Alright, this is for Buster's Jezebel and I really hope I did it justice. This is my first foray into this fandom and I decide to use the most complicated character, so this is already headed towards disaster. This was supposed to be a smutty oneshot but spiraled out of control like most things I write. It will be M, very much M.
I Don't Like You
Chapter 1
Darcy was slightly out of her element, but that was the case in most scenarios. She wasn't the super smart science-y type like Jane, more of the Star Wars and comic book variety nerd. She was often ignored, and that suited her just fine. It wasn't until she opened her mouth that people noticed her existence, and they usually weren't too happy about it. Like Jane right now.
"Did you have to get into an argument about politics?" Jane sighed. "Here, of all places?" She waved her hands to the large room of stuffed shirts.
"People don't appreciate the fine art of debate," Darcy straightened her glasses with a small smirk. "He's the one that flipped out. I'm not gonna just stand by if that moron wants to spout rhetoric he's regurgitating from biased news outlets."
Darcy Lewis shined at calling people out for their bullshit. It always felt good to put people who thought themselves superior to others in their place. So what if they had money, or a fancy degree? She was used to the disgusted reaction to her blatant replies. "No tact," they'd say. She had tact; she just didn't give a fuck enough to use it.
A waiter walked by with a tray of filled champagne flutes and Darcy stopped him with a raise of her empty glass. "Thanks, man," she said casually trading out for a new one, getting a small smile from the formally dressed employee.
"There's a LOT of potential grant money here, okay, so…" Jane was always so afraid to step on toes. "Let's try to get some instead of scare them away."
Darcy fought the eye rolling, especially when Jane gave her that pleading look. "You don't want to work for anyone who's scared of the two of us. Our work is terrifying. I'm saying we need to get Stark involved."
Jane laughed, "Oh please, and how would we get to him?"
"Umm, your beefy boyfriend," Darcy pointed at her still holding her flute, luckily not splashing it. "Why the hell didn't you bring the big lug? You know how much people would be all about giving us dough if they had a freaking Avenger to back us up? He's buddy-buddy with Tony, right?"
Jane swirled the bubbly liquid in her glass. "If buddy-buddy means they met once and never spoke since."
"That sucks," Darcy said taking another sip. "Just like this party."
Darcy and mornings didn't exactly get along. She preferred to get to work late and stay until the evening. Now that they had a real lab and workspace Jane got there at the crack of dawn. Ian even managed to get there at a decent hour, but it was nice to roll in last and have a few hours at the end of her work day alone. When she could crank up the music and do some mundane data entry that anyone could do. Now being a paid intern, it was almost an obscene amount of money for her skill-set. But she had been stepping up more and trying to let Jane and Eric mentor her while she mentored her new boyfriend. And hell, it sucked teaching people things.
"Ugh, always so cold in here." She was sick of the winter weather and turned on her tiny space heater, typing with her hat, scarf and fingerless gloves next to a very large mocha latte Ian had gotten for her before he left. "Mmmm, I love you Starbucks."
She paused in her computing to return a text when a man blatantly walked into the room, right past her in some insane leather outfit with hints of metal. Darcy paused reminding herself that she didn't smoke any weed so opened her mouth to say something. He waved his hand at the source of her classic rock music and it silenced.
What?! She silently mouthed, watching wide-eyed. There was a difference between mouthing off at a moronic dick at a party and a psycho who could remotely shut off an iPod with some jazz hands. She raised a brow when he picked up one of Jane's notebooks, snickered at the writing, and then dropped it to the floor.
"Um, excuse me," she finally said with a frown. The man paused, then slowly turned, as if shocked she was even in there. He cocked his head at her curiously as if she was some sort of creature he never seen before.
She squirmed under his gaze, biting her lip NOT to say anything about his crazy outfit. This is why she should have kept carrying a weapon on her. Did he even speak English? His look creeped her out with long, dark hair, pale complexion, and bright eyes that bored into her soul. Seriously, this guy needed some sun; probably has a major vitamin D deficiency. Maybe it was his insane clothing choice, but he reminded Darcy of Thor, maybe it was his towering height. Jesus.
"Can I, uh, help you with something?" She slowly stood up, trying to look official but not threatening. Threatening…right. It was then that, Jane's description of Thor's supposed dead brother, from her short trip to Asgard, visibly clicked in her head. And then the very brief, blurred television feed of the attack on New York from years ago followed. Wow. If this guy was Thor's no good brother, he was NOT what she pictured at ALL. The pause waiting for his answer was starting to bother her. He slowly walked towards her with a fluid grace that she reluctantly found impressive.
Well, if he was deciding whether or not to kill her, then she should have probably made a run for it, or just sat silently. Darcy did neither and took a couple steps toward him.
"Is there a reason you're here, after business hours…if we even had business hours, going through my friend's research, and then throwing it on the floor? Who just throws stuff on the floor?" You're cool, you're calm and in charge. She gave herself a mental pick-me-up. She had the power to intimidate guys and girls without even trying. If bluntness was a superpower she'd be all over that shit.
This guy…Loki, if you could call him a "guy" wasn't intimidated. He raised a brow and smirked. From the look of it, he sure as fuck wasn't going to pick up Jane's book. Darcy's heart thudded in her chest, and she wasn't sure if it was purely fear-based. He squared his shoulders and took a few more steps toward her, reeking of power.
