Quick question! Do any of you have a Nintendo 64 (Famicon)? I do and if you don't, I would suggest trying to get one. The things are awesome.
By the way, I just want to say before you get into this chapter that I don't know what Cry's home life is like. This is an AU story,which means alternate universe, which means none of this is actually true. It's all made up from my head, dude.
The hard part about having a girlfriend you don't love is that you're constantly thinking about someone else. When Charity smiled, I thought of how adorable Felix's was. When she mentioned Dead Space or Dragon Age, I thought of Pewdie's love for indie horror games. If she mentioned wanting a new jacket, I thought of how horrible Felix is at buying clothes. It was frustrating.
Not only that, but after a few weeks, she started to irk my nerves. Not that she was an annoying, nasal girl right from the nineties sitcoms, but it seemed like she was always there. No matter where I went, she was right there. It wasn't her fault, of course, but I was feeling downright torn. The real question here was Felix or Charity? Charity or Felix? Boy or girl? Girl or boy? Best friend or girlfriend? And would Felix always be a factor in our relationship?
Besides, I was feeling like a real bastard for ditching Felix at Toby's party after all that he'd gone through that night. I was a dick. A genuine, tried and true dick. Though Felix didn't act any differently on Monday, he didn't contact me at all during the rest of the weekend. Just about every weekend, we play video games together, whether it be at his house, mine, or online. But he didn't call, text, or Skype me at all. I was tremendously frightened that he would be angry with me, but he wasn't. At least, I didn't think he was. He didn't say much of anything that whole day.
I think the fact that there was a possibility that Marzia had cheated on him was just a little too much for him to handle. He'd been totally and completely faithful to her and the fact that she hadn't done the same was difficult for him to cope with. What's more is that he'd really loved Marzia and every memory he had with her was now tainted.
Anyway, a whole day of not talking to Pewds was driving me crazy so after football practice I asked him if he wanted to come to my house for video games and dinner. I hoped that he would say yes, but there was a small part of me that figured that he was still pissed at me. To my utter surprise, he accepted the offer with a smile.
"Felix!" Nathan cried, seeing him trailing behind me into the house. Felix has always been one of Nathan's favorite people, just like he's one of mine. He thinks Pewds is just so cool, due to the fact that he's (Nathan's words, not mine) awesome at video games, has cool hair, and talks funny. All that aside, Felix has always been really nice to Nathan and probably loves the kid as much as Nathan loves him.
"Hey, Nathan!" Felix replied, as Nathan wrapped his arms around me.
"You wanna play Mario Party 3?" he asked excitedly.
Our Nintendo 64 is something I'm quite proud of. I had one as a kid, but my dad (before he ran off, of course) pawned it. It was a little devastating, but I really wanted Nathan to experience one. After searching and searching for months, I managed to find one at a dinky pawn shop that actually worked. I wonder sometimes if it's the same one my dad pawned so many years ago.
"Uh-uh, Nathan," my mom said, coming into the room, "I got an email from your teacher today telling me that you had quite a bit of homework. I'd suggest getting on that soon."
Nathan pouted, but ran past her up the stairs, probably to get his backpack. This year, we'd had a bit of a problem with getting Nathan to do his homework. It wasn't that he didn't understand the problems. Oh no, quite the contrary, actually. Nathan was a very smart kid, but he would much rather play video games than study. Can't say I blamed the kid.
"Hi Felix," she said, smiling.
Guess what? My mom loved Felix, as well.
"Hi!" he exclaimed, waving to her.
"Are you staying for dinner?" she asked him.
He nodded. "If...That's okay."
She grinned and shook her head. "You know you're always welcome here, right?"
"I know," he replied.
"What is for dinner?" I asked, butting into their conversation.
"Spaghetti," my mom replied, "spaghetti, salad, rolls, and maybe I can scrounge up some dessert," she finished with a twinkle in her eye. My mom really enjoyed having my and Nathan's friends over. An empty house scared her, I think.
Our past isn't exactly great and it isn't exactly something I like to discuss. It's just a classic deadbeat dad story.
"Red sauce?" I asked, smiling.
"Of course," she replied.
With that, she went back into the kitchen and I led Felix upstairs to my room, which was less than clean at the moment. Felix's room was never clean, though, so it wasn't like it was a big deal.
We set up Portal 2 and decided to try our hand at solving the ridiculous puzzles as 'companions for life.'
"The cake's a lie, you know," I reminded him.
"Damn it, GlaDOS," he laughed, then he made a gagging noise.
"What, was it?" I asked.
"Bluey-splooey!" he exclaimed.
"Ah, I see," I replied, noticing the blue jelly, "it's the blue gel."
"Yeah," Pewds said, frowning and shooting a portal.
Sighing, I put my controller down, deciding it was time for me to apologize to him for Saturday. Though he didn't seem to be too upset about it, I didn't want it weighing on my mind anymore.
When I looked up, he was eyeing me, puzzled. "You all right, bro?"
