Chapter 1: Massage Therapy

Roman shuffled around trying to get the video camera set up in Adrianna's kitchen. "Aide, come on baby we gotta film your first recovery video" he yelled from the kitchen.

"I'm not filming a stupid rehab video from my kitchen Roman! I don't want everyone knowing what the inside of my house looks like. Hell I don't even know why I have to film a recovery video, I'm not John Cena!" Adrianna scoffed from her bedroom.

"Why is this damn woman so stubborn?" he cursed under his breath. Roman stalked towards the bedroom and gently pushed the door open. Adrianna was sprawled out across the king sized with her head propped up on a pillow.

"Aide..." Roman sighed crawling up on the bed. "Look babe, I don't wanna film this video anymore than you wanna shoot it, but it's gotta be done. Personally I'd rather record us doing other things" he shrugged.

She gently raised her head from the pillow, careful not to move too quickly and chuckled at Roman.

"Ooh you dirty boy. You wanna make a sex tape!" Aide winked.

"Don't go putting words in my mouth, woman" he chuckled. "Plus, we gotta wait to do that too. We don't need you pulling anything or tearing your surgery scar open."

Adrianna pouted at Roman before she rolled over and slid off the bed. "Come on, let's go film this stupid video!" she huffed.

"What are you doing?" Roman said raising an eyebrow at Adrianna as she darted into the bathroom.

"I'm not making any kind of documentary video without wearing a tiny bit of makeup. I'm at least gonna wear some blush or something" she huffed while digging through her make up bag.

Roman stood in the doorframe of the bathroom and watched as Adrianna ran a big make up brush over her cheeks lightly. He smiled admiring her perfect hourglass frame letting his eyes run wild over the curves of her body.

"Must you give me that look Rome?" she asked with a coy smile on her face. Roman simply shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know why you bothered putting on make up Bonita. You're stunning with or without it. Now let's go start this video and afterwards I can give you a nice massage" he grinned.

Adrianna sighed and walked out of the bathroom with Roman following close behind. "Where do you want me?" she mumbled.

"Let's go over by the breakfast bar" he gestured picking up the video camera. Aide walked over and pulled out one of the bar stools and climbed up.

"Alright babe I'll count you in" Roman said. Adrianna shook her head I'm agreement and waited for his signal.

"5..4..3..2..1" Roman pointed silently.

"October 18th, officially three weeks removed from my neck surgery and today I start light physical rehabilitation" she shrugged.

Roman came close to her to zoom in on her surgical scar. She turned and raised her curtain of black hair to show the scar more.

"My surgery was fairly easy but learning to take it slow during this rehab is killing me. Every day I'm going to get stronger and when it's time for me to comeback, I'm gonna do so with a vengeance! That's all I have for you today WWE Universe. I'll check in a few more days when I go to physical therapy with Dr. Phillips. Until then..." she trailed off.

Roman turned the camera on himself and growled lowly, "Believe in the Shield!"

Promptly Roman shut the camera off and chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Aide said as she cocked her head to the side slightly.

"Nothing just laughing at myself that's all babe" he shrugged. She smiled at him before he picked her up and carried her off to the bedroom.

"See that wasn't so bad now was it?" he smiled placing her on the bed.

"I guess not..." Aide pouted.

"Come on silly, lay down and I'll get that massage started" Roman said patting a space on the mattress.

Before Adrianna laid on her stomach, she draped her arms around Roman's shoulders and kissed his thick lips.

"Go easy on me, Dr. Reigns" she whispered in his ear softly drawing a low growl from him.

"Oh no worries babe, I'll go easy for now but I can't make any promises after that" he smirked pressing her down on the bed.

"Your massage therapy is now in session, Ms. Vasquez..."