A/N: I just want to take this time to thank you all so much for sticking through with me this entire story and supporting me with your reviews! I sincerely appreciate it! Please stick around for another message at the end of this chapter.


Vanessa gawked up at the high school building with furrowed eyebrows and limp limbs. She tried to take deep breaths, but the air couldn't get all the way to her lungs. She felt a callous hand grip her arm gently, and she tore her eyes away to look at Jim.

"Why d-do I h-h-have to d-d-do th-this?" she questioned with a whimper.

Jim shot her a melancholy smile, "Law unfortunately dictates you have to go to school until you're eighteen,"

Vanessa sighed and closed her eyes. She didn't know why she was so afraid. She'd attended school before, and it wasn't too bad. Maybe it was because the last school she'd went to was elementary. She knew nothing beyond that point. But she could do this. Everything would be fine. There was nothing to fear.

"Is school f-f-fun for you?" she asked.

Jim shrugged, but his frown said something else, "It's . . . alright."

"What d-do you mean 'alr-right'?"

"I'm . . . kind of a social pariah here," Jim reached behind his head and messed with his rat tail, "I don't think a lot of people like me, whether students or teachers. Not exactly the best student either. Can't seem to pay attention."

"Great . . . great," she struggled to take a deep breath and turned back to the building. Students were filing in all around them, paying no attention to the pair still standing on the stairs. If that could continue the rest of the day, if she could stay as a fly on the wall, she would be happy. If she could attempt to understand what she was being taught, even just a little bit, she would be happy.

Jim's hand slid down her arm and intertwined his fingers with hers, "You'll be okay, Butterfly. I'll be here with you,"

He led her into the building, where she stuck to his back like peanut butter sticks to jelly. Her eyes darted to the lockers lining the walls, and the students that hung out around them, laughing and talking. They darted to the teachers with their large stacks of paperwork and half empty cups of coffee. They darted to the banners and posters displaying school spirit and extra-curricular activities. Her attention was taken off the details when Jim changed their general direction to enter an administrative office.

"Where are we?" she asked.

"We have to meet the vice principle," Jim answered.


"So we can admit you into the class."

Jim stopped at someone's door and knocked. Vanessa would have loved to have known whose door, but she couldn't recognize the words printed on the foggy glass. A man in a dark blue pinstripe suit answered.

"Ah, just who I was expecting. Come on in, Hawkins." he ushered them inside the office and offered them a seat in front of his desk, "How was your trip across space?"

"Fantastic," Jim replied, "Thank you for asking,"

Vanessa glanced at him through the corner of her eye, to which he received and patted her knee comfortingly.

"I hope it was challenging enough to knock some proper sense into your head? Straighten you out a bit?" the man sat in his high back chair on the other side of the oak desk, his arms crossed over his chest in a stubborn way.

Jim's hand squeezed her knee a little harder than he meant to, if he meant to at all. Vanessa could practically hear his teeth grinding in his mouth, "It certainly was challenging . . . sir,"

"Glad to hear," the man then turned his attention to Vanessa, who tensed up a little simply under his gaze. "And you must be Ms. Kendrick. I am Vice Principle Groger. It is very nice to have you back safe and sound on Montressor."

Vanessa simply nodded her appreciation for his statement.

"Now, I assume you haven't had any education since your . . . early departure. That would be the fifth grade, correct?"

"Correct, sir," Jim answered.

Vice Principle Groger glared at him, "Mr. Hawkins, I'm sure she's capable of speaking for herself." he turned back to Vanessa, "Fifth grade, correct?"

She glanced at Jim with her teeth biting her lip. He didn't look at her, but gave her knee another squeeze. With a deep breath, she responded, "Yes, s-sir,"

"Good, good, alright then, unfortunately due to regulations of the school system, we have to test how you do in regular classes before we can make any exceptions for you."

"But she's going to fail all of them, she hasn't gone to school in five years -"

"Mr. Hawkins, with strain yourself. I'm afraid there's no way around this. Mr. Kendrick must deal with it until the end of the day." Vice Principle Groger interrupted.

Jim sighed and put his head in his hands, "Well, can we at least be in the same classes?"

