Dragons, Wolves, and Daedra
The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.
Rudyard Kipling
Aside from the usual small talk and small skirmishes with the wildlife, the remaining ride back to Whiterun was quiet and uneventful. Upon arrival they found Lydia had recovered from her injuries and was eager to return to the action by her Thane's side. Jayson stopped by Jorrvaskr briefly to receive his pay for the Orotheim job before leaving Whiterun with his companions in the direction of Solitude.
That afternoon as they all sat together eating their midday meal the wind changed direction. A new odor filled the camp, one familiar to everyone: blood. Jenassa drew her bow while Jayson and Lydia drew their swords. Carefully, the trio moved in the direction of the smell.
Several yards from the camp they came upon a grim sight. Three bodies, two wolves and a large bear, lay strewn about near a small alcove, a silent testament to the terrible battle that had waged there. Jayson knelt down amidst the carnage and examined the bodies.
"This one had his throat torn to pieces, that probably killed him." He pointed to the bear and the mortal injury. "He's got so many other injuries he could've bled to death too."
"This one definitely bled to death." Lydia said as she examined one of the wolves. The wolf's flank was so torn up that several ribs were visible.
Jenassa scrutinized the last corpse. The wolf appeared to have tried to crawl back toward the alcove, despite its face being badly scarred in the fighting along with other mortal injuries.
"I think the wolves were protecting their territory." Jenassa concluded aloud.
"Probably." Jayson agreed. "But I would think they would've left when they started to lose."
After thinking it over, Lydia spoke everyone's conclusion. "Something kept them here then."
A small cry shattered their verbal contemplations. Everyone turned in the direction of the sound. From within the alcove the noise came again. Jayson knelt down on his hands knees and inched closer to the outcropping. Carefully, he poked his head in. For several seconds nothing appeared to happen.
"Woa!" The shout was followed by a crack and several curses. Jayson shuffled backwards and sat up, rubbing his now sore head.
Jenassa rushed to his side. "Are you alright?" She asked him.
Jayson didn't answer but stuck his head back in. Once again, to the others nothing appeared to happen.
The seconds began to turn into minutes before he finally began to shuffle back out. Once he removed his upper body from the hole sat up but remained slightly hunched over and appeared to be holding something. Curious, Lydia peered over his shoulders to get a look. To their surprise, he was holding a small wolf pup. Jayson held the animal with surprising care, as if he had a newborn baby in his arms.
"A pup?"
"It was theirs." Jayson answered. The wolf pups eyes darted from person to person, taking in everything. Slowly, Jayson stroked the small animal, which yipped in reply.
Eventually, Jenassa did the same, as did Lydia.
"What we are going to do with him?" Jenassa asked.
"Take him with us, of course."
Both women stared at Jayson like he suddenly spoken Argonian.
"What?" Was the united reply.
"We can't leave him here. So we take him with us."
Jenassa stood there for a moment in disbelief. She knew it was a foolish idea, but she couldn't come up with a reason that would change Jayson's mind. Eventually, she threw up her arms and rolled her eyes. "Fine, whatever."
Jayson returned to their camp and sifted through the gear. Finding a piece of cloth that suited his needs, he quickly fashioned a sling that he could carry the pup in while still keeping his hands free while riding. Soon enough, they began in the direction of Solitude again, all the while Jayson paying close attention to their latest traveling companion.
"Laxus would be a good name. What do you think?" He asked the pup. In response it nudged his hand with its nose, causing Jayson to smile. "Laxus it is then."
Gutlokmiin sat perched on the peak of mountain, silent. Wuthporaak and Venforiik did not disturb him, knowing what he was doing. His body may be before them, but his mind was far away, attempting to contact an ally. At unimaginable speed, his mind raced across Skyrim, searching for one familiar presence. To get a bearing on where his ally might be, Gutlokmiin began in the cities in hope of finding a trail to follow. It wasn't long until the experienced dragon found one. With something to follow, his mind sped all the faster across the landscape until it reached the end of the path and found what it had been searching for in the plains of Whiterun. Knowing no one else was around, the dragon used his mind to project a ghostly form of himself.
"Gutlokmiin! It has been too long!" Came a familiar voice.
"Perhaps it has, Camenon."
The Altmer laughed. "You should drop by sometime. We could swap stories over roast elk."
"One day. But now I speak to you to ask for your assistance."
"Of course, no problem. What do you need me to assist you with?"
"War with Alduin."
"Ah, yes! It'll feel good to get my hands in another war. Especially against the likes of that scale-basket Alduin."
Gutlokmiin grunted repeatedly, an indication he was laughing. "I am glad you are eager for battle. But right now your words are more valuable than your spell arm."
"Oh? Who do you need me to smooth-talk?"
"I know your word carries weight among the vampire clans."
Gutlokmiin didn't need to explain further. Camenon understood what his intentions were.
"You must be desperate to seek aid among the clans in this war."
"Few of my kin are willing to throw in their lot with what they perceive as a doomed cause. At this moment, there are only three of us to stand against him."
"Make that four, whether we get the help of the clans or not, I stand with you. I remember what it was like under Alduin's tyranny and it's not an experience I would wish on anyone."
"It does my scales good to hear that. Also, I have spoken with one that serves under another with power and authority. If Bormahu smiles upon our cause, we may have a small army to help us."