"You needn't ask as if you didn't know." He turned away from her then glanced back over his shoulder with an amused smile. "You know who I am."
She wasn't prepared for his voice. The accent, the richness oddly fit him perfectly and his emphasis on words exhibited intelligence a whole lot greater than Thor.
Darcy shifted in her spot. "They said you were dead," she breathed in hard. Was he the good guy or the bad guy? From the stories Jane and Thor told, he seemed morally ambiguous leaning on the crazy evil side more than altruistic. He did kill a whole lot of fucking people the last two times he visited Earth, she was close to being on that list after he sent a power ranger-esque robot to their town. But according to Jane, he saved her TWICE and nearly got himself killed in the process…before he really got killed….or now not killed all. She shook her head in confusion.
"Yes, because that's what I want them to think." He idly picked up another read out of coordinates and sighed irritably. "Still as primitive as ever and barely legible."
"As primitive as ever, yet here you are going through our stuff. And my handwriting is perfectly legible, thankyouverymuch!"
He regarded her silently for a moment, but his green eyes pierced her with his overwhelming disdain. Darcy pursed her lips and tried to go the more amicable route. "I can get you an answer if you'd just tell me what you were looking for, instead of scrounging around for it and messing up our stuff."
Loki's jaw was taut with annoyance. "The backlog of interferences over the last year." Darcy was just thankful he answered, even if he rubbed his temple in irritation.
Now Darcy quirked a brow, but sat back down in her chair. "Why? There's hasn't been anything that came up."
He clasped his hands behind his back using his height to look even more menacing, and narrowed his eyes at her. "You talk far too much. Just do it."
She whipped her head up. "You know for me helping you out, you don't need to be such a jerk about it."
"And for a woman who comprehends who I am, I'm shocked at how much you run your mouth," he said sharply with a slight tilt of his head.
She glanced away to the computer bring up the file he wanted. "You helped Jane; you can't be that bad of a guy."
He sneered, and Darcy jumped as he appeared right next to her. How the hell did he move so fast? "Hey, I'm printing it out now," she said and quickly moved to give herself distance, handing him the data, which he ripped out of her hand. "Um, you're welcome!" She haughtily replied to his rudeness.
Loki ignored her comment, and Darcy slunk back to her desk, picking up her coffee. Luckily, it was still warm. She smirked to herself, but couldn't help it she had to get more information. "Thor and Jane will be glad to know you're not dead."
His eyes moved from the piece of paper in his hands to her face and a small, cold rush of fear crept up her spine. "You will not utter a word of this, mortal."
"Okay, okay," Darcy waved her hands before he could continue; sure he would list all the tortuous details of her slow, painful death if she did. She took off her scarf and hat, the room was suddenly very warm and she was aware at how ridiculous she must look, and really annoyed that she cared. "I didn't see anything," she sat on the desk, trying to not be obvious about playing with her phone. Oh, she wanted to take a picture of him badly, so badly even if it would get her murdered. She glanced up to see if sneaking a shot was doable, but he was looking directly at her instead. She flushed and hoped he didn't read minds.
"Hm?" She made a questioning noise with false innocence.
"You are a bizarre woman," he said with a combination of displeasure and intrigue.
She lifted her chin exaggeratedly with a smile, as if he just told her she was the prettiest woman he'd ever seen. "I'll take that as a compliment."
He laughed. Well, Darcy took it as a laugh. He really just made a small noise that displayed reluctant entertainment. Oh hell yeah, making the God of Mischief laugh was as good as it got. Even a super villain wouldn't kill the comedic relief, right?
"Anyway, I told you there was nothing there," she said nodding to his hands. He exhaled and dropped the data on Jane's desk. "You should listen to me next time. Contrary to what most people think, I actually know what I'm talking about…sometimes. And can you stop dropping stuff around here? We don't have a cleaning crew. I've tased people for less than that."
He still had a baiting smile on his lips, but refused to look at her and walked to the exit.
Darcy suddenly spoke up again, when she should have just let him leave. "So do you want me to, you know, give you a call if anything turns up? I'm sure a multi-dimensional traveling guy like you has a cell phone." Now she was just blatantly causing trouble.
Loki barely turned his head. "I'll be back in due time."
"Oh." Darcy let out the surprised burst of air. "I mean cool," she paused. That lacked her usual smart-alecky style, but she was pushing her luck anyway. The door closed behind him; Darcy exhaled a huge breath she'd been holding and collapsed back into her chair. "What the fuck just happened?"
Darcy would have chalked that up to anything, but she was stone cold sober, and the aftermath of the God of Lies proved that it indeed happened. "Aww man," she realized she had to clean up and reorganize all his mess or explain it to Jane in the morning. She SHOULD tell Jane and Thor. Why the hell not? Thor, and maybe even some of the other cool super friends, would protect her if Loki did decide to kill her for talking. BUT there was a terrible part of her that wondered what he was after, and maybe that would be the better decision, to wait and see. She didn't think he'd kill her…yet.
So more on the way, and eventual smut. I'll say right now that this isn't going to end up as a Loki/Darcy couple in a relationship thing.