped down branch to branch until I was halfway down than climbed the rest of the way, I didn't want to scare Pippin anymore than he already was but I jumped down the last few feet, landing on my feet crouched down. I straightened up and looked into the furious face of Estel.

"*Leafling Hazelwood,*" he thundered, "*Don't you ever do that again, take off without telling anyone where you went. Anything could have happened to you.*"

I put Pippin down, "*Sorry, I didn't mean to cause trouble Estel.*"

"Pippin! There you are Merry was looking for you too, another one that disappears," Estel sighed, "What am I going to do?"

"He followed me up the tree," I explained, "I already scolded him for doing that because I could have been the enemy."

He knelt down in front of Pippin, "She's right, next time you see something or someone climbing up a tree tell one of us. You're just lucky it was only Leafling."

Pippin nodded, "I will."

Estel turned to me as Pippin walked away, "*What were you doing up there? It's dangerous to climb especially here.*"

I looked down, "*I know but, I wanted to look at the sky once last time before...*"

He expression turned grave, "*Don't worry, it won't be like last time.*"

"*What happened?*" asked a voice behind us.

I turned, it was Legolas.

"*A mistake,*" Estel answered, "*That won't happen again.* Come lets move everybody, we are burning daylight."

Sam was brushing out Bill before turning around and joining Frodo, Estel walked up to Gandalf and Boromir, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning around I looked up at Legolas, his eyes still full of question.

I sighed and stared walking, he was right beside me, "*It was the first time we went into the Mine, we were attacked. It was a lapse of judgment by the both of us, I was hit in the face with something because, it was so dark down there I didn't think twice. We escaped and I tripped over something, Estel laughed than told me to get my head out of the clouds and pay attention that we have to get away as far as possible. I asked 'We are outside?' I lifted up my hands to my face, I could feel them but not see them. I panicked I was blind but, I was lucky I had some Kingsfoill with me, Estel wrapped up my eyes and carried me to Imladris.*"

"*Wait but isn't...?*" he trailed off.

I nodded, "*Yes but it was too dangerous to cross the mountains like that, Lord Elrond saved my sight. I have faint scars.*"

Lifting up my hands I pushed away hair from my eyes, he lightly brushed his fingers against them.

"*They are jagged but smooth,*" he muttered, "*I didn't see them until you pointed them out. Do you have nightmares about what happened?*"

"*Yes,*" I nodded, "*Sometimes when I fall into a deep sleep I remember what happened like it happened the day before and I'm afraid to open my eyes, afraid I won't see anything.*"

We walked in silence, he put an arm around my shoulders. The day was drawing to an end, we walked up the slopes until we reached the lake again, by the ledge that Gimli pointed out earlier. Walking quickly across, at the northern side of the lake we came across a narrow creek, it was green and stagnant. Gimli tested the waters and found it was only ankle deep at the edge, we made a single line as we walked across. The rocks were greasy, weeds grew in between making footing treacherous, I was more than happy to get out of that water. Just as Sam and Bill cross something jumped and disturbed the water, Gandalf urge us to go faster.

Slowly the sun dipped behind the mountain and evening was upon us. We came to a very narrow path, we had to hug the cliff in order to keep going, a single wrong move and down one could fall. On the other side was a long narrow strip of land filled with rocks, stunted trees and sand. Here two towering Holly trees stood, the boarder of Hollin.

"At last here we are here, the West-door where the Elven-way from Hollin ended; back in the days of close friendship even between Elves and Dwarves this door was used most often by Elves." explained Gandalf as we walked forward.

"It was not the fault of the Dwarves that the friendship waned," Gimli grumbled.

"I have not heard it was the fault of the Elves," Legolas replied stiffly.

"I have heard both," said Gandalf, "I will not pass judgment now, I ask you to at least be friends. I need the help of all three of you, the doors are shut and hidden. Night is at hand."

With that Gandalf turned to Sam, I looked at the both of them, they calmly looked at me back. I walked to the mountain wall and placed my ear against the cold stone, with Legolas a few feet away, Gimli walked along hitting various places with his axe.

"We are all ready but there is no door or a sign of a door," commented Merry.