"Is that what you want, Ms. Kendrick?"

Vanessa nodded vigorously, "Yes, p-p-please,"

"Mr. Hawkins, I will only allow this if you behave yourself," Vice Principle Groger warned him, "I am putting my faith in you that this girl will make it through the day, and faith is not something I have a lot of. Can I trust you?"

"Yes, sir," Jim answered.


Student ID Last Name First Name Middle Initial Grade

4825361945 KENDRICK VANESSA G 09

Period Sem CrsID Course Title Teacher Room

1 S 104 Algebra 1 Castillo, M 104

2 S 225 Language Arts 1 Vincent, A 225

3 S 654 Environ. Science Balik, E 654

4 S 368 Beginning Psychology Simon, S 489


5 S 487 History of Solar System Isaacson, T 354

6 S 485 Montressor History Isaacson, T 354

7 S 545 Study Hall Castillo, M 104

8 S 781 Health Education Younge, V 266

Vanessa was glad she was allowed to tag along with Jim. She'd never be able find any of these classes, let alone even read her schedule. She bit her lip so much, trying to figure out the first class's name, that she drew blood.

"It's algebra," Jim read for her.

"Wh-what's alg-g-gebra?" she asked.

"It's a fancy term for Math,"

Vanessa crushed the piece of paper in her fist, "J-Jim, I don't th-think I can d-d-do this,"

Jim wrapped his arms around her, "I know it's going to be tough, but can you just push through it for today, for me?"

Vanessa sighed, "I g-g-guess,"

"I'll be right by your side the entire time," he reassured her, "Nothing and no one will hurt you while I'm around, you got that?"

She giggled.

Suddenly, a high-pitched bell rang throughout the halls, loud and unnerving. Vanessa shrieked and clung to Jim for dear life, her eyes shut tightly. What was going on?! What was that?! Were they under attack?! But as quickly as it started, the ringing silenced, and the only things heard were her scream and a low murmur of voices.

"Calm down! Calm down!" Jim shook her lightly to break her fear, "It's just the bell, Nessie, calm down!"

"Why?!" she almost screamed again.

"Why what?"

"Why do they play that?!"

"So students know it's time to go to class. It rings after every period,"

Vanessa slowly let her eyes open. Most of the students had left to their separate classrooms, and those remaining took the time to stare at her. Blood rose to her cheeks and she let go of Jim, letting her arms fall behind her back and her gaze tilt to the ground.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"F-fine," she whispered. How could she have been so stupid? Of course, they weren't under attack, this was a school. Nothing that . . . exciting or dangerous . . . could happen here.

"Come on, let's go to class," he took her hand and led her through the maze of halls to Room 104 for Algebra 1. Tactlessly for them, they were the last ones to arrive into a classroom where everyone had already taken their seats and were paying close attention to the lesson.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. Hawkins," said the man positioned at the front of the class by a chalkboard, "We were hoping you'd chosen to stay in space,"

Jim's eyes narrowed at the obvious teacher, "Nice to see you again too, Mr. Castillo," and he took Vanessa with him to the back of the classroom. In the far-right corner there was one remaining seat, next to a boy very aptly studying from a comic book.

Jim slammed his hand down on the occupied desk, "I need this seat," he told the boy.

The boy looked up at him lazily, until he recognized the irritated face and squeaked, "S-S-sorry Jim," and the boy took off to an open seat towards the front. Jim gave Vanessa the open seat by the window, where she could look out and see the rocky landscape of the school yard.

"Are you done disrupting my class, Mr. Hawkins?" the teacher asked.

Jim didn't answer the teacher, instead choosing to put his feet up on the surface of his desk. Vanessa took the crumpled schedule from her pocket and smoothed it out. Mr. M Castillo was the teacher's name, and she had him for two periods . . . well, rather she and Jim had Mr. Castillo for two periods.

"Continuing with the roll call," Mr. Castillo said, irritated and looking down at his clipboard, "Mr. Jim Hawkins is here but late. Do I have a Ms. Jessica Jalota?"

A girl silently raised her hand.

