It's been a while, hasn't it?

Tap, tap, tap, Percy's fingers drummed on the steering wheel of his vehicle. He sat, staring blankly ahead, lost in thought. It was a nice day at the end of May. He would go back to Camp soon and was looking forward to the idea of spending another summer at one of the only places in the running that he could comfortably call home, although his mom's house would always fight for top spot. The radio played quietly in the background, not that he was paying any attention to that either. He finally blinked his eyes hard and came crashing back to reality, after a couple more blinks looked over to the passenger seat in which the paper shopping bag that he had acquired on his trip home had been buckled in.

No use sitting here any longer, he thought to himself as he unbuckled and opened the driver door. He walked around to the passenger side and collected the brown paper bag. He gave the door a push and once satisfied with the thud of the door closing in place, he pressed the lock button twice on the key fob and was greeted with a satisfying response from the car's horn.

Percy turned towards the front door of the apartment complex in which he was now residing, He had come to the conclusion, as many others had, that once the war had ended and many of the threats to demi-gods had been reduced, that it was manageable to live a life outside of the camp grounds as an adult during non-summer months. He had also decided that at twenty-two, it would be both beneficial for him and his mother that he found his own place live in. Not that Mr. and Mrs. Blofis would have minded, although they had certainly appreciated the newfound quiet in their abode.

Percy rotated the key inside the apartment's front door and made his way inside the building and continued on his way towards his unit. Once he had reached his door, he then unlocked it and made his way inside his apartment. He kicked off his shoes and made his way to the kitchen where he placed the contents of his grocery bag inside the refrigerator. He then made his way towards the bedroom where a familiar person sat inside.

Talia was laying down on the blue sheets of their bed, legs against the wall. Her laptop was open but instead of a word document it had been opened to Netflix. He took a moment to take in the scene. So much had changed over the last few years, and Talia was no exception. Instead of her short and spikey hair, she had let it grow out some. Nothing too dramatic, but the slightly wavy hair that had reached just past her shoulders was by comparison like looking at a different person. She wore more colors than she had in the past, and was wearing a maroon t-shirt and jean shorts.

Percy smiled, amused by the thought that this person in front of him was still as much the same person that he had remembered from six years ago, but at the same time they were completely different. Although one thing was for sure, he loved her more now than he had back then, and more today than he had the day before. He had heard the faint noise of too loud to be safe music coming from the earbuds that Talia had been wearing. Although he could not tell what it was exactly, he had recognized that some things don't change, such as her taste in music.

He flopped down on his side on the bed beside her which had caused a surprised expression to appear on Talia's face.

"When did you get here?"

"Just now." He replied with a smile that was reciprocated in kind. She rolled herself so she was lying on her chest facing Percy and gave him a peck on the lips. "So you are done with your finals too?"

"Yeah, thank the Gods, I'm so sick of papers." She replied which elicited a laugh from Percy. Neither of them had been fond of reading or writing, and college had not changed that. Another finals week was behind them. Provided they did everything correctly they would have passed their classes and their junior year, as both of them had started a year later than most children. "But it's time to celebrate!" she stated as she jumped out of bed and started for the kitchen. Percy got up and followed her.

Talia had made her way to the fridge and pulled out the contents of what had once been in Percy's shopping bag. An expensive but delicious frozen pizza that would shortly be made, an ice cream cake with blue frosting. Talia then held up the last item, one that she had not seen before.

"Percy… what is this?" she asked, holding up a small round bottle.

"Uh…" he stuttered in response.

"Why did you buy a bottle of rum, in the shape of a cannonball?"

"I thought we were going to celebrate?" Percy replied.

"Percy." Talia replied in a more serious tone. Percy mumbled something quietly, which prompted an "Excuse me?" from Talia.

"I thought it would make me feel like a pirate." Percy replied, slightly embarrassed. Talia rolled her eyes at him.

"I love you, you dolt."

"I love you too." Percy replied. Talia turned around and started preheating the oven. Once it had beeped in response, she turned to Percy.

"Last one back to bed has to get up to put the pizza in!" she exclaimed and turned and started sprinting towards the bedroom.

"Hey! Wait!" Percy replied as he started chasing after her. Although he did not like the idea of having to lay down just to get back up to put the pizza in, he could not help but smile as he thought how lucky he was to be with the one person whom there would be no other he would rather be with.