"Dwarf doors are invisible when shut," replied Gimli, "If the makers can't find or open them, their secrets are lost forever."

"But this door was a secret not only known to Dwarf," said Gandalf as he studied the wall, "Unless things have changed, one who knows what to look for will find it."

I lifted my head up and walked along the wall, feeling the rough texture under my hands, I walked closer to the trees when the stone turned smooth. Turning around I motioned for Gandalf, "Here, the stone is smooth."

He strolled forward, pressing his hands against the wall he muttered words under his breath, than he stepped back, "Look can you see anything?"

I watched the grey wall, for a while nothing happened until the moon came out from behind a cloud. Faint lines appeared like sliver ribbon winding its way up the rock, slowly the lines grew more solid and the designs could be seen.

"Moon Runes," I said in wonder.

An arch high above Gandalf's hat with interlacing Elvish letters, underneath an outline of an anvil and hammer surmounted by a crown with seven stars. Just beneath were two trees each bearing crescent moons, the clearest symbol was in the middle of the door a single star with many rays.

"The emblems of Durin!" exclaimed Gimli.

"And the Tree of the High Elves!" said Legolas.

"And the Star of the House of Fëanor," I said, "These runes sleep until touched by one who speaks the words that have long since been forgotten."

Gandalf nodded, "They have been forgotten in Middle-Earth, it has been a very long while since I heard them, I had to think deeply in order to remember them."

"What does it say?" asked Frodo, "I cannot read these Elf letters."

"It says: The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter. Underneath reads: I, Narvi, made them. Celebrimbor of Hollin drew these signs." I read.

Gandalf looked at me impressed, "They are written in the Elven-tongue of the West of Middle-Earth in the Elder Days. There are few alive now that can read and speak it."

Merry frowned, "What does 'speak, friend, and enter' mean?"

"It means young Hobbit that if you are a friend than speak the password and the doors will open," answered Gimli.

"Yes," said Gandalf, "Some Dwarf doors open only during certain times of the year or for certain people, some have locks and keys even after all the right words are spoken. However these doors have no key, back in the days of Durin these doors were not secret and were always open. If they happened to be shut anyone who knew the words could speak them and they would open. At least that is how it was recorded, is it not Gimli?"

The dwarf nodded, "But the words are not remembered, Narvi and his craft and his kin have long forsaken this land. The words were lost."

"But you know the words, don't you Gandalf?" questioned Boromir.

"No," he answered bluntly.

Boromir looked aghast, everyone else looked dismayed except for Estel and I, we knew Gandalf well.

"Why did you bring us here than?" Boromir cried, "You said you been in the Mines before. How could you if you do not know how to enter?"

"To answer your first question Boromir," said Gandalf cooly, "I do not the words-yet, give me some time. And," he added his eyes glinted under his hat, "you ask what is the use of my deed if they prove useless. For your other question, do you doubt my tale? Or do you have no wits left? I did not come this way, I entered from the East. These doors open outward, from the inside you could simply thrust them open but from the outside nothing will move them expect for the spell of command."

Pippin frowned and asked, "What are we going to do than?"

"Knock on the door with your head Peregin Took," replied Gandalf, "If that does not break them open than I am allowed some peace from foolish questions. I once knew all spells in the tongue of Men, Elves and Orc that was used for this purpose. I can think of ten score of them right now, after a few trials I should be able to open them. I require no help from Gimli for secret-dwarf tongue is taught to no one and it appears the words are in Elvish much like the writing on the arch."

He stood there silently looking at the door than walked up and touched his staff to the sliver star:

Annon edhellen, edro hi ammen!

Fennas nogothrim, lasto beth lammen!

The silver lines faded and the black stone did not move. He tried again and again, slowly everyone drifted off sitting on rocks or the sand waiting. I looked at the Holly trees, without wasting another moment I walked towards them than I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"*And where do you think you're going?*" asked a teasing voice.

I grinned as I turned my head, "*Nowhere you can't follow.*"

Legolas smiled back as he followed me towards the trees, I jumped up and started climbing. Pausing for a moment I looked down, he was still on the ground.