"Thank you, Ms. Jalota. Do I have a Ms. . ." he paused and pursed his lips, "Oh yes, that's right . . . Ms. Vanessa Kendrick is back with us. Is Ms. Vanessa Kendrick here?"

A low murmur rumbled as the students searched for their fellow, almost forgotten woman. She didn't even have to raise her hand; eventually they found her, and the whispers seemed to get louder and louder in her head.

"There she is,"

"Oh my God, she's alive,"

"I can't believe it,"

"I thought she'd be dead,"

"Is that really her?"

"She looks horrible,"

"Poor girl,"

"Can you imagine all she's been through?"

Vanessa couldn't stand it. All the whispers. The eyes. The pressure. So much attention. She could feel her body begin to shake and her breath hitch. She wanted to disappear. She wanted to crawl inside this desk and stay there for the rest of the day. Why wouldn't they stop looking at her? It was unnerving.

"Yes, she's been found," Jim announced, breaking the curse, "Can we get back to learning? I'm sure you've all got better things to do than to stare at her,"

Finally, everyone turned their attention back to the teacher, and Vanessa was able to take a deep breath and relax a little. She shot Jim a thankful smile, who grinned back and crossed his arms behind his head.

"Now I'm going to give everyone a little practice work to start on today and take home with them tomorrow," Mr. Castillo announced. He passed out packets of paper to each desk until he got to her, "Ms. Kendrick, I'm supposed to give you a test on what we have been working on this past semester to test your education. You will be working on it until the end of class, in which time you will hand it in to me,"

She didn't say a word as he placed the test and a pencil in front of her. Vanessa looked to Jim for guidance, but he was too busy working on his own packet. The sound of the teacher giving instructions drowned out as she flipped past page after page of math problems. None of them made a single bit of sense to her. Since when did they add letters to numbers? And what where these strange signs everywhere? Why did she need a . . . a . . . C-A-L-C-U-L-A-T-O-R? What is that? Wasn't math done in your head? That's how it was when she was younger.

The day grew longer and harder, especially after every class. Each time they handed her a packet, she handed it back 45 minutes later – blank. She didn't know a single thing anyone was trying to teach her. She couldn't understand most of the words in Language Arts. Psychology was such a bore that she almost fell asleep. At least in Environmental Science she understood a little bit. She knew types of rocks . . . that was about it. By lunch time she was so exhausted and relieved to not be learning she immediately went to a table, crossed her arms, and rested her head for a nap. Short sleep, however, did not come to her. The murmurs wouldn't stop, and every set of eyes that landed on her felt like lasers burning holes in her. Vanessa let a slit of light into her irises and could immediately see ten pairs of eyes watching her. Her nerves lit with irritation and anxiety at the scrutiny.

She couldn't take it anymore. Without a word to Jim, she ran away from the cafeteria into the hallway, tears beginning to run down her cheeks. She needed a place to hide. Somewhere no one would look at her anymore. There was a bathroom just a little way down past the place where they kept books. She ran there, pushing past groups of students and ignoring the limelight as she dove into a bathroom stall. Her fingers couldn't close the door the first time, and she fumbled with the lock.

"Will N-NOTHING w-w-work for me t-t-today?!" she almost screamed, finally locking herself in. Vanessa fell to the floor and let her forehead rest on her knees. Why couldn't she stay hidden away for the rest of her life? Why was she forced to be the center of consideration? God, she felt so stupid. What must people think? She couldn't even imagine the rumors going on. No one knew what had happened to her. All they could do was talk and whisper. And what must the teachers think? They're probably grading her tests right now. They probably think she knew nothing at all, that her brain was filled with air. Why did they have to put her through all this humiliation? Couldn't they have found a better way to educate her? Couldn't Doc have taught her five years of education?

"W-What am I g-g-going to do?" she whimpered.


Vanessa lifted her head. Her name had come from a girl. A girl her age, and not a teacher. She stayed silent.

"Vanessa . . . Kendrick?"

More than likely it was some student that wanted to hear her whole life story, put the limelight back on her, or belittle her for not knowing what she knew.

"I'm sorry, I saw you come in here . . . I wasn't sure it was really you. I heard you were back on Montresor . . . Is it you Vanessa?"

What was her game? Maybe she was confused and saw the wrong person.