I shrugged. "Can we talk?"
He nodded and paused the game. "Real talk?"
I couldn't help but smile at that. "Yeah, real real talk."
He put his controller down and stretched out on the floor. "What's up?"
I paused, biting my lip and trying to decide the best way to bring it up. Finally, I decided that there was only one way and that was to just simply put it out there. "Are you really not upset with me for Saturday, Felix?"
His brow furrowed in confusion. "Upset? Why would I be upset?"
I sighed. "Because...I didn't drive you home-"
"It's fine, bro," he interjected, but he didn't smile.
I could tell that it really wasn't.
"No, it's not," I persisted. "Bros before hos, right? That's in the bro code."
He still didn't crack a smile. "Charity's not a ho. And I'm sure I did the same to you when I was with...you know."
I could see that Toby's revelation to Felix about his ex-girlfriend still stung. I felt horrible for him, but I wasn't sure how to make it better.
"I...No, Felix. You've always been there for me. Marzia or no Marzia, I should do the same. I swear I'll never do anything like that again - even if my relationship suffers."
And I meant it, too. Not only had Felix and I been best friends for years, but I also loved him way more than Charity. Therefore, it only made sense for me to do the very best I possibly could to support him.
"Your relationship?" he asked, a grim expression on his face, "so it's serious?"
I frowned. "Yeah...Why? Do you not like her, Pewds?"
He shrugged. "I don't know. She just seems...Perfect. Like, there's nothing wrong with her, you know? I guess I'm just waiting for her to fuck up and hurt you somehow."
A small smile broke out on my face. This was exactly how I'd felt about Marzia! "Trust me, dude, she's not perfect. No one is, of course. But thanks for looking out for my ass, friend."
Pewdie finally smiled. "You know I'm always looking at your ass, Cry."
I couldn't help but laugh at another of his lame jokes. Even though he was so obviously joking, I still blushed a teensy-weensy bit.
"Thanks," I replied, shaking my head. "Shall we get back to GlaDOS?" I asked, picking up my controller.
He shook his head. "Wait a second, there's something I wanna tell you." His voice was serious.
"What is it?" I asked, at a loss as to what it was that he wanted to say.
He sighed. "It's weird and kinda shocking, but I hope you won't think of them any different."
"Who?" I demanded, "and why?"
His eyes fixated on me. "Anthony and Kalel broke up-"
"Yeah?" I nodded, "we all knew that."
"But only a few people know why," he finished.
Now I was really confused. Something pretty bad must've happened if not many really knew what happened. "Why did they break up, Pewds?"
Eyeing me, he replied, "Anthony's gay."
My jaw dropped. Even with me having a crush on a boy and perhaps being a part of the LGBT (I wasn't sure yet what my orientation was) community, I was still so completely shocked when Felix told me about Anthony. "W-what?"
"Guess who his boyfriend is?" Felix asked, raising his eyebrows, as if I should automatically known.
And it hit me. It absolutely had to be-
He nodded. "Right."
I'd never really noticed it, but now that I was thinking about it, they were incredibly close. They hugged and sat near each other and even shared small, secretive smiles that I just dismissed as inside jokes.
"Does Kalel know?" I asked.
He nodded again. "Yeah. She was hurt and was really, really pissed off at first, but I think she's finally accepted it. What do you think?"
What did I think? I was jealous. Jealous that Ian and Anthony were best friends and could be together and Felix and I couldn't. But I couldn't very well tell him that, now could I?
"It's fine with me," I said, finally. "It's not like I'm gonna treat them any different. But don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Some people aren't very open-minded around here."
I guess that's one of the reasons (of many) I'd chose to keep my love for Pewdie a secret. I didn't want to be constantly crucified as a 'faggot.' I didn't want to be shunned and I certainly didn't want this to happen to Pewds. I know that it's always said to just be yourself and people will like you, but that's just not true. No matter what you do, you're damned.
He smiled. "I had a feeling you'd accept it. You've always been one of the nicest people I know, Ryan."
I couldn't believe that Felix would say that, especially considering the way I'd treated him Saturday.
I smiled back and felt the urge to just kiss him and tell him how I felt. Surely if Ian and Anthony could do it, so could we. Besides, he didn't have a girlfriend anymore and wasn't interested in anyone. If anyone were to criticize us, we could rent a Volkswagen bus and travel to New York or Canada.
But then my mom called us for dinner and it didn't happen.
Long time no see! Or is it? I don't know, dude.
I've been working on this chapter for quite a while and again, it's not the best. I'm just trying to figure out how everything's gonna go and I wanted to introduce my Ianthony (squeals like a little girl) and this was how it happened. I've gotten word that Charity's too perfect. Well, she's supposed to be - at the moment. Perhaps in a later chapter we'll see this innocent, beautiful, sweet girl fuck up like Pewdiepie wants. We shall see, yeah?
Thanks for reading, guys!
-Kalina :)