"*Are you coming or not?*" I quietly called down, "*I'm not going to wait for you.*"

With that I started climbing again, I reached the middle where the branches grew from there was enough room for three people to sit comfortably. I crawled a little ways in and sat down, a few minutes later a blonde head appeared through the branches, he climbed up and sat across me. I looked at him in the eyes, he stared back.

"*You're beautiful Leaf,*" he said, "*In more ways than one.*"

I felt my face grow red, I looked away from the heated stare he was giving me, "*I-in what ways?*" I asked him.

I heard him chuckle, "*The way you handle your blade with fierceness and grace, the look in your eyes when you laugh and smile, your reckless, your strength. You are not like other Elf Maidens I've met.*"

Looking up I noticed he came closer to me, "*You are beautiful too.*" I blurted out.

I felt my face grow redder, where those words came from I did not have a clue, he smiled at me, "*Really?*"

Nodding I swallowed a lump that appeared in my throat, "*Y-yes, the way you handle your bow the strength and precision in every shot, the way you talk non-stop.*"

He grinned bashfully and looked down, the tips of his ears were red.

"*Among other things, the way you listen to what the trees have to say I thought that was only common with Lothlorien Elves,*" I whispered.

"*No any Elf can speak with trees if they have the patients to,*" he replied quietly, "*But it takes time that most would use for training.*"

He raised his hand and cupped my cheek, I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch liking the warmth it radiated. I felt his lips gently touch mine suddenly I felt a rush of emotions: happiness, wonder, excitement, love, a feeling of being complete like I finally found what I was looking for...I pulled back quickly.

"*D...did you...*" I trailed off.

He nodded his eyes wide, "*Yes...*"

I reached out and touched his cheek, moving my hand until it rested on his neck, gently I pulled his head down. His lips crushed onto mine, feeling once again the surge of emotion and his warmth. When we pulled away both of us were breathless.

He looked at me with tender eyes"*You're my-*"

"*-Lifemate.*" I finished.

I stared at him in wonder, I never thought I would find mine, he leaned forward and captured my lips again. Than I heard the howl of wolves in the wind, we broke apart, at that moment we heard a splash of water. I jumped out of the tree followed closely by Legolas.

"-did you do that for Boromir?" asked Frodo, "I don't like this place either but don't disturb the pool."

"Frodo is right," I said as I walked closer, "We know not of what lies under it's surface."

The ripples flowed across the surface as they came closer to the cliff.

"I wish we could get away from here already," said Merry.

"Why doesn't Gandalf do something?" Pippin asked.

I looked over at the form of the wizard, "Best not to anger him, nothing is worst than an angry Wizard."

The howling came again but must closer than before, the ripples grew and are now splashing against the shore. Suddenly Gandalf stood up laughing.

"Of course it is so simple, as are most riddles when you see the answer," he got up and placed his staff against the black stone again:


The star shined bright once again before disappearing, cracks appeared seamlessly as the stone wall slowly parted revealing a doorway. Through the opening we could see a set of stairs that climbed steeply up.

"I was wrong as was Gimli," said Gandalf, "Merry of all people was on the right track. It was inscribed on the arch all along, the translation should have been 'Say Friend and enter'. I had to speak the Elvish word for friend, quite simple, too simple for a leaned-lore master in suspicious days. Those were the happy times, lets go."

I smiled and said lowly, "*All things and its a simple riddle.*"

"*Well I didn't see you trying to help him,*" teased Estel, "*I notice you disappeared again, with Legolas this time.*"

Legolas who was walking beside me grew red and looked down at the ground.

"*Yes well,*" I grinned bashfully, "*You see-*"

"Frodo!" Sams terrified scream cuts through my words.

Frowning I turned around just in time to see a giant tentacle reach out of the water and grab Frodo by the ankle and dragged him away.

A/N: My very first cliffhanger! Sorry I just had to, this chapter just seemed to be getting really long. Hope you all liked it, I love hearing feedback from my readers. Once again please bear with me and the super long wait that is about to happen, but I THANK EACH AND EVERY ONE of my readers, followers and favoriters (if that's a word) for sticking with Leafljng and me, the wait will be worth it! Until next time!