Wow... It's been a very long time.
So long in fact that I'd almost forgotten my fan fiction. I won't lie, for a long time I ignored it. I felt pretty guilty about leaving all of you hanging. I still do but realize it was necessary for me to move forward with life. Quite a lot has happened since I posted last. I've gotten married, lost my mother, had a miscarriage, moved to the middle of nowhere and gone through a seriously debilitating cycle of depression.
Life has not been kind to me and until recently I was unsure if I would pull through it.
I'm happy to report that I'm getting better. I'm not 100% and I doubt I ever will be but I feel like I can function better. I haven't picked up a pen to write since my best friend was killed. It hasn't been possible, but lately I feel like I want to try.
This why I am here writing to you all now.
I make no promises. If I promise I'll hate myself for not following through if life gets to be far too much. I will promise to try.
I've gone back through and I've been rereading my writing to see where I'm at. I'm not sure I can pick back up where I left off... But I'll see if I can.
Anyway, that's what's happened to me. I'm still here. I'm still living. That in itself is a victory.
If anyone else is here let me know. I would love to hear from you.