"I don't know if you remember me . . . I used to be friends with you when we were kids. My name is Taline Hobbs."

Taline Hobbs . . . Taline Hobbs . . . Vanessa carefully stood up and unlocked the door, peeking out from the stall to look at her. Unlike when she met Jim on the Legacy, where she knew him by name and not by looks, Taline looked extremely familiar, like a grown up version of a kid she used to play with in elementary school, but the name didn't ring a bell.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry . . . you l-l-look familiar, b-but your n-name doesn't r-r-ring a b-bell" she whispered.

Taline had a cautious shine in her eyes and she took a step forward eagerly, "That's okay! I didn't expect it to. I can't even imagine what happened to you . . . oh, I'm sorry," she stopped when she noticed Vanessa had shrunk back into the enclosed space she trapped herself in. Taline backed up several feet to allow Vanessa some breathing room, and to allow her to come out of the stall, "You probably need some space, don't you? I understand. I can leave you alone, if you want. I'm sure you're tired of all the attention."

Vanessa bit her lip and stared down at her black boots, the only clothing item that wasn't too worn for wear. Sending her away seemed sort of rude, especially when she was so eager to talk with her. And not in the gossiping sort of way. She had no way of knowing whether the girl was lying or not about being her childhood friend. Vanessa could chalk up the loss of memory to her being too young to make any lasting memories. But . . . it might be nice to get to know her once more. Maybe she knew some things about her childhood that she was missing . . . or maybe she could help her find her parents. When the time came.

"I . . . I guess it w-would be nice t-t-to have another f-friend," Vanessa murmured.

Taline's despondent frown turned into a brilliant smile, and Vanessa could see she was restraining herself coming closer.

Just then the high-pitched bell rang, and Vanessa slapped her hands over her ears. Taline acted like the horrifying ear penetration was nothing but a minor annoyance, "Damn, lunch is over. Hey, let me see your schedule,"

Vanessa slipped out of the stall and handed Taline her printed agenda. Looking at it for a brief moment, Taline's smile grew a bit wider, "Great, we have History of the Solar System together! Come on, I'll show you where it is," she held her hand out for Vanessa to take, to which she denied, and they exited the girl's bathroom together. Jim stood just outside the entrance, leaning against the wall and staring at the clock above a set of lockers across the hall until he heard their footsteps.

"There you are," he gently took his hand in hers, making butterflies flutter in her stomach, "Are you okay? I was looking all over for you,"

"What do you think you're doing?" Taline asked, her tone suddenly becoming hostile.

Jim twisted his neck to look at her, "Excuse me?"

She rolled her eyes and swatted his hand away, "Come on, Vanessa, you don't want to be anywhere near him," she took her hand instead and lead her down the hall, "He's a bad boy, he's only interested in trouble and sex. You know, a few months ago, he got caught by the cops while riding his solar surfer through a restricted area. I can't believe he didn't go to jail for that."

Heavy footsteps followed them, and Vanessa felt a bigger, calloused hand in the one not occupied, "Why don't you mind your own business?"

Taline interjected herself between Vanessa and Jim, "Back off, Hawkins, I don't want you corrupting this one,"

Vanessa furrowed her eyebrows. Corrupt? What is she talking about?

Jim rolled his eyes and pushed past her nonetheless, "Get lost Taline,"

"I cannot believe you'd sink so low as to taking advantage of a missing girl on her first day back. Could you be any more of a bastard?"

"I've never taken advantage of a girl in my life," he shot back, "Let's get out of here, Vanessa,"

"No way, I'm not letting you anywhere near her," Taline tried to grab her arm and pull her back.

"S-S-Stop!" Vanessa whimpered. The two of them stopped arguing and turned their attention to her. Vanessa went to Jim's side, almost gluing herself to him as he wrapped his arm around her fragile frame, "J-Jim s-s-saved me. I'm n-not going anyw-w-where without h-him,"

Taline stared skeptically at Jim, who just gave her a brooding glare while holding on tightly to his girl, "Saved her? You're actually capable of doing that?"

"I'm capable of a lot of things, thanks," Jim snapped.

