Author's Note: Hey everyone! I appreciate the comments, messages, followers and favorites. My mind has been in over drive this weekend so here is chapter two. Just warning you, it is finals time at my university and I am not guarantee that I will be posting like I have this weekend.

Enjoy and please comment! :)

Walking into the basement of the club was much harder then Oliver ever accepted. Felicity was beyond heart broken and he did not know what to do.

Hopefully John will know what I should do.

Honestly, everything that has happened after Russia, things are going to have to change.

The Foundry looked different. As Oliver walked down the stairs with a few beers from the bar, all he could do was stare at Felicity's computer desk.

I have to follow through with this. She deserves better then this. I cannot afford to lose her…

He slowly walked over to her desk. His moved his hand around the outline of the chair.

"She's going to kill you once she finds out that you touched her chair."

A smile crept up onto Oliver's face. Yeah I'm very well aware of Felicity's ownership of the computer desk down here.

"Yea, well I would love to have that quarrel any day"

Diggle stopped a few feet away from Oliver. Pulling a chair with him and sat down. He was rung out. Still had his cuts from Russia on his face. But also relaxed.

"How's Lyla?" Oliver asked, already having an idea of the answer.

"She's wonderful. We are… um," He paused looking for the right words, "We are going to take things slow this time around."

A slight smile crept up on his face.

"I'm glad to hear that you are getting some down time Digg. You work too hard."

He laughed. "You should look in the mirror one of these days yourself Queen."

Too late. Hints why I am doing what I am doing.

"Now the reason why we are here," as he popped open on of the beers Oliver brought down. "What has happened between you and Felicity?"

Oliver sighed deeply. Not sure where to start.

In a hushed voice Diggle said words that cut to Oliver's core, "Did you sleep with her?"

Oh my god. Really Diggle?!

"No! I would never do that to Felicity," Oliver rushed through his words. It was panicked, hurt, and guilt all at once.

I would make sure it was more then a one-night stand when it comes to her.

"Then what happened?" Then took another sip of his beer. Allowing Oliver all the time he needed to respond to that question.

The truth? Or lie? It's Diggle and if I want to fix this I have to be honest. How do I be that honest?

Oliver took a huge breath in before saying the next words with as little emotion as possible, "I did not sleep with Felicity, however I did sleep with Isabel."

Diggle was outraged, "What?! Why did you do that?"

"At the moment it was the only thing that I could do to keep Isabel quiet in Russia. It was rash and a mistake. It meant nothing to me. However I hurt Felicity in the process. Honestly I need to keep our enemies closer, and that was the way I needed to keep close to not figure out. And Felicity saw Isabel leave my room."

John let out a chuckle, "You dug yourself one hell of a hole Queen."

No shit Sherlock

"John I have no idea how to fix this with her," Oliver said with so much pain in his voice.

"Have you guys said anything about it since you've gotten back?"

"That's the kicker, we have talked and I made it worse."

John raised his head to look Oliver in the eye, leaned forward; bracing himself for the train wreck Oliver was going to explain.

"I told her 'Because of the life I lead, I think that it is better to not, to be with someone I could really care about.' Her main response was that I deserved better. John she had tears in her eyes. Without knowing it we belong to each other, and then I go and fuck it up by sleeping with Isabel."

John paused. Taking all in.

"Oliver, what do you want?"

No Digg. Anything but that question.

The emotions running across Oliver's face was as if Diggle was reading a book.

"Listen Oliver, if you care about her, just tell her already. Be with her. If you don't care about her then let her go. Stringing her along for this roller coaster will only hurt her more in the end."

Oliver placed his head in his hands. Frustration now coming over him, he ran his hands through his hair, stood up and said the words that he has kept inside, "Digg I really care about her. The last thing I want to do is lose her because the hood stuff hurts her or worse kills her."

He stood there. Shocked that he actually said that.

Well if I want to try to even attempt to fix this, here goes all of the truth.

"To top it all off, when she finds out about my demons that happened on the island. I know for a fact she will not want to be with me. I sure as hell wouldn't"

Diggle looked at him, "First off, all of this you are doing is bull shit. How about you let her decide whether or not she wants you. Instead of making that decision for her?"

Another hit in his gut by a two by four.

"Because she deserves better," Oliver admitted, his voice was barely above a whisper.

Diggle looked Oliver straight in the eye, "How about you let her decide that instead of you."

Oliver stood up, walked over to one of the dummies in the training area and started pounding away.

That is the last thing I want to do. And who knows how long Felicity is going to avoid me.

Felicity looked up from the Foundry security feed and stared at the window behind the computer.

What do I do now?

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