Two Against The World
Chapter 1
Based on the storyline from series 16 episode 4 'Last Dance', Jonny and Bonnie are together in this story –Ugh-, but there is going to be a twist. Jac is 37 weeks pregnant and the baby does not have CDH either
It was a bitter, cold morning as Jac tried to pull herself and a 37 week bump out of her warm, spacious bed, as she did so she sat there for a moment, trying to wake herself up enough so she could walk to the en suite to get her self ready for the day ahead on Darwin, a place she used to love to go and spend her days, doing the thing she loved with the people she loved, healing the sick, mending broken hearts. She sat there thinking about how she was going to face the day, mending these broken hearts, when her heart was crushed by a man she loved dearly, the man she had asked to move with her, the father of her unborn daughter. The thought of having to work with him and 'her' together made her sick.
After 5 minutes of deliberation, she hauled herself up and waddled her way to the bathroom, picking up her clean clothes and underwear along the way before closing the door and taking a shower to freshen herself up. 20 minutes later she emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed and ready to face the day head on, she stood herself in front of the mirror, turning around so she saw the side profile of her now largely rounded bump, which had dropped, ready for the birth, in the past couple of days, she then lifted her baggy top up revealing her bump and stood there rubbing it lovingly just staring into the mirror,
"Looks like it's just me and you Baby girl, Two against the world!" Jac whispered, staring at her bump in the mirror, before covering her bump, she turned around, picking up her hand bag and jacket and headed towards the front door.
20 minutes later, she pulled into her usual parking space that she had parked in everyday since starting at Holby, she jumped out and locked her car and made her way slowly towards the entrance, meeting Eliot and Mo along the way, "Morning Ms Naylor, How are you feeling this morning?" Eliot said out of care, "Sick, Fat and tired, but apart from that i'm ok thanks!" Jac said quietly. Mo and Eliot noticed how pale and unusually quiet the heavily pregnant red headed consultant was being. Eliot walked ahead of the two women, offering to grab their morning hot chocolates for the trio, knowing that the smell of coffee still made Jac feel queasy
Mo walked beside Jac quietly until Eliot was out of sight, "Everything isn't ok is it?" Mo said, placing her hand lovingly on Jac's shoulder, causing her to turn herself to face Mo, shaking her head in reply, "Jac, I know you well enough to know when your lying! Is it Jonny and Bonnie?" Mo added, shuddering at the mention of the pair, Jac looked at her knowing that Mo's and Jonny's friendship had gone to pot, since her got together with Bonnie,
"Yeah, I don't think I can face them both today, painful memories/ reminders and all!" Jac said pointing to her bump, suddenly a wave of pain spread across Jac's lower abdomen, causing her to bend down slightly and clench on to her stomach, Mo looked at Jac, wide eyed as she saw the colour drain from her skin, "Jac, You ok?" Mo said worryingly,
"Yeah, just Braxton hicks, I've had them a lot just lately" Jac said, catching her breath back as the pain began to disappear. Mo still looked concern as to the real reason why Jac was in pain, knowing her due date was only 3 weeks away, "As long as your sure Jac!" Mo said not convinced that she was telling the truth as she placed her hand on Jac's back. The pair then made their way in to the building to catch up with Eliot.
After meeting Eliot in the foyer, Jac, Mo and Eliot stood in front of the lift as the doors started to open, Jac was the first to walk in, propping herself against the railing, still holding onto her bump, which didn't go un noticed by Mo and Eliot, who were still concerned as to how quiet she was being as they stood next to her, suddenly a high pitched giggle and a familiar Scottish accent weedled their way into the lift just as the doors where closing, the loved up pair made their way to the back of the lift where there was some space. Jac looked at the pair in the corner of her eyes, as they brushed past her and Mo, she immediately looked down at her bump, holding on to it, protectively as Jonny looked at her every action.
A few moments later, the lift had reached Darwin, Jac rushed out and made her way to her office ahead of everyone, Mo turned to face Eliot, not realising Jonny and Bonnie were behind them,
"I'm Worried about Jac, There's something up, she's been having abdominal pains this morning, when I asked if she was ok, she said she was having Braxton Hicks, but she just had another one in the lift, I could tell, her last on was not even 15 minutes before!" Mo said to Eliot who was looking worried,
"She's 37 weeks, but if she's been experiencing pain all morning i'll keep an eye on her, try and convince her to let Mr T have a look maybe? And have a chat!... I suppose the stress and strain that the father has been putting on her hasn't helped the situation" Eliot said with slight anger in his voice as he spoke about what Jonny had done to Jac,
"I want her checked out, I'm gonna page Mr T when i'm finished getting into my scrubs! " Mo said as she entered the locker room as Eliot made his way towards their office.
Jonny looked taken aback, knowing that Jac was so close to her due date and learning that she was experiencing abdominal pain, he became immediately worried about her but tried to hide it as Bonnie was close by, in fact she hadn't left his side since they got together.
"Come on Maconie, Snap out of it!" Bonnie said, kissing him on the cheek, Jonny stood there frozen as she called him 'Maconie', it brought back happy memories from when he was with Jac
"Sorry, lets go!" Jonny said walking into the locker room. As they entered the room, they were greeted by a less than impressed Mo, he knew this as soon as they looked at each other, not needing to say a word as he saw the look of disappointment plastered on Mo's face. Mo then locked her locker and walked out on to the ward
"What's up with her?" Bonnie asked as she picked up her nurses scrubs and Jonny's scrubs, whilst she was there
"I don't know, maybe she's having a bad day!" Jonny said, knowing that the real reason was that he was being an idiot towards Jac, who was due to give birth to their daughter at anytime.
I hope you enjoy reading this story, there will be a twist coming soon, just going to build it up a bit.
Please read and review : )