"P-Please s-s-stop fighting," Vanessa demanded, "T-Taline, if you w-want me to be your f-friend, you n-need to acc-ccept J-J-Jim,"

"You're kidding me, right?"

"What have I ever done to you, Taline?" Jim questioned, "I hardly even talk to you,"

"I've heard plenty of things about you that warrant my hatred for you,"

"Please s-s-stop," Vanessa pleaded.

"How about you dodge the rumors and try to get to know me instead," he suggested.

"Why would I ever want to do that?"

"For Vanessa,"

Pinching the bridge of her nose between her thumb and index finger, Taline sighed in frustration. Vanessa couldn't figure out why Taline had it in for Jim. She understood Jim used to be a good-for-nothing teenager who got into all kinds of trouble, but the trip across space had really changed him. She wish Taline could take the time to see what he was now, instead of what he used to be. She wish Taline could see he was more than his past.

Thankfully, Vanessa's wish was granted.

"Okay, okay, fine," Taline agreed, "Look, I . . . I just want my childhood friend back, so . . . fine. If I have to accept . . . Jim Hawkins . . . I will,"

School sucked. Period. The only class Vanessa seemed to excelled in was History of the Solar System. However, she seemed to piss her teacher off by correcting him constantly on his errors. Had he never space traveled before? How could he teach this class if he knew nothing but what the text books told him? She sure got her kumuppins in Montressor History, where Mr. Isaacson could strike her down because she knew literally nothing about their home planet.

After the last class of the day, Jim and Vanessa visited Vice Principle Groger. He agreed that she wasn't capable at learning in a nineth grade setting, and decided to have a tutor meet her in the library of Montressor High to get her to where she should be in education instead of having her go to classes. Vanessa would eventually work her way up to the level of the rest of her peers. All she would have to deal with now is the piercing attention of everyone and the constant questioning.

Later that night, after Sarah had made them a delicious dinner, Vanessa found Jim sitting at the dining table under candle light with a large amount of paperwork spread out before him. Thinking it was homework, she approached him, gently resting her hands on his shoulders, and as her vision focused on the heading, she realized it was an application for The Academy.

"You're r-really going t-to d-d-do it, huh?" she asked.

Jim sighed and put the pen down, "I don't know . . . maybe . . . you saw how they all treated me today . . . the teachers, classmates, everyone. I'd have a fresh start at The Academy. No one would know me, you know? And I'd probably do better there than I ever could in a regular high school. I'd feel like I wouldn't be wasting my time."

"It m-might be r-r-really hard," she replied.

"I don't care. It's better than here. It's got to be,"

Vanessa bit her lip and let her hands slip down his back. She wanted to tell him to go and pursue his interests . . . but that meant he would leave her. When would be come back? Would he ever come back? Jim had been her rock ever since The Twilight Horror. How could she survive without him?

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"N-Nothing," she stated. With her normally shaky voice, he couldn't tell if she were lying or not. Vanessa went to the window to peek out at the rocky landscape of the mansion. The moonlight cast terrific shadows and colors.

"Vanessa -"

"You sh-should go to The Academy,"

Jim stood up from the table and went to her, wrapping his arms around her from behind, "You'll be fine without me. My Mom and Doc will take care of you, and you have that tutor that you'll meet tomorrow. I bet they'll be nice and get you through school. By the time they're done, you'll be the smartest person in the world."

Vanessa giggled, "I d-doubt that,"

"Well, I don't. And it's not like I'm going away forever. It'll just be a few years, and I'll come home for holiday's and summer,"

"You will?"

"Of course I will. You have nothing to worry about," he kissed her forehead lightly, "I'll never leave you, Butterfly,"

She had to admit he instantly soothed her worries, and she couldn't deny him what he wanted to do. It wasn't her place to do so. If he wanted to go to The Academy, who was she to say no?

"It'll be alright. They have to admit me first. I probably won't even get in,"


Vanessa looked at herself in the mirror, her elbows resting on the vanity and her hands clasped over her mouth. She could stop staring into her own honey irises, at the freckles that lightly dotted her cheeks, her apricot-colored hair . . . without the bandana on it. That strip of lilac cloth laid in front of her, clean and folded, the initials of her father facing her. She couldn't decide whether to wear it or not. Such a big accomplishment . . . she should wear it, have a little piece of her family with her. Vanessa knew they'd want to be with her today if they could . . . if she could only find them. But then again, she wore it all the time. She was too afraid to take it off. It might be nice not to wear it for once.

Vanessa gently swept the bandana into the top drawer and instead took a hairbrush and brushed out her twin braids so that her long hair was silky and smooth. Her eyes locked on the mirror again. There was one spot of her face she couldn't stop focusing on: the scar that dragged from the tip of her eyebrow, across her eye, and down to her chin.

Only the scar wasn't there. Not anymore.

"Vanessa! It's time to go sweetheart!" Sarah called from downstairs.

"Coming!" Vanessa called. Jumping up from her chair, she grabbed her graduation cap and gown and ran downstairs.

Sarah, Doc, B.E.N., and Morph waited for her at the door as she quickly descended while trying to put her heals on at the same time. Morph chirped the minute he saw her and floated to her side, nuzzling her chin and side of her face.

"Oh c-c-come on M-Morph, you j-just saw me a c-couple h-hours ago," she giggled. Morph hadn't been allowed to come with Jim to The Academy, as there were no pets allowed. So he'd been extremely clingy to her, at her side every chance he could get. Vanessa was almost thankful that Doc and Amelia had kids so Morph didn't spend night and day with her.

"I am so proud of you, Vanessa," Sarah told her, like a mother would tell her real daughter, "I can't believe how much you have overcome in such a short amount of time,"

"Oh Nessie! Give me a hug!" B.E.N. rushed to her and pulled her into a big, metal bear hug that almost choked her.

"Vanessa, I have a gift I would like to give you before we leave," from his pocket, Doc produced a small box wrapped in green with a yellow bow. Once she had extracted herself from B.E.N., Vanessa took the gift and opened it, revealing a golden pocket watch/compass, "It's the first compass I got when I became a professor. I want you to have it,"

"That's s-so s-sweet, Doc," Vanessa felt tears come to her eyes, and she hugged him tightly, "Thank you s-so m-m-much!"

They piled into the carriage headed to Montressor High School, dropping her off outside the gymnasium before finding a place to park. Taline Hobbs stood right inside the door and waved her over.

"Finally! Oh God, I can't wait for this day to end. No more school! No more homework! No more classes! We're finally free!" she squealed, "How's Jim? Is he coming today?"

Vanessa bit her lip and adverted her eyes to the ground, "H-He's not going to m-make it to the g-g-graduation, but tonight's the g-grand opening of the B-Benbow Inn, and he should be there f-for that,"

"Nice. So I talked to the agent today. The apartment is ours! We can move in by the end of the year,"

She perked up after hearing this news, "Perfect!"

The girls found their places in line among the other students just in time for the music to start. Vanessa slipped on her gown and cap, and followed the line to the main part of the reception. The speech from the principal was lovely, although didn't apply much to Vanessa herself. It probably applied more to the teens that lead more natural lives than she did. Then they called the names and handed out diplomas. As Vanessa Gwen Kendricks was called, the roar of applause could not have been louder. And after the ceremony, they went back to the Bendow for the grand opening. Vanessa and Morph returned to the room in the Hawkins' residence that Sarah let her borrow to get ready.

"Well, that's one c-celebration down, huh M-Morph?"

Morph nodded vigorously, and then morphed into a miniature version Vanessa in her graduation garb, waving and smiling while carrying a bouquet of red roses.

Vanessa giggled, "But now it's time for an even bigger celebration,"

She had acquired a wider range of clothing over her high school years, some of it a little more girly than she used to wear, including a couple of dresses. Her graduation outfit consisted of a white and silver tank top and skirt combination that worked perfectly with the Montressor heat and her black graduation gown. Out of the dresses she had on the menu tonight, she couldn't quite well decide. Staring into the closet, she flipped back and forth between a couple choices, appraising each and every one, until they all swam so much in her brain she couldn't even render the choices anymore.

"Morph, which dress should I wear?" she asked, "Which dress . . . do you think Jim would like?"

Saying his name sent a strange vibe along her tongue, so she sighed to try and get rid of it. It didn't work, unfortunately. Sitting down at her vanity, she felt the weight sag on her. She was excited to see Jim, but at the same time extremely nervous.

She hadn't seen him in over two years.

Vanessa looked back up at the mirror, and her eyes locked on the place where her scar used to be, even touched it. Even though she couldn't feel it, she knew it was there. Her fingers traveled down to her upper arms, where there should have been three varying scars, and felt nothing. They traveled to her stomach, where she lifted her shirt and touched the flesh there, where five claw marks failed to produce themselves anymore. And, finally, to her calves, where she felt nothing but smoothness.

After a couple years, she couldn't stand seeing the scars day in and day out, haunted by the memories. She hated having everyone ask her how she got each individual blemish. So, she used some of her money from Treasure Planet to go to a specialist to have them removed. She couldn't have been happier with the results.

A little chirp from her left broke her from a thoughtful trance, and she turned to see Morph forming himself into a microscope and making little click noises, he made himself into a flashing arrow and made his selection.

Vanessa tsked, "Morph, j-just because that's m-m-my favorite one d-doesn't mean you h-h-have to pick it,"

Morph only made the flashing lights on himself brighter to indicate this was his final decision. The dress was a metallic silver, made of thin shimmering material, with a halter style top, and floor length. Light and airy, and not too tight to show off the curves she didn't have, it was by far her favorite. All she needed was a little make up, a couple accessories, and to wait for three hours until Jim showed up. All the while, she could only think about what had changed about Jim, if anything. No doubt something would have to change about him. Her heart fluttered every time he crossed her mind, therefore her heart fluttered hard the entire time.

Jim took a deep breath and straightened the bottom of his white jacket. His hand went to the back of his head to straighten his rat tail, only to remember for the millionth time that he had to shave it off at The Academy.

"Almost there, sir," said the Police Bots escorting him to the new Benbow Inn.

Jim only nodded, and continued to flatten his suit. Why he was nervous, he didn't know. He should have been more excited. Not that he wasn't excited, he was just . . . nervous. Nervous to see how the Benbow Inn turned out, nervous to see what had changed with his family and friends, and . . . Vanessa. He wrote to her every week, but it was hard to tell if she was doing alright from just words. He wondered if she still had her stutter, if she was still afraid to be touched . . . if she still loved him. He couldn't believe he missed her graduation. What kind of a boyfriend was he?

"We've arrived, Mr. Hawkins,"

He stared out the window of the carriage, and his mouth dropped open at the sight. The Inn was twice as large as it was before, with a brilliantly lit cobblestone path leading up to it, instead of a rickety wooden bridge that felt like it would break any moment. It looked glorious and homey at the same time, and he couldn't wait to see the inside.

They parked in the furthest corner of the parking lot and slowly made their way to the door, with Jim still brushing off bits of dirt from his pure white suit in a fidgety fashion.

"How would you like to do this, sir?" asked the Police Bot on his right.

"Oh, I don't know . . . how about we just bust right in! Act like you're about to arrest someone, and I'll stand behind you both, and then you back away revealing me in all my glory!" Jim said with exasperation.

The Police Bot on his left let out a robotic chuckle, "Still has the spark of a delinquent teenager. Guess you can never take that away,"

Nevertheless, they did just as he asked. Both bots stood shoulder to shoulder, so tall that Jim could easily hide behind them. From outside he could hear the joyous music and the cheers, and when the bots threw the door open, everything became silent. The Police bots remained as silent as the crowd, until they backed up and allowed Jim to stroll through.

The first thing he saw was his mother, dressed in a lovely blue dress with puffy sleeves, and her hair done up in curls, her face contorted in fear and worry, until she saw him. She lightened up immediately and ran to him, throwing her arms around him in a tight hug. The cheers, much louder inside than outside, rang once more, and a new song began, played by the one-woman bang.

"Honey, I'm so happy to see you!" Sarah cried, "How was the drive up?"

"It was fine, Mom," he answered, "The Inn looks fantastic! How were you able to get it all build in less than a year?"

"Just the best carpenters on Montressor, that's all," she said, "Oh, it's so good having the old girl back! I can't wait until we start getting customers again!"

"How was Nessie's graduation?"

"Great, your old principle gave a great speech, and I'm so proud of Vanessa after all she's been through. She really pushed through all the tutoring to be able to graduate with her class age,"

"Where is she, anyway?"

Morph suddenly whizzed right past him, missing him by near centimeters, only to back track and give his cheek a lick and nuzzle him. Jim laughed and patted the little pink blob, "Hey Morph! Man, did I miss you too!"

Morph mumbled before puttering right along to the stairway, where a young woman in a silver gown had descended, her red hair flowing past her shoulders, decorated in a dusting of sparkles, and honey irises that caught his attention immediately. Jim felt his heart stop and restart in an instant, before marched straight to her, took her hand, and kissed it.

Vanessa's stomach flipped at the lightest of his touch, and all she wanted to do was pull him closer and taste his lips, which she did eagerly. His arms went around her waist, and her hands to his hair, playing with the invisible rats tail.

"You're h-here," she whispered, a small grin playing on her lips.

"Where's your room?" he asked, "I need to tell you something,"

She took his hand and lead him back upstairs, knowing that several pairs of eyes were upon them, but not caring. Jim closed the door behind them, trying to make sure Morph hadn't followed them in. Too bad he forgot that the little liquid-like blob could slip through cracks.

"W-What d-did you want to t-t-talk to me ab-bout?" Vanessa inquired.

He gestured to the window seat. She swept her skirt to the side and sat, while he took a place beside her.

"I first wanted to say that I'm sorry I missed your graduation," he started off.

"It's f-fine, J-Jim, I understand -"

"No, it really isn't. It was a really big moment for you, and I wasn't there. I'm so sorry, and I promise I'll make up for it,"

Vanessa let out a slight smirk and shook her head, "If you ins-s-sist,"

"Second . . . I got an offer the other day from one of the Senior Officers at school," Jim continued, "Since I completed The Academy with honors, it's possible I could . . . get my own ship,"

Vanessa tilted her head down to look at her hands on her lap. She wanted to scream her congratulations for him. His own ship? He could go anywhere in the world! In the universe! He could explore to his heart's content! But at the same time, it meant more time away from her . . .

"I want you to come with me. If you want," he suggested.

She instantly snapped her head up to look at his ocean blue eyes, which were full of promise and hope, "R-Really?" she asked.

Jim smirked, "Really. Only if you want to, though,"

Vanessa threw herself into his arms and hugged him tight, earning a laugh from him, and they stayed there like that for a long time. Jim couldn't help but smile as wide as humanly possible. His eyes darted out the window to look at the sky, at the grey clouds covering the moon. They almost looked like John Silver, and a golden, shining star was positioned to look like his mechanical eye. Even though it was beyond possible, Jim grinned even more.

The object in his pocket weighed heavily on him, and on his mind. Carefully, so that Vanessa couldn't see, he pulled the ring box out and flipped it open, revealing the oval shaped ring surrounded by golden bands and a gem like a sparkling sunrise inside a kaleidoscope. He wanted to tell her. To ask her. But it wasn't the right time. Not just yet.

But soon, very soon, he would ask her. And she would be his forever.

A/N: Alright, folks, thanks for reading Fear of Falling! If you don't mind, please leave a review of what you thought of the story so that I can better myself and my writing abilities. And I would like to announce, if I haven't already, that there will be a SEQUEL TO THIS STORY! Yes! :3 What I'm going to do with the story is try and write the majority of it before I even post a chapter so I don't have the problem of posting chapters with long resting periods in-between, so it may not come out for a while, but it WILL be coming out. Here's a sneak preview of the summary for all you faithful followers:


Much has changed for Vanessa Kendrick and James Hawkins, all of it for the better. Jim has his own ship and crew, and Vanessa is on a mission to be reunited with her parents. It all changes, however, when the Captain that started it all, thought to be dead years ago, comes back to claim Vanessa as his own, and force her to help him find the remains of Treasure Planet.

Once again, I thank you all for reading this story, and stick around for Fear of Falling 2: Return of the Twilight Horror!