Praetor paced back and forth, thinking over the message Marc had brought. "What do you make of this, Dreamer?"
The khajiit, whose appeared to have been sleeping for some time, opened his eyes and shook his head. "Khajiit see a great battle among ancient ruins. But khajiit cannot see the warriors or who wins. Khajiit knows nothing."
Praetor had expected an answer like this and sighed. "Marc, can you describe the the red dragon for me again?"
Without question Marc poured every detail he could remember about the dragon in question. Praetor listened quietly until he was finished.
"From what you have told me, Marc, I may very well know this dragon, as it claims to. His name is Gutlokmiin. In my younger years I accidently met him in a mountain in Hammerfell. He seemed to know everything about me before I even had a chance to speak. We talked for a long time and I gathered that he was a very ancient and powerful dragon."
"If he's so powerful what does he need our help for?"
Praetor shook his head, but Dreamer answered. "Alduin is a power all of his own, destruction incarnate. Gutlokmiin wouldn't stand a chance. Even more important though, Alduin is protected by prophecy. Only a dragonborn can slay him."
"So with the appearance of a new dragonborn…"
"Gutlokmiin has a weapon that will give every dragon pause, even the World-Eater himself." Praetor finished.
"So, what do we do?"
Praetor thought a little more, but came to his decision quickly. "I will go meet this dragon. If it is Gutlokmiin, then we cannot ignore him."
Marc nodded. "When do we leave?"
"With our latest victory at Whiterun, we have an advantage that we must press."
"I agree, what are your orders?"
"Recently, after some work, Fort Dunstad is undermanned, and ready to be taken. I want you to lead that attack."
"I'm promoting you to Quaestor, you'd be wasted as a regular soldier."
While Tullius and Jayson continued to converse on the upcoming attack a daedra listened from the shadows. After hearing anything of interest, it left the castle and made its way to the lower level of Solitude. Unnoticed it slipped into a building which turned out to be the local traders. A woman in heavy armor was haggling a price from the storekeeper. The daedra did not stay long but quickly exited the city and found what it had been searching for.
Just outside the city, a temporary camp had been set up. In the camp were three horses and a dunmer. After making sure no one else was around, the daedra revealed itself.
"Hello, Jenassa."
The elf in question recoiled at the sudden appearance of the daedra, but quickly calmed when she realized who it was.
"Do you have to scare people when you appear?"
Meridia smiled slightly."A daedric prince must have her fun."
Jenassa rolled her eyes. "I'm guessing you're here for a reason."
"Just to warn you Jayson will be leading an attack on a Stormcloak held fort soon."
"That makes sense. With the imperial victory at Whiterun, they would press the advantage."
A quiet whine caught Meridia's attention. Curious, she peaked into the saddle bag where the sound came from. Laxus poked his head out and sniffed at the stranger.
"And where did you get this?" Meridia asked as she pulled Laxus out and held him.
"Jayson found him and decided to keep him. He calls him Laxus."
"Interesting." The daedra thought quietly for a moment lightly touched the wolf's forehead. A small spark of light flashed from her finger. Meridia held up Laxus and looked him in the eyes for a few seconds while the wolf stared back at her. While Jenassa watched the silent exchange she noticed something different about Laxus, but she couldn't place it.
Satisfied, Meridia placed the pup on the ground where it immediately began to smell its surroundings.
"Well, I have other things to do today. Take care."
"Wait!" Jenassa shouted. "What did you-" The daedra was gone. "-do?" In her surprised silence she failed to hear footsteps behind her.
"And what might you be doing?" Jayson asked.
Jenassa turned around and say both Lydia and Jayson had returned with Jayson in brand new imperial heavy armor.
Awake, that's what he felt, awake. Everything before felt like a dream. But now, he could see.
"You won't be doing nothing for long. I have orders from Tullius now. He wants me to lead the attack on a Stormcloak held fort."
Tullius? Stormcloak? What are they talking about? He didn't understand. Where they important? Should he be informed? Perhaps he should voice his confusion.
Jayson looked down and smiled at their hairy friend. "Hey there, Laxus."
Who's Laxus? Quickly, he scooped up the pup and began to gently scratch behind the wolf's ears.
I guess that's me.
"What are we going to do with you though? A battle is no place for a pup."
"If I may speak, my Thane?" Lydia asked
"You know you don't have to ask. And please call me Jayson"
"Sorry, my Tha… Jayson. But you could leave him with Bree."
Who's Bree?
The horse in question snorted. As if to say. 'What do you think I am, a babysitter?'
Oh, him.
"He's just a horse." Jenassa shook her head in disbelief. "You can't expect him to be a nanny."
"He's smarter than you might think."
Jenassa threw her hands up in defeat. "Fine, but don't blame me when he accidentally sits on Laxus.
When he does what?!
That's another chapter over and done. Sorry it took so long but life keeps me busy. I know this chapter is kind of short too but it didn't feel right going any further. Laxus is the last in the main ring of characters consisting of Jayson, Jenassa, Lydia, Camenon,Marc, and now Laxus. Hopefully as the story continues I'll develop them all a little more, especially those besides Jayson and Jenassa.
Comments? Concerns? Ideas? Let me know by dropping a review.