A/N: Yay! A new story :D now I just need to finish my other stories lol. Update for ya'll, Eternal Doldrums has one chapter left before it's finished, Gothic Keys Chronicles will never end because it's a series of one shots and I'll keep updating every time I think of a new one to post, and Love or Revenge is about . . . 20 or more chapters from ending? ^^' haha they're only one term in, and more drama will continue between Jane and Draco.

I've always loved Treasure Planet, even though its science fiction. I've never really been into space and stuff, but this move got me hooked. You have to admit that Disney does make some killer movies. I fell in love with Treasure Planet the moment I saw bad boy Jim riding his solar surfer O/O Did you guys know that they were going to make a Treasure Planet 2, but because the first one was such a box office failure, they decided against it. How could this be a box office failure?!

Haha, look at me rambling! You probably want to get on with the story, don't you?

Full Summary: A long time ago a girl named Vanessa Kendrick disappeared from Jim Hawkins's 5th grade class. He vaguely knew her, so he didn't think too much of it until the same girl showed up on a pirate ship about to raid his. The crew of the R.L.S. Legacy was victorious and Vanessa was taken as an unexpected prisoner. She was allowed to stay on the ship as they journeyed to Treasure Planet, and over time Jim gets the quiet, shy girl to loosen up and live life.

WARNING: This story contains mild violence, strong language, frustration with the shy main character, and mention of rape.

On the other hand, it contains awesome pirate action, friendship and bonding, and love. :3

R&R! ^^

Jim Hawkins only remembered a few kids from his childhood. Vanessa Kendrick was one of them, though why he remembered her he wasn't too sure. Vanessa was a quiet, defensive girl. She'd never spoken a word to him, and there was nothing too special about her. If anything he recalled how she always avoided him like the plague, and that he could somewhat understand. Jim didn't have too many friends or people to talk to when he was young.

Despite her quietness, Vanessa Kendrick was a girl that everyone remembered, if only her name. One day she was in class, and the next day she wasn't. Jim walked into his 5th grade classroom and found everyone in an uproar. Next to the teacher's desk was the teacher, Vanessa's parents, and a couple of police bots. Her mother was in tears, a tissue constantly held to her face, and her father spoke in a quiet but harsh tone, refusing to believe what happened to his daughter. The whole school was freaking out. There were so many rumors, it was hard to tell which one was even close to being the truth. But one fact remained: Vanessa had